SCH 18me71

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BS SEHTRHE « (OT = Seventh Semester B.F. Degree Examination, Feb./Mar. 2022 Control Engineering ‘Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from eack module. Module-1 1a. Explain closed loop system with an example. (06 Marks) ‘What are the ideal requirements of a control system? Explain them briefly. (06 Marks) ¢. Explain proportional plus integral plus derivative control action with the characteristics. (08 Marks) OR 2 a. Draw the equivalent mechanical system of the given system shown in Fig.Q2(a). Hence the set of equilibrium equations for it and obtain electrical analogous circuits using ()F-V analogy (ii) F-I analogy. % & Te Cs tr ig.Q2(a) (12 Marks) b. A thermometer is dipped in a vessel containing liquid at a constant temperature of Ot). The ¢ & i 3 i 5 ; e i ; g : 1 your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal ros ines on the remaining blank 3 thermometer has a thermal capacitance for storing heat as °C’ and thermal resistance to limit i heat flow as R. If the temperature indicated by the thermometer is. @(). Obtain the transfer 3 function of the system. (68 Marks) 2 Module-2 t 3° a. Obtain an expression for response of first order system for unit step input. (06 Marks) ¢ Explain different types of input signals. (06 Marks) 4 ¢. Obtain an expression for response of first order system for parabolic input (08 Marks) 8 OR SS 4 Derive the expression of steady state error for a simple closed Joop system and state the g factors on which it depends, (10 Marks) ee b. A second order system has natural frequency «, — 5 rad/sec and damping ratio is 0.6. 3 = Calculate (i) Delay time (ii) Rise time (iii) Peak time (iv) Maximum overshoot, (10 Marks) Module-3 5 a, Reduce the given block diagram shown in Fig.QS(a) and obtain the transfer function C(sWR(s). = Fig.Qs(a) (10 Marks) Important Note 1of2 10 18ME71 Find the overall transfer function by using Mason's gein formula for the signal flow graph shown in the Fig.05(b. Fig.Q5(b) (10 Marks) OR Draw the corresponding signal flow graph of a given block diagram in Fig.Q6(a) and obtain transfer function by using Mason's gain formula. a6) Fig.Q6(a) (10 Marks) @y , gd’y | yay A system is governed by the differential equation {F+6005 +11 +10y =8u(t) where y is the output and u is the input of the system. Obtain a state space representation ofthe system. (10 Marks) le The characteristic equation of system is given by sf + 35° + 4s! + 65° + Se°+ 38 +2=0 Determine the stability using RH criteria. (08 Marks) By applying Routh criterion, discuss the stability of the closed loop system as a function of K(s+l) K forthe following open loop transfer function G(s)H(s) G+) aa Marks) asia IHC) = iys? +48 +16) OR Sketch the rough nature of root locus ofa given transfer function K(s+1) G(S)H) ne (20 Marks) (5+ 2X8" +28 +5) Module-5 Sketch the polar plot of given transfer funetion 1 G(S)H(S) = (06 Marks) DH(S) = S014 55) 108) “ » ‘The transfer function G(s)H(6) iw (s+ 6+2) Sketch the rough nature of Nyquist plot and comment on stability (14 Marks) OR Draw the Bode plot for the transfer function Gi) 3014029) 7+ 0.05s\1 + 0.018) From Bode plot determine (Phase crossover frequency ii) Gain crossover frequency Gi) Gain margin (iv) Phase margin (20 Marks) #920f2"* Re: Sir, regarding Modification of Scheme and solution -Dr M S Govinde Gowda February 21, 2022 11:34 AM ‘To: boe@vtu-ac in Dear Sir, PFA for the corrected solution and scheme of 18ME7/1-Control Engg for your final approval Further to mention on the scheme and solution given by the paper setter, later on its corrected fully 1, For some questions, the scheme was nat appropriate and hence the scheme is revised for detailed spli-up as shown in the soft sony. 2. Solution given for @..6(c) was not convincing and hence the detailed solution is given the convenience of evaluators 3. Solution given for .10 (which carries 20 marks) on the 8ode plot was wrong and, hence the correct and detailed solution i given ‘on the graph. The corrected solution is also verified by using MATLab and other simulation software as shown in the attach ment. With regards Dr M.S.Govinde Gowda Chairman, BoE, Mechanical Board, VTU and Dean(Academics) ATME College of Engineering 43th Kilometer, Mysore-Bannur-Bangalore Road MYSORE -570 028, Karnataka State 972940201 / 9008097764 (On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 1:27 PM wrote: Approved Ray—$§$ne luation) raiah Technological ‘iniversity F um 590 014 | OUI 1 Visvesvaraya Technological University Belagavi, Karnataka - 590 018 Scheme & Solutions Signature@f \jizer Subject Title: Contre Engineering Subject Code : /¢ ME 7) Marki Number Solution eared prs / @ Englainuh ory 3 Exaryht 3 TYG) neways, Sensibvity SHebitihy Gomelioildng | ¢ se Speed, esti Makers { Explain Q. Oo} 5) _ y+ PB 4+ GS pis) Us ze chaythi sh ans. E. 4 ex” @ beatin oa z s(n m) HA men ee a 4 Beis: a) de 4k oOo: 6 So 4+ ak i) FAN Greelogs ways Lids 4 Ri, ae A “ di le 7 L Ghee os Roliz-iJ) +e tz fe ain sha L wh PDE Pt — _ Subject Tite: (E = estan Subject Code : (6 MEP ~ | Namber Solution Marks y — . Allocated i) F- 3 Onelegy j(2) =0.M 4 EM Oa) y actly 4 be tgs . oe bh WW) +o Ne +L Suet ce ‘ a LS o | = Ba wid) 4 Q6 re - B= le - ID 1asRC rs R(s)=1/s --1M . —4/ @) ctss)= kef) -¢€ ye fm Derivation= 4M é a) r G)O] sep inn, Rawr * snp, potechals¢ tart C Ke Girwsoicee inna coun enplownete = R(s)=als? -=7 Derivation= 4M. 2-4 i He ty. KAY T tote et et ja | 3 ws@ ) @ EL 3 Ris) 68 12 GIRS) Fas a \) 4uzo.28u See —3M | hy = OSES See —2M ie Jp = O-78S9 See Mp = 0 TUTR fins (D - étue @ tee ti. _ Guha {oum) |) Gn eka a 7 ~—T Uo Ie GigH, +4.hy +4 KC +G2H,) Deph Chepe aedowh £ bm) Subject Tite: CE Sabject Code :\8 E71 Number _—" Solution Marks fe) SEY Allocated ®e re, —fibiabnhe + Se Lie 6h) a 1HEpH, + 64,44 — ) Hi 3 du, (10 Mor -(e34) rs a4. 2 rhe nay Scully, an Bale bx = @| rae age nop fr de sedotatled dérivation andl o> a Co scheme Bal — Fi. GaGsHr ~ Ar AHe Ae" 1eLon a - 6® i) fe! ° ay o} , | wir) 2 el m|~ 3} uld ) § by -w - “6 JL™. g = 02, yzfio elf ¥ Lb “% | efi « £2 7 2p é 30 3 sia wx 2 a2 | sh\_n ku O =fugsei[ 22 lee o gets sijuceo | see Th System is unstoble | a) © px 6( bso \ gha yea 2s + SCR Ke) tR=P 9 | her ogks 23-3) Sydern 5S unviella | 1 | by ORBIT ZR LIS LR A Sohn ts Hohl fer VTE KK yt tt cepa Subject Title : CE Subject Code; 18ME7! ‘Question ‘Number Solution Marks Allocated m@D ( a) ry - Lob) £ 2 9 of (04 agate > & 2 i Bee eh ws ft OF Non th fa Fy -@ Qopet WaIb Pberttlin point = 1607 3} Heb) Subject Title: CE Subject Code: \$ MET\ Phiyokubtley UNShabic ‘Question | Number Solution Marks, | — aa ee Allocated | pragnidnde fh pns( | ® ene #6/dec | < : le= & (1286) ~ | < ware” x | ; | \ nce oe ¥ | See ee \ nN ere | a eee” ee ae pre W9PlAZ yer™ eer He we B go ® : | ww ge 22 Fos] ee ( so 2 lap = O odie 4 | | ‘ < pm ons” ém > -& 8 | & | subs abonlaal Engg Subinde Me —>2M nt . +a ind CS) 4 eh of WW , we. 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A trai Wr Go Sipe ~ todo Heals, Tihak hs bier | | Gs Wore | ak 0 VBE > 6 rede la joo] % i nee levi 9 tee t20d6 [decade $ onyabyy tem | 5 tes —| 2% any ha ae ay Alpe -2odefdreak $ engine rem | per we, 2 5 |__| lo (A alraght Ait 9, He wa0ds [dvade. ant oxiginliy pm | T 4 Marks pees | jie! We3 = loo Totes | | | | | | | | | Hep Phare Ange let" ite -pesallant “Phase onph ia gine bo g- £4 Ci) SLi Lit joo <(4o)" tL. +24 ‘ +l,— = jn) * (140-054) (i+jooor) = C-dana.ean -1ge- dan! 9.068 —+tan? p.colw The Phase angles Jai dyfeunt Values garry oe Given sin dedole = — — Yo Lb. | ato tan’ o.0sh) tan !o.ol~) Gy) i —+——— $$} = — | 4 1 ise | 113° | — 2.86 | —0-57° i r | 5-1 AD | - 14-037 | 2.86 =e. 7 | fo | -lec 634° | 26.56" | ~o-# \- 4g. 8 to j-e’ | 808 | 86S -1e# 129 S| | logy | 180 | 843° —68.2 -26.56' | “140. 4" In whee 84.13" 78.7" Ase) 216 “| = | “Munk th alee “point om te ely Ghat and got Bs Cait Pha argh “Plat - Frem the Magri § PRose aryl Bode. Plat, this oval tat Gann crenome frpiany - Kye = F-4-md/sec 9 he rphas. Masyn - pm = +3154 / Phew Cove rs. Prepay ~ Wp = BF4I ond fue. ‘ oly ats ee Gun ; Mogn "Gms + 21,3ade ip S hase Angle ple CHM: —__— Napiht HOM, phe of om Tal = CO Made | Approved qe (Evaluation) BOE, Mechanical Board, VTU. faraiah Technological ‘nivers" ps 590 014 Be (ito GB st etree els) SEMI - LOG PAPER ( 5 Cycles x 1/10) 1 a raee > a reree 2 fF perth ‘DIDO TONHOAL VAVEVASAASIA IW: +o “1 = rc ° o ar) aw. Code 36 (140.28) 7 DENSOMINATC i mum. Geni. Transfer Fi “on . re ° vies ane so ool s) fase I we i - | ae r \ by pr. MS Jovinde Gowes . Chairman, BOE, Mechanical Bo Board, VU p-10 | num= 7.2000 36.0000 den = 0.0005 0.0600 10000 0 0 gm= 21.3376 dB = GM pm= 31.5989° = PM | wep= 37.4091 rad. = “pe | weg= 7.9003 Yadjs = Ofc wep weg] =nargin(G) tee Daren ‘g, Govinde Gowda Dr. Chairman, rd, VTU- oe, Mechanical BOSS Approved _ fei Both ¢§ p-ll War (Evaluation) G, s2" Technological versity ater

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