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As you see there was duplicate rows on the table which had to be removed.

On the table there is error rows which had to be removed.

Some of the prices had negative numbers which had to be fixed back to positive numbers and it is
what I did.
As you see there is additional symbols in product names which must’ve been removed
As you see there is wrong text usage on the product names which had to be fixed.
As you see this table now doesn’t have any errors such as duplicate rows, symbols on product name,
incorrect text case usage on product names, negative numbers, error rows. This table now looks
more like a report now because I got rid off all the reports.
How to Import

First you have to open your application called Access after you have to create new table. On the
top you will see interface, you should click on External Data after you will see New data sources,
click on it. Rest of it is shown on screenshot.

After you will see this section and in here you must browse and choose file you want to import. You
must tick what I highlighted on screenshot and click ok.
Before importing table to the Access, I get rid of the all the errors on table as you seen it above.
Table report had lost of errors such as duplicate rows, symbols on product name, incorrect text
case usage on product names, negative numbers, error rows. Table was very inaccurate and had to
be fixed before importing because table was showing inaccurate numbers, inaccurate product
names, additional rows so basically its report was unacceptable to use. If I imported table with
errors, then Access would consider it as a failure. Failure is defined as a wrongly transformed data
form or an imported value. Faulty data forms are an issue, Access will not recognise. Import
errors, Access can’t import, are logged in a special table during the import. Having errors can cause
inaccurate report which is really a problem if you are working with numbers because if it is sales
report for the company then because of your faulty report whole company will get damage. These
are reasons why I fixed all the errors on excel sheet to get accurate report. To increase reliability
and accuracy first you must remove visible errors you will notice, and you could also ask you
colleague to double check for visible errors. If you want to dive into this deeper then to increase
reliability and accuracy you will have to improve data collection which means, data you are using
must be accurate and reliable. Data must be organized better within the organisation so you will
get even more accurate reports.

On demand report
KPI report

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