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4/14/24, 12:06 PM P4 Teacher Check-In

P4 Teacher Check-In
Dear P4 Teachers,
We would like your feedback on progress your student(s) have been making since beginning
the P4 groups. We have begun introducing a variety of strategies for socio-emotional
regulation, one of these being the use of fidget tools, and would like your thoughts and
feedback on this particular strategy in your classroom. We appreciate your continued
support and would like any feedback on how we can best support you.

* Indicates required question

1. Email *

2. What is your name? *

3. Please list the initials of any of your students who attend the P4 groups. *

4. What were your top concerns for your P4 students before they started coming to *
the P4 group?

Check all that apply.

Being disruptive in class

Not paying attention in class
Sleeping in class
Aggressive behavior
Withdrawn behavior
Learning difficulties
Other 1/4
4/14/24, 12:06 PM P4 Teacher Check-In

5. If selected other, please elaborate.

6. Have you noticed any changes in your P4 students since they have been coming to *
the P4 group?

Mark only one oval.



7. How would you describe these changes? *

Check all that apply.

Being disruptive in class

Not paying attention in class
Sleeping in class
Aggressive behavior
Withdrawn behavior
Learning difficulties

8. If selected other, please elaborate. 2/4
4/14/24, 12:06 PM P4 Teacher Check-In

9. What are current concerns you have about your P4 students? *

10. Are you open to students using fidget tools? *

Mark only one oval.



11. Have you had students utilize fidget tools in the past? *

Mark only one oval.



12. If yes, have you noticed them being helpful?

Mark only one oval.


No 3/4
4/14/24, 12:06 PM P4 Teacher Check-In

13. Would you be interested in allowing your P4 student(s) to utilize fidget tools in *
your class if they find it useful to them?

Mark only one oval.



14. Are you interested in receiving fidget tools from us to utilize in your classroom for *
all students?

Mark only one oval.



15. If yes, how many students are in your class?

16. Do you have any questions, concerns, or remarks about fidget tools?

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Forms 4/4

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