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Venue: Church Hall

Time 1330hrs

In attendance:

1. Pastor Donga – Chairman

2. Deaconess Chikono
3. Elder Mbiriri (Minuting)
4. Mrs Karuma
5. Mrs Kunyetu
6. Mr. Sabao
7. Brother Emanuel Madzivanyika


Pastor Stan Mudarikwa

Opening prayer: Mass prayer

Chairman`s remarks and calling the house to order –

Pastor Donga read on Acts 2 and emphasised the importance of unity and support among all
departments and members. In the Upper room there were different people some gentiles but
all were united waiting for the same promise.
She explained it is remarkable that even before they were filled with the Spirit, the 120 could
dwell under the same roof without conflict. The reason is that they had spent the last several
years living in the very presence of Christ. Just days before, they had walked and talked with
Christ after He rose from the dead. His words and character and love so filled their thoughts
as to lift them up above pettiness in their dealings with each other.
She explained that we now are indwelt by the Holy Spirit which is a great advantage over the
believers in the Upper Room. But we have to reach the same high mark of unity among
ourselves. The Spirit should have practical control of our hearts, so that He can prevent any
outbreak of anger, lack of love, unity and purpose or self-will or self-serving.
For leaders to achieve unity of purpose and love, they should have full surrender to God as
the requirement we must meet to receive the same filling.

Reading and adoption of agenda

The agenda was read and approved by Baba Sabao and seconded by Mrs Kunyetu and all in favour.

Reading of previous meeting`s minutes and matters arising.

Previous minutes were read and approved by Brother Emmanuel and seconded by Deaconess
Chikono and all in favour.
Matters arising from Previous minutes

1. Sofas, Generator and PA system

Province granted the green light to dispose sofas. The generator was purchased as first project for
treasury in 2023.

2. P. A system

The drums were purchased to replace the obsolete ones.

3. Truck

The truck now up and running after new tyres were purchased and fitted. The spare wheel needs
new one. The truck was damaged on the right fender but no one claimed responsibility which calls
for tighter controls of the truck usage such as Mileage book recordings

Administration report

There are few participations of members who tithes and are less than 20%. Leaders are not leading
by example to motivate followers. The leaders are encouraged to tithe as the performance of Shiloh
Assembly has affected performance and slided from third to fifth position at provincial level from
January 2023 to date. The financial report was tabled and approved by brother Emmanuel
Madzivanyika, deaconess Chikono and all were in favour.

Capital Projects Fourth Quarter Plans

~Storage warehouse finishes on shelves

~Toilets completion on plumbing, electrification and water tank facility



~ Treasury to second member from financial team every Sunday

Treasury to segment income for the Sabostopol sub assembly


Ways to improve tithes generation were discussed and resolved as follows:

~Broader participation of church members on tithes, offering and levies

~ Education on national remittances

~ Teachings on CRF funds

~Praying for those who pay tithes

~ sermons on giving
Sunday School

There were no reports but minutes the department held on 21 July 2023 were ready and discussed
on which plans for YPU National conference were already in place.

. Ladies Department

Secretary’s report was not available. The treasurer’s report was presented which had a net balance
of $78.50 The report was approved by Mrs Karuma and seconded by bother Emmanuel.

Ladies Plans

~Ceiling scheduled for November 2023

~Utensils Addition


The department held a successful evangelism crusade in July 2023 and 8 converts gave their lives to
God. The church continues to do Evangelism through online preaching, sharing snippets, use of
facebook and page.

The Evangelism had plans to hold October Crusade at Ruware. They have plans to partner with UZ
students on campus to do door to door evangelism. Musicians to be invited include Pastor Tashu
from Dzivaresekwa and Mai Kuvheya. The financial budget was planned at $670 United state dollars
of which both churches to contribute 50% each

YPU department

There were no financial report as treasurer has not been avail.

~Saturday Services are from 530-730

~Boys fellowship services scheduled on Thursday evening

~ Attendances is currently 16-20 youths and during holidays the attendance increases significantly


~The second quarter is scheduled for two outings

~Service activities include Career Guidance, games and discussions outside sermons

~Mandley Park prayer meeting attracted more than 50 participants

Plans activities last quarter

~Province youth conference preparation

~Fund raising projects

Youth structure

The youth had short of committee members because of relocation to other locations. The committee
appointed Lisa Devera, Anesu Sajeni and Blessing Chidarikire as replacements.


There was no any other business

The meeting ended at 1530 hours. Date of next meeting TBA.

Signed by :

Assembly Secretary…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


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