Building Services Report

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ASSIGNMENT 2 (10%) :




TABLE OF CONTENT......................................................................................................................................................
1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................................
1.1 Background.............................................................................................................................................................
1.2 Location...................................................................................................................................................................
2. LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................................................................................
2.1 The Concept of Thermal Comfort............................................................................................................................
3. METHODOLOGY..........................................................................................................................................................
3.1 Online Survey...........................................................................................................................................................
3.2 Observation..............................................................................................................................................................
3.3 Data Analysis...........................................................................................................................................................
4. DISCUSSION..................................................................................................................................................................
4.1 Relationship between window orientation and temperature....................................................................................
a) Room with window facing North only.................................................................................................................
b) Room with windows facing North and East only................................................................................................
c) Room with windows facing North and West only...............................................................................................
d) Room with window facing South only................................................................................................................
e) Room with window facing South and East only..................................................................................................
f) Room with window facing South and West only.................................................................................................
4.2 Relationship between thermal comfort and adaptive behaviour..............................................................................
a.) Mechanical Ventilation Systems.........................................................................................................................
b.) Clothing...............................................................................................................................................................
c.) Openings Preferences..........................................................................................................................................
d.) Body Comfort.....................................................................................................................................................
5. CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................................................
6. REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................................
7. APPENDICES.................................................................................................................................................................
APPENDIX 1.................................................................................................................................................................
Thermal comfort markedly impacts our health, well-being and work productivity. In the case of
students residing at colleges, the thermal comfort for each individual may differ, especially those who
go to public universities that are attended with thousands of students every year. Due to a shortage of
student housing, multiple students were stacked in one room, which resulted in discomfort, limited
space, a lack of privacy, and other health issues. This paper investigates the current state of thermal
comfort at students residential college which is Kenanga’s college which is located in University
Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Sarawak, Malaysia. In addition, the way that room orientation designs
and windows location affect students' comfort levels will be investigated as well as the adaptive
behaviour of students towards thermal discomfort/comfort. Investigations were carried out by
measuring temperature and the relative humidity inside students’ rooms with different window
orientation. Survey was also distributed to college residents to support and confirm the information
gathered. Due to the increased temperatures and lack of airflow factors, the study's findings indicate
that the respondents rely heavily on the fan in the mechanical ventilation system. Supported by a
correlation analysis, this study also demonstrates a positive relationship between the window
orientation designs and adaptive behaviour with students' comfort levels. The results of this
investigation can serve as a valuable resource for Kenanga College Management, offering insights on
enhancing indoor thermal comfort within the Residential College. Additionally, it can raise awareness
among building users regarding the significance of creating a comfortable indoor environment. This
scenario underscores the pivotal role of environmental factors in determining thermal comfort levels,
particularly in residential buildings situated in tropical climates.

Keywords: Thermal comfort; student residential college; indoor environment; window orientation
In Malaysia, one of the most important types of institutions is the higher education
institution (HEI). Demand for student housing is rising throughout the region as a result of the
public universities' explosive growth in student enrollment. As a result, an imbalance between
the growing number of students enrolled in HEI and the availability of accommodation for the
students occurred. One of the solutions for the excessive number of students enrolling into
HEI is by allocating a number of students into one room which can lead to lack of privacy and
space, and poor thermal comfort. Not only that, due to this situation, more profit-driven
commercial sectors have shown interest in investing in the creation of student residential
colleges in order to satisfy student demand. However, because the design and climatic
components were disregarded during the entire student residential college development
process, it has been negatively influencing the thermal comfort of the inhabitants, as the room
has become hotter.

Furthermore, research conducted by Wan Yusoff and Sulaiman in (2014) indicated

that a poor quality of indoor environment, specifically thermal comfort within classrooms, has
the potential to induce discomfort among students, possibly resulting in symptoms associated
with Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). The World Health Organisation Committee states that
symptoms of SBS, which include headaches, dry or itchy skin, and irritation of the throat, are
mostly brought on by the building's poor indoor environment. Due to thermal discomfort,
residents of residential structures had to change how they lived in order to establish a pleasant
interior thermal environment that would contribute to the generation of every potential
comfort element. (Al Tamimi et al., 2011)(Wafi et al., 2008). In an attempt to lessen the heat
stress that the residents were experiencing in their living environment, the causing action
went above and beyond what was usual for them. Consequently, there is an occurring waste
of energy as well as financial cost in order to overcome the feeling of unsatisfied comfort

In the instance of thermal comfort inside a room, opening such as windows plays an
important part in allowing natural ventilation and daylight for optimal comfort. A room's
capacity for natural ventilation depends on how many windows it has. Increased airflow and
improved cross-ventilation made possible by more windows promote the exchange of interior
and outdoor air. In order to improve thermal comfort, proper ventilation helps control indoor
humidity and temperature levels.
The Malaysian standard for assessing thermal comfort is MS 1525:2014, second
edition. The objective of this standard is to establish an indoor environment that is both
environmentally friendly and conducive. Additionally, this guideline offers a benchmark for
figuring out the right level of thermal comfort for non-residential buildings, like educational
facilities. The Department of Standard Malaysia developed this standard by translating and
adapting the ASHRAE 55-2010 international standard. As per ASHRAE and MS 1525:2014,
Table 1 displays the degree of thermal comfort.

Table 1: The suggested level of indoor thermal comfort according to ASHRAE 55-2010 and

1.1 Background
The quality of life of building occupants can be negatively impacted by certain heat-related
problems. But the scope of this study is limited to indoor thermal comfort levels achieved
with natural ventilation alone. The study was carried out in student residential Kenanga
College at University of Malaysia, Sarawak (UNIMAS). The study's factors for determining
thermal comfort level are relative humidity and air temperature and relating it with student’s
adaptive behaviour. In order to determine the building's thermal comfort level, survey
questions are administered to students who occupy the space in addition to temperature

1.2 Location

The study was conducted in the Kenanga College residential block of Universiti Malaysia
Sarawak (UNIMAS). The coordinates of the Kenanga College are 1.4581134500385946 N
and 110.45466661302063 E.

The city's housing market is expanding quickly because of the population's increasing need
and demand. However, profit-based development has contributed to the deterioration of
building quality and affected the population (Nicol & Roaf, 2017) It's true that the housing
industry has improved significantly recently, which is a commendable attempt to raise the
calibre of construction.

To achieve the best possible impact on thermal comfort, careful consideration should be given
to the design and installation of electrical devices. (Al-Obaidi, Ismail, & Abdul Rahman,
2014) states that IBS conceptual dwelling in Parcel 15-12B Putrajaya feels uncomfortable
with the heat levels in three bedrooms.

It was thought that improper room placement and design orientation are the causes of heat
discomfort. The window's erroneous aperture prevents natural ventilation and makes it
difficult for it to function properly. Therefore, in order to provide a pleasant temperature,
mechanical tools will be required. As a result, the efficient use of internal energy is contingent
upon the energy system, sound structural design, and methodical upkeep and operation of the
building after it is occupied. It should be recognised that various climates may call for various
forms and equipment of design. Technology components' worth and performance vary
depending on the system being used.

An optimal degree of thermal comfort is contingent upon the layout of windows, openings,
and lighting controls. The lighting effect will lower internal heat when light efficiency
increases. The building space's heating will be impacted by the heat emitted into the room.

2.1 The Concept of Thermal Comfort

The concept of thermal comfort provided by the Chartered Institute Building Services
(CIBSE, 2013) is a reflection of the overheating of the broader heating criteria introduced by
CIBSETM52. The comfort of individual characteristics like age, gender, and health issues, as
well as environmental elements like locations, floor temperatures, heat illnesses, and other
dimensional impacts like lighting that also affect thermal comfort levels, are additional factors
that affect excessive warmth. In addition, CIBSE offers guidelines that building designers can
use to evaluate heat comfort and prevent overheating by using a thermal comfort model.
Figure 1. Determining the Level of Comfort of a Living Space Using Psychometric
Chart (source : CIBSE, 2013 )

Indoor space, building openings, the surrounding landscape, heated indoor temperatures, and
other factors all have a significant impact on thermal comfort inside the home.This home is
influenced by air temperature, air humidity, wind velocity and many other factors
(Nematchoua, Tchinda, & Orosa, 2014).

In uncomfortable living conditions, residents will not be able to do their everyday tasks
successfully and efficiently. As a result, people can go about their everyday lives more
comfortably in the greatest and most useful structure.This is because the main purpose of a
residential building is to ensure that people in it are happy and comfortable (not hot and not
cold) (Harimi, Ming, & Kumaresan, 2012).Furthermore, air temperature and relative humidity
have a significant role in determining how comfortable year-round residents of hot, humid
regions are. Optimal thermal comforts can affect the emotions of the residents to carry out
their daily activities (Jamaludin, Khamidi, Wahab, & Klufallah, 2014).
This research adopted both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The quantitative approach
involved observation of the temperature readings and analysis of the obtained data. The
scientific measurement was conducted in five rooms of student residential college ( Kenanga
College) with different window orientation and type of room as well as the number of
occupants in the room that might affect the room temperature measurement by using a thermo
hygrometer. The captured reading was analysed through descriptive analysis to identify the
indoor thermal comfort compliance with the recommended level of indoor thermal comfort
according to ASHRAE 55-2010 and MS1525:2014.

The qualitative approach involved online surveys of Kenanga’s College residents. There were
86 respondents through online surveys.

3.1 Online Survey

The study involved surveying 86 residents of Kenanga's College, a residential college at the
University of Malaysia Sarawak. The questionnaire surveys were conducted to gather
information on the occupants' adaptive behaviour. The data obtained from the surveys were
carefully analysed to explore and investigate the adaptive behaviour of the occupants further.

The survey instrument was made in English, comprising five sections covering the
respondent's profile, details about their room and window orientation, assessment of their
thermal sensation while inside the room, evaluation of the student's adaptive behaviour, and
their perspectives on enhancing facilities to attain a satisfactory level of thermal comfort. The
questionnaire extensively employs the Likert scale method, requiring respondents to
consistently rate their thermal sensation experiences during their stay in the residential
college. The survey sample are attached as in appendix 1.

3.2 Observation
The on-site measurements involved the use of a thermo-hygrometer to monitor air
temperature. These measurements were conducted in the immediate surroundings where the
occupants were present, ensuring that data collection coincided with their presence in the
room. This approach accounted for the heat generated by the occupants' bodies, providing a
more accurate representation of the comfortable temperature in the specified area.
Measurements were carried out three times a day, with three readings at each time point
(morning, afternoon, and night). Subsequently, the average readings were calculated for each
respective time of day.

The sun path and the orientation of the window were also taken into consideration when
taking the reading. This is because rooms with windows facing east and west are prone to be
higher in temperature due to the direct sunlight. Measurements were also carried out in
different rooms with different windows orientation. Six rooms were selected as below:

● Room 1: Window facing north only

● Room 2: Window facing south only
● Room 3: Window facing north and east only
● Room 4: Window facing north and west only
● Room 5: Window facing south and east only
● Room 6: Window facing south and west only

Figure 2: Plan of residential of Kenanga’s College with numbers marked the location of
rooms with potential different orientation of windows.

Figure 3: The cardinal directions of Kenanga’s College which also determine the sun path
and the orientation of the windows.
Figure 4: An example of Kenanga College House’s floor plan which is located at at number
1,4,7 and 10 based on figure 2.

3.3 Data Analysis

The data collected through online survey and observation were thoroughly studied and
analysed. The results were compared with the thermal comfort compliance with the
recommended level of indoor thermal comfort according to ASHRAE 55-2010 and
MS1525:2014. All of these then related to the adaptive behaviour of the students living in the
Kenanga’s Residential college. The variables of the analysis are as follows:

● Controlled: Sunpath (Exterior/environmental temperature)

● Manipulated: Rooms with different windows orientation
● Responding: Adaptive behaviour (Thermal Comfort)

This data also concluded the overall thermal comfort faced by the students while living there.


4.1 Relationship between window orientation and temperature.

Figure 4 ; Room plans of Kenanga’s Residential College with the respective room’s cardinal

Table 2: Table of Average Temperature (°C) of every room with different windows
orientation throughout the day

Table 3: Table of Relative Humidity (%) of every room with different windows orientation
throughout the day
Overall Compliance of Indoor Thermal Comfort Level in Kenanga’s Colllege
This section displays the 6 rooms with different windows orientation percentage levels of
thermal comfort, including air temperature and relative humidity.

a) Air Temperature
Based on table 2, it is found that all of the rooms in Kenanga’s College exceed the
requirement of thermal comfort according to MS1525:2014 standard where the
normal indoor air temperature shall only be between 24°C and 26°C. Therefore, the
indoor air temperature in most Kenanga’s rooms is not optimal for thermal comfort.

b) Relative Humidity
All of the rooms mentioned previously had their relative humidity going over the
standard for thermal comfort based on the MS 1525:2014. This may lead to frequent
sweating for the students residing in the college. This indicates that the indoor
relative humidity of the college is not optimal for the residents.

Results based of observation

Figure 5 shows a bar chart of the mean average temperature (°C) in respective rooms
throughout the day

Figure 5 shows a bar chart of the mean relative humidity (%) in respective rooms throughout
the day
a) Room with window facing North only.
Although it exceeds the standard, this room has one of the lowest average temperatures with
morning temperature being only at 29.4°C and 27.7°C during nighttime as well as being
recorded with high relative humidity. Several factors may cause the room to have a lower air
temperature than the others. The high relative humidity due to the window open towards
greeneries helps with the room to cool down and lessen the temperature. Furthermore, the
room is smaller compared to others making it easier for the exchange of hot and cool air into
and out of the room since it has less volume to cover. The window also does not directly open
towards the sun path which is in between west and east. Hence, Bhikhoo (2017) mentioned
that a residential unit's layout is crucial to guaranteeing that airflow reaches every area of the
building. It is important to guarantee the existence of wind at every primary location within
each area to optimise occupant comfort levels without the need for supplementary mechanical
ventilation, such as fans, to maintain consistent air circulation.

b) Room with windows facing North and East only.

This room has the second lowest mean air temperature which is 29.5°C. The room's east-
facing windows let in direct sunlight as the sun rises in the east in the morning. According to
Mallick (1996), in comparison to a western-oriented home that receives afternoon sunlight, an
east-oriented home experiences colder interior temperatures, and despite being colder, the
room facing north receives the least amount of sunshine, therefore it is not optional. The
north-facing windows will get indirect sunshine all day long. Direct glare and heat are
reduced by the more even and diffused light that comes from northern exposure. It has the
third highest relative humidity since the window facing north is also directed towards
greeneries allowing water vapour from the plant's surface scatter into the room.

c) Room with windows facing North and West only.

As for this room, it has the second highest mean air temperature which is 30°C. As stated by
Akande and Adebamowo (2010), buildings in the western section are more vulnerable to
afternoon heat. Consequently, the west is a better location for the bedrooms because they will
only be used at dusk after the residents return from their everyday activities. However, when
compared to the room with windows facing south and west (room SE), this room still has a
higher humidity. Due to the room SE does not have any of its windows facing greenery and
the room with the north and west windows is exposed to the greenery from both sides.
d) Room with window facing South only.
Based on table 2, the temperature of rooms with south oriented windows are around 29.9
degree celsius . This temperature is considered quite low based on the positions of openings
available in the room of Kenanga residential college. During the morning without the aid of
electrical machinery ( the fan ) the room is humid with humidity measured at 80% which does
not comply with MS1525:2014 standard which is around 50% to 70% relative humidity. This
resulted in occupants of the room to sweat a lot.It is widely accepted that higher humidity and
air temperature intensifies thermal sensation and reduces perspiration and evaporation of the
body’s capacity, consequently the body cannot be cooled by evaporation.(Holm, D. and
Engelbrecht, F.A. (2005)) .Some other factors affecting the high humidity in the rooms are
also based on the lack of airflow in the room and relates more towards the behaviour of the
occupants. When the temperature and humidity was taken , the windows and fans are hardly

e) Room with window facing South and East only.

Measuring at 31 degree celsius in the morning and 32 degree celsius at the afternoon can
show that the temperature of the surrounding area and in the room is not complying to the
MS1525:2014 standard temperature. The main reason for this increase in temperature is based
on the orientation of windows and openings and also how much shaded is the space. When
being compared with windows facing the south west, room with windows facing south and
east are more hotter and more humid.This is because the building on the south east are mostly
exposed to sunlight early in the morning and are not very heavily shaded during the
day .This is interesting because it mainly affects the activity revolving around the
college.Mainly this block towards the south are occupied by the army residents. During the
day ,their room is not really used due to their activity . Fans and windows are not open
therefore causing higher room temperature.These changes in warm and dry climates are more
severe because of high air temperatures during the day and intense sunlight exposure (Middel,
Häb, Brazel, Martin, & Guhathakurta, 2014).

f) Room with window facing South and West only.

Rooms with windows facing South and West also have not much difference in temperature
and humidity compared to rooms facing south east. Except that the building are more shaded
and are also receiving less sunlight because they are shaded by trees in front. In general, two
factors contribute to the improvement of climatic conditions; shading and ventilation are
major factors in shading the tree crown to improve human comfort (Lee et al., 2016).Through
the phenomenon of evapotranspiration and the control and reflection of radiant light, plants
reduce the mean radiant temperature and improve environmental conditions (Salata et al.,
2017)The room did receive some airflow mainly the north wind.The humidity of the room
increase by 10% from the morning until night . This is maybe due to the fact that some of the
occupants did not turn on their fans .During the morning and afternoon , the humidity
complies with the MS1525:2014 standard, but not during night which is around 85%.

In summary, the rooms in Kenanga’s college do not comply with the MS1525:2014 standard.
From our observation, the reasons behind college rooms' failure to comply with the
requirement are associated with how the outside temperature affects the interior space. This
could be due to insufficient ventilation, inadequate insulation, or inefficient climate control
systems, among other things. Because of this, the temperature within the rooms may vary
greatly depending on the outside weather, which could make students uncomfortable and
make it more difficult for them to do their academic work.
4.2 Relationship between thermal comfort and adaptive
The study involved surveying 86 respondents, who are occupants of Kenanga College, a
residential college at the University of Malaysia Sarawak. The collected data from the
questionnaire surveys underwent a comprehensive analysis to explore and understand the
adaptive behaviour of the occupants for further investigation. The outcomes of this analysis,
as presented in Table 3, outline the various daily activities chosen by the occupants within the
research location.

Table 3 : Student adaptive behaviour’s data collected and analysed based on survey.

a.) Mechanical Ventilation Systems

From analysed data. notably, elements associated with mechanical ventilation usage, such as
"Switch on the fan" (with an average mean index of 4.9) and "Switch on a portable fan and a
ceiling fan simultaneously" (with an average mean index of 4.4), were observed to have high
mean indices.

These results indicate a strong reliance on mechanical ventilation systems, specifically ceiling
fans and portable fans, within the dormitory. The elevated average mean indices suggest a
pronounced dependency pattern on these systems, potentially contributing to a low ventilation
flow factor in the occupants' rooms. This behaviour is primarily attributed to the occupants'
responses, reflecting a human reflex against thermal discomfort from their surroundings.
People often adjust their surroundings to attain an optimal level of thermal comfort within a
building. In the context of students, it is likely that they heavily rely on mechanical ventilation
units to achieve their desired comfort temperatures, as suggested by Gou et al. (2018). The
quantity of fan units present in a specific room plays a role in influencing the airflow rate
within the space. This factor contributes to students developing a significant dependence on
the mechanical ventilation system, especially during their stay in student residential college

In essence, the occupants' adaptive actions, as revealed by the survey, underscore a prevalent
reliance on mechanical ventilation strategies like ceiling fans and portable fans. This
inclination is driven by occupants' reflexive responses to address thermal discomfort in their
living environment, as demonstrated by the high average mean indices in the recorded data.

b.) Clothing
The selection of clothing is influenced by climate factors, with both clothing and skin serving
as insulators that safeguard individuals and offer resistance to environmental elements.
Clothing plays a crucial role in enabling the body to adapt to changes in heat and climate
conditions (Alweitaishi, 2017). The decision to wear lighter clothing, as indicated by a high
average mean index value of 4.8, is driven by elevated heat stress in the room.

As suggested by Mallick (1996), occupants in hot climate regions tend to opt for light, loose,
brightly coloured, and sweat-absorbing fabrics to convey comfort and facilitate airflow
around the body. In the current study, students are likely to adjust their attire to comfortable
clothing, aiming for satisfaction and comfort within the room. This adaptive behaviour is
under the control of the individual, allowing them to achieve their desired level of thermal
comfort by choosing clothing that suits their preferences whenever they feel discomfort.

c.) Openings Preferences

The action of opening doors and windows also showed a notable high average mean index,
specifically at 4.5, among other elements. As outlined by Rijal et al. (2007), the behaviour of
opening windows is a response to the perceived discomfort related to room temperature. It
was observed that students commonly tended to open doors and windows when they were in a
resting state within the rooms. This behaviour aimed to facilitate airflow throughout the room,
particularly when the indoor temperature surpassed that of the outdoor environment.

Futhermore, the act of opening a window or door during sleep registers a moderate average
mean index of 3.4. As suggested by Pomfret and Haashemi (2017), the discomfort
experienced due to overheating during peak hours can be alleviated by nighttime window
opening. This practice contributes to enhancing the indoor air conditions within the rooms.

d.) Body Comfort

Additionally, frequent showering and easily waking up in the middle of the night both
demonstrated a moderately high average mean index, specifically 3 and 3.9, respectively. As
highlighted by Ali and Kassim (2018), occupants residing in student residential colleges are
likely to encounter thermal discomfort during the night, primarily attributed to indoor
temperatures exceeding the conditions recommended by MS 1525: 2007. This suggests that
impractical building design plays a role in elevated heat absorption, stemming from limited
openings like windows, low humidity levels, and insufficient air circulation within the rooms.

The purpose of this study was to look into the interior thermal comfort of Kenanga institution,
a residential institution of Unimas. The majority of Unimas residential college, Kenanga
College, was judged to not effectively comply with the MS 1525:2014 standard overall based
on the findings of indoor air temperature. This is because the majority of the rooms have
temperatures higher than 24°C and 26°C, which are considered standard.

We can also draw the conclusion from the discussion that, in general, rooms facing North,
North West, and North East are likely to be colder than rooms facing South, South West, and
South East. This is because, in contrast to rooms on the south, which are probably going to be
less shaded throughout the day, rooms facing north enjoy better shading, less sunshine, and
greater windflow.In term of relative humidity, the findings showed that most of the residential
building have not complied to the requirement of the standard which is over the range of 70%

Regarding adaptive behaviour, it is discovered that the majority of students turn on their fans
at full speed during the day to improve ventilation and airflow while maximising the humidity
and temperature in their individual rooms. Because of the warmer weather, most residents are
more likely to wear lighter clothing during the day and at night. According to research,
windows and openings are frequently opened, which improves ventilation and boosts output
and workflow at night.

In addition to these challenges, combining cutting edge renewable energy technology with
passive and active strategies, thermal comfort, and ventilation technology offers a promising
future for using green approaches to address energy-related building challenges in Malaysia's
hot and humid climate as well as nearby areas.
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