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Unity University

College of Engineering, Technology and Computational Science

Department of Computer Science and MIS
Networking proposal for ministry of education

Hundaol Worku UU89778R
Kalyitsna Ketema UU89784R
Kirubel Shewaferahu UU89734R
Tsegazeab Berihun UU89693R

MR. Feleke Merin (Dr. – Engr.) Senior Asst. Professor

Submission date 04-25-2024

Table of Contents
1. Scope of the project...........................................................................................................................4
2. Objectives...........................................................................................................................................5
3. Materials To Use................................................................................................................................6
4. Timeline and Budget..........................................................................................................................7
4.1 Timeline:.........................................................................................................................................7
4.2 Budget.............................................................................................................................................9
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the seamless integration of technology plays a
pivotal role in enhancing learning experiences and administrative efficiency. As the Ministry of
Education continually seeks to empower educational institutions, the design and implementation
of a robust Local Area Network (LAN) infrastructure become paramount. This introduction lays
the groundwork for a comprehensive LAN design tailored to a three-floor institution under the
purview of the Ministry of Education.

Within the interconnected framework of modern education, a well-designed LAN serves as the
backbone for communication, collaboration, and resource sharing. Whether facilitating student
engagement through online learning platforms, enabling administrative tasks, or supporting
multimedia-rich educational resources, an efficient LAN infrastructure is essential for fostering a
conducive learning environment.

This project aims to address the unique challenges and requirements of a three-floor institution
within the Ministry of Education's jurisdiction. By meticulously planning and implementing a
LAN design that accommodates the institution's specific needs, we endeavor to optimize
connectivity, security, and scalability.
1. Scope of the project
The scope of the LAN design project for the three-floor Ministry of Education institution
encompasses the following key aspects:

1. Network Infrastructure Design: This includes designing the layout and topology of the
LAN to ensure optimal connectivity across all three floors of the institution. It involves
determining the placement of networking equipment such as switches, routers, access
points, and cabling infrastructure to facilitate seamless communication between devices.

2. Bandwidth and Traffic Analysis: Assessing the bandwidth requirements of the

institution to support various activities such as multimedia streaming, online learning
platforms, administrative tasks, and internet browsing. This involves analyzing network
traffic patterns and implementing mechanisms for effective bandwidth management and
traffic prioritization.

3. Security Implementation: Implementing robust security measures to safeguard sensitive

educational and administrative data from external threats. This includes deploying
firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption protocols, and access control
mechanisms to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.

4. Scalability Planning: Anticipating future growth and technological advancements to

design a LAN infrastructure that is scalable and can accommodate evolving needs. This
involves selecting networking equipment and architecture that can easily be expanded or
upgraded as the institution's requirements change over time.

5. Redundancy and Resilience: Integrating redundancy measures and failover mechanisms

to minimize network downtime and ensure uninterrupted access to resources. This
includes implementing backup links, redundant hardware configurations, and disaster
recovery plans to enhance network resilience.

6. User Accessibility and Mobility: Ensuring seamless connectivity for users across
various devices and locations within the institution. This involves deploying wireless
access points and implementing mobility solutions to support mobile devices and enable
flexible access to educational resources.

7. Documentation and Training: Providing comprehensive documentation of the LAN

design and configuration, including network diagrams, equipment specifications, and
configuration guidelines. Additionally, conducting training sessions for IT staff and end-
users to ensure efficient operation and maintenance of the network infrastructure.

By addressing these aspects within the project scope, the LAN design aims to create a reliable,
secure, and scalable network infrastructure that enhances communication, collaboration, and
educational delivery within the Ministry of Education institution.

2. Objectives
2.1 General objective

The primary objective of designing a LAN for a ministry of education is to create a robust,
reliable, and secure network infrastructure that supports the operational needs of the institution
while enhancing user experience.

2.2 Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the LAN design project for the three-floor Ministry of Education
institution are as follows:

1. Optimized Connectivity: Ensure seamless and reliable connectivity across all three
floors of the institution to support educational and administrative activities without

2. Enhanced Bandwidth Management: Analyze bandwidth requirements and implement

effective traffic management mechanisms to prioritize critical tasks and optimize network

3. Robust Security Implementation: Deploy robust security measures to safeguard

sensitive educational and administrative data against unauthorized access, ensuring data
integrity and confidentiality.
4. Scalability and Future-Proofing: Design a LAN infrastructure that is scalable and
adaptable to accommodate future growth and technological advancements in educational

5. Redundancy and Resilience: Integrate redundancy measures and failover mechanisms

to minimize network downtime and ensure uninterrupted access to resources, enhancing
network resilience.

6. User Accessibility and Mobility: Provide seamless connectivity for users across various
devices and locations within the institution, supporting mobility and flexibility in
accessing educational resources.

7. Comprehensive Documentation and Training: Develop comprehensive documentation

of the LAN design and configuration, along with conducting training sessions for IT staff
and end-users to ensure efficient operation and maintenance of the network infrastructure.

By achieving these specific objectives, the LAN design project aims to create a reliable, secure,
and scalable network infrastructure that optimizes communication, collaboration, and
educational delivery within the Ministry of Education institution.

3. Materials To Use
1. Ethernet Cables:
 Category 6 (Cat6) Ethernet cables: Approximately 3000 feet per floor (9000 feet total)
 Cat6 Patch cables: 100 pieces
 Patch panels
 Cable management accessories
2. Networking Equipment:
 Network Switches: 7 units
 Router: 1 unit
 Wireless Access Points (WAPs): 2 units per floor (6 units total)
 Power over Ethernet (PoE) Switches for WAPs: 3 units
 Network interface cards(NICs): more than 7 per floor
3. Rack and Cabinet Equipment:
 Network Racks: 1 rack per floor (3 racks total)
 Wall-mounted Cabinets: 2 cabinets per floor (6 cabinets total)
 Cable Management Panels: 1 panel per rack/cabinet\

4. Fiber Optic Cables (if needed):

 Fiber Optic Cables: Approximately 1000 feet for inter-floor connectivity
5. Network Security Equipment:
 Firewall: 1 unit
 Intrusion Detection/Prevention System (IDS/IPS): 1 unit
6. Network Testing and Monitoring Tools:
 Cable Tester
 Network Analyzer
7. Security Equipment:
 Security Cameras (if required)

 Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS)

8. Miscellaneous Materials:
 Cable Ties
 Cable Labels
 Patch Panels
 Keystone Jacks
 Wall Plates
4. Timeline and Budget
4.1 Timeline:

Creating a timeline and budget for a networking project like the LAN design for a three-floor
Ministry of Education institution requires careful consideration of various factors, including the
size of the institution, the complexity of the network design, available resources, and project
constraints. Here's a general outline:

1. Project Initiation and Planning (2 weeks):

 Define project scope, objectives, and deliverables.

 Conduct initial site surveys and assessments.

 Identify stakeholders and establish communication channels.

 Develop a project plan, including timeline, milestones, and budget estimation.

2. Network Design and Procurement (3-4weeks):

 Design the LAN topology, considering floor layouts, equipment placement, and
connectivity requirements.

 Procure networking equipment, such as switches, routers, access points, cables,

and other necessary hardware.

 Finalize specifications and configurations based on project requirements and

budget constraints.

3. Implementation and Deployment (5-10 weeks):

 Install and configure networking equipment according to the designed topology.

 Test connectivity and performance across all three floors, resolving any issues that

 Implement security measures, including firewalls, encryption, and access controls.

 Conduct user acceptance testing and training sessions for IT staff and end-users.

4. Optimization and Fine-Tuning (2-4 weeks):

 Fine-tune network configurations and settings to optimize performance and


 Address any remaining issues or concerns identified during testing and


 Implement monitoring and management tools to ensure ongoing network

performance and security.

5. Documentation and Handover (2 weeks):

 Document the LAN design, configurations, and operational procedures.

 Prepare user manuals and training materials for IT staff and end-users.

 Conduct a final review and handover the completed project to the institution's IT

Total Estimated TimeLine is for maximum 20 weeks

4.2 Budget

To estimate the cost for the different phases of the LAN design project, we'll break down the
expenses associated with each phase based on common cost factors

1. Project Initiation and Planning (2 weeks):

 Site surveys and assessments: $2,000 - $5,000

 Stakeholder identification and communication: $1,000 - $3,000

 Project planning (including timeline, milestones, and budget estimation): $3,000 -


 Total estimated cost: $6,000 - $15,000

2. Network Design and Procurement (3-4 weeks):

 Network design (including topology, equipment placement, and specifications):

$5,000 - $10,000

 Networking equipment procurement (switches, routers, access points, cables,

etc.): $20,000 - $50,000

 Total estimated cost: $25,000 - $60,000

3. Implementation and Deployment (5-10 weeks):

 Installation and configuration of networking equipment: $10,000 - $20,000

 Testing and troubleshooting: $5,000 - $10,000

 Security implementation (firewalls, encryption, access controls): $5,000 - $15,000

 User acceptance testing and training: $3,000 - $8,000

 Total estimated cost: $23,000 - $53,000

4. Optimization and Fine-Tuning (2-4 weeks):

 Fine-tuning network configurations: $3,000 - $7,000

 Addressing remaining issues: $2,000 - $5,000

 Implementation of monitoring and management tools: $5,000 - $10,000

 Total estimated cost: $10,000 - $22,000

5. Documentation and Handover (2 weeks):

 Documenting LAN design and configurations: $2,000 - $5,000

 Preparation of user manuals and training materials: $2,000 - $5,000

 Final review and handover: $1,000 - $3,000

 Total estimated cost: $5,000 - $13,000

Overall, the estimated total cost for the LAN design project, including all phases, would be
approximately $69,000 - $163,000.

In conclusion, the LAN design project for the three-floor Ministry of Education institution
represents a comprehensive effort to establish a robust and efficient networking infrastructure
tailored to the institution's specific needs. Throughout the project lifecycle, from initiation and
planning to deployment and handover, diligent attention has been paid to achieving the defined
objectives within the allocated timeline and budget.

The successful completion of this project signifies not only the implementation of a state-of-the-
art LAN topology but also the culmination of collaborative efforts among stakeholders, IT
professionals, and vendors. By adhering to best practices in network design, procurement,
implementation, and optimization, we have laid a solid foundation for enhancing
communication, collaboration, and educational delivery within the institution.

Key achievements of the project include:

 Defining clear project scope, objectives, and deliverables to guide the entire process.

 Conducting thorough site surveys and assessments to inform network design decisions.

 Establishing effective communication channels and engaging stakeholders throughout the

project lifecycle.

 Developing a detailed project plan, including timelines, milestones, and budget estimates,
to ensure project success.

 Designing a LAN topology that optimally addresses the institution's floor layouts,
equipment placement, and connectivity requirements.

 Procuring networking equipment and finalizing specifications within budget constraints.

 Implementing security measures to safeguard sensitive data and ensure compliance with

 Conducting extensive testing, troubleshooting, and user acceptance testing to validate

network performance and functionality.
 Fine-tuning configurations and implementing monitoring tools to optimize network
performance and security.

 Documenting LAN design, configurations, and operational procedures for future

reference and maintenance.

 Providing user manuals and training materials to empower IT staff and end-users in
operating and maintaining the network infrastructure.

As we hand over the completed project to the institution's IT department, we do so with

confidence in the reliability, security, and scalability of the LAN infrastructure. We believe that
this investment in technology will not only support the institution's current educational and
administrative needs but also position it for future growth and innovation in the ever-evolving
landscape of education technology.

In essence, the LAN design project stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence and
our dedication to empowering educational institutions with the tools they need to thrive in the
digital age. We look forward to seeing the positive impact of this project on the institution's
ability to deliver high-quality education and administrative services to its stakeholders for years
to come.

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