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( SCHOOL YEAR : 2022-2023 ).

Evaluation N- : Class :…………………FORM 3………………
Duration :… Coefficient :……………5…………..


INSTRUCTION: Read and answer the following questions

You’re welcome . Peter’s notorious lateness to school gives me the opportunity to say
something about the form 3 class and discipline in school and at home. Form three is an intermediate
class, a mid-course class. In other words , it is a G C E ( General Certificate Examination ) class, meaning
the program for your end of course certificate exams begins here. So, you have to be disciplined. Be
responsible! Do your house chores quickly all the time and settle on your books. Do not just read, but I
encourage you to study. Revise your lessons regularly, make a reading time table, ask questions, copy
your notes and form study groups. Remember yo have to make your parents proud of you. The joy a
child gives his parents is a good pass . Thus, you should respect all school regulations ( school and class
rules ) avoid punishment and suspension. By so doing , you become a good friend of the school, a close
and suspension. By so doing, you become a good friend of the school, a close friend of the teacher and a
wonderful child to your parents and community.

QUESTION: Mark an X against the correct answer.

1. Peter is noted for:

a) Always coming to school c) Always making trouble at school
b) Always coming late to school d) Always working in school
2. What is the cause of Peter’s notorious lateness?
a) He works a lot at home c) He’s lazy at home
b) He works a lot at school d) He gets up late in the morning
3. Poor boy; I know you are “ obedient “ The underlined word is a/an:
a) Noun b) verb c) adjective d) adverb
4. According to the teacher , what kind of class is form 3.
a) A difficult class c) An immediate class
b) A mid- term class d) An intermediate class
5. The teacher suggests all the following responsible behavior except one. Mark the exception.
a) Study your books sparingly c) Copy your notes
b) Revise your lessons regularly d) Form study groups in school

INSTRUCTION: Put the adjectives in the correct form

1. I’m ____________________ ( good ) today than I was yesterday.

2. Cats are not _______________ ( intelligent ) as dogs.
3. Who is the ________________ ( talkative ) person in your family.
4. My father has the ___________ ( new ) car in town.
5. She’s got __________________ ( little ) money than you, but she doesn’t care.

INSTRUCTION: Fill in the gaps with a/an , the or x if it is not necessary to use any article.

1. He is __________________ very nice man.

2. We will go to ___________ Mount Cameroon during holidays.
3. They are ______________ brave girls.
4. _____________ roof of ___________ house was on fire.

INSTRUCTION: Complete the sentences with any of the words listed in the box below. Use the
negative form where necessary.

Can, could, have to, must, might, should would

1. If you have a small child in the house, you______________ leave small objects lying around.
Such objects _____________ be swallowed, causing injuries or death.
2. Jacky’s wedding ringis beautiful , it ____________ have cost a fortune.
3. Children ______________ not buy drugs.
4. They ________________ have eaten all the biscuit. The box is empty.
5. ______________ you bring me a glass and a bottle of water, please?

INSTRUCTION: Fill the blanks with the right adverbs of frequency

1. Andrea lives next so we ____________ see her.

a) Never b) often c) rarely
2. We _____________ meet at the annual general meeting .
a) Never b) everyday c) yearly
3. When do you _____________ go on vacation each year?
a) Usually b) never c) ever
4. I’m always late for our English class. I am ___________ on time.
a) Always b) usually c) rarely
5. ________________ do I drink juice because I know it is not good for my health.
a) hardly b) sometimes c) seldom


INSTUCTION: Underline words with sounds / i / and circle the words with sound / i: /
1. Sit on this seat. 4. She is still asleep
2. These shoes don’t fit my feet. 5. The sheep are in the ship
3. It’s easy to see the ships

INSTRUCTION: Read each sentence and circle the compound word or words.

1. In the afternoon I will immediately arrange a meeting with my friend.

2. I agree that watching too much television may hurt your eyeballs.
3. The thunderstorm arrived early in the morning.
4. I love these beautiful butterflies.
5. Does anyone have a telephone I can use?

INSTRUCTION: Give the plural forms of the following words:

1. Calf
2. Dwarf
3. Key
4. Ox
5. Fish

Good luck!!! Good luck!!! Good luck!!!

By Mme Taku Jacky


INSTUCTION: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follows

There was so much to see and admire in the supermarket. Lum was clasping her
mother’s hand. They were talking in one of the many rows in the supermarket. “ Mother let’s buy
everything in this shop! “ lum said excitedly. “ I want this doll and that train”.

They move across the big hall, between shelves stacked with beautiful articles. Lum tugged her mother
and pulled her towards a shelf full of play things : balls,toy guns, cars, and trucks ; all of them pretty.

“Hello,” Lum’s mother said to another woman.

“ Oh hello. I have not seen you for a long time. How have you been?”
Mrs Ekoko rose to her feet. She had been squatting, examining a pair of shoes.

“ very well ; thank you” Lum’s mother said.

“ And how is the young girl?” Mrs Ekoko turned to Lum.

“ I am fine; thank you” Lum said, looking up at the woman . she smiled at her.

“ So, what have you bought this morning?” Mrs Ekoko asked.

“ I have just arrived; I haven’t bought anything yet.”

“ Lum, where is the shopping list ?” her mother asked. Lum removed a piece of paper from her pocket.

“Here is it.”

“ Let’s see what we were going to buy: milk, soap, meat, rice, sugar, salt and some baking powder”.

“ Mummy you have forgotten fish, oil and avocado. Will you buy me some toys and films?”

“ I would like to , but we don’t have enough money.”

Lum spent the mrning wandering in the supermarket. Her mother bought some things off the shelves.
She bought Lum a delicious fish roll and some yoghurt.

“ Mummy, I have seen a cat lying on the window sill.”

Lum’s mother glanced at the grey cat with long whiskers and said, “ Look at what I have bought for you:
some chicken, green salads, and fruit juice”.

Lum was extremely excited as they walked back home.


INSTRUCTION: Answer the following questions.

1. Lum is _________________about the things she sees in the shop.

2. She wants her mother to buy_______________________________________________________
3. A “ shopping list” is ______________________________________________________________
4. In which tense is the verb tugged written? ____________________________________________
5. How are the various items in the supermarket arranged?
INSRTUCTION: Complete the following sentences with the present tense of the verb in brackets.
1. They _________________ football at school. ( to play )
2. Laura ________________ a beautifl girl. ( to be )
3. Tom _________________ cars. ( fix )
4. Joy __________________ television every night.
5. She __________________ e-mail ( not/ to write )
INSTRUCTION: Answer the following sentences
1. A sentence that is used to give someone an order is _____________________________
2. What does an exclamative sentence usually end with?____________________________
3. The function of a declarative sentence is to_______________ someone about
something. A) ask B) surprise C) tell
4. Which of this sentence types always begin with the subject?
A) Declarative B) Imperative C) Exclamative
5. Which of the following is an imperative sentence?
A) He’s so cute! B) Isn’t he cute? C) How cute is he!

INSTRUCTION: Fill the blanks with the most suitable adverb of frequency.

1. Andrea lives next, so we _______________________ see her.

a) Never b) often c) rarely
2. We __________________ meet at the annual general meeting.
a) Never b) every day c) ever
3. I’m always late for our English language class. I’m _____________ on time.
a) Usually b) rarely c) often
4. How ____________________ do you ?
a) Usually b) seldom c) often
5. ____________________ we go the gym to exercise, may be two or three days a

INSTRUCTION: Fill the gaps with a, an , the or x

1. _________ Mount Everest is ____________ highest mountain.

2. Do you still live in _______________ Yaounde ?
3. Ben has ___________ terrible headache.
4. Carol’s father works as ______________ electrician.

INSTRUCTION: Complete the following with the following words

Hat fan that had pad back ham fat band chat

Heart farm dark hard part bark harm fart barn chart

1. The teacher used a well drawn________________ to facilitate the teaching.

2. The dogs always ___________________ at visitors and thieves.
3. Many farmers dry their maize in the ________________ after harvest.
4. Some naughty students _________________ in class yesterday and poisoned the air.
5. Papa wore a suit and a __________________ to church on Sunday.
6. Susan and I _________________ on facebook this morning.
7. The patient died of a _______________ attack.

INSTRUCTION : Rearrange the words to make complete sentences.

1. marketing / got / she’s / a / in / diploma

2. applied / school/ law / admission /for /she’s / to
3. very / year / of / end / was / the / difficult / examination.
4. you’ve / tested / studied / you’ll / on/ term / this / be / everything
5. school / geography / history / at / favourite / my/ were / subjects / and
6. end/ at/ chapter/ of / the / book / exercises/ the / has / every
7. results / the / posted / your / exams / be / home / will/ to / address
8. homework /essay / pollution / write / want / I / you / to / on / an / for



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