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LESSON 3: The Different Tools and Methods used in Astronomy


 Cite the different tools used in astronomy.

 To identify the inventor of the tools.
 To determine what are the ancient tools.

Pre Test

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. This is a tool that optical instrument used to view heavenly bodies such moon, stars, planets
and distant objects.

A. Juno Spacecraft

B. Optical Telescope

C. Astronomical Telescope

D. Keck Telescope

2. Who contrive the Hubble Space Telescope?

A. Edwin Powell Hubble

B. Willam Myron Hubble

C. Isaac Newton

D. Galileo Galilee
Activity 3

Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

________1. The study of sundials is called gnomonic, the coordinates, latitude and longitude
declination of wall local constant equation of time.

________2. Astronomy requires the use of different tools to disperse data from different
celestial bodies.

________3. Armillary sphere, early astronomical device for representing the

great circles of the heavens, including in the most elaborate
instruments the horizon, meridian, Equator, tropics, polar circles,
and an ecliptic hoop.

________4. Others find a visit to Chichen Itza a highlight and an 'experience' to be

remembered for their lifetime.

________5. Detractors say its just a pile of stones in a barren field in the middle of nowhere
and nothing special
Tools Used in Astronomy

Astronomy requires the use of different tools to gather data from different celestial bodies.
The earliest people studied the stars with just their naked eyes. Our eyes detect light, and the
light forms images on our retinas, the center part of our eyes. Today we can study the universe
with everything from binoculars to super strong telescopes.

The Ancient Tools

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England,

2 miles (3 km) west of Amesbury and 8 miles (13 km) north of Salisbury.
Stonehenge's ring of standing stones are set within earthworks in the
middle of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age
monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds.
Detractors say its just a pile of stones in a barren field in the middle of
nowhere and nothing special. Others find a visit to Stonehenge a
highlight and an 'experience' to be remembered for their lifetime.
There is no doubting that a significant number of people approach
Stonehenge, stop, shrug their shoulders and move on wondering what
all the fuss is about.

A sundial is an instrument for measuring

time based on the detection of the position of the
Sun. Has very ancient origins and in its most
general sense indicates sundials present on the walls
of buildings. Is made up of a stylus, called the
gnomon, it is the rod that casts its shadow on the
plate (or dial) of the watch allows timekeeping. In
dial hour lines are drawn corresponding to the

A sundial can be tailored to a particular latitude bending the gnomon so that it is parallel to the
axis of rotation of the earth, so that it points toward the north pole in the northern hemisphere
and towards the south pole in the southern hemisphere.The study of sundials is called gnomonic,the
coordinates, latitude and longitude declination of wall local constant equation of time.The accuracy of
this information that will determine the accuracy of sundial.
Armillary sphere, early astronomical device for representing the
great circles of the heavens, including in the most elaborate
instruments the horizon, meridian, Equator, tropics, polar circles,
and an ecliptic hoop. The sphere is a skeleton celestial globe, with
circles divided into degrees for angular measurement. In the
17th and 18th centuries such models—either suspended, rested on
a stand, or affixed to a handle—were used to show the difference
between the Ptolemaic theory of a central Earth and the Copernican
theory of a central Sun.

Chichen Itza was settled sometime between 415 AD and

455 AD. Its strangely shaped observatory is something of
an oddity. While most astronomical instruments were
attuned to the movement of the stars or the worship of the
Sun, El Caracol (“the snail”) was focused on the
movements of Venus.The planet’s pattern of appearance
and disappearance caused problems for astronomers for a
long time. For the Maya, Venus was sacred. Everything,
from festivals to sacrifices, was scheduled around the
movement of the planet. Wars were even planned to start
at the same time that Venus rose in the sky.
The planet was a sign of good fortune, with coronations held as Venus made its appearance.
Even games were scheduled according to Venus.El Caracol was built in part as a temple to the
god Quetzalcoatl and in part to track the movements of the mysterious planet Venus. Platforms
and windows were constructed in positions specific to the movement of Venus, thought to tie
into the worship of Quetzalcoatl and the changing of the seasons. Even the massive staircase that
leads to the observatory was built with Venus in mind, as the staircase traces the planet’s
northernmost position.Written records from Spanish missionaries told of the importance of
Venus and the Sun. But as many of those records have long been lost, researchers are still trying
to determine the significance of El Caracol and many similar towers that have been found
throughout the Mayan territories

 The stones at Stonehenge were placed before the invention of the wheel. There are
a number theories connected with how the stones were actually moved. One
thought is that they moved the giant stones during the winter months when they
could drag them across the snow.
 The purpose of Stonehenge’s existence is another hotly debated issue as records
are so sparse from the time of its construction. It may have been used as a
memorial to commemorate leaders of the nearby tribes; a site of miracle healing; a

Tools used in astronomy as of now:

1. Optical Telescope - is a telescope that gathers and
focuses light, mainly from the visible part of the
electromagnetic spectrum, to create a magnified image for
direct view, or to make a photograph, or to collect data
through electronic image sensors. Invented by Hans
Lippershey, Zacharias Janssen and Jacob Metius

2. Spectroscope - in a spectroscope, a beam of light

passes through a prism or a diffraction grating. A
diffraction grating is an aluminized glass plate about 2
centimeters wide containing thousands of fine, closely
spaced parallel grooves. A beam of white light passing
through the grooved surface of the plate spreads into a
spectrum of colors. A spectroscope attached to a
telescope records this spectrum. Invented by German
chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen and the German physicist
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff

3. Keck Telescope - is the world's largest optical telescope in

Hawaii. It doesn't have just one big mirror; it has 36 little mirrors
that fit together like bathroom tile. With the help of a computer,
these little mirrors work together like one big 10 meter mirror
invented by William Myron Keck.

4. Hubble Space Telescope - Hubble is more than a scientific tool,

it's a cultural icon! Since its launch in 1990, Hubble's mind-blowing
images have changed our understanding of our universe, but also
changed where we see glimpses of our universe in everyday life.
Invented by Edwin Powell Hubble.

5. Space probe - is a spacecraft that travels through space to collect

science information. Probes do not have
astronauts. Probes send data back to Earth for
scientists to study. The first space probe, Sputnik 1,
was invented in 1957 by a large team of engineers,
scientists and designers employed by the Soviet
Union and headed by rocket pioneer Sergei
Korolev. A space probe is any unmanned, automated instrument sent into space to observe
phenomena and collect scientific data.

6. Space shuttle - did many things. It could carry up to seven

astronauts at a time. The space shuttle was like a moving van.
It took satellites to space so they could orbit Earth. The shuttle
carried large parts into space to build the International Space
Station. The space shuttle was also like a science lab.
Astronauts did experiments there. Doing experiments in space
is different than doing them on Earth. This is invented by

7. The International Space Station - is a large spacecraft. It

orbits around Earth. It is a home where astronauts live.
The space station is also a science lab. Many countries
worked together to build it. They also work together to
use it. The space station is made of many pieces. The
pieces were put together in space by astronauts. The
space station's orbit is about 220 miles above Earth.
NASA uses the station to learn about living and working
in space. These lessons will help NASA explore space.

Activity 3.1. Arrange it!

Direction: Arrange properly the letters that is scrambled to come up a word.

1. R O A S T E B A L

2. P A S C E T H U T S L E

3. L W L A I M I R Y M N O C K E C K

4. E S T E C S O P O P R C

5. O A H E N P M E N
Post Test

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a tool that optical instrument used to view heavenly bodies such moon, stars, planets
and distant objects.

A. Juno Spacecraft

B. Optical Telescope

C. Astronomical Telescope

D. Keck Telescope

2. Who invented the Hubble Space Telescope?

A. Edwin Powell Hubble

B. Edwin Power Hubble

C. Erwin Powell Hubble

D. Erwin Powelles Hubble



Espina, A., Exploring Science and Technology 1. DIWA SCHOLASTIC PRESS INC., 2008



Pre Test:

1. C

2. A

Activity 3

1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T

Activity 3.1. Arrange it!

1. Astrolabe

2. Space Shuttle

3. William Myron Keck

4. Spectroscope

5. Phenomena

Post Test:

1. C

2. A

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