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Future Foods 7 (2023) 100240

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Valorisation of industrial food waste into sustainable aquaculture feeds

Kaarunya Sampathkumar a,1, Hong Yu a,1, Say Chye Joachim Loo a,b,c,∗
School of Material Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, 639798 Singapore
Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE), Nanyang Technological University, 60 Nanyang Drive, 67551 Singapore
Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, 11 Mandalay Road, 308232 Singapore

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: The increasing global population has put enormous stresses on food security. Aquaculture is a major source of
Food waste food fish and is considered one of the key pillars of our global food supply. The increasing aquaculture production
Agriculture has led to a surge in demand for fishmeal and fish oil – key ingredients of fish feeds obtained from finite marine
resources. Decreasing the dependence on marine resources could improve the sustainability of farmed fishes. One
Insect meal
strategy is to replace fishmeal with alternative proteins. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview
Fishmeal of how industrial food wastes can be valorised into a sustainable protein source as a replacement for fishmeal.
The direct substitution of fishmeal with food wastes and the challenges associated with it will first be discussed.
Next, a section will be devoted to repurposing of industrial food waste as insect feeds for the bioconversion of
waste into high value protein source. A special mention on the use of encapsulated micronutrients and probiotics
for functionalised feeds will also be reviewed. The review concludes by summarizing the existing regulations
on the use of waste in aquaculture, its public perception, and future perspectives in converting food waste into
aquaculture feed for a sustainable circular economy.

1. Introduction depends heavily on the protein source (Alfiko et al., 2022). The chal-
lenge in aquaculture is therefore to seek cost-effective alternative pro-
The global population has been steadily increasing and the demand tein for aquafeeds from other sustainable sources. Some possible alterna-
for food is higher than what could be met by conventional farming meth- tive protein sources have previously been reviewed (Kaushik and Hemre
ods. In fact, global food demand is expected to increase between 35% to 2008; Gasco et al., 2018; Hua et al., 2019).
56% by 2050 (van Dijk et al. 2021). Hence, the current focus is to sta- There have been increasing interests in recycling wastes gener-
bilize food production and improve food security via sustainable ways, ated from food processing, as a substitute for fishmeal in aquaculture
so as to prolong existing resources for future generations. (Ma et al., 2019; Nasr et al., 2021). Industrial food waste, in the con-
Food fish is considered to be one of the highest sources of protein text of this paper, refers to waste derived from the processing of plant-
in our diet, and global production of fish has quadrupled over the past based materials to obtain an edible product for human consumption.
50 years (Hannah et al., 2021). In terms of fish consumption, it has Some examples include, soybean meal, sunflower oil meal, canola oil
risen from 9.0 kg per capita in 1961 to 20.3 kg per capita in 2017. This meal, brewer’s spent grain etc. Each day a colossal amount of protein-
constitutes about 20% of the global average animal protein intake per rich material generated from the food processing industry is discarded
capita (Junning 2021). Overfishing has unfortunately reduced our sup- as wastes, eventually occupying landfills or are incinerated (Li et al.,
ply from the sea, which also impacts the marine food chain (FAO 2022). 2013b). For instance in 2019, 14 million tonnes of soybean processing
With an increasing demand for food fish, along with a depleting supply waste were generated globally (Privatti and Rodrigues 2021), giving
of marine-harvested fish, food fish industries are now shifting their focus an indication of the magnitude, industrial food waste can impact the
on aquaculture production, with 82.1 million tonnes of aquatic animals economy. Incineration is one of the widely used methods for managing
produced in 2018 (FAO 2021). Even with farmed fish, fish feed is the ma- non-recyclable waste, especially in land scarce countries. This can fur-
jor determinant of its production capacity and quality (Verdegem et al., ther implicate the environment through the generation of greenhouse
2021). With the protein content ranging anywhere between 25 and gasses. utilizing food-derived protein-rich waste for aquaculture feeds
50% depending on the type of fish, the cost of aquaculture production is thus a sensible solution to recycle the waste via a circular economy.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.C.J. Loo).
Equal contribution and first authorship.
Received 5 April 2023; Received in revised form 29 May 2023; Accepted 2 June 2023
2666-8335/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
K. Sampathkumar, H. Yu and S.C.J. Loo Future Foods 7 (2023) 100240

Insect farming which involves feeding insects with waste, is another palm kernel meal, etc. These oilseed cakes or meals have shown a po-
strategy that is gathering interest of late. Insect bioconversion mitigates tency as animal feeds considering their nutritional values post process-
the disadvantages of feeding food waste directly to fishes and improves ing, specifically a high protein content (FátimaArrutia et al., 2020).
the nutritional profile of feeds (Sánchez et al., 2021; Rumpold and
Schlüter 2013). Aside from the nutritional value of insect meals, another
merit is its environmental friendliness (van Huis and Oonincx 2017).
2.1.1. Sunflower meal
Unlike other livestock, cultivation of insects usually does not require
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) meal (SFM), which is a by-product
large spaces. Insects could be raised at a higher density in constrained
from sunflower oil extraction, with an estimated 21.85 million tons pro-
spaces that generates less greenhouse gasses. Furthermore, insects re-
duced globally in 2019 (Heuzé et al., 2019). Such massive waste pro-
quire much less food and water and are highly reproductive compared
duction has led to extensive studies in utilizing it as a fishmeal replace-
to livestock (Sánchez-Muros et al., 2014; Rumpold and Schlüter 2013;
ment. SFM could be an ideal plant-based protein given its high pro-
Salomone et al., 2017). Most importantly, insects are omnivorous and
tein levels – 27.8% to 37.4% of crude protein (Table 1) (Hassaan et al.,
they could feed on a wide-range of diets including industrial food wastes
2018). Furthermore, SFM is free of trypsin inhibitors and abundant in
(Rumpold and Schlüter 2013), thus being a sustainable approach.
vitamins compared to other plant-based proteins (Heuzé et al., 2019;
This review therefore aims to provide an overview of how food
Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual 2000). Partial fishmeal replacement stud-
wastes can be valorised into protein meal in aquaculture feeds with
ies with high protein SFM (at just 12.5%) showed that Arctic charr at
the goal of replacing unsustainable fishmeal proteins. The first part of
the grow-out stage had similar final weight gain compared to conven-
the review explores the different sources of alternative protein gener-
tional fish feed. There was also no indication of gastrointestinal inflam-
ated as waste from the food processing industry, that can potentially be
mation (Smith et al., 2018a). Elesho et al. investigated digestibility of
exploited for aquaculture feeds. Detailed discussions on the challenges
fish feeds with different protein sources on African catfish. Inclusion
involved and the various strategies to overcome them are included.
of SFM (30%) could meet growth requirement for methionine – an es-
A dedicated section on the upcycling of plant proteins into fish feed
sential amino acid (Elesho et al., 2021). In combination with soybean
through insects will be discussed subsequently. A special mention on
meal, SFM was used as a fishmeal substitute on Clarias gariepinus. No
the use of encapsulation systems to incorporate functional ingredients
significant difference was observed in aspects of weight gain and crude
such as probiotics or amino acids for better performance of the feeds, is
protein level in fish after feeding trials compared to fishmeal based con-
also included. The paper concludes by providing a future perspective of
trols, and complete replacement with a combined plant-based protein
transitioning from fishmeal to other alternative proteins, along with the
diet exhibited improved feed conversion ratio (FCR) (Nasr et al., 2021).
changing policies and public perception of fish developed through waste
valorisation. This will provide an outlook on the future of industrial food
waste-based feed, in meeting to an increasing global food demand.
2.1.2. Sesame oil meal
Like SFM, sesame oil meal (SOM) is also a high nutritional value
2. Pristine food waste as protein substituent in fish feed (Direct
industrial food waste. Besides consuming it as food, sesame (Sesamum
indicum) is usually cultivated for its oil. The solid residue part obtained
after the mechanical extraction of oil from seeds is SOM or sesame
Wastes generated from food industry ranges from conventional by-
oil cake. Sesame is cultivated world-wide, predominantly distributed
products of crops, processing waste from food industry, both plant
in Asia and Africa, with production as high as 4 million tons in year
and animal based, to industrial processing by-products of marine al-
2012 (Olude et al., 2016; Nang Thu et al., 2011). The global production
gae/macroalgae. Macroalgae or seaweed, is a protein rich product, with
amount was further increased to 5.5 million tons in year 2014, while
nearly 36 million tons (wet weight) produced globally in the year 2019
65% of harvested sesame seed was sent for sesame oil production, leav-
(Junning 2021). Of this, 90% was used for direct human consump-
ing a tremendous amount of SOM generated as waste (Heuzé; et al. 2021;
tion (Wei et al., 2013) and the rest 10% was used for carbohydrates
El-Beltagi et al., 2022). SOM is reported to have 420 g/kg, or a range
extraction by cosmetic or pharmaceutical industries (Bulota and Bud-
between 23% – 46% protein with high protein quality (Table 1) and low
tova 2016; Pardilho et al., 2022). Considering the comparatively small
crude fiber content (Nang Thu et al., 2011, Omer et al., 2019).
amount of processing waste being generated, macroalgae by-product
Direct addition of SOM into fish feeds as fishmeal alternative have
will not be discussed herein. As for animal processing by-products, they
been investigated. Das et al. attempted to fabricate floating fish feeds out
are produced from the processing of livestock, fishes, or poultries in
of SOM and compared these to commercial floating feeds. SOM based
food industries. During the processing, a substantial amount of animal
floating feeds exhibited similar weight gain and feed intake (FI) value
parts would be discarded as wastes (Martínez-Alvarez et al., 2015). It
for Labeo rohita. Furthermore, FCR was also improved when employing
has been reported that around 24 million tons of animal processing
SOM based floatable feed (Swain et al., 2021). One benefit brought by
by-products are generated every year from food industries (Martínez-
SOM is its palatability to fish. In a study of using SOM as fishmeal al-
Alvarez et al., 2015). As an animal-based protein source, animal process-
ternative in rainbow trout, SOM based feeds led to a higher growth rate
ing by-products could be included into animal feeds in both raw and hy-
for fish fry. This was attributed to a significantly improved voluntary in-
drolyzed forms, with less concerns of bringing adverse effects on growth.
take of these feeds (Nang Thu et al., 2011). The study also pointed out
Compared to plant-based industrial food wastes, animal processing by-
that SOM could replace 50% fishmeal in fish feeds for carnivorous fish
products are more complete in nutritional values, and are already being
without compromising the growth performance of fry (Nang Thu et al.,
used in aquafeeds (Zou et al., 2021; Bethi et al., 2021). Therefore, plant-
2011). The study by Guo et al. revealed that SOM incorporated diet for
based protein sources from industrial food wastes would be the focus
tilapia at juvenile state would not adversely affect survival rate, FCR,
of the review. The sources of industrial food wastes that are suitable
fish body dry matter, crude protein content, etc. There was also no liver
for fishmeal replacement can be segregated into two categories: oilseed
composition differences between SOM fed fish and control group indi-
cakes/meals and by-products from industrial food processing.
cating that inclusion of SOM into fish diets would not adversely affect
their growth (Guo et al., 2011). In a feeding trial (40% SOM) on Labeo
2.1. Oilseed cakes/meals rohita, no obvious difference in nutrient (i.e., protein, lipid) digestibil-
ity of fingerlings was observed (Roy et al., 2013). These studies indicate
Oilseed cakes or oilseed meals are solid residues from edible oil pro- SOM to be a promising plant-based protein source for fishmeal substi-
duction, such as sunflower meal, rapeseed meal, sesame oil meal or cake, tution.

K. Sampathkumar, H. Yu and S.C.J. Loo
Table 1
Protein content of different industrial food wastes and possible adverse effects on aquaculture.

Industrial Protein content Fish species Optimal replacement Optimal FCR / FE Challenges Adverse effects towards fish (higher than References
food (%) (%) optimal inclusion level)

SFM 27.8% - 37.4% Arctic charr 12.5% 0.98 (FE, gain/feed) ANFs (fiber and phenolic Lower digestibility (Smith et al., 2018b; Elesho et al., 2021;
African catfish 30% - compounds) Higher FCR Nasr et al., 2021; Heuzé et al., 2019;
Clarias gariepinus 100% (combination 1.90 (FCR) sulfur amino acids Lower SGR Hassaan et al., 2018; Hertrampf and
with SBM) deficiency Piedad-Pascual 2000; Olvera-Novoa et al.,
RM 32% - 45% Pseudobagrus ussuriensis 10% 66.15 (FE,%) ANFs (fiber and phytic Lower SGR, FE and protein efficiency ratio (Bu et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2019;
Gibel carp 100% (not 45.53 (FE,%) acid) Hernández et al., 2013; Hertrampf and
Rainbow trout optimization study) 63.60 (FE,%) Deficient in lysicne and Piedad-Pascual 2000; Plaipetch and
10% methionine Yakupitiyage 2013; Shafaeipour et al.,
2008; Xu et al., 2019)
SOM 420 g/kg Labeo rohita 20% 1.94 (FCR) Lysine deficiency Lower growth rate, weight gain and SGR (Nang Thu et al., 2011; Omer et al., 2019;
23% - 46% Rainbow trout 50% 1.08 (FE, gain/feed) ANFs (phytate) Higher FCR Swain et al., 2021; Guo et al., 2011;
Nile tilapia 16% (combination 1.23 (FCR) Roy et al., 2013; Hasan et al., 1997;
with SBM) Mohanta et al., 2007)
PKM 20% - 25% Nile tilapia 30% 1.05 (FCR) ANFs (crude fiber) Lower growth rate (Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual 2000;
15% - 18% Tambaqui 25% 1.24 (tank conditions) / Low protein content Higher FCR Heuzé et al., 2016; Omoregie and

1.02 (field conditions) Lower protein retention efficiency Ogbemudia 1993; Obirikorang et al.,
(FCR) 2015b) (Omoregie and Ogbemudia 1993;
Yinhui et al., 2004; Silva et al., 2020;
Obirikorang et al., 2015a)
SBM 16.1% - 33.4% Nibea miichthioides 20% 1.14 (FCR) ANFs (protease, trypsin Poor palatability (Li et al., 2013a; Li et al., 2012;
Nile tilapia 75% - inhibitor, phytates, etc.) Gastrointestinal inflammation Wang et al., 2006; Goda et al., 2007;
Channel catfish 100% - Methionine and cystine Lower weight gain, survival rate Wang et al., 2017; Matulic et al., 2020;
African catfish 100% 2.94 (FCR) deficiency Higher FCR Ma et al., 2019; Hertrampf and
Orange-spotted grouper 50% 0.84 (FE, gain/feed) Piedad-Pascual 2000; Huynh and
Ameiurus nebulosus L. 50% 1.49 (FCR) Nugegoda 2011; Ajani et al., 2016)
BSG 15% - 24% Rainbow trout 30% 1.37 (combination with ANFs (fiber) Impairment of apparent digestibility (Mussatto 2014; Nazzaro et al., 2021;
Gilthead seabream 30% BSY) (FCR) Lysine, methionine and coefficient Jayant et al., 2018; Hertrampf and
Pangasianodon hypophthalmus 50% 2.03 (combination with cystine defficiency Piedad-Pascual 2000; Fernandes et al.,
BSY) (FCR) 2022; He et al., 2020; Naylor et al., 2009)
1.65 (combination with
BSY 40% - 50% Pangasianodon hypophthalmus 45% 2.40 (FCR) Cell wall of yeast Affect nitrogen digestibility (Marson et al., 2020; Pongpet et al., 2016;
x Pangasius bocourti 30% 1.28 (FCR) Bitter taste Poor palatability Oliva-Teles and ̧alves 2001; Nguyen et al.,
Seabass 40% 4.32 (FCR) 2019; Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual
Giant freshwater prawn 2000; Ferreira et al., 2010)
SFM – Sunflower Meal; RM – Rapeseed Meal; SOM – Sesame Oil Meal; PKM – Palm Kernel Meal; SBM – Soybean Meal; BSG – Brewer’s Spent Grain; BSY – Brewer’s Spent Yeast; FCR – Feed Conversion Ratio; FE –

Future Foods 7 (2023) 100240

Feeding Efficiency; ANF – Antinutritional Factor; SGR – Specific Growth Rate.
K. Sampathkumar, H. Yu and S.C.J. Loo Future Foods 7 (2023) 100240

2.1.3. Rapeseed meal of SBM could reach millions of tons (Li et al., 2012). For the world-
Rapeseed (Brassica napus) meal (RM), also called canola meal, is usu- wide annual production, SBM amount could reach up to 1.4 billion tons
ally obtained from rapeseed or canola oil production. By year 2018, (Kamble and Rani 2020). As a by-product from soybean processing, SBM
worldwide production of RM reached 38.8 million tons (Heuzé et al., has high nutritional values, especially protein content. It has been re-
2020). In aquaculture, RM is one of the important plant-based protein ported that SBM dry matter contains on average 16.1% to 33.4% of
sources with protein content in the range of 32% to 45% (Table 1) proteins (Table 1) (Li et al., 2012; Li et al., 2013a). Because of its high
(Bu et al., 2018). When 10% to 20% fishmeal was substituted with RM, protein content, SBM is one of most studied food industry by-products.
Pseudobagrus ussuriensis could maintain comparable weight gain and sur- Inclusion levels of SBM in fish feed as dietary fishmeal alternative varies
vival rate, and this inclusion of RM into fish feeds did not adversely from 20% for Nibea miichthioides (Huynh and Nugegoda 2011), 75%
affect crude protein level and muscle composition of fish (Bu et al., for Nile tilapia (Huynh and Nugegoda 2011), to 100% for channel cat-
2018). This implied that RM protein could be effectively and efficiently fish (Arome Ataguba, Kamble, and Salin 2017), with no interference on
digested by Pseudobagrus ussuriensis for their growth and body construc- their growth performances (Arome Ataguba, Kamble, and Salin 2017;
tion within the substitution percentage mentioned in the study. Signifi- Goda et al., 2007). For African catfish, Goda et al. pointed out that 100%
cant evidence of interactions between fish strain and feeding diets were substitution of fishmeal with SBM, had comparable amino acid profiles
observed by Xu et al. where Gibel carp strain Dongting (DT) showed the as fishmeal-based diet of significantly higher levels of phenylalanine and
highest FI towards RM diet compared to other diets (i.e., fishmeal and tyrosine (Goda et al., 2007). At 50% substitution of fishmeal with SBM,
soybean meal) (Xu et al., 2019). According to their analysis, the geno- orange-spotted groupers were able to maintain similar weight gain% as
type of fish and diet interaction could greatly influence feed intake. Two that of the control without compromising survival rate (Wang et al.,
genes, srebp1 and fas, were involved in improved FI for Gibel carp strain 2017). Matulić et al. investigated growth performance of Ameiurus neb-
DT. srebp1 is responsible for lipid synthetic transcriptional factor while ulosus L. utilizing different inclusion level of SBM. The results revealed
fas regulate lipogenic process. The higher transcriptional level of both that 50% inclusion had the highest weight gain% and lowest FCR values
genes in strain DT contributed to higher FI of fish fed with RM (Xu et al., among all groups (Matulic et al., 2020). These demonstrate the prospec-
2019). Similar results were also observed for rainbow trout fed with fish tive of SBM as a fishmeal alternative in the future.
feed incorporated with 10% RM, where survival rate, weight gain and
FI were comparable to the control group (Hernández et al., 2013). 2.2.2. Brewer’s spent grain
Brewer’s spent grain (BSG), the main by-product obtained from beer
2.1.4. Palm kernel meal brewing, accounts for 85% of the total by-products produced during the
As a by-product from palm oil production, palm kernel meal (PKM) is brewing process (Ikram et al., 2017; Mussatto 2014). With more than
mostly generated in Southeast Asia (i.e., Indonesia, Malaysia) with mil- 180 million tons of global beer production, there are at least 35 million
lions tons of annual production (Heuzé et al., 2016). Though PKM may tons of BSG generated every year (Heuzé et al., 2017). Comprising pri-
not have comparable protein content as other oilseed meals (Table 1), marily of grain husks, BSG is abundant in lignocellulosic components
its protein is considered of high quality (Omoregie and Ogbemudia such as lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose (Ikram et al., 2017). Nev-
1993), with no toxicity reported when used in aquaculture (Yinhui et al., ertheless, chemical analysis indicated that BSG still maintains consider-
2004). Application of PKM in fish feeds has been investigated consider- able levels of protein, ranging from 15% to 24% by dry weight (Table 1)
ing its potential as a protein or energy source (Silva et al., 2020). For (Mussatto 2014). Nazzaro et al. investigated BSG inclusion in rainbow
instance, in a study on the effects of different PKM inclusion percentage trout and gilthead seabream diets, and reported comparable growth
on tilapia growth performance, 15% inclusion of PKM as fishmeal al- results as fishmeal-based group at 30% substitution (Nazzaro et al.,
ternative showed the best performance with higher specific growth rate 2021). In general, rainbow trout had higher crude protein apparent di-
(SGR) and lower FCR value (0.74 and 0.86, respectively) (Omoregie and gestibility coefficients (ADC) than those of gilthead seabream. Jayant
Ogbemudia 1993). It was also reported that a maximum of 30% in- et al. suggested a maximum of 50% BSG incorporation in fish feeds for
clusion would not compromise dietary nutritional requirement of Nile Pangasianodon hypophthalmus diet. From an economic aspect, this may
tilapia (i.e., essential amino acids). Both short-term growth performance significantly reduce cost, without compromising fish growth and FCR
and FCR were comparable to tilapia fed with fully fishmeal-based diets (Jayant et al., 2018). Such studies transpire the merit of turning brew-
(Obirikorang et al., 2015a, b). Replacement of fishmeal with palm ker- ing waste (BSG) to real wealth in aquaculture, aligning with the goals
nel in Tambaqui diets, revealed that up to 25% replacement would not of circular economy.
adversely affect its zootechnical performance (Silva et al., 2020). In the
case of Nile Tilapia, Yossa et al. have shown that with 30% replacement 2.2.3. Brewer’s spent yeast
using PKM, both protein efficiency ratio and protein productive value Similar to BSG, brewer’s spent yeast (BSY) is also obtained from beer
showed no significant difference compared with total fishmeal-based production and accounts for the second main by-product in brewing in-
diet group. This proves that tilapia could efficiently digest proteins from dustry (Ferreira et al., 2010). Unlike BSG, which is predominantly grain
palm oil meal (Yossa et al., 2021). husks, the main body of BSY is Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The nature of
BSY makes it a high-protein industrial food waste containing as high
2.2. By-products from industrial food processing as 40% – 50% of proteins (Table 1), with a balanced amino acid pro-
file (Marson et al., 2020). Being an organic-rich food waste, BSY has
Similar to oilseed meals or cakes, by-products from industrial food attracted attention as a fishmeal replacement. Effectiveness of BSY with
processing are discarded parts or solid residues post food production. 45% substitution level in fish feed has been shown in growth trial with
Common examples are soybean meal (okara), brewer’s spent grain and Pangasianodon hypophthalmus x Pangasius bocourti (Pongpet et al., 2016).
yeast, etc. Considering their nutritional values and abundant annual pro- One benefit brought by BSY inclusion in fish feeds is the improved pro-
duction, valorisation of these industrial food waste for fishmeal substi- tein level in fish after feeding. Oliva-Teles et al. determined the body
tution has enormous attractiveness for aquaculture. composition of seabass after partial replacement of fishmeal with BSY,
and the obtained results exhibited improved protein level in seabass
2.2.1. Soybean meal after feeding with the substituted feed. Moreover, SGR values of all ex-
Soybean meal (SBM), also termed okara, is a solid residue from perimental groups showed no statistical difference when compared to
soybean milk or tofu production. Production of SBM is massive. Ev- control group, and FCR values were slightly improved with up to 30%
ery year, hundred thousand tons of SBM is disposed in both Japan fishmeal substitution (Oliva-Teles and ̧alves 2001). In a study carried
(Li et al., 2013a) and Korea; while in China alone, annual production out by Nguyen et al., no negative influence on growth performance and

K. Sampathkumar, H. Yu and S.C.J. Loo Future Foods 7 (2023) 100240

survival rate of giant freshwater prawn were observed after 90 days of 2011). A SOM included diet with 25% to 75% protein replacement
feeding with different inclusion levels of BSY (maximum 60% inclusion) level exhibited significant negative effects on common carp fry in terms
(Nguyen et al., 2019). BSY is not only a cost-effective nitrogen source, of growth rate (Nang Thu et al., 2011, Hasan et al., 1997). Mohanta
but also reported to be a nutritious feeding matter with high level of et al. investigated effects of different oilseed meal inclusion in silver
B-complex vitamins and minerals (Ferreira et al., 2010). Supported by barb diet on its growth, digestibility, etc. The results demonstrated that
these studies, the substitution of fishmeal with BSY in aquaculture diets because of lysine deficiency of SOM, only partial inclusion of SOM (max-
could be a promising waste valorisation strategy. imum 42%) into fish feeds could be possible, to maintain growth of fish
(Mohanta et al., 2007). Phytate can chelate metal ions to hinder reac-
2.3. Challenges of direct substitution of fishmeal with food wastes tions between ingested food and its related digestive enzymes, leading
to poor feed utilization (Roy et al., 2013). By feeding rohu fingerlings
Though numerous studies have demonstrated the feasibility of uti- SOM containing diet with substitution levels in the range of 10% and
lizing plant-based protein source from industrial food waste as fishmeal 40%, a reduction of weight gain% and SGR were observed; from 91.82%
alternative for aquaculture, there exist challenges and disadvantages of to 64.80%, and from 0.825 to 0.625, respectively (Roy et al., 2013). The
plant-based protein sources. These include the presence of antinutri- FCR undoubtedly increased from 1.62 for controlled diet to 2.20 for 40%
tional factors (ANFs), incomplete amino acids profiles to meet essential replacement of SOM in diet. This inverse correlation between SOM sub-
growth requirement, lack of specific fatty acids, mycotoxin content and stitution level and growth performance was assumed to be attributed to
poorer palatability (Hasan and Tan 2020). Compared to animal-based the presence of phytate in SOM. Existing research of SOM have eluci-
protein source (e.g. fishmeal), the above-mentioned shortfalls of plant- dated that presence of phytate in SOM (5%) was the major limitation
based protein source may impact fish growth adversely (Table 1). that constrained its full replacement of fishmeal. As such, inclusion lev-
For SFM, its fiber content and deficiency in amino acids are two ma- els of SOM in fish feeds shall not exceed 10% for carnivorous fish and
jor factors that limit its further application to fully substitute fishmeal 20% for herbivorous / omnivorous fish to assure regular fish growth
in aquafeeds (Heuzé et al., 2019). Chemical analysis of SFM revealed performance. In addition, amino acids and minerals supplementation
that it is deficient in Sulphur amino acids and has higher crude fiber should also be considered (Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual 2000).
levels. Furthermore, high level of phenolic compounds in SFM restrict Compared to the aforementioned oilseed meals, PKM has a relatively
its usage in aquafeeds (Hassaan et al., 2018). When substituted at high higher crude fiber level and low protein content (Hertrampf and Piedad-
levels, the existing fibers could be the reason for poor digestibility of Pascual 2000; Heuzé et al., 2016). Thus, PKM may not have as good a
the feed (Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual 2000). In feeding experiments performance as other oilseed meals in fishmeal replacement. 30% in-
conducted by Olvera-Novoa et al. FCR value of tilapia fingerlings in- corporation of PKM into Nile tilapia diet could lead to an increment of
creased up to 2.23 when 50% fishmeal was substituted with SFM, com- crude fiber level to 18.99%, thereby declining their growth rate and rais-
pared to a value of 1.99 for controlled diet group. SGR value diminished ing FCR (Omoregie and Ogbemudia 1993). Compared to fishmeal-based
to 2.47% per day from 3.22% per day (controlled diet group) (Olvera- diet, 30% incorporation of PKM in Nile tilapia diet would significantly
Novoa et al., 2002). The author also explained that amino acids defi- reduce protein retention efficiency (Obirikorang et al., 2015b). With re-
ciency in SFM may attribute to lower anabolism, leading to reduced spect to total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN) excretion of tilapia, 30% inclu-
growth rates (Olvera-Novoa et al., 2002). For the purpose of replac- sion of PKM would reduce TAN values by two folds compared to the con-
ing fishmeal with SFM without compromising growth performance, the trol group (Obirikorang et al., 2015a). TAN value correlates to the types
recommended substitution level of SFM shall be 10% for carnivorous of protein source and nitrogen intake of fish (Engin and Carter 2001).
fish and 20% for both herbivorous and omnivorous fish (Hertrampf and In PKM-based diet, its lack of protein content could contribute to lower
Piedad-Pascual 2000). TAN values of tilapia (Obirikorang et al., 2015a; Bonaldo et al., 2011).
Similar to SFM, the main factor that restricts complete substitution Hence, a lower TAN value for PKM-fed fish could also be explained by
of RM is its high fiber content and presence of ANFs (Plaipetch and its deficiency in lysine and methionine (Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual
Yakupitiyage 2013; Shafaeipour et al., 2008). Though RM was found to 2000).
possess abundant minerals, especially in phosphorous, its bioavailabil- Though SBM is available abundantly and has significant protein
ity was impeded due to the presence of phytic acid and fiber content value, its application in aquaculture is limited due to the existence of
(Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual 2000). When inclusion level of RM in antinutrients, such as protease, trypsin inhibitor, phytates, etc. (Li et al.,
Pseudobagrus ussuriensis diet was higher than 20%, SGR value declined 2013a; Ma et al., 2019). Presence of ANFs may make feeds less palatable
drastically, from 1.3% per day to 0.7% per day. Similar trends were also to fish and can cause gastrointestinal inflammation that will adversely
observed in terms of feeding efficiency (FE) and protein efficiency ratio affect growth (Matulic et al., 2020). Besides, methionine and cystine
(Bu et al., 2018). Xu et al. pointed out 100% substitution of fishmeal deficiencies limit its total substitution for aquafeeds (Hertrampf and
with RM may result in poor growth performance as well as FE for Gibel Piedad-Pascual 2000; Ajani et al., 2016). In replacing fishmeal with SBM
carps. RM has been reported to be deficient in lysine and methionine, for seabass, substitution levels of 50% could cause a decline in growth
which are two important amino acids for fish growth (Xu et al., 2019; (Ma et al., 2019). For instance, the weight gain dropped drastically from
Luo et al., 2012). The lack of these leads to enhanced amino acids oxi- 33.94 g/fish at 30% substitution, to 8.45 g/fish at 50% substitution.
dization and reduced FE (Xu et al., 2019). A 50%-substituted RM feed Survival rate also reduced from 100% to 60%, accordingly (Ma et al.,
was investigated for its effect on growth and immune response of red 2019). When feeding Australian catfish with partial SBM-replaced fish
sea bream, and both blood hemoglobin and serum triglyceride levels feeds, FCR values increased for both 30% and 45% replacement. The re-
of RM-fed fish were diminished after feeding. This indicates possibility duction of apparent net protein utilization values indicated the inability
of physiological damage to the fish because of having RM in their di- for protein digestion due to the presence of SBM (Huynh and Nugegoda
ets (Dossou et al., 2019). In order to avoid such outcomes, a maximum 2011). Histological analysis also testified that higher inclusion of SBM
of 10% substitution is recommended for RM in aquafeeds to achieve into fish feeds could lead to intestinal damage (i.e., villi fusion and twist
comparable growth performance of fish (Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual in intestine) because of ANFs (Wang et al., 2017).
2000). Lastly, BSG, as a lignocellulosic by-product, has a relatively high
SOM or sesame oil cake may have superior performance as fishmeal fiber content of up to 30% – 50% (Fernandes et al., 2022). However,
substitution considering its high protein level and low fiber content. it was believed that feeding matter with fiber content less than 6% shall
However, lower content of lysine and high phytate levels make it un- be an ideal candidate for aquaculture. Studies have demonstrated that
suitable to meet all nutritional requirement for fish growth and may 30% substitution of BSG in fish diet could significantly impair apparent
also adversely affect voluntary feed intake of fish (Nang Thu et al., digestibility coefficient of fish (He et al., 2020; Naylor et al., 2009). In

K. Sampathkumar, H. Yu and S.C.J. Loo Future Foods 7 (2023) 100240

terms of nutritional value of BSG, though crude protein content can be breakdown phytate, thus reducing their ANF and improve the absorp-
more than 20%, its amino acids profile is not complete and lacks cer- tion of Phosphorous, Calcium, amino acids and other metals. Vanden-
tain essential amino acids needed for fish growth (lysine, methionine berg et al. studied the effect of inclusion of such microbial phytases
and cystine) (Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual 2000). Considering high in plant-based diets using rainbow trout as a model. When the plant-
fiber content, the preferred inclusion level of BSG in fish feeds shall not protein based diet was supplemented with 3000 FTU of microbial phy-
exceed 15% (Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual 2000; Heuzé et al., 2017). tase per Kg, the increase in feed efficiency, fish growth, retention of
As for BSY, the second major by-product from brewing process, cell wall Phosphorus and Nitrogen in tissues were comparable to those of the con-
of the yeast may impede nitrogen digestibility of fish albeit a protein- trol diet containing fishmeal. This suggests that microbial phytase can
rich food waste (Ferreira et al., 2010). Studies related to employing BSY be used effectively to decrease the ANF of plant-based diet and increase
as protein source for aquaculture are, however, limited. the digestibility and bioavailability of nutrients. The group also tried to
encapsulate phytase in a chitosan, alginate matrix, but it was observed
2.4. Strategies to overcome the challenges that encapsulation reduced the effect of the enzyme, mostly attributed
to the hampered interaction between the enzyme and dietary phytate
Pre-treatment and fermentation are two different techniques being (Vandenberg et al., 2011). In another study, addition of phytase at 950
adopted to decrease ANF and improve the protein and nutritional con- FTU per Kg greatly improved the growth and mineral absorption of com-
tent of plant-based sources. Mild pre-treatment such as washing, heat- mon carp juveniles that were fed moringa seed and leaf meal based diets
ing and de-fatting helps to remove soluble polysaccharides and break (Shahzad et al., 2021). A recent review also summarises the use of ex-
down complex carbohydrates and proteins thereby improving the nutri- ogenous enzymes in aquaculture feeds (Liang et al., 2022). This could
ent content of the meal. Apart from this, the widely used form of pre- be an important strategy to reduce ANF and improve feed digestibility.
treatment is enzymatic hydrolysis to remove ANF and enrich the nutri- Similar to enzyme addition, probiotic addition to feeds has also been
ent content. SBM is the most commonly pre-treated plant-based protein, shown to improve the digestibility of plant-based feeds (Gule and Gere-
owing to its abundance and high ANF content compared to other food mew 2022; Nathanailides et al., 2021). There are reports supporting
wastes. Based on reported studies, enzyme pre-treatment has often led the positive influence of probiotics in feed on the growth and immune
to improved growth performance and feed intake compared to untreated response of fishes (Hai 2015; Dawood et al., 2018). The commonly sup-
samples (Liang et al., 2022). Solid state enzymatic hydrolysis could also plemented probiotics in fish feed are Lactobacillus sp. Bacillus sp. Entero-
be a useful method to decrease the fiber content and improve the nutri- coccus sp. and Pediococcus sp. A higher substitution of plant-based diet
tional value for BSG. Enzyme pretreatment for a feed based on BSG and in feed could result in damage to the intestinal mucosa leading to in-
rice bran showed a comparable result to commercial fishmeal-based feed flammation. A recent study by Nimalan et al., has shown that inclusion
for gray mullet in long term growth study (Martínez-Antequera et al., of two probiotics – Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus plantarum
2022). Hydrolysis pretreatment of BSG has also been shown to improve could alleviate inflammation and promote feed uptake (Nimalan et al.,
digestibility of gilthead seabream but did not have on effect on rain- 2022). Feed stimulants (FS) are substances that increase the ingestion of
bow trout (Nazzaro et al., 2021). In the case of BSY, to improve its feed by making it appealing to the fishes. Betaine, taurine, nucleotides
protein utilization efficiency, the disruption of cell wall is necessary. and nucleosides are some of the commonly used FS and are species-
Common treatments utilize physical (beads agitating, ultrasonication, specific (Lim et al., 2016). Such feed stimulants could be used in a de-
high-pressure or thermolysis), chemical (alkaline or acidic solvents) or vious way for greater acceptance of plant-based feeds. Zou et al. re-
biological (enzymatic treatments) disruptions (Marson et al., 2020). Ad- ported the successful increase in feed intake and increased feed con-
ditional pretreatments of BSY however would increase the cost and en- version of high plant-based diets on juvenile tilapia when substituted
ergy consumption. Hence, seeking a more cost-effective way to enhance with FS such as betaine, tryptophan, dimethylthetin and dimethyl-𝛽-
BSY performance in fishmeal replacement is necessary. propiothetin (Zou et al., 2017).
Pre-treatment when combined with fermentation, has been shown While some of the strategies discussed above may help to overcome
to improve nutritional profiles. Recently, Alhomodi et al. demonstrated these challenges, a complete nutritional profile can be obtained when
that a combination pre-treatment by washing and fungal fermentation these strategies are combined. Some amino acid supplementations may
using cultures of Aureobasidium pullulans, Neurospora crassa and As- still be needed even after pre-treatment and fermentation. While probi-
pergillus niger greatly improved the nutritional content of canola meal otics improve the digestibility, poor feed palatability due to supplemen-
(Alhomodi et al., 2022). Co-fermentation of SBM using Bacillus sub- tation with plant-based protein may be an issue. One way could be to
tilis and Enterococcus faecium enabled about 40% replacement of fish- mix different food wastes to optimize on their advantages. For instance,
meal without any significant changes to fish growth (Xu et al., 2022). Cao et al. prepared a blend of fermented plant meal using rapeseed meal
The advantages of fermentation stem from the enrichment of essential (RM), rice bran (RB), sprayed corn husk (SCH), palm meal (PM) and
amino acids, removal of ANF, breakdown of protein macromolecules, soybean meal (SBM) in the proportion of 30:25:25:15:5. The fermented
which is evident from improved growth performance and feed digestibil- blend significantly enhanced digestive enzyme activities, growth perfor-
ity(Nguyen et al., 2020). An additional benefit is the enhanced immune mance and antioxidant capacity of juvenile Gibel carp that it was tested
response, mainly attributed to the presence of probiotics (Ismail et al., on (Cao et al., 2021). Another study by Kumar et al. showed that 50%
2021). Another recent study has also shown such positive effects when replacement of fishmeal with enzyme pre-treated SBM together with
Lactobacillus acidophilus was used to ferment the SBM before feeding it to enzyme supplementation in diet, promoted physiological enzyme activ-
turbot juveniles (Li et al., 2022). Solid state fermentation could be a cost ities and growth performance against fishmeal control diet (Kumar et al.,
effective alternative, as it minimises space requirement while serving to 2019). De-fatted fermented SBM supplemented with Taurine had growth
enrich the microorganisms post-fermentation (Zhang et al., 2021). performance similar to fishmeal-based diet in Pompano fish indicating
Besides, pre-treatment of wastes, enzymes are also added directly to that a combination of these strategies could help in successful incorpo-
feeds to circumvent the problem of ANF. Phytic acid or phytate is the ration of plant-based protein in aquaculture diets (Nguyen et al., 2020).
most common ANF for plant-based diets. Phytate is the storage form of
phosphorus in plants and phytate can form complexes with metals such 3. Biomass conversion of food-waste consuming insects - An
as Iron, Zinc or other minerals such as Calcium in the gastrointestinal Alternative protein source (Indirect substitution)
tract (GIT), impeding their bioavailability. Addition of phytases to fish
feed is one of the ways to reduce the ANF content. Microbial phytases While direct substitution of fishmeal with plant-based protein is
are widely used exogenous enzymes, obtained from Aspergillus niger, A. possible, the nature of these plant-based protein sources often deters
fumigates, A. ficuum and from other fungi and yeast. Phytases help to full substitution of fishmeal. An alternative strategy is to convert these

K. Sampathkumar, H. Yu and S.C.J. Loo Future Foods 7 (2023) 100240

plant-based protein sources into more digestible forms. Apart from fer-

Devic et al., 2018; Magalhães et al., 2017;

mentation methodologies, another way is to use other organisms to di-

Rawling et al., 2012; Ngoc et al., 2016)

(Wu et al., 2020; Khosravi et al., 2018;

Hoffmann et al., 2021; Iaconisi et al.,

gest these industrial food wastes and utilize these waste-fed organisms as

Li et al., 2017; Sánchez-Muros et al.,

(Tedesco et al., 2020; Parolini et al.,

Ng et al., 2001; Jeong et al., 2022;
protein sources instead. While microalgae have demonstrated the ability

(Barragan-Fonseca et al., 2018;

to grow on waste water and assimilate the nutrients, the complexity of

2020; Musyoka et al., 2020;

different industrial food wastes, necessitates the pretreatment of wastes
(Kumar et al., 2022). In order to favor the growth of microalgae, some
treatments for industrial food wastes including thermal, chemical, or
enzymatic hydrolyses will be necessary (Kumar et al., 2022; Kim et al.,
2022). Additional pretreatments of industrial food wastes may make mi-

croalgae conversion strategy not sustainable and cost-effective. Besides,


microalgae-based protein source would still be regarded as a plant-based
protein. Its amino acids profile would be similar to those of soybeans
and may not meet growth requirement of fishes (Miles; and Chapman

Lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Amino acids deficiency in fish (taurine,

Adversely affect innate immune system

2021; Saadaoui et al., 2021). Owing to these, conversion of plant-based
industrial food wastes using microalgae may not be discussed herein.
The other strategy is to use insects to convert food waste to high nutri-

Adverse effects in aquaculture

tional value protein. This process known as insect biomass conversion

Intestinal tissue damage

alanine, leucine, lysine)

would involve feeding food waste to insects to convert them into an

Poor lipid digestibility

alternative protein source for aquafeeds. Compared to plant-based pro-
tein sources from industrial food wastes, insect meal possesses higher
protein levels. Among edible insect species that have been studied so
far, 20 of them have comparable crude protein level (60 – 80%) as
fishmeal, which is higher than plant-based protein sources (Sánchez-
Muros et al., 2014; Rumpold and Schlüter 2013). In terms of amino acid
compositions, plant-based protein sources usually lack methionine and
leucine – essential amino acids in aquaculture (Sánchez-Muros et al.,

heavy metals during

Bioaccumulation of
High level of chitin
2014). On the contrary, some species of insects, such as Bombyx mori

waste digestion
Lack of fish oil
and housefly, are reported to have higher methionine and leucine levels

than fishmeal (Sánchez-Muros et al., 2014; Cho and Kim 2011). In ad-
dition, unlike fibrous plant-based protein sources, insect meal possesses
superior digestibility of 98.9% and 66.9% of organic matter and protein
content, respectively (Sánchez-Muros et al., 2014). Despite numerous
insects being studied for mass cultivation, the insects/worms discussed
Optimal replacement (%) Optimal FCR / FE

0.62 (FE, g/feed)

1.19 (FE, g/feed)

in the following sections were chosen based on their capability of waste 1.52 (FCR)

0.94 (FCR)

1.10 (FCR)
0.72 (FCR)

1.74 (FCR)
1.08 (FCR)
treatment and potential as protein sources in fish feeds. For instance,
2.1 (FCR)

Black soldier fly has been intensively studied for years because of their
rapid digestion of organic food wastes and high protein level. Mealworm

has the advantage that it can digest both food and plastic wastes. Fur-
Protein content of insects / worms for fishmeal substitution and possible adverse effects.

100% (combination with

Provide 66.35% protein

thermore, earthworms have been conventionally used for composting of
100% (defatted BSFL)
19.5% (45% fishmeal

food wastes.

3.1. Types of insects for fishmeal substitution

80 g/kg

in feed

3.1.1. Black soldier fly


In global insect farming, Hermetia illucens, also called black soldier

fly (BSF), is one of the most common insects for potential application
Acanthopagrus schlegelii

as animal feeds. This has been attributed to the ability of BSF to feed
on a variety of feeding substrates including kitchen wastes, chicken ma-
Sebastes schlegeli

Cyprinus carpio

nure and even human feces (Lalander et al., 2019; Nguyen et al., 2015;
Fish species

Nile tilapia

Nile tilapia

Zhou et al., 2013; Banks et al., 2014). As BSF will not eat during the
Jian carp

Sea trout


adult fly stage, the larvae stage of BSF is therefore of importance here


(Lalander et al., 2019). Nutrition wise, black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) has
a crude protein level of around 50% (Table 2) (Barragan-Fonseca et al.,
2018), and is abundant in minerals such as phosphorous and calcium
Protein content

73% (defatted)

(Fitriana et al., 2021). Fitriana et al. analyzed the influence of different

feeding substrates (organic wastes) on nutrient composition of BSFL and

revealed that protein content of BSFL was relatively stable when fed with


different feeding substrates (i.e., SBM, brewer’s grain, etc.). Though the
nutrient composition of BSFL was not affected by feeding larvae with
Mealworm (Tenebrio

Earthworm (Eisenia
(Hermetia illucens)

different wastes, growth rate and biomass increment of larvae varied

Insects / Worms

Black soldier fly

molitor) larvae

with different feeding substrates (Fitriana et al., 2021). Similar results

were also observed in a study carried out by Mirwandhono et al., where
Table 2

different fermented agricultural waste – such as rice bran or PKM – had


no significant effects on nutrient composition of BSFL in terms of pro-

tein, fat and carbohydrates (Mirwandhono et al., 2022). In view of this,

K. Sampathkumar, H. Yu and S.C.J. Loo Future Foods 7 (2023) 100240

BSFL could potentially be used to convert industrial food waste into a survival rate of fingerlings still could be maintained at 95%. Signifi-
high protein feed additive for aquaculture. cantly, histomorphological analysis of fish intestine and liver confirmed
Devic et al. investigated the inclusion of BSFL in fish feeds on growth the safety of mealworm meal inclusion in sea trout diet (Hoffmann et al.,
performance and feed utilization on Nile tilapia (Devic et al., 2018). 2021).
Within the BSFL inclusion range tested, BSFL-enriched fish feeds ren-
dered statistically higher survival rates after 32 days of feeding trial. 3.1.3. Earthworm
FCR, protein efficiency ratio and crude protein content were comparable The role of earthworm (Eisenia fetida) in composting and ameliorat-
among all inclusion levels tested (Devic et al., 2018). The most promi- ing soil quality is notable. Though earthworm is not classified as “insect”
nent change was fatty acid levels with differing BSFL inclusion levels. in taxonomy aspect, its importance in both industrial food waste decom-
Compared to fishmeal-based diet, BSFL meal is rich in n-6 fatty acids position and animal feed application are highly estimated. Earthworms
but less in n-3 fatty acids. With more inclusion of BSFL into diet dur- tend to have a voracious appetite towards different types of food wastes.
ing feeding of tilapia, n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids increased in fish The process of earthworm digesting organic matters (food wastes) and
fillets, whereas n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids decreased (Devic et al., decompose them into high-quality compost is called vermicomposting.
2018). In feeding trial with seabass, a maximum of 19.5% inclusion By vermicomposting, these wastes could be biodegraded with less emis-
of BSF pre-pupae would not negatively affect feed efficiency and daily sion of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and nitrogen loss compared to conven-
growth rate. High apparent digestibility coefficients indicated BSF pre- tional composting process (Tedesco et al., 2019). Sharma et al. demon-
pupae could be well digested by seabass (Magalhães et al., 2017). When strated that the levels of organic matter in waste, declined after vermi-
defatted BSFL was substituted into fish feeds, no obvious difference of composting, while levels of nitrogen, potassium as well as phosphate
growth performance or FCR of juvenile carp was exhibited with maxi- were significantly enhanced (Sharma and Garg 2017). Zhang et al. in-
mum 100% replacement of fishmeal (Li et al., 2017), implying the strong vestigated using earthworm for decomposition of okara and resultant
potential of BSFL as a fishmeal alternative in aquaculture. vermicompost showed excellent effects on vegetable (Choy Sum) growth
(Zhang et al., 2021). In study of vermicomposting of rice straw, nitrogen,
3.1.2. Mealworm phosphate and potassium levels in compost were improved, and organic
In addition to BSFL, mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) is another carbon as well as carbon-nitrogen ratio were contrarily reduced with
promising candidate for both waste treatment and fishmeal replace- no compromise on earthworm growth and reproduction (Sharma and
ment. Similar to BSFL, mealworm larvae also possess around 52% crude Garg 2018). Hanc et al. employed earthworm for decomposing a mix-
protein level (Table 2) which could be an ideal protein source for ture of spent coffee grounds and straw pellets. The results illustrated po-
aquafeeds (Wu et al., 2020). Most importantly, the protein from meal- tency of earthworm in reducing caffeine content in spent coffee grounds
worm larvae contains amino acids such as taurine (0.34 mg), methionine (Hanc et al., 2021), providing a promising way to bioconvert spent cof-
(6.01 mg) and cysteine (11.86 mg) (per gram of dried larvae), which is fee grounds into an animal-based protein. In the application as animal
lacking in plant-based protein sources (Wu et al., 2020). In addition to feeds, earthworm is regarded as nutritious for animal feeds consider-
high-quality protein of mealworm larvae for aquafeeds, the presence of ing its high quality and quantity of protein content, with at least 54.6%
oleic acid and phospholipids in mealworm larvae are a good source of protein dry matter (Table 2) (Tedesco et al., 2020). Tedesco et al. de-
lipids (Wu et al., 2020). One extraordinary advantage of mealworm is termined nutritional values of earthworm after feeding with fruit and
its broad range of diets, from organic wastes to petrochemical plastic vegetable wastes, the protein level of defatted earthworm could reach
wastes such as polystyrene (Yang et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2015) and as high as 73% (Table 2), and so did minerals content (potassium and
polyethylene (Przemieniecki et al., 2022). calcium) (Tedesco et al., 2020). As for amino acids profile, earthworm
In terms of organic waste digestion, mealworm undoubtedly ex- is reported to have high content of essential amino acids like lysine
hibits great digestibility towards most industrial food wastes. Yang and methionine, which are similar or even slightly higher than fish-
et al. investigated the ability of mealworms to digest different types meal (Parolini et al., 2020). Earthworm meal was reported to be able
of lignocellulosic wastes, and mealworm larvae could be fed on rice to improve protein digestibility of carp and with up to 30% inclusion
straw, rice bran and corn straw without compromising its survival rate in trout diet, with no adverse effects on growth rate and FCR reported
(Yang et al., 2019). When changing mealworm diet from conventional (Parolini et al., 2020). The replacement of fishmeal with mixture of
wheat bran to SBM, crude protein level of mealworm larvae increased earthworm meal and vermicompost for tilapia revealed no negative in-
from 68.93% to 74.43%, without affecting their amino acids profile fluence on survival rate or FCR of fish with up to 100% replacement,
(Zhang et al., 2019). Similar observation was also reported when its diet indicating the possibility of earthworm meal as a sustainable fishmeal
was switched to RM, with unaffected survival rate and comparable FCR substitute (Musyoka et al., 2020). When Cyprinus carpio were fed with an
values (Bordiean et al., 2020). As a high protein content food waste, earthworm (Perionyx escavatus) meal included diet (66% protein from
BSG was also well digested by mealworm larvae with no negative ef- earthworm), weight gain of fish after a 60-day feeding trial was elevated
fects on both survival rate and development time (Oonincx et al., 2015). compared to fishmeal-based or SBM-supplemented diet (Rawling et al.,
Apart from impressive digestibility to various food wastes, mealworm 2012), proving the superiority of utilizing earthworm meal in aquacul-
larvae were also favored for aquaculture application due to its nutri- ture.
tional value. Compared to control group (fishmeal-based diet), increas-
ing inclusion amount (maximum 16% inclusion) of mealworm meal to 3.2. Challenges of inclusion of insect meal in fish feed
the diet of Sebastes schlegeli with methionine supplementation could im-
prove growth performance of fish such as SGR and weight gain. Meal- Insect meal has manifested its superiority for fishmeal substitution
worm inclusion without addition of methionine still showed comparable compared to direct substitution with plant-based industrial food waste,
growth performance as fishmeal-based group (Khosravi et al., 2018). By as evident from the former’s nutritional profile. The bioconversion of
adding 40% of mealworm larvae into catfish diet, Ng et al. demonstrated industrial food wastes into a protein source by insect digestion provides
that no adverse effects on growth performance or feed utilization rate an indirect way for waste valorisation, thus achieving a circular econ-
was observed, even up to 80% (Ng et al., 2001). Jeong et al. found that omy. Nevertheless, there are still some limitations that could limit the
with up to 60% fishmeal substitution with mealworm, growth perfor- use of insect meal in aquaculture (Table 2). For instance, the relatively
mance of Acanthopagrus schlegelii exhibited similar result as the control high level of chitin in insects, lack of fish oil and potential enrichment
group (Jeong et al., 2022). In a study of fishmeal replacement with meal- of heavy metals in insects after waste digestion. Chitin is an indigestible
worm meal for sea trout, 10% replacement rendered the best growth per- polysaccharide, which is abundant in exoskeleton of insects. Presence of
formance for fish in terms of FCR, SGR, etc. while at 40% replacement, chitin in feed may influence protein digestibility (Sánchez-Muros et al.,

K. Sampathkumar, H. Yu and S.C.J. Loo Future Foods 7 (2023) 100240

2014). Low chitin level in fish feeds may promote fish growth by ele- removal of exoskeleton is one way to eliminate chitin. But the process
vating Bifidobacterium in fish gastrointestinal tract whereas higher lev- is costly. Another method is by biological reduction using chitinolytic
els of chitin in feed may impede protein and lipid digestion (Sánchez- enzymes. This could be done by direct bacterial fermentation or enzyme
Muros et al., 2014). Insect meal may not have comparable fatty acid treatment of the insect meal. Nafisah et al. have shown the successful
profiles as fish oil, which may affect fish fillet quality due to reduced use of Bacillus subtilis to breakdown the chitin in BSFL by fermentation
n-3 fatty acids in fish muscles (Sánchez-Muros et al., 2014). It is also and reduce the crude fiber content from 20% to 13%, making it more
possible that heavy metals in organic wastes may be bioaccumulated digestible (Nafisah et al., 2019). A study by Banerjee at al identified
in insects/earthworms which may be passed to the fish (Parolini et al., at least 34 potent strains that possess chitinolytic properties in the GIT
2020), resulting in food safety issues. of carps. The isolation and supplementation of such probiotic stains in
Some adverse effects of insects or earthworms in fish feeds have been feed could be an alternative to improving the feed digestibility when
previously reported. For instance, Li et al. discovered that a higher than supplementing with insect meal (Banerjee et al., 2015). In addition to
75% fishmeal replacement with defatted BSFL meal, intestinal tissue improving the digestibility of feed, probiotics can also help to complete
damage was observed in juvenile Jian carps due to chitin and its deriva- the fatty acid profiles. Supplementing the feed with probiotics like Vib-
tives (Li et al., 2017). Higher BSFL meal inclusion also resulted in de- rio spp. which have been isolated from fish gut and shown to produce
creasing n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and increasing levels PUFA like EPA and DHA would make up for these essential fatty acids,
of n-6 PUFA, thus affecting the quality of the fish fillet (Devic et al., that are absent in insect meals (Ringø et al., 1992; Ringø et al., 1992;
2018). In studies using mealworm larvae, even at low levels of sub- Yano et al., 1994). An alternative to improve the nutritional profile of
stitution (25%), taurine deficiency for gilthead sea bream was reported, insect meal could be to supplement the diets of the insects in addition
whereas a significant reduction in essential amino acids such as alanine, to the industrial food waste. For instance, BSFL diet was supplemented
leucine and lysine was observed for rainbow trout (Iaconisi et al., 2019). with colza oil or fish offal in addition to SBM to optimize the PUFA levels
A diet with higher than 11% fishmeal replacement using mealworm lar- suitable for growing Nile Tilapia. The results showed that BSF prepupae
vae caused a downward trend for total cholesterol and triglyceride levels fed with colza oil could not only successfully accumulate the required
in largemouth bass. Again, chitin inhibited the nutritional performance PUFA, but is also cost effective (Gougbedji et al., 2021).
of the feeds (Jeong et al., 2022). Similar negative effects were also ob- Use of micro algae in fish diet has been shown to remove the toxic
served when earthworm meal was introduced into fish diets. effects of heavy-metal contaminants when present in sub-lethal doses. A
Rawling et al. reported that inclusion of earthworm (Perionyx es- recent review by Latif et al. summarises the different studies that used
cavatus) meal may adversely affect response of innate immune system Spirulina and other microalgal species to alleviate the effects of con-
of Cyprinus carpio despite superior performance of earthworm meal in taminants in freshwater fish (Abdel-Latif et al., 2022). Sherif et al. have
achieving higher weight gain after feeding (Rawling et al., 2012). 100% shown that supplementing the feed of Tilapia with 5 to 10 g Spirulina
replacement of fishmeal with earthworm meal for carp diet showed re- algae Arthrospira platensis per Kg of feed could help to decrease mortal-
duced lipid digestibility, declining from 87.8% for fishmeal-based diet ity rate and improve the immunity due to lead nitrate contamination
to 75.2% for earthworm meal-based diet. A similar trend was also ob- (Sherif et al., 2020). In another study that investigated the protective
served for growth performance of carp when replacing all fishmeal with role of Spirulina platensis on Cadmium treated Clarias batrachus, it was
earthworm meal (Ngoc et al., 2016). In terms of fatty acid profiles, earth- found that supplementing the feed with 10% Spirulina could improve
worms are lower in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an essential long chain the immune parameters. This was mainly attributed to the phycocyanin
PUFA for fish growth, regardless of its abundance of other long chain in spirulina, which is a potent antioxidant. It was also postulated that
PUFA such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (Kumlu et al., 2018). Neces- the Carotenoid pigment of Spirulina could maintain the integrity of mu-
sary enrichment of DHA in earthworm-based meal should be considered cous membrane of the GIT thereby preventing the entry of toxic ele-
in order to achieve a good growth performance in fishes. ments into the body (Pundir 2019). While the studies show the ability
In addition to nutritional and food safety aspects, using waste-fed of microalgae as a potential solution to combating heavy metal con-
insects/earthworms may potentially increase the cost compared to di- tamination in fishes, it may not prevent the transmission of these con-
rect substitution with industrial food wastes for fishmeal replacement, taminants into humans through the food chain. Hence, more research
or using fishmeal in aquafeeds directly. Though limited data is avail- should be directed at preventing this bioaccumulation of heavy metals
able for assessing cost of using earthworms for fishmeal replacement, or to sequester them from the insects before adding them to feeds.
some preliminary studies have revealed obviously higher cost of using
earthworms for aquaculture applications compared to those of conven- 4. Functionalised feeds using encapsulation techniques
tional protein sources (Parolini et al., 2020). Thevenot et al. evaluated
costs for production of 1 kg of mealworm larvae meal in terms of energy In order to complete the nutritional profile and improve the feed
consumption, GHG emission, land use, etc. For production of each kg of performance of feeds produced from waste, feed functionalisation could
protein from mealworm larvae meal, the costs were higher than those of be a possible way to matchup to fishmeal-based feeds. All encapsula-
equal amount of protein out of SBM or fishmeal (Thévenot et al., 2018). tion systems that have been reported so far, might be applied to fish
Not only is the economic impact of replacing fishmeal with insect meal feeds depending on the end application (Masoomi Dezfooli et al. 2019).
high, but also public acceptance towards insects application in aquacul- This section focuses on studies that have specifically used or with the
ture feeds would be an issue (Le Féon et al. 2019). Customers may not be intention of using such delivery systems in aquaculture feeds. As dis-
inclined to accept insect meal-fed fish, especially using waste-fed insects cussed in Section 2.4, probiotics are an excellent way to improve feed
(Le Féon et al. 2019). At scientific level, waste-fed insects as fishmeal digestibility, enhance growth and immunity in fishes, while maintain-
substitution could valorise industrial food waste effectively and boost ing water quality. But due to their labile nature, they also face the
sustainable aquaculture production. However, it still has a long way to challenge of being lost during the feed manufacture, handing and stor-
go from scientific research to being put in practice. age process or even within the GIT tract of fishes before reaching the
intended site of action. Encapsulation could be one of the better op-
3.3. Strategies to overcome challenges tions to protect the viability of the probiotics in different adverse en-
vironments. For instance, Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from the gut
The major challenge in the use of insects in feed as outlined as above, of freshwater catfish was encapsulated in alginate matrices and was
is the presence of chitin. Higher amounts of chitin in the insect ex- found to be effective against S. agalactiae and other common food borne
oskeleton can reduce the ADC of feed and can potentially be harmful to pathogens in vitro. The encapsulation matrix was able to protect the pro-
fish at high substitution rates. Reducing chitin content through physical biotic at a temperature of 50 °C for 1 h, showcasing the importance of

K. Sampathkumar, H. Yu and S.C.J. Loo Future Foods 7 (2023) 100240

encapsulation. Such heat stable encapsulation could ensure that the pro- animals has been approved in the EU. Mainly, Insects intended to be
biotics could be successfully incorporated into feed pellets using a pel- used as food/feed must be fed materials of plant origin only. It is the re-
letiser (Kumaree et al., 2015). Similarly, another study using alginate sponsibility of feed producers to ensure the origin of insects before use.
and prebiotics from Jerusalem artichoke for encapsulation showed im- In addition, protein derived from insect source is approved to be used
proved survivability of the probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG as an additive in aquaculture. But, the processed insect protein requires
(LGG) during pelletising and also when exposed to simulated gastric and a health certificate based on the feed substrate and rearing conditions
intestinal fluids (Sribounoy et al., 2021) (Mohan et al., 2022).
Ascorbic acid (AA) is a micronutrient known to improve immunity In the United States, edible insects are listed as food additives unless
but cannot be synthesised by fishes. When added to feeds directly, it they are generally recognised as safe (GRAS) substances by Food and
faces potential degradation due to light, heat and environmental factors. Drug Administration (FDA) (Lähteenmäki-Uutela et al., 2018). Specifi-
Luis et al. have shown that nanoencapsulation of AA using chitosan and cally, only BSFL can be included in animal feed, limited to use in aqua-
polycaprolactone could help to prevent the degradation of the nutrient. culture feeds for Salmonid family of fishes. Canada is still cautious by
In vivo studies in zebrafish have shown that polycaprolactone nanopar- listing insects as novel foods, which are those ingredients that do not
ticles of size 300 nm loaded with AA had an LC50 value of 179.6 mg/ml have a history of safe use. In 2017, after rigorous consideration based
indicating their tolerability (Luis et al., 2021). Microencapsulation is be- on the different insect species, substrate used as feed and the rearing
ing used as a tool to not only deliver nutrients to fishes, but also to tackle condition, BSFL was approved for use in aquaculture (Lähteenmäki-
nutrient deficiencies in humans, by translating the nutrients from fish Uutela et al., 2021). Based on some surveys done in specific countries,
to humans directly. Based on a recent study by Willer et al. Vitamin A acceptance of the use of insects is positive at least in aquaculture. Since
and D fortified BioBullets (patented lipid-walled microcapsule formula- safety would be the determining factor when adopting new practices,
tion) could be successfully ingested by oysters and accumulated in their insect farmers should also ensure utmost care to biosecurity.
tissues. At 3% loading, the bioaccumulation of Vitamin A and D were In addition to policy making and clear legislation, public perception
997 and 47 𝜇g 100 g−1 , respectively, which is much higher than that in and acceptance is a major determinant to bring forward such unconven-
Salmon. It is hypothesised that this could then be translated to humans tional feed additives to common practice. Having said that, information
when consumed (Willer and Aldridge 2020). Amino acid supplementa- dissemination is crucial to get the right information across to the public
tion to make up for essential amino acids that are not part of the plant- to remove any erroneous misconceptions and help them make an in-
based diet, has become common practice. But the added amino acids, formed decision. With all the above done right, the sensory aspect of
tend to leach out in the tanks leading to loss of the nutrient and mak- fish produced through these sustainable methods is the deciding factor
ing the feed incomplete. As an attempt to solve this problem, Manish et in its public acceptance. While incorporation of industry food wastes
al. encapsulated methionine in lipid-based particles to supplement this directly into the feed, may not greatly affect the taste or smell in a neg-
essential amino acid in feeds and prevent leaching. In vivo pharmacoki- ative way, this may not be the case for indirect substitution using insects.
netic studies in Tilapia showed that encapsulation could indeed prevent Some sensory tests have been conducted previously to compare the ef-
leaching and burst release, sustaining the level of methionine in plasma fects of insect meal (BSF prepupae and TM larvae) substituted feed, on
for longer duration (Mahotra et al., 2022). the flavor, texture and aroma of meat (Sogari et al., 2019). A study by
Taste and flavor masking of insect meal is an important step towards Borgogno et al. found a distinct metallic flavor in the fish that were fed
its seamless integration into animal protein. In this regard, Sanchez et al. BSFL based diets, but no off- flavor was observed (Sealey et al., 2011).
used a well-known encapsulation matrix to mask house fly larvae meal Belghit et al. reported changes in the texture and flavor of the rainbow
(FLM). FLM has a high protein (54%) and lipid (22%) content, high in trout fillets depending on the inclusion level of BSFL in the diet. With
essential amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids. It could be a valuable higher inclusion levels (25%, 50%) there was a dominance of metallic
substitute for fishmeal. In order to improve the organoleptic properties flavor but decrease in fibrous nature of the fillet (Borgogno et al., 2017).
of FLM, it was spray died using Alginate and maltodextrin resulting in The taste perception may vary hugely between populations and detailed
mono-dispersed micron-sized powder. The powders better masked the studies are required before marketing such food products (Piha et al.,
odor of the meal compared to non-encapsulated FLM (Sánchez et al., 2018).
6. Conclusion and future perspectives
5. Regulation, public perception, and acceptance of waste fed fish
While it has been accepted that formulated feed and farmed fish is
Regulations for feed preparation of fish is much more relaxed com- one pivotal way to meet the global demand for food fish, it is impor-
pared to the other animal proteins. As for using industrial food wastes, tant to do it sustainably. Valorisation of food industry by-products is
there are no stringent regulations, except that the prepared feed should a promising option as presented in the discourse above. Though 100%
meet the existing safety standards (Mo et al., 2018). Insects from the replacement of fishmeal may not be possible immediately, research in
wild have been traditionally included as part of the diet for centuries this area has shown promising results.
in some cultures around the world, especially in Asia, South America • Promising results have been presented for less than 50% direct re-
and Africa. With the recent interest in farming insects as an alternative
placement of fish meal with industry food waste such as SFM, SOM,
protein source, there has been an increase of such producers focusing on
PKM, SBM and BSG. The biggest problem is the digestibility and
BSFL, mealworms and crickets. While the legislation for insect in food
palatability especially when fed to carnivorous fish.
is still quite vague and evolving, some countries are making provisions • Higher substitution rates could be possible when combining different
to include them. Insects are categorised as novel foods in Europe and
industrial food wastes.
Canada following a recent legislation. The feed used to rear the insects • Similarly, less than 50% indirect replacement of fishmeal with waste
is the main constraint as it might transmit some diseases into the food
fed insect meal, have shown good results with improved digestibility
chain like spongiform encephalopathies (Hawkey et al., 2021).
and low FCR, observed for most studies.
There are strict regulations for using insects as feed for farmed an-
imals in the European Union (EU). The rearing and use of insects such Future studies aiming to close the gaps in reaching 100% replace-
as Black soldier fly (H. illucens), Yellow Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor), ment should be aimed to complete the nutritional profile, improve the
Lesser Mealworm (Alphitobius diaperinus), Common Housefly (Musca do- feeding intake while reducing the anti-nutritional factors. Successful
mestica), House cricket (Acheta domesticus), Banded cricket (Gryllodes translation of the research carried out in the field also requires rigor-
sigillatus) and Field Cricket (Gryllus assimilis) as a feed for aquaculture ous studies on any risks involved in consumption of waste-fed fishes,

K. Sampathkumar, H. Yu and S.C.J. Loo Future Foods 7 (2023) 100240

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