History of Web System

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History of web system

In 1945 Vannevar
Bush indicated the idea of hypertext, he described a
hypothetical machine called the Memex; a hypertext-like device
capable of allowing its users to explore through a large set of
documents stored on microfilm and Ted Nelson's Project Xanadu
(1960s), which aimed to create a global hypertext system.
In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee created the first web browser and web
server, making the World Wide Web accessible to others. He also
introduced the concepts of URLs, HTTP, and HTML.
In 1992, The world's first website was created, providing an
information entry about the World Wide Web project itself. It was a
basic HTML page. Mosaic (1993) was the first graphical web browser
and Netscape Navigator (1994). In Mid-1990 the introduction of CSS
and JavaScript led to more interactive web content. Early 2000 The
web became more interactive and user-generated, with the
development of social media platforms. Today Smartphones led to the
development of mobile websites and designs. Web services and APIs
enabled data sharing and system communication.

What is PHP??
PHP – Hypertext Preprocessor
-It is a scripting language that is especially suited for web
development and can be embedded into HTML.

What is JavaScript??
JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that enables you to
implement complex features on web pages.
Evolution of database system
The chronological order of the development of DBMS is as follows.
1. Flat Files (1970s-1990s)
2. Hierarchical (1970s-1990s)
3. Network (1970s- 1990s)
4. Relational (1980s-present)
5. Object-Oriented (1990s- present)
6. Object-Relational (1990s-present)
7. Web-enabled (1990s-present)

1.Flat Files (1970s-1990s): Flat files database is a database that

stores information in a single file or table. In a text file, every line
contains one record where fields either have fixed length or are
separated by commas, whitespaces, tabs, or any records and they
cannot contain multiple tables as well.

2. Hierarchical (1970s-1990s): a hierarchical database contains data

in hierarchically arranged data. More Perceptively parent can have
many children, but one child can only have one parent i. i.e., a one-to-
many relationship. Its hierarchical structure contains levels or
segments that are equivalent to the file system’s record type. All
attributes of a specific record are listed under the entity type.

3. Network database (1970s -1990s): The inventor of the network

model is Charles Bachmann. Unlike a hierarchical database model, a
network database allows multiple parent and child relationships i. e., it
maintains many-to-many relationships. A network database is
basically a graph structure. The network database model was created
to achieve three main objectives: To represent complex data
relationships more effectively. To improve the performance of the
database. To improve a database standard.
4. Relational database (1980s-present): The relationship database
model was proposed by E. F. Codd. After the hierarchical and network
model the birth of this model was a huge step ahead. It allows the
entities to be related through a common attribute. In the table, there
are alternative keys. This property makes this model extremely
5. Object–oriented database (1990s -present): Object-Oriented
database management system is a database system in which the data or
information is presented in the form of objects, much like in object-
oriented programming language. Furthermore, object-oriented DBMS
also facilitates the user by offering transportation support, language
for various queries, and indexing options. Also, these database
systems could handle data efficiently over multiple servers. Unlike
relationship database, object-oriented database works in the
framework of real programming languages like JAVA or C++.

6. Object-relationship database (1990s-present): Defined in simple

teams, an object relationship database management system displays a
modified object-oriented user- display over the already implemented
relationship database management system. When various software
interacts with this modified- database management system, they will
customarily operate in a manner such that data is assumed to be saved
as objects. The basic work of this database management system is to
translate the useful data into organized tables distributed in rows and
columns, and from then onwards, it manages data the same way done
in s relational database system. Similarly, when the data is to be
accessed by the user, it is again translated from processed to complex

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