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What is AQI?

The AQI is abbreviated as Air Quality Index. It's a numerical scale meant to show citizens the pollution levels and
health risks associated with them. It produces a single number by compiling data on microscopic particles of PM2.5,
PM10, ozone, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. Overall, the AQI is a continuous scale of that falls around 0 and
500, with small numbers meaning well air quality and large ones showing that the air is of poor quality. It is a tool
that can be used for people´s knowledge of the quality of the air they breathe and encourages them to do something
about pollution of the air.


GRAP in Delhi
GRAP (Graded Response Action Plan) implemented by Delhi is a multi-level process that is executed. It starts with
restrictions on a mild level and as air pollution worsens, the level of restrictions is increased.

Stage I (Poor - AQI 201-300):

• Takes the center stage with enforcement of regulations. This entails practically a thorough job on cars that produce
a lot of pollutants and still run on petrol or diesel.

Stage II (Very Poor - AQI 301-400):

• To target initiatives to the zones that are highly polluted and centralize resources. Strategy involves reinforced
cleaning (including frequent spading and sprinkling with dust suppressants) on all key roads and tighter control
through inspections at construction and demolition sites.

Stage III (Severe - AQI 401-450):

• Introduces significant restrictions. Construction work must stop, brick kiln plants are among those to be greatly
restricted, and perhaps the most important cornerstone is the modification of high-emitting power plants. Through
this odd-even scheme which involves private vehicles being limited according to the plate numbers, the ban can be

Stage IV (Severe+ - AQI >450):

• Triggers emergency measures. Schools and colleges can be closed, only essential working spaces can be allowed to
operate and complete ban on entry of non-essential trucks could be enforced.

GRAP gives different organizations the power in pollution mitigation through targeting different origin points. The
plan constitutes the entire spectrum of air pollution measures that sustainably tighten issuance of the restrictions to
curb air pollution from the health facilities’ standpoint.

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