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We will try to do something similar all days. To start each day, at the morning we will have to

get up at 8:00 a.m., then at kitchen the breakfast have been made by ourselves with the

ingredients that each one wants! Its so important for the rest of the day.

To continue we will go to our vegetable garden, if you dont know… the most of food that we

eat here are farmed by our own hands. ADVICE: Dont forget to take a piece of fruit for noon!

There we can eat and talk between us for a half of an hour.

Before having lunch for learning about how we have to prepare our ideal lunch every day the

cookers teach us some tips that we have to have in account at time that we cook.

For instance we can see the difference between one or other type of oil, this topic causes a lot

of confusión.

In the afternoons we do some exercises, dont worry you will can do all at home, in other

words, you wont have any pretect for not doing it. Apart from this obviously we have some

free time before dinner, you will can do all that you want BUT not to stay sit or lazy.

To end our journey we have a little dinner and go to bed at 22:00 p.m.

We consider that this types of courses are good for people that for many reasons dont know

about healthy life and how do it.

Finally you can get more information about it telling us on 999 999 999 and asking for Antonio.

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