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Exercise 1

1) They protect themselves by mimicking stones, which helps them blend into
their surroundings and avoid being noticed by small animals.

2) Living stone plants are naturally found in deserts or areas with sandy soil.
They are adapted to these environments by having a shape and color that
camouflages them with the stones and sandy soil, helping them conserve

3) Home gardeners should plant living stone plants in containers with

sufficient depth to accommodate their long tap root and ensure they are
protected from strong sunlight.

4) Living stone plants grow slowly and use a long tap root to reach deep into
the ground for water, which is unique compared to many other plant species.

5) They are sold worldwide due to their unique appearance and low
maintenance, making them popular among plant enthusiasts and collectors.

6) Living stone plants have a long tap root that allows them to absorb water
deep from the ground, conserving water in arid environments.
Exercise 2
(a) C
(b) A
(c) B
(d) D
(e) C
(f) D
(g) B
(h) C
(i) D

Exercise 3
Easy to Move: Tiny homes can be transported by truck, although fuel costs can
vary depending on the distance traveled.
Reduced Clutter: Living in a small space encourages getting rid of unnecessary
belongings, which appeals to many people.
Increased Media Interest: Recent media attention has contributed to the
growing popularity of tiny homes.
Smaller Carbon Footprint: Tiny homes use less energy and some can be
equipped with solar panels to further reduce their environmental impact.

Building Regulations: Not all regions have building regulations for tiny homes,
which could lead to problems later.
Connecting to Services: Access to essential services like water and power can
be an issue when moving a tiny home to a new location.
Climate Control: Maintaining a comfortable temperature inside a tiny home can
be difficult, especially in extreme climates. Tiny homes may require some sort
of air conditioning equipment, depending on the local climate. As with all types
of building, getting a balance between keeping warm and having enough fresh
air is important. It creates a comfortable space to live in while maintaining a
healthy environment.

Exercise 4
10) B
11) A
12) B
13) B
14) B
15) B

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