HLP Graphic Organizer

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Introduction Video Notes

HLPs are high level practices that help students with disabilities. There are lots of different
HLPs, but they are a great tool to help you in your future. In every school, teachers will have
students who have disabilities and how it is important for the teachers to have the right
knowledge to help teach them at the right level. HLPs are intended to complement, not replace
intense, data-driven interventions provided by special educators and other specialists. HLPs are
broken down into different parts and the teachers can use each part to their own liking depending
on what is going to support the students. There are 22 different types of HLPs that fall under
different broad categories. Those are, collaboration, assessment, social/emotional behavior, and
instruction. When evidence based practices are put into place, they will be putting the student
into the right spot with their education. Both HLPs and EBPs are necessary to help ensure all
teachers can design and deliver an effective education to their students.

HLP #7 - Environment
1. What are my questions/Future Learning I do not want to forget about this HLP:
a. It is important to highlight my students culture and create an environment that
welcomes that is how I can create strong lasting relationships with my students.
2. What connections to other texts, classes, personal experience or what you know about
schools did you make? (List three or more)
a. This reminds me of ED491 when reading the Positive Classroom book and how it
highlights how important it is to create a classroom environment that feeds
exploration, imagination, and growth for all students.
b. This also reminds me of another portion of the Positive Classroom book with
creating classroom expectations/agreements because when it mentions a teacher
creating that chart with her class, it is also discussed within the book on how to
create that with our students in our classroom.
c. When watching how the teachers provide reinforcements for their students it
reminded me of what a teacher did when I observed her in her classroom. When a
student would do something good or answer the question correctly, she would
give them a chip so they could save up and then they would eventually use their
chips for a prize or something that is an even bigger reward.
3. What Common Characteristics of Children with Disabilities, Strategies, and Adaptations
did you find? (List three or more)
a. There are a lot of strategies that can help with classroom expectations, but most
importantly strategies to get all students involved in that process.
b. Providing lots of time to respond can benefit all students which allows them lots
of time to respond, show what they know, etc. It can help teachers see what
students know and have learned.
c. There are lots of different ways to allow students to show their understanding
from a lesson which can help educators learn more about what is the best way for
all students to feel engaged and listened to.
4. Other things I do not want to forget:
a. The biggest thing I got from this video was how important it is to create a
classroom environment that allows all students to prosper and feel that they are
engaged within the classroom.
Here is how we will evaluate this HLP assignment:

1. Provide three quotations that stuck out to you across each video assignment and then
note the video number on the bottom of where you found them. (example “make sure to
include individual students needs in your feedback” 12:33) (3 Points)
a. “Establishing a consistent, organized, and respectful learning environment means
the teacher is planful and deliberate in how they set up their classroom space to
provide students with clear directions, procedures, and expectations to support
learning and behavioral success.” (1:56)
b. “A hallmark of a consistent, organized, and respectful classroom is the teacher
builds strong and mutually respectful relationships with students. Ways to do this:
include engaging students in setting classroom rules routines, showing students
respect at all times, and valuing ethnic, cultural, contextual and linguistic
diversity.” (2:52)
c. “Teachers can use a variety of methods to acknowledge appropriate behavior.
Feedback should be as specific as possible.” (11:09)
2. Make at least one connection to personal experience, other texts you’ve read, other
classes, and/or to what you know about schools from each quotation. (3 points)
a. In the first quote, this is highlighted in the Positive Classroom book when
discussing the topic of creating a classroom environment and how important it is
to have certain aspects be a part of that for everyday classroom life.
b. The second quote is also mentioned in the Positive Classroom book and how it
discusses the importance of relationships not only with the students, but families
as well.
c. In the third quote, this relates to what I have talked about above with the
classroom I observed and how it is important to show our students that what they
are doing is important and that providing feedback to our students can help them
grow as learners and individuals.
3. Include three pieces that you do not want to forget that deal with characteristics,
adaptations, and strategies with the brain or certain disabilities or teaching overall. (3
a. When thinking about creating a classroom environment, creating classroom
expectations is key so all students know what is expected of them.
b. I really liked how when the teacher was creating expectations for lining up at the
door and had a chart of what that could sound like and what it could look like
instead of just using the basic words of being kind, respectful, etc.
c. I think it would be interesting to try tickets or other tangible reinforcers in my
future classroom to show that my students are meeting the behavior that is
expected, following the classroom rules, or putting in the effort while doing work.
Shows that what they are doing is going well.
4. Questions/future learning on HLPs (1 point)
a. I will be interested to learn more about the environment that plays into the other
HLPs and how that can change perspective in some ways.

HLP #8 & #22

1. What are my questions/Future Learning I do not want to forget about this HLP:
a. Something I don’t want to forget is how important feedback is for students and
how it can help students continue to reach the goals they can have for themselves.
2. What connections to other texts, classes, personal experience or what you know about
schools did you make? (List three or more)
a. This reminds me of my time in a high school math class. My teacher had asked us
all how we would solve this problem. Over time many students seemed to have
had a hard time going through each step. What she did was she noticed we were
struggling and she had us go section by section like one of the teachers did in the
video so we all could master that material.
b. Something else that connects to this video is how in 491 we have discussed
creating relationships with our students and how that can benefit their learning
and I think that this relates to providing feedback to our students. It shows them
that we are there to push them as learners.
c. This reminded me of what I learned in some previous classes on how to create
independent learners and I think that providing the feedback to them and showing
our support will help them become the best independent learners they can be.
3. What Common Characteristics of Children with Disabilities, Strategies, and Adaptations
did you find? (List three or more)
a. When a teacher is helping a student, she is going section by section and working
with them so they can fully understand it and validate that the work they did was
b. There are different strategies to use for each student when it comes to
remembering a new topic or trying to better understand it.
c. Instead of saying no to our students, you provide immediate feedback and talk
about it in depth.
4. Other things I do not want to forget:
b. Timing of feedback can affect students' responses and it is important to remember
to be genuine when giving the feedback to students.
Here is how we will evaluate this HLP assignment:
1. Provide three quotations that stuck out to you across each video assignment and then note
the video number on the bottom of where you found them. (example “make sure to
include individual students needs in your feedback” 12:33) (3 Points)
a. “Students use information to improve motivation, engagement, and
independence.” (2:09)
b. “Feedback from teachers increases motivation and effort. Feedback that informs
progress towards specific goals is more powerful.” (2:23)
c. “Ms. Sarah uses goal directed feedback with a student struggling with a new
topic.” (6:32)
2. Make at least one connection to personal experience, other texts you’ve read, other
classes, and/or to what you know about schools from each quotation. (3 points)
a. In the first quote, this makes me think about how with my time in the classroom
how I interpret the information I am given and how that I can gain new skills by
the way the teachers have portrayed that information.
b. In the second quote, this reminds me of my time in a classroom where I worked in
a small group during math. If one of my students was super close or wrong, I
would give them words that would validate them that the work they were doing
was good work, but I would guide them to find the right answer to the problem.
c. In the third quote, this makes me think about again my time working with small
groups. I think it is important to set goals for our students or have the students
create a goal for themselves which is what I did with my time in the classroom.
3. Include three pieces that you do not want to forget that deal with characteristics,
adaptations, and strategies with the brain or certain disabilities or teaching overall. (3
a. It is important to remember that all students can need a different type of feedback
that meets their needs.
b. It stood out to me that when the teacher would be providing feedback to students,
half the time they never really noticed, but what matters most is that we are there
to help them.
c. It is key to make sure that feedback is given in a way that is warm and
welcoming, not abrupt because then they won’t be able to continue to gain their
4. Questions/future learning on HLPs (1 point)
a. It was interesting to see how the environment was created in this HLP and how
the feedback was given to the students in a way that they wouldn’t even notice.
HLP #18- Student Engagement
1. What are my questions/Future Learning I do not want to forget about this HLP:
a. Keeping students engaged can be difficult, but if we show interest in what they
like and incorporate it into our work, it can make a big impact.
2. What connections to other texts, classes, personal experience or what you know about
schools did you make? (List three or more)
a. When thinking about my experience, I am able to reflect on how my teachers
have kept my attention throughout the day and the biggest thing was that they
would use our interests in mind.
b. In a class that I was in last year for a class, I was able to see how the teacher got
students ready for the next lesson. She would have them do a little cool
down/movement break which I think would be something interesting to try.
c. In the class I observed in senior year of high school, the teacher did a great job of
keeping in mind students attention span and interests when writing word problems
for math worksheets.
3. What Common Characteristics of Children with Disabilities, Strategies, and Adaptations
did you find? (List three or more)
a. With students who have disabilities, they can use a range of different motivational
strategies that can help them in the classroom and outside of the classroom.
b. There are many different strategies to have in your back pocket when it comes to
thinking about how best to engage all students.
c. I noticed that the teachers would adapt their lessons if they could tell a student or
multiple students were losing their momentum.
4. Other things I do not want to forget:
a. Creating a chant that you can have students repeat before a new topic they will be
learning is a way to help build students confidence and to not feel too intimidated
and want to disengage from learning.
Here is how we will evaluate this HLP assignment:
1. Provide three quotations that stuck out to you across each video assignment and then note
the video number on the bottom of where you found them. (example “make sure to
include individual students needs in your feedback” 12:33) (3 Points)
a. “Classic vision of student engagement: to keep students engaged… dig deep into
a bag of tricks.” (1:44)
b. “Teachers must build positive teacher- student relationships.” (4:56)
c. “Students' interests can be incorporated into lessons.” (5:57)
2. Make at least one connection to personal experience, other texts you’ve read, other
classes, and/or to what you know about schools from each quotation. (3 points)
a. In the first quote, it relates to ED491 that would mention how to keep students
constantly involved within the classroom whether that means learning or creating
a classroom environment.
b. In the second quote, this also relates to 491 because it talks heavily about how
important relationships are with our students and their families.
c. In the third quote, this relates to my time observing a class during my senior year
of high school. The teacher would use students' names and when the children
would realize it is them because following their name, it was something they
enjoyed, it would get them excited and eager to learn.
3. Include three pieces that you do not want to forget that deal with characteristics,
adaptations, and strategies with the brain or certain disabilities or teaching overall. (3
a. Scaffolding is a way to help our students be constantly engaged in their learning.
b. Incorporating students' families can help create a stronger engagement if students
know their parents care about the work they are doing.
c. Again, using a chant that can help build students confidence before learning a new
4. Questions/future learning on HLPs (1 point)
a. I will be interested in learning more strategies for how to keep students engaged.
HLP #17 - Flexible Grouping
1. What are my questions/Future Learning I do not want to forget about this HLP:
a. I think it will be interesting to see how this will be able to be put into place within
my future room
2. What connections to other texts, classes, personal experience or what you know about
schools did you make? (List three or more)
a. In the book, the positive classroom, it talks about flexible seating, but I also think
this can relate to that because we are tending to all students' needs and what will
work best for all learners.
b. In 242, we talked about how students with disabilities can have a hard time
adjusting, so if we start a new lesson and then explain the expectations clearly,
then it could make the situation a little bit easier for them.
c. When listening to my mom and her experience with her time working in a middle
school and what she does for groups, she has seen how it truly works for some,
but not all students and how do we adjust to that.
3. What Common Characteristics of Children with Disabilities, Strategies, and Adaptations
did you find? (List three or more)
a. Students with disabilities will be able to perform better at a task if the
expectations are clear and they know what they need to do.
b. There are multiple ways to decide how to split up groups.
c. When thinking about groups, it is important to remember students' needs and
what will best help them to grow as learners and individuals.
4. Other things I do not want to forget:
a. Using smaller groups can also benefit students and teachers so everyone can
better understand the mastery of the subject.
Here is how we will evaluate this HLP assignment:

1. Provide three quotations that stuck out to you across each video assignment and then note
the video number on the bottom of where you found them. (example “make sure to
include individual students needs in your feedback” 12:33) (3 Points)
a. “Small groups should be highly structured.” (4:19)
b. “Provide clear instructions, teach and review expectations and routines and
maximize time for learning.” (6:35)
c. “Using groups provides explicit and implicit opportunities for students to develop
interpersonal skills.” (6:44)
2. Make at least one connection to personal experience, other texts you’ve read, other
classes, and/or to what you know about schools from each quotation. (3 points)
a. In the first quote, in a class I visited last year, the students were in groups, but the
teacher made sure that every student knew what was going on.
b. In the second quote, it relates back to what I just talked about with the first quote.
The teacher made sure each and every student knew what was expected of them
before they broke off into their groups so it wasn’t going to be overwhelming.
c. In the third quote, based on readings from previous classes, all books talk highly
about how working in groups can provide students with time to gain or build their
social skills.
3. Include three pieces that you do not want to forget that deal with characteristics,
adaptations, and strategies with the brain or certain disabilities or teaching overall. (3
a. It is important to continuously monitor groups by engaging with them, providing
feedback, etc.
b. By working in groups, it can help promote social skills for all students and even
c. Collaboration and expectations is what can help guide group work.
4. Questions/future learning on HLPs (1 point)
a. Working in groups can be good for some students whereas for others it can be
dreadful, so it will be interesting to learn more about this.

HLP #14 - Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies

1. What are my questions/Future Learning I do not want to forget about this HLP:
a. I would like to get a better understanding of when it is a good time to use this
2. What connections to other texts, classes, personal experience or what you know about
schools did you make? (List three or more)
a. I personally have never had any experience with this topic, so it will be fun to
learn more about this topic.
b. I have heard about this topic here and there, but am interested in learning more
c. I think it will be interesting to learn more strategies to be able to provide them to
my students for tools in their future.
3. What Common Characteristics of Children with Disabilities, Strategies, and Adaptations
did you find? (List three or more)
a. Step by step strategy with a math problem and going in depth for each section so
every student knows what will happen in each section
b. Students should have the opportunity to grow as independent learners while
having the support there if needed
c. Metacognitive strategies are there to help students become independent learners.
4. Other things I do not want to forget:
a. It is important for our students to know what cognitive and metacognitive
strategies are.
Here is how we will evaluate this HLP assignment:

1. Provide three quotations that stuck out to you across each video assignment and then note
the video number on the bottom of where you found them. (example “make sure to
include individual students needs in your feedback” 12:33) (3 Points)
a. “Cognitive strategies address the application of an approach to solve a problem or
perform a task.” (2:01)
b. “Strategies should be embedded within academic and behavioral instruction so
students can see them in context.” (4:55)
c. “Metacognitive strategies are intended to help students become self-directed and
independent learners.” (6:46)
2. Make at least one connection to personal experience, other texts you’ve read, other
classes, and/or to what you know about schools from each quotation. (3 points)
a. In the first quote, I think about my time and how I would approach a new task at
hand and how that benefited me at the end of the day
b. In the second quote, it reminds me of 491 with the positive classroom book
because it touches on behavior and how it is important to provide instruction with
new strategies.
c. In the third quote, becoming independent learners has been talked about in other
Butler classes and how it is important to guide them to be the best individuals and
learners they can be.
3. Include three pieces that you do not want to forget that deal with characteristics,
adaptations, and strategies with the brain or certain disabilities or teaching overall. (3
a. Students need to know the purpose of what they are learning and what steps are
needed to help them get to their goal.
b. When students ask themselves thought provoking questions to themselves about
the material, they will start to gain confidence with their learning.
c. Us as educators are there to help guide our students learn the strategies so later on
they can use them on their own.
4. Questions/future learning on HLPs (1 point)
a. I would like to get a deeper understanding of what other type of strategies there
are for the HLP.

HLP #12 - Systematically Designed Instruction

1. What are my questions/Future Learning I do not want to forget about this HLP:
a. It talks highly about students with disabilities, and I think it will be interesting to
learn about how this plays a big role in general education classrooms as well
2. What connections to other texts, classes, personal experience or what you know about
schools did you make? (List three or more)
a. In my special education class, I have learned about IEPs, and how the goals are
there for students to work towards
b. This relates to the majority of the classes I have taken at Butler because they
thrive off of how it is important to highlight all students and their needs in order
for us to get a better understanding of them.
c. In my experiences, I have had lots of assignments about setting goals and it has
been a great guideline to help increase my eagerness to get to that finish line.
3. What Common Characteristics of Children with Disabilities, Strategies, and Adaptations
did you find? (List three or more)
a. It is important to make sure we share the goal of the instruction that will be
taught so they can put in that effort.
b. Special education teachers will use data for creating goals for students when it
comes to instruction
c. Goals for students with disabilities, will be highlighted in their Individualized
Education Plan
4. Other things I do not want to forget:
a. Having learning goals can help provide students with motivation, something to
get better at, and to help grow their knowledge.
Here is how we will evaluate this HLP assignment:

1. Provide three quotations that stuck out to you across each video assignment and then note
the video number on the bottom of where you found them. (example “make sure to
include individual students needs in your feedback” 12:33) (3 Points)
a. “ Many students with disabilities struggle to learn and master new and complex
content.” (1:43)
b. “Systematic instruction is not applied in isolation. It is one component of well
designed lessons.” (3:07)
c. “Instruction intensity increases depending on individual student needs.” (4:01)
2. Make at least one connection to personal experience, other texts you’ve read, other
classes, and/or to what you know about schools from each quotation. (3 points)
a. In the first quote, it relates to my special education class and how it can be hard
for students with disabilities to pick up new things, but if we can guide them in
the right direction, they will be willing to learn.
b. In the second quote, this relates to any experience I have had in the classroom
because my teachers have brought the instruction to the whole group.
c. In the third quote, this relates again to my special education class that I have
taken. It is important that we notice what our students need in order to help them
3. Include three pieces that you do not want to forget that deal with characteristics,
adaptations, and strategies with the brain or certain disabilities or teaching overall. (3
a. This type of instruction is available for general education as well as special
b. It is important to go at a pace that tends to everyone and to not speed through
c. Setting instructional goals are good for the entire class, but also for the individual
4. Questions/future learning on HLPs (1 point)
a. I will be intrigued to learn more about how this plays into all HLPs

HLP #16 - Explicit Instruction

1. What are my questions/Future Learning I do not want to forget about this HLP:
a. By being clear with our students, they will get a better understanding of what is
going to be coming up.
2. What connections to other texts, classes, personal experience or what you know about
schools did you make? (List three or more)
a. Majority of this reminds me of my mom and how she works with students with
disabilities and the patience that she has is important especially when it comes to
bringing in new topics to students
b. In my special education class, they talk about how it is important to provide
guidance and resources for our students
c. In other classes, they talk about how we are there to help them and then we are
going to give them opportunities to do it on their own.
3. What Common Characteristics of Children with Disabilities, Strategies, and Adaptations
did you find? (List three or more)
a. I do, we do, you do
b. Special education teachers should use data when thinking about the right way to
go about the instruction
c. Going step by step and realizing that some students need more time to start
something is okay.
4. Other things I do not want to forget:
a. It is important to take our time with our students which can help the student know
what is expected of them
Here is how we will evaluate this HLP assignment:

1. Provide three quotations that stuck out to you across each video assignment and then note
the video number on the bottom of where you found them. (example “make sure to
include individual students needs in your feedback” 12:33) (3 Points)
a. “Explicit Instructive is a set of teacher behaviors that are individually and
collectively effective and efficient for supporting student outcomes.” (1:58)
b. “I do, we do, you do.” (3:10)
c. “Explicit instruction helps shape how the content will be taught.” (4:56)
2. Make at least one connection to personal experience, other texts you’ve read, other
classes, and/or to what you know about schools from each quotation. (3 points)
a. In the first quote, this relates to my mom and how she works with students with
disabilities and how she has to remind herself about her behavior and how that
can affect her students.
b. In the second quote, this relates to my experience in elementary school learning
something new in math with practicing a new skill.
c. In the third quote, this relates to my time working with small groups during my
senior year of high school. I was able to provide specific instruction and that my
students would be able to pick up the instructions.
3. Include three pieces that you do not want to forget that deal with characteristics,
adaptations, and strategies with the brain or certain disabilities or teaching overall. (3
a. Language used with explicit instruction is key.
b. I do: teacher does the work first / we do: teacher provides guided practice and
feedback/ you do: teacher provides time for independent practice
c. It is important to provide a purpose before moving on to the lesson
4. Questions/future learning on HLPs (1 point)
a. I can see how all of these HLPs are working hand in hand

HLP #20 - Intense Instruction

1. What are my questions/Future Learning I do not want to forget about this HLP:
a. Working in small groups for this type of instruction can make it easier to see the
progress your students have made.
2. What connections to other texts, classes, personal experience or what you know about
schools did you make? (List three or more)
a. This relates to some of the readings we did for 492 and how there are different
types of instruction that are used for students as well as intervention to better help
students with disabilities.
b. This reminds me what I learned in 490 and how important data is when looking
at our students.
c. From my school experience, I haven’t seen this happen, but I am sure my teachers
were observing all of us to see the progress we have made.
3. What Common Characteristics of Children with Disabilities, Strategies, and Adaptations
did you find? (List three or more)
a. This is a process that educators use for students with disabilities
b. Schools should acquire specific validated programs for students
c. Doing it together and then doing it on your own.
4. Other things I do not want to forget
a. We need to think about what we are going to be giving our students is appropriate
for their needs?
Here is how we will evaluate this HLP assignment:
1. Provide three quotations that stuck out to you across each video assignment and then
note the video number on the bottom of where you found them. (example “make sure to
include individual students needs in your feedback” 12:33) (3 Points)
a. “The highest level of support is intensive intervention. This level is delivered by
special educators, interventionists, or other specialists.” (2:02)
b. “Dosage and pace of “regular” and even targeted intervention may be a mismatch
for individualized needs of students with disabilities.” (3:36)
c. “Teachers use progress monitoring data to understand when students are not
making adequate progress towards goals.” (5:23)
2. Make at least one connection to personal experience, other texts you’ve read, other
classes, and/or to what you know about schools from each quotation. (3 points)
a. In the first quote, this relates to the special education classes that have discussed
this topic.
b. In the second quote, this relates to my experiences on how the teachers would
adjust the lesson, assignment, etc. to meet the students' needs.
c. In the third quote, this relates to my special education classes again which
highlighted how important it is to collect data for our students.
3. Include three pieces that you do not want to forget that deal with characteristics,
adaptations, and strategies with the brain or certain disabilities or teaching overall. (3
a. Small groups could be what works best for students with disabilities.
b. It is important to remember that intensive instruction takes many different forms
c. Collecting data is key especially when it comes to creating goals for our students
with IEPs
4. Questions/future learning on HLPs (1 point)
a. This will be interesting to see in a special education classroom.
HLP #15 - Scaffolding Support
1. What are my questions/Future Learning I do not want to forget about this HLP:
a. This makes me excited to use this in my future classroom.
2. What connections to other texts, classes, personal experience or what you know about
schools did you make? (List three or more)
a. This reminds me of my time in 299 where we discussed scaffolding and how
important it is.
b. This reminds me of my experiences and how I have realized that my teachers
have used scaffolds for me and for my entire class and how that has helped
everyone immensely
c. This makes me think about how during math, we would work in small groups
every other day and would focus on one step that we all were struggling on as a
whole and eventually it would start to go away when we all didn’t need it.
3. What Common Characteristics of Children with Disabilities, Strategies, and Adaptations
did you find? (List three or more)
a. Anchor charts are a good idea to incorporate with scaffolding
b. Leaving examples on the board for students who may need that extra support
c. Communication with other teachers seems to be something that is common with
when to implement that in one's class, so getting another opinion is extra help.
4. Other things I do not want to forget:
a. Scaffolded supports are flexible and numerous
Here is how we will evaluate this HLP assignment:

1. Provide three quotations that stuck out to you across each video assignment and then note
the video number on the bottom of where you found them. (example “make sure to
include individual students needs in your feedback” 12:33) (3 Points)
a. “Scaffolded supports are pre-planned, or used on the spot and then faded or
removed when not needed.” (1:40)
b. “Teachers add scaffolds when they notice students are not responding to
instruction.” (3:12)
c. “Teachers need to carefully monitor use of scaffolds so they know when to fade.”
2. Make at least one connection to personal experience, other texts you’ve read, other
classes, and/or to what you know about schools from each quotation. (3 points)
a. In the first quote, this relates to 299 and how we did discussions on scaffolding
for our students for some extra support.
b. The second quote relates to how my teachers would realize that maybe we
weren’t fully engaged in a lesson, so they would put small things into place for
support until they felt that we have become stronger in that area.
c. The third quote relates to ed206 and how we observed our students whether it was
in reading, math, etc and how it is key to know when the support can start to go
3. Include three pieces that you do not want to forget that deal with characteristics,
adaptations, and strategies with the brain or certain disabilities or teaching overall. (3
a. Scaffoldings can be used in small or large groups.
b. It is good to address short and long term goals for the class and individual
c. Scaffolding is there as a support system for you as the educator and your students.
4. Questions/future learning on HLPs (1 point)
a. It is cool to see how scaffolding fits into all of these HLPs

HLP #11 - Goal Setting

1. What are my questions/Future Learning I do not want to forget about this HLP:
a. Goal setting helps not only the students, but also the teachers
2. What connections to other texts, classes, personal experience or what you know about
schools did you make? (List three or more)
a. I personally never had experience as an educator, but as a student I have created
short and long term goals for different classes.
b. This reminds me of ed491 and the importance of goals for an IEP for a student.
c. What also comes to mind is how goal setting doesn’t only happen in the
classroom, but also outside of the classroom with sports, etc.
3. What Common Characteristics of Children with Disabilities, Strategies, and Adaptations
did you find? (List three or more)
a. Goals that are created for students that have an IEP seem to be something
b. State tests and benchmark tests seem to be what is common when creating a goal.
c. If a student isn’t on track to reach the goal, when it comes time to review the goal,
there can be adaptations for that student.
4. Other things I do not want to forget:
a. Goals are here not only for students with disabilities, but also for students in a
general education classroom.
Here is how we will evaluate this HLP assignment

1. Provide three quotations that stuck out to you across each video assignment and then note
the video number on the bottom of where you found them. (example “make sure to
include individual students needs in your feedback” 12:33) (3 Points)
a. “Teachers prioritize what is most important for students to learn and access to
benefit from the general education curriculum.” (2:03)
b. “Educators use relevant state standards and grade level benchmarks to develop
goals.” (3:54)
c. “ Children with disabilities are educated in a classroom with children who don’t
have a disability.” (6:47)
2. Make at least one connection to personal experience, other texts you’ve read, other
classes, and/or to what you know about schools from each quotation. (3 points)
a. In the first quote this reminds me of how my teachers would think about what is
the most important thing for us to be getting out of the lesson in class.
b. In the second quote, this reminds me of my special education class that I took here
at Butler which discussed how goals were developed for an IEP.
c. In the third quote, this relates again to my special education classes that I have
taken and how it is important to create a mainstream classroom.
3. Include three pieces that you do not want to forget that deal with characteristics,
adaptations, and strategies with the brain or certain disabilities or teaching overall. (3
a. There are long term goals that are broad while there are short term goals are
b. The goals are something the student should be able to reach.
c. Goal setting can help increase motivation in students.
4. Questions/future learning on HLPs (1 point)
a. Goal setting helps teachers create their instruction for their classroom.

HLP #19 - Assistive Technology

1. What are my questions/Future Learning I do not want to forget about this HLP:
a. There seems to be lots of different types of AT that I am wanting to learn more
2. What connections to other texts, classes, personal experience or what you know about
schools did you make? (List three or more)
a. This relates to my ED454 class which is solely focused on assistive technology
that is there to benefit students.
b. I haven’t really had any experience with AT, but am excited to learn more about it
and what it has to offer.
c. I have had experience with text to speech and speech to text in my 454 class
which has made me see that there are such great resources out there for students.
3. What Common Characteristics of Children with Disabilities, Strategies, and Adaptations
did you find? (List three or more)
a. Highlighting that there are many different types of AT for students to use
b. AT needs to be made accessible for any student that needs that service
c. Mentions how it is critical to incorporate AT if it is necessary for the student in
their IEP
4. Other things I do not want to forget:
a. AT= assistive technology
Here is how we will evaluate this HLP assignment:
1. Provide three quotations that stuck out to you across each video assignment and then note
the video number on the bottom of where you found them. (example “make sure to
include individual students needs in your feedback” 12:33) (3 Points)
a. “This helps teachers be conscientious and planful in matching AT to students’
individual needs.” (2:06)
b. “AT is related to function rather than any disability category, and this addresses
the entire range of student needs in school and beyond.” (3:23)
c. “AT is all about getting the student ready for life after the K-12 system.” (4:02)
2. Make at least one connection to personal experience, other texts you’ve read, other
classes, and/or to what you know about schools from each quotation. (3 points)
a. In the first quote this relates to a class that I am in right noe, ED454 which talks
about different types of assistive technology handy for some students.
b. This quote relates to ED454 again because we have talked about how AT is there
for the student in the classroom, but also is there to support the students needs
outside of the classroom.
c. In the third quote, this relates to once again ED454 and how AT is a great
resource to help students grow throughout their educational career.
3. Include three pieces that you do not want to forget that deal with characteristics,
adaptations, and strategies with the brain or certain disabilities or teaching overall. (3
a. AT is there to help students with disabilities to make it easier for them to
communicate with others and produce work.
b. AT is apart of FAPE so any of the resources won’t be of charge
c. Instructional Technology (IT) is designed to facilitate successful teaching and
learning practices.
4. Questions/future learning on HLPs (1 point)
a. This will be interesting to learn and work with in my future.

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