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Exercise 1

Read the article about an unusual type of plant called the living stone plant, and then answer the

The Honeybee: A Vital Pollinator Under Threat

Honeybees are a vital part of our ecosystem, playing a critical role in the pollination of crops
and flowering plants. These social insects live in colonies with a single queen bee,
thousands of worker bees, and a smaller number of drones (male bees). Worker bees are
responsible for a variety of tasks within the hive, including foraging for nectar and pollen,
building the honeycomb, tending to the young, and maintaining the hive temperature.

Honeybees produce honey, a delicious and nutritious food source for humans. However,
honey production is just one of the many benefits these insects provide. In fact, over one-
third of the world's food crops rely on insect pollination, and honeybees are one of the most
important pollinators. When a honeybee visits a flower to collect nectar, pollen grains
become attached to its body. As the bee moves from flower to flower, these pollen grains
are transferred, allowing plants to reproduce. Without this crucial service, many fruits,
vegetables, and nuts would experience significant declines in yield.

Unfortunately, honeybee populations have been declining worldwide in recent years. This
phenomenon, known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), is a complex issue with multiple
contributing factors. Some of the suspected causes of CCD include habitat loss, pesticide
use, and the spread of parasites and diseases.

Question 1

What is the main role of honeybees in the ecosystem?

..................................................................................................................................................... [1]

Question 2

What are the three main types of bees in a honeybee

colony? .............................................................................................................................................


........ [3]

Question 3

What do worker bees collect from flowers?


..................................................................................................................................................... [1]

Question 4

What is one benefit humans receive from honeybees, besides

honey? ...............................................................................................................................................

...... [1]

Question 5

What is the name of the phenomenon causing honeybee population decline?

..................................................................................................................................................... [1]

Question 6

List any one possible causes of Colony Collapse Disorder.


..................................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 8]

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