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2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214 Non-Profit Org US Postage Paid Nashville, TN Permit 2464

Lebanon Road

Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Volume 59, No.46

November 13, 2011 Elders

Joe Adams 773-2331 Johny Baker 758-7654 Ralph Brewer 871-4849 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Steve Ledbetter 889-8614 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Retreats, Tributes, Banquets, and Classes

This weekend is our final retreat of 2011. Every year at this time, it feels as though there is a retreat every weekend for months on end! Though there are only a few, it just seems as that way. Our families are away this weekend at Fall Creek Falls, enjoying a weekend filled with study, worship, and fellowship. If we learn as much and enjoy our retreat as much as the ladies did two weeks ago, and the youth group did last weekend, it will be a great success. Tonight, following our evening worship, we will have a slideshow presentation, giving a tribute to those who have served our nation via the military. Veterans Day was Friday, and this short presentation is one way our congregation can say thank you to those who have served. We have many who have been in the military, and some who continue to serve. We hope that you will stay and be reminded of the work and sacrifice of these heroes. This Friday night is our annual Harvest Banquet. So much work goes into this event each year, and it is always a delight to attend

Adam Faughn

Or Current Resident

(and it is fun to be on stage, too!). Lisa Ledbetter always does a great work in preparing the entertainment, and the kitchen crew has a tremendous meal ready for all who attend. If you think you might be able to help serve, or can help with donations to the banquet, please see Lisa Ledbetter or Nancy Markwood. Next Sunday, we will begin our fourweek classes, dealing with the subjects of postmodernism and homosexuality. From our high school class through all adult classes, you are invited to attend these classes, but we must know you are planning on attending, so the classes can be even in size. If you have not signed up, please do so in the foyer today, or call the office ASAP. If you do not wish to attend these classes, there will be a class meeting in the auditorium, taught by Harry Middleton. The four week classes will be taught by JD Buckner, Lon Keele, Michael Rader, and me. A special thank you to Lon for his work in coordinating these classes. They are the culmination of one of our goals for 2011, and we are glad to be able to say, That one is accomplished!

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

Veterans Day Slide Show

TONIGHT the elders have set aside a time for us to acknowledge our veterans here at Lebanon Road both living and deceased. Make plans to stay a few extra minutes Following our evening services!

Pulpit Minister
Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister
Harry Middleton 292-3164

Sunday Sermon Preview

AM: Parable of the Good Samaritan (Harry Middleton: Luke 10:25-37) PM: Behind Enemy Lines (Adam Faughn; 2 Samuel 23:13-17)

Youth Minister
JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

Sick List
Jean McIndoo is at Mt Juliet Healthcare, room 110 for rehab.

Worship Leaders
Sunday Morning (Contact: Gene 874-0463) Opening Prayer: Earl Flynn Read Scripture: Tim Roberts Closing Prayer: Al Cravens Sermon: Harry Middleton Song Leader: Richard Roberson Serving Lords Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Jim Oakley 1 Bruce Reid 2 Robert Cannon 3 Wayne Gordon 4 Ralph Brewer 5 Bill Myers 6 Tracy Fitzgerald 7 Jack Vannatta 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Richard 582-1079) Opening Prayer Gavin Hammers Closing Prayer: Ronnie Oakley Read Scripture: Alan Witt Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Richard Roberson Serving Lords Supper (Room) Harry Middleton 1 Jim Schroeder 2 Wednesday, November 16th (Contact: Keith 889-7366) Read Scripture: Shane Williams Opening Prayer: Paul Smith Speaker: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Lynn Wright Announcements: JD Buckner - Steve Ledbetter Nursery Attendant: Allison & Addison DeVault

by Harry Middleton
The gospel as defined in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 consists in the facts that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas. What is often cited as three facts of the gospel are actually four: Christ died, was buried, was raised, and appeared. First Corinthians proceeds to name others who saw him also. That he appeared is what enables Peter to say on Pentecost, This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses (Acts 2:32). In writing Acts, Luke says Jesus presented himself alive to the apostles after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3). Among the many proofs of the resurrection are the fact of the empty tomb and the reliability of the eyewitnesses. The witnesses to Jesus resurrection are for the most part men who had traveled, eaten, conversed and slept in his and one anothers company for a period of about three years. They would hardly have been fooled by an imposter. And they were men who were fearful, not believing that he would rise from the dead as he had said, running away from his accusers lest they be accused. However, after seeing the risen Lord, they were transformed and emboldened. Such change of heart, from frightened skeptics in the case of the twelve and from a dedicated and violent opponent in the case of Paul, to emboldened and effective evangelists, courageously facing even death to preach what they obviously and fervently believed to be true, requires and explanation, a cause adequate to produce such an unlikely effect. That being Acts 2:32. (Cecil May Jr.; Faulkner University)

JDs Jargon
Hello everyone, We had an outstanding Fall Retreat this past weekend. Josh Manning and nine others from the Clearview congregation joined us at Camp Meribah in Centerville, TN for a weekend study of the book of James. We began with chapter one on Friday night and finished up with chapter five when Josh preached on Sunday morning at the Clearview church of Christ. I really want to thank Mark Pugh, John Smith, Tim Mullican, and Tony Grigsby for speaking during our sessions. It was a great weekend! I also want to thank the students for being so well behaved. Participation in every event was really good. I am very proud of our young people and I hope you are too! Christmas cards for Youth Encouragement Services will be set out TODAY. Please pick up a card and buy a gift for someone in need! Thank you very much! --JD :)

Harvest Banquet
Ladies & Gentlemen 60 Years and Older You are invited to the Annual Harvest Banquet Friday, November 18th 6:30PM. A sign up sheet is in the foyer and downstairs The church bus will be picking up anyone that needs a ride. Let the office know if you need a ride. Donations will also be accepted and may be given to Lisa Ledbetter or Nancy Markwood.

Youth Encouragement Services


New Class
Beginning November 20, we will be having a special four-week Sunday morning Bible class series for the high school and adult classes meeting downstairs. The goal of this series is to help promote interaction and discussion among the various age groups of the congregation. Two special topics, postmodernism (the absence of absolute truth) and homosexuality, have been selected for this series. Sign-up sheets will be distributed in the regular Sunday morning classes and posted in the foyer.

Christmas Angel Cards

Cards are available on the table in the foyer Pick out a card, buy the gift and bring it back to the building. They will pick up the gifts on December 5th.

Mark Your Calendar...

Tonight: Veterans Day Slideshow Tonight: Visitation team #2 and letter writers will meet tonight following services Friday: Harvest Banquet December 2: Ladies Ornament Exchange December 9: Adult Holiday Party December 16: Youth Progressive Dinner

The Record
Wednesday Night 11/02: Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship: Sunday Bible Study: Contribution:
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Teachers Needed
Elementary Teachers Needed. If you would be willing to teach or are interested in learning more about Bible class please see Leah Faughn, Teresa Fleak or Jean Williams.

206 345+22 Retreat 214 208+22 Retreat $11,535.00

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