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University Village, Plot 91, Cadastral Zone,

Nnamdi Azikiwe Expressway, Jabi, Abuja


Course Code: CIT831

Course Title: Software Engineering Methodologies
Course Credit Unit: 3
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Instruction: Answer Question 1 and any other four questions

Question 1
(a) Define the following terms: (i) System Modelling (ii) Sub-system (iii) Modular decomposition
(iv) Formal specification (v) Data flow diagrams (10 marks)
(b) Different models present the system from different perspectives. Describe the different
perspectives of models. (3 marks)
(c) What are the problems associated with the use of natural language in writing requirement
definitions (4 marks)
(d) List any five phases of design (5 marks)

Question 2
(a) Briefly explain the stages involved in software design? (4 marks)
(b) What are the types of interview that can be adopted regarding a system? (2 marks)
(c) Architectural models are used to document an architectural design. What are the components of
architectural design? (6 marks)
Question 3
(a) Outline the requirements validation techniques. (6 point)
(b) The requirements document structure consists of 6 parts. Name them. (6 marks)

Question 4
(a) Software engineers must be professionally responsible Describe the various issues of
professional responsibility. (6 marks)
(b) Discuss the problems of waterfall life cycle model (6 marks)
Question 5
(a) What are viewpoints? Discuss types of viewpoints (8 marks)
(b) State any four guidelines for writing requirements (4 marks)

Question 6
(a) What are the basic requirements for software re-use (6 marks)
(b) Briefly discuss any 5 qualities of dependable software system (6 marks)

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