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Water Resources Engineering (Engineering Hydrology)

Prof. Rajesh Bhagat

Asst. Professor, CED, YCCE, Nagpur
B. E. (Civil Engg.) M. Tech. (Enviro. Engg.)
GCOE, Amravati VNIT, Nagpur

 Selected Scientist, NEERI-CSIR, Govt. of India.
 GATE Qualified Three Times.
 UGC - NET Qualified in First Attempt.
 Selected Junior Engineer, ZP Washim.
 Three Times Selected as UGC Approved Assistant Professor.
 Assistant Professor, PCE, Nagpur.
 Assistant Professor, Cummins College of Engg. For Women, Nagpur
 Topper of PhD Course Work at UGC-HRDC, RTMNU Nagpur

Mobile No.:- 8483002277 / 8483003474 Email ID :-


1) Runoff: Runoff, sources and component, classification of streams, factors

affecting runoff, Estimation Methods. Measurement of discharge of a stream by Area-
slope and Area-velocity methods.

2) Hydrograph: Flood hydrographs and its components, Base flow & Base flow
separation, S-Curve technique, unit hydrograph, synthetic hydrograph. Instantaneous
Unit hydrograph.

1) A plot of the discharge in stream against time chronologically.
2) Depending upon unit of time involved:
1) Annual hydrograph
2) Monthly hydrograph
3) Seasonal hydrograph
4) Flood hydrograph or storm hydrograph or hydrograph: it shows stream
flow due to storm over catchment. It is used flooding characteristics of
 Above Hydrograph 1,2,3 are called long term hydrograph and are used for
longed term studies like calculating the surface potential of stream, reservoir
studies, drought studies.
Factors affecting Hydrograph:
1) Size
2) Shape
3) Slope
4) Drainage density
5) Land use or vegetation
6) Rainfall intensity
7) Rainfall duration
8) Direction of storm movement
1) Hydrograph is a graphical variation of discharge against time.
2) It is a response of a given catchment to a rainfall input.
3) The discharge noted in hydrograph is the combined effect of surface runoff,
interflow & base flow.
4) If two storms occurs in a catchment such that the 2nd one doesn’t start before
the direct runoff due to 1st one has ceased, we get a singled peaked
1) If however, the second storm start before the direct runoff due to 1st storm has
ceased, (complex storm) then multipeak hydrograph are obtained.
1) A1ABCDEE1 is called hydrograph due to isolated storm I1.
2) AB is rising limb or concentration curve.
3) BCD is crest curve.
4) DE is falling curve or recession curve.
5) C is point of crest or peak.
6) E is end of direct runoff.
7) EA’ is the hydrograph in the period of ground water recession.
8) A’ is beginning of direct runoff due to 2nd storm.
1) T is base period of 1st storm hydrograph.
2) A1AEE1 is the base flow contribution to total discharge.
3) ABCDE direct runoff contribution to total discharge.
4) G1 is the centre of mass of rainfall.
5) G2 is the centre of mass of hydrograph.
6) TL = lag time.
7) tpk = time of peak from starting point A
Hydrograph Separation:
1) In hydrological analysis it is necessary to obtain Direct Runoff Hydrograph
(DRH) from Total Storm Hydrograph (TSH).
2) To separate DRH from TSH, various methods are available.
1) The flood data and base flow in a storm are estimated for a storm in a
catchment area of 600 km2. calculate the rainfall excess.

Time in Days 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Discharge (m3/s) 20 63 151 133 90 63 44 29 20 20

Base flow (m3/s) 20 22 25 28 28 26 23 21 20 20

Ordinates of DRH after the separation of the base flow are:

Time in Days 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Discharge (m3/s) 20 63 151 133 90 63 44 29 20 20

Base flow (m3/s) 20 22 25 28 28 26 23 21 20 20

Ordinates of DRH 0 41 126 105 62 37 21 8 0 0

after the separation of
the base flow
Volume of DRH = rainfall excess x catchment area
Rainfall excess = (Volume of DRH / Catchment Area)
Ordinates of DRH after the separation of the base flow are:

Time in Days 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Discharge (m3/s) 20 63 151 133 90 63 44 29 20 20

Base flow (m3/s) 20 22 25 28 28 26 23 21 20 20

Ordinates of DRH 0 41 126 105 62 37 21 8 0 0

after the separation of
the base flow
Volume of DRH = rainfall excess x catchment area
Rainfall excess = (Volume of DRH / Catchment Area)

Volume of DRH = direct runoff = (41 + 126 + 105 + 62 + 37 + 21 + 8) x 1

= 400 m3/s = 34560000 m3/day = 34560000 m3
Ordinates of DRH after the separation of the base flow are:

Time in Days 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Discharge (m3/s) 20 63 151 133 90 63 44 29 20 20

Base flow (m3/s) 20 22 25 28 28 26 23 21 20 20

Ordinates of DRH 0 41 126 105 62 37 21 8 0 0

after the separation of
the base flow
Volume of DRH = rainfall excess x catchment area
Rainfall excess = (Volume of DRH / Catchment Area)

Volume of DRH = direct runoff = (41 + 126 + 105 + 62 + 37 + 21 + 8) x 1

= 400 m3/s = 34560000 m3/day = 34560000 m3
Rainfall excess = (Volume of DRH / Catchment Area)
Rainfall excess = (34560000/ (600 x 106)) = 0.0576 m = 5.76 cm
Rainfall Excess & Effective Rainfall:-
1) Rainfall Excess: if the initial losses and infiltration subtracted from the total
rainfall, the remaining portion of rainfall is called rainfall excess. Surface
runoff occurs only when there is rainfall excess.

Rainfall excess = Total rainfall – Φ.t

1) Effective rainfall: it is that portion of rainfall which cause direct runoff. As

direct runoff includes both surface runoff and prompt interflow, the
effective rainfall is slightly greater than rainfall excess.

Effective rainfall = (direct runoff volume / area of catchment)

Rapid interflow is small, so direct runoff is equal to surface runoff & therefore they
are used synonymously. (Effective rainfall = Rainfall excess)
Effective Rainfall Hyetograph:-
1) When initial losses and filtration losses are subtracted from the rainfall
hyetograph, we get Effective Rainfall Hyetograph (ERH).

2) It is also known as Hyetograph of rainfall excess.

3) Direct Runoff Hydrograph (DRH) is the result of Effective Rainfall
Hyetograph (ERH).

4) Area under ERH x Catchment area = Runoff Volume = Area under direct DRH
2) A storm over catchment of area 5 km2 had a duration of 14 hours. If the Φ
index for the catchment is 0.4 cm/hr, determine the effective rainfall
hyetograph and the volume of direct runoff from the catchment due to the
storm. The mass curve of rainfall of the storm are as below.

Time from start of storm, Hr 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Accumulated rainfall, cm 0 0.6 2.8 5.2 6.7 7.5 9.2 9.6

Accumulated Depth of Abstraction =
rainfall, cm rainfall, cm Φ x (time interval)

0 0 - -
2 0.6 0.6 0.8
4 2.8 2.2 0.8
6 5.2 2.4 0.8
8 6.7 1.5 0.8
10 7.5 0.8 0.8
12 9.2 1.7 0.8
14 9.6 0.4 0.8
Accumulated Depth of ER, Intensity of
Hour Φ x (time interval)
rainfall, cm rainfall, cm cm ER, cm/hr
0 0 - - - -
2 0.6 0.6 0.8 0 0
4 2.8 2.2 0.8 1.4 0.7
6 5.2 2.4 0.8 1.6 0.8
8 6.7 1.5 0.8 0.7 0.35
10 7.5 0.8 0.8 0 0
12 9.2 1.7 0.8 0.9 0.45
14 9.6 0.4 0.8 0 0

Volume of DRH = Effective Rainfall x Catchment Area

Accumulated Depth of ER, Intensity of ER,
Hour Φ x (time interval)
rainfall, cm rainfall, cm cm cm/hr
0 0 - - - -
2 0.6 0.6 0.8 0 0
4 2.8 2.2 0.8 1.4 0.7
6 5.2 2.4 0.8 1.6 0.8
8 6.7 1.5 0.8 0.7 0.35
10 7.5 0.8 0.8 0 0
12 9.2 1.7 0.8 0.9 0.45
14 9.6 0.4 0.8 0 0

Volume of DRH = Effective Rainfall x Catchment Area

Effective Rainfall = (0.7 + 0.8 + 0.35 + 0.45) x 2 = 4.6 cm

Direct Runoff Volume = Rainfall Excess x Catchment Area

Direct Runoff Volume = (4.6 / 100 ) x 5 x 1000000) = 230000 m3
Unit Hydrograph:
1) The Unit Hydrograph of the catchment is defined as hydrograph of direct
runoff (DRH) results from 1cm depth of effective rainfall occurring uniformly
over the catchment at a uniform rate during a specified period of time (D-hr).

2) Thus we can have 6-Hr Unit Hydrograph, 12-Hr Unit Hydrograph, etc.
3) 6-Hr unit hydrograph will have an effective rainfall intensity of 1/6 cm/hr.
Unit Hydrograph:
1) The D-hr Unit Hydrograph, D should not be more than any of the following:
1) Time of concentration
2) Lag time
3) Period of rise

2) Volume of water contained inside the unit hydrograph (ie area of unit of
hydrograph) is equal to (1cm x catchment area)
Unit Hydrograph:
Assume that a 6-hour unit hydrograph(UH) of a catchment has been derived,
whose ordinates are given in the following table and a corresponding
graphical representation is shown in Figure.

Time, 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84
Discharge, 0 5 15 50 120 201 173 130 97 66 40 21 9 3.5 2
Unit Hydrograph:
2) Assume further that the effective rainfall hyetograph(ERH) for a given storm
on the region has been given as in the following table.

Time, Hrs 0 6 12 18
Effective rainfall, cm 0 2 4 3

3) This means that in in the first 6 hours, 2cm excess rainfall has been recorded,
4cm in the next 6 hour & 3cm in the next.
4) Direct runoff hydrograph can then be calculated by the three separate
hydrograph for three excess rainfalls by multiplying the ordinates of the 6hr-
unit hydrograph by corresponding rainfall amounts.
Sample calculation for the example solved graphically is given table
Time, UH Direct runoff Direct runoff due Direct runoff due Direct runoff
Hrs Ordinates, due to 2cm to 4cm excess to 3cm excess hydrograph,
m3/s excess rainfall rainfall in second rainfall in third m3/s
in first 6hrs 6hrs 6hrs
0 0 0
6 5 10
12 15 30
18 50 100
24 120 240
30 201 402
36 173 346
42 130 260
48 97 194
54 66 132
60 40 80
66 21 42
72 9 18
78 3.5 7
84 2 4
90 0
96 0
Sample calculation for the example solved graphically is given table
Time, UH Direct runoff Direct runoff due Direct runoff due Direct runoff
Hrs Ordinates, due to 2cm to 4cm excess to 3cm excess hydrograph,
m3/s excess rainfall rainfall in second rainfall in third m3/s
in first 6hrs 6hrs 6hrs
0 0 0 - -
6 5 10 0 -
12 15 30 20 0
18 50 100 60 15
24 120 240 200 45
30 201 402 480 150
36 173 346 804 360
42 130 260 692 603
48 97 194 520 519
54 66 132 388 390
60 40 80 264 291
66 21 42 160 198
72 9 18 84 120
78 3.5 7 36 63
84 2 4 14 27
90 0 8 10.5
96 0 0 6
Sample calculation for the example solved graphically is given table
Time, UH Direct runoff Direct runoff due Direct runoff due Direct runoff
Hrs Ordinates, due to 2cm to 4cm excess to 3cm excess hydrograph,
m3/s excess rainfall rainfall in second rainfall in third m3/s
in first 6hrs 6hrs 6hrs
0 0 0 - - 0
6 5 10 0 - 10
12 15 30 20 0 50
18 50 100 60 15 175
24 120 240 200 45 485
30 201 402 480 150 1032
36 173 346 804 360 1510
42 130 260 692 603 1555
48 97 194 520 519 1233
54 66 132 388 390 910
60 40 80 264 291 635
66 21 42 160 198 400
72 9 18 84 120 222
78 3.5 7 36 63 106
84 2 4 14 27 45
90 0 8 10.5 18.5 60
96 0 0 6 6
4) Determine the ordinates of flood hydrograph of 3 hr rainfall resulting
into total rainfall of 15 cm. initial loss is 0.5 cm and Φ-index = 1 cm/hr.

Time (T) (Hrs.) Ordinates of 3 hr UH

0 0
6 3
12 5
18 9
24 11
30 7
36 5
42 4
48 2
54 1
60 0
4) Determine the ordinates of flood hydrograph of 3 hr rainfall resulting
into total rainfall of 15 cm. initial loss is 0.5 cm and Φ-index = 1 cm/hr.
Sol: Excess rainfall = 15 – 0.5 – (1 x 3) = 11.5 cm

Time (T) (Hrs.) Ordinates of 3 hr UH Ordinates of Flood hydrograph

A B C = B x 11.5
0 0
6 3
12 5
18 9
24 11
30 7
36 5
42 4
48 2
54 1
60 0
4) Determine the ordinates of flood hydrograph of 3 hr rainfall resulting
into total rainfall of 15 cm. initial loss is 0.5 cm and Φ-index = 1 cm/hr.
Sol: Excess rainfall = 15 – 0.5 – (1 x 3) = 11.5 cm

Time (T) (Hrs.) Ordinates of 3 hr UH Ordinates of Flood hydrograph

A B C = B x 11.5
0 0 0.00
6 3 34.50
12 5 57.50
18 9 103.50
24 11 126.50
30 7 80.50
36 5 57.50
42 4 46.00
48 2 23.00
54 1 11.50
60 0 0.00
5) Determine the ordinates of unit hydrograph from flood hydrograph.
Neglect base flow. Area= 405 hectare.
Time (T) (Hrs.) Ordinates of Flood hydrograph, m3/s

0 0
2 0.3
4 1.7
6 2.6
8 5.4
10 4
12 2.6
14 1.1
16 0.6
18 0
5) Determine the ordinates of unit hydrograph from flood hydrograph.
Neglect base flow. Area= 405 hectare.
Time (T) (Hrs.) Ordinates of Flood hydrograph, m3/s

0 0
2 0.3
4 1.7
6 2.6
8 5.4
10 4
12 2.6
14 1.1
16 0.6
18 0

Excess rainfall x Catchment area = runoff volume = Area of Hydrograph

Excess rainfall = (runoff volume) / Catchment area
Excess rainfall = (131760) / 4050000 = 0.0325m = 3.25 cm
5) Determine the ordinates of unit hydrograph from flood hydrograph.
Neglect base flow. Area= 405 hectare.
Time (T) (Hrs.) Ordinates of Flood hydrograph, m3/s Ordinates of 2 hr. UH
C = B /3.25
0 0 0.000
2 0.3 0.092
4 1.7 0.523
6 2.6 0.800
8 5.4 1.662
10 4 1.231
12 2.6 0.800
14 1.1 0.338
16 0.6 0.185
18 0 0.000

Excess rainfall x Catchment area = runoff volume = Area of Hydrograph

Excess rainfall = (runoff volume) / Catchment area
Excess rainfall = (131760) / 4050000 = 0.0325m = 3.25 cm
Derivation Unit Hydrograph from Flood Hydrograph of Isolated Storm:
6) The following are the ordinates of the flood hydrograph from a catchment area of
780 km2 due to 6 hr storm. Derive the 6 hr unit hydrograph of the basin. Assume
the base flow of 40 m3/s.

Time, 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78
Discharge, 40 64 215 360 405 350 270 205 145 100 70 50 40
Derivation Unit Hydrograph from Flood Hydrograph of Isolated Storm:
6) The following are the ordinates of the flood hydrograph from a catchment area of
780 km2 due to 6 hr storm. Derive the 6 hr unit hydrograph of the basin. Assume
base flow 40 m3/s.

Time, 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78
Discharge, 40 64 215 360 405 350 270 205 145 100 70 50 40

Direct Surface runoff = (64-40) + (215-40) + (360-40) + (405-40) + (350-40) +

(270-40) + (205-40) + (145-40) + (100-40) + (70-40) + (50-40)
Direct Surface runoff = 1794 m3/s

Effective Rainfall = Direct Runoff / Catchment area

6) The following are the ordinates of the flood hydrograph from a catchment area
of 780 km2 due to 6 hr storm. Derive the 6 hr unit hydrograph of the basin.

Time, 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78
Discharge, 40 64 215 360 405 350 270 205 145 100 70 50 40

Assume the base flow of 40 m3/s.

Direct Surface runoff = (64-40) + (215-40) + (360-40) + (405-40) + (350-40) +
(270-40) + (205-40) + (145-40) + (100-40) + (70-40) + (50-40)
Direct Surface runoff = 1794 m3/s
Effective Rainfall = Direct Runoff / Catchment area
Effective Rainfall = ((1794 x 6 x 60 x 60) / (780 x 106)) x 100
= 4.968 cm (Rainfall Excess)
6) The following are the ordinates of the flood hydrograph from a catchment area
of 780 km2 due to 6 hr storm. Derive the 6 hr unit hydrograph of the basin.

Time, 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78
Discharge, 40 64 215 360 405 350 270 205 145 100 70 50 40

Therefore the ordinates of UH are obtained by dividing the ordinates of DRH

hydrograph by rainfall excess 4.968 cm to get ordinates of UH.
Time, 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78
Direct 0 24 175 320 365 310 230 165 105 60 30 10 0
of UH)
6) The following are the ordinates of the flood hydrograph from a catchment area
of 780 km2 due to 6 hr storm. Derive the 6 hr unit hydrograph of the basin.

Time, 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78
Discharge, 40 64 215 360 405 350 270 205 145 100 70 50 40

Therefore the ordinates of UH are obtained by dividing the ordinates of DRH

hydrograph by rainfall excess 4.968 cm to get ordinates of UH.
Time, 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78
Direct 0 24 175 320 365 310 230 165 105 60 30 10 0
(Ordinates 0 4.83 35.22 64.42 74.47 62.4 46.29 33.21 21.13 12.077 6.04 2.01 0
of UH)
7) The ordinates of 6 hr unit hydrograph of a catchment is given below:

Time, 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 69
Ordinates 0 25 50 85 125 160 185 160 110 60 36 25 16 8 0
of 6 hr UH

Derive the flood hydrograph in the catchment due to the storm given below:

Time from start of storm (hr) 0 6 12 18

Accumulated Rainfall 0 3.5 11 16.5

The storm loss rate for the catchment is estimated 0.25 cm/hr. The base flow
can be assumed to be 15 m3/s at the beginning and increasing by 2.0 m3/s
for every 12 hours till the end of the direct runoff hydrograph.
Time interval of storm (hr) 6 12 18
Accumulated Rainfall 3.5 11 16.5
Rainfall 3.5 7.5 5.5
Loss @ 0.25cm/Hr for 6 Hrs 1.5 1.5 1.5
Effective Rainfall, cm
Time interval of storm (hr) 6 12 18
Accumulated Rainfall 3.5 11 16.5
Rainfall 3.5 7.5 5.5
Loss @ 0.25cm/Hr for 6 Hrs 1.5 1.5 1.5
Effective Rainfall, cm 2 6 4

Due to unequal time interval of UH ordinates, a few entries have to be interpolated to

complete the table.
Time, Ordinates DRH due DRH due to DRH due to Ordinates of Base Flow, Ordinates of
Hr of UH to 2cm ER 6cm ER 4cm ER Final DRH m3/s Flood
A B C =(B x 2) D = (B x 6) E =(Bx4) F=(C+D+E) G H=(G+F)

0 0 0
3 25 50
6 50 100
9 85 170
12 125 250
15 160 320
18 185 370
21 172.5 345
24 160 320
27 135 270
30 110 220
33 85 170
36 60 120
39 48 96
42 36 72
45 30 60
48 25 50
51 20.5 41
54 16 32
57 12 24
60 8 16
63 5.3 10.6
66 2.7 5.4
69 0 0 63
Time, Ordinates DRH due DRH due to DRH due to Ordinates of Base Flow, Ordinates of
Hr of UH to 2cm ER 6cm ER 4cm ER Final DRH m3/s Flood
A B C =(B x 2) D = (B x 6) E =(Bx4) F=(C+D+E) G H=(G+F)

0 0 0 -
3 25 50 -
6 50 100 0
9 85 170 150
12 125 250 300
15 160 320 510
18 185 370 750
21 172.5 345 960
24 160 320 1110
27 135 270 1035
30 110 220 960
33 85 170 810
36 60 120 660
39 48 96 510
42 36 72 360
45 30 60 288
48 25 50 216
51 20.5 41 180
54 16 32 150
57 12 24 123
60 8 16 96
63 5.3 10.6 72
66 2.7 5.4 48
69 0 0 31.8 63
Time, Ordinates DRH due DRH due to DRH due to Ordinates of Base Flow, Ordinates of
Hr of UH to 2cm ER 6cm ER 4cm ER Final DRH m3/s Flood
A B C =(B x 2) D = (B x 6) E =(Bx4) F=(C+D+E) G H=(G+F)

0 0 0 - -
3 25 50 - -
6 50 100 0 -
9 85 170 150 -
12 125 250 300 0
15 160 320 510 100
18 185 370 750 200
21 172.5 345 960 340
24 160 320 1110 500
27 135 270 1035 640
30 110 220 960 740
33 85 170 810 690
36 60 120 660 640
39 48 96 510 540
42 36 72 360 440
45 30 60 288 340
48 25 50 216 240
51 20.5 41 180 192
54 16 32 150 144
57 12 24 123 120
60 8 16 96 100
63 5.3 10.6 72 82
66 2.7 5.4 48 64
69 0 0 31.8 48 63
Time, Ordinates DRH due DRH due to DRH due to Ordinates of Base Flow, Ordinates of
Hr of UH to 2cm ER 6cm ER 4cm ER Final DRH m3/s Flood
A B C =(B x 2) D = (B x 6) E =(Bx4) F=(C+D+E) G H=(G+F)

0 0 0 - - 0 15
3 25 50 - - 50 15
6 50 100 0 - 100 15
9 85 170 150 - 320 15
12 125 250 300 0 550 17
15 160 320 510 100 930 17
18 185 370 750 200 1320 17
21 172.5 345 960 340 1645 17
24 160 320 1110 500 1930 19
27 135 270 1035 640 1945 19
30 110 220 960 740 1920 19
33 85 170 810 690 1670 19
36 60 120 660 640 1420 21
39 48 96 510 540 1146 21
42 36 72 360 440 872 21
45 30 60 288 340 688 21
48 25 50 216 240 506 23
51 20.5 41 180 192 413 23
54 16 32 150 144 326 23
57 12 24 123 120 267 23
60 8 16 96 100 212 25
63 5.3 10.6 72 82 164.6 25
66 2.7 5.4 48 64 117.4 25
69 0 0 31.8 48 79.8 25 63
Time, Ordinates DRH due DRH due to DRH due to Ordinates of Base Flow, Ordinates of
Hr of UH to 2cm ER 6cm ER 4cm ER Final DRH m3/s Flood
A B C =(B x 2) D = (B x 6) E =(Bx4) F=(C+D+E) G H=(G+F)

0 0 0 - - 0 15 15
3 25 50 - - 50 15 65
6 50 100 0 - 100 15 115
9 85 170 150 - 320 15 335
12 125 250 300 0 550 17 567
15 160 320 510 100 930 17 947
18 185 370 750 200 1320 17 1337
21 172.5 345 960 340 1645 17 1662
24 160 320 1110 500 1930 19 1949
27 135 270 1035 640 1945 19 1964
30 110 220 960 740 1920 19 1939
33 85 170 810 690 1670 19 1689
36 60 120 660 640 1420 21 1441
39 48 96 510 540 1146 21 1167
42 36 72 360 440 872 21 893
45 30 60 288 340 688 21 709
48 25 50 216 240 506 23 529
51 20.5 41 180 192 413 23 436
54 16 32 150 144 326 23 349
57 12 24 123 120 267 23 290
60 8 16 96 100 212 25 237
63 5.3 10.6 72 82 164.6 25 189.6
66 2.7 5.4 48 64 117.4 25 142.4
69 0 0 31.8 48 79.8 25 104.8 63
8) Determine the ordinates of flood hydrograph of 3 successive storms of 4 hr duration,
each producing rainfall of 3 cm, 4 cm and 2 cm respectively. Φ-index = 0.25 cm/hr and base
flow is 10m3/sec. Time (T) Ordinates of 4
(Hrs.) hr. UH

0 0
2 16
4 22
6 43
8 64
10 49
12 32
14 20
16 0
8) Determine the ordinates of flood hydrograph of 3 successive storms of 4 hr duration,
each producing rainfall of 3 cm, 4 cm and 2 cm respectively. Φ-index = 0.25 cm/hr and
base flow is 10m3/sec.
Time (T) Ordinates of 4 I II III DRH Base Ordinates Flood
(Hrs.) hr. UH storm storm storm O flow hydrograph
R=2 R=3 R=1
cm cm cm
0 0 0
2 16 32
4 22 44 0
6 43 86 48
8 64 128 66 0
10 49 98 129 16
12 32 64 192 22
14 20 40 147 43
16 0 0 96 64
18 60 49
20 0 32
22 20
24 0
8) Determine the ordinates of flood hydrograph of 3 successive storms of 4 hr duration,
each producing rainfall of 3 cm, 4 cm and 2 cm respectively. Φ-index = 0.25 cm/hr and
base flow is 10m3/sec.

Time (T) Ordinates of 4 I II III DRH Base Ordinates Flood

(Hrs.) hr. UH storm storm storm O flow hydrograph
R=2 R=3 R=1
cm cm cm
0 0 0 0 10 10
2 16 32 32 10 42
4 22 44 0 44 10 54
6 43 86 48 134 10 144
8 64 128 66 0 194 10 204
10 49 98 129 16 243 10 253
12 32 64 192 22 278 10 288
14 20 40 147 43 230 10 240
16 0 0 96 64 160 10 170
18 60 49 109 10 119
20 0 32 32 10 42
22 20 20 10 30
24 0 0 10 10
9) A storm produces rainfall intensities of 0.75, 2.25 and 1.25 cm/hr on a drainage
area in 3 successive time period of 4 hr. Φ-index = 0.25 cm/hr and base flow is 10
Time (T) Ordinates of 4 I II III DRHO Base Ordinates
(Hrs.) hr. UH Storm storm storm F=C+D flow Flood
A B C D E +E hydrograph
R=2 R=8 R=4 G H=F+G
cm cm cm
0 0
2 12.52
4 21.31
6 23.54
8 14.79
10 12.18
12 0
9) A storm produces rainfall intensities of 0.75, 2.25 and 1.25 cm/hr on a drainage
area in 3 successive time period of 4 hr. Φ-index = 0.25 cm/hr and base flow is 10
Time (T) Ordinates of 4 I II III DRHO Base Ordinates
(Hrs.) hr. UH Storm storm storm F=C+D flow Flood
A B C D E +E hydrograph
R=2 R=8 R=4 G H=F+G
cm cm cm
0 0 0 0 10 10
2 12.52 25.04 25.04 10 35.04
4 21.31 42.62 0 42.62 10 52.62
6 23.54 47.08 100.16 147.24 10 157.24
8 14.79 29.58 170.48 0 200.06 10 210.06
10 12.18 24.36 188.32 50.08 262.76 10 272.76
12 0 0 118.32 85.24 203.56 10 213.56
14 97.44 94.16 191.6 10 201.6
16 0 59.16 59.16 10 69.16
18 48.72 48.72 10 58.72
20 0 0 10 10
Unit Hydrograph of Different Duration:
1) Method of Superposition:
2) S Curve Method:
S-curve or the summation curve is the hydrograph of direct surface discharge that
would result from a continuous succession of unit storms producing 1 cm in time (T)

It is called 'S' hydrograph because the shape of the hydrograph comes out like
alphabet 'S‘ though slightly deformed.

S-hydrograph or S-curve is a hydrograph that is produced by a continuous effective

rainfall at a constant rate for indefinite period. It is a continuous rising curve, in the
form of letter S, till equilibrium is reached.
Method of Superposition:

Time in Hr 2 Hr UH Ordinates 4 Hr UH Ordinates


0 0

2 10

4 30

6 20

8 0

Method of Superposition:

Time in Hr 2 Hr UH Ordinates 2 Hr UH Lagged by 2 Hr DRH 4 Hr UH Ordinates


0 0 -

2 10 0

4 30 10

6 20 30

8 0 20

10 0
Method of Superposition:

Time in Hr 2 Hr UH Ordinates 2 Hr UH Lagged by 2 Hr DRH 4 Hr UH Ordinates

A B C D=B+C E = D * (2/4)

0 0 - 0

2 10 0 10

4 30 10 40

6 20 30 50

8 0 20 20

10 0 0
Method of Superposition:

Time in Hr 2 Hr UH Ordinates 2 Hr UH Lagged by 2 Hr DRH 4 Hr UH Ordinates

A B C D=B+C E = D * (2/4)

0 0 - 0 0

2 10 0 10 5

4 30 10 40 20

6 20 30 50 25

8 0 20 20 10

10 0 0 0
S Curve Hydrograph:

Time 2 Hr UH 4 Hr UH Flow
in Hr Flow


0 0

2 10

4 30

6 20
8 0


S Curve Hydrograph:

Time 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 4 Hr UH Flow
in Hr Flow Lagged
by 2 Hr


0 0 -

2 10 0

4 30 10

6 20 30
8 0 20

10 0

S Curve Hydrograph:

Time 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 4 Hr UH Flow
in Hr Flow Lagged Lagged
by 2 Hr by 4 Hr


0 0 - -

2 10 0 -

4 30 10 0

6 20 30 10
8 0 20 30

10 0 20

12 0
S Curve Hydrograph:

Time 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 4 Hr UH Flow
in Hr Flow Lagged Lagged Lagged Lagged
by 2 Hr by 4 Hr by 6 Hr by 8 Hr


0 0 - - - -

2 10 0 - - -

4 30 10 0 - -

6 20 30 10 0 -
8 0 20 30 10 0

10 0 20 30 10

12 0 20 30
14 0 20
16 0
S Curve Hydrograph:

Time 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH S Curve 4 Hr UH Flow

in Hr Flow Lagged Lagged Lagged Lagged Flow
by 2 Hr by 4 Hr by 6 Hr by 8 Hr

A B C D E F G = B:F

0 0 - - - - 0

2 10 0 - - - 10

4 30 10 0 - - 40

6 20 30 10 0 - 60
8 0 20 30 10 0 60

10 0 20 30 10 60

12 0 20 30 50
14 0 20 20
16 0 0
S Curve Hydrograph:

Time 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH S Curve S Curve 4 Hr UH Flow

in Hr Flow Lagged Lagged Lagged Lagged Flow lagged
by 2 Hr by 4 Hr by 6 Hr by 8 Hr by 4 Hr


0 0 - - - - 0 -

2 10 0 - - - 10 -

4 30 10 0 - - 40 0

6 20 30 10 0 - 60 10
8 0 20 30 10 0 60 40

10 0 20 30 10 60 60

12 0 20 30 50 60
14 0 20 20 60
16 0 0 50
18 20
20 0
S Curve Hydrograph:

Time 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH S Curve S Curve Difference 4 Hr UH Flow

in Hr Flow Lagged Lagged Lagged Lagged Flow lagged
by 2 Hr by 4 Hr by 6 Hr by 8 Hr by 4 Hr

A B C D E F G H I= G – H

0 0 - - - - 0 - 0

2 10 0 - - - 10 - 10

4 30 10 0 - - 40 0 40

6 20 30 10 0 - 60 10 50
8 0 20 30 10 0 60 40 20

10 0 20 30 10 60 60 0

12 0 20 30 50 60 -10
14 0 20 20 60 -40
16 0 0 50 -50
18 20 -20
20 0 0
S Curve Hydrograph:

Time 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH 2 Hr UH S Curve S Curve Difference 4 Hr UH Flow

in Hr Flow Lagged Lagged Lagged Lagged Flow lagged
by 2 Hr by 4 Hr by 6 Hr by 8 Hr by 4 Hr

A B C D E F G H I= G – H J= I *(2/4)

0 0 - - - - 0 - 0 0

2 10 0 - - - 10 - 10 5

4 30 10 0 - - 40 0 40 20

6 20 30 10 0 - 60 10 50 25
8 0 20 30 10 0 60 40 20 10

10 0 20 30 10 60 60 0 0

12 0 20 30 50 60 -10 -5
14 0 20 20 60 -40 -20
16 0 0 50 -50 -25
18 20 -20 -10
20 0 0 0
Time Ordin Ordinates of 4 hr UH lagged by 4hr S-Curve S- Difference Ordinates
(Hrs.) ates of ordinate Curve of 12 hr UH
4 hr (Addition) lagged
UH by 12
A B C D E F G H I J=B:I K L = J -K M=(4/12)*L

0 0

4 20

8 80

12 130

16 150

20 130

24 90

28 52

32 27

36 15

40 5
Time Ordin Ordinates of 4 hr UH lagged by 4hr S-Curve S- Difference Ordinates
(Hrs.) ates of ordinate Curve of 12 hr UH
4 hr (Addition) lagged
UH by 12
A B C D E F G H I J=B:I K L = J -K M=(4/12)*L

0 0 - - - - - - -

4 20 0 - - - - - -

8 80 20 0 - - - - -

12 130 80 20 0 - - - -

16 150 130 80 20 0 - - -

20 130 150 130 80 20 0 - -

24 90 130 150 130 80 20 0 -

28 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 0

32 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 20

36 15 27 52 90 130 150 130 80

40 5 15 27 52 90 130 150 130

Time Ordin Ordinates of 4 hr UH lagged by 4hr S-Curve S- Difference Ordinates
(Hrs.) ates of ordinate Curve of 12 hr UH
4 hr (Addition) lagged
UH by 12
A B C D E F G H I J=B:I K L = J -K M=(4/12)*L

0 0 - - - - - - - 0

4 20 0 - - - - - - 20

8 80 20 0 - - - - - 100

12 130 80 20 0 - - - - 230

16 150 130 80 20 0 - - - 380

20 130 150 130 80 20 0 - - 510

24 90 130 150 130 80 20 0 - 600

28 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 0 652

32 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 679

36 15 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 674

40 5 15 27 52 90 130 150 130 599

Time Ordin Ordinates of 4 hr UH lagged by 4hr S-Curve S- Difference Ordinates
(Hrs.) ates of ordinate Curve of 12 hr UH
4 hr (Addition) lagged
UH by 12
A B C D E F G H I J=B:I K L = J -K M=(4/12)*L

0 0 - - - - - - - 0 -

4 20 0 - - - - - - 20 -

8 80 20 0 - - - - - 100 -

12 130 80 20 0 - - - - 230 0

16 150 130 80 20 0 - - - 380 20

20 130 150 130 80 20 0 - - 510 100

24 90 130 150 130 80 20 0 - 600 230

28 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 0 652 380

32 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 679 510

36 15 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 674 600

40 5 15 27 52 90 130 150 130 599 652

Time Ordin Ordinates of 4 hr UH lagged by 4hr S-Curve S- Difference Ordinates
(Hrs.) ates of ordinate Curve of 12 hr UH
4 hr (Addition) lagged
UH by 12
A B C D E F G H I J=B:I K L = J -K M=(4/12)*L

0 0 - - - - - - - 0 - 0

4 20 0 - - - - - - 20 - 20

8 80 20 0 - - - - - 100 - 100

12 130 80 20 0 - - - - 230 0 230

16 150 130 80 20 0 - - - 380 20 360

20 130 150 130 80 20 0 - - 510 100 410

24 90 130 150 130 80 20 0 - 600 230 370

28 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 0 652 380 272

32 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 679 510 169

36 15 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 674 600 74

40 5 15 27 52 90 130 150 130 599 652 -53

Time Ordin Ordinates of 4 hr UH lagged by 4hr S-Curve S- Difference Ordinates
(Hrs.) ates of ordinate Curve of 12 hr UH
4 hr (Addition) lagged
UH by 12
A B C D E F G H I J=B:I K L = J -K M=(4/12)*L

0 0 - - - - - - - 0 - 0 0.00

4 20 0 - - - - - - 20 - 20 6.67

8 80 20 0 - - - - - 100 - 100 33.33

12 130 80 20 0 - - - - 230 0 230 76.67

16 150 130 80 20 0 - - - 380 20 360 120.00

20 130 150 130 80 20 0 - - 510 100 410 136.67

24 90 130 150 130 80 20 0 - 600 230 370 123.33

28 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 0 652 380 272 90.67

32 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 679 510 169 56.33

36 15 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 674 600 74 24.67

40 5 15 27 52 90 130 150 130 599 652 -53 -17.66

Q.11The ordinates of 4-hr unit hydrograph are given below. Determine the ordinates of 3-hr UH using
S-Curve technique.

of 4-hr U.H.

0 0
1 6
2 36
3 66
4 91
5 106
6 93
7 79
8 68
9 34
10 27
11 13
12 0
Q.11 The ordinates of 4-hr unit hydrograph are given below. Determine the ordinates of 3-hr UH
using S-Curve technique.

Ordinates of Ordinates
Ordinates 4-hr U.H. of 4-hr
Time 3
(m /s) U.H. (m3/s)
of 4-hr U.H.
(m3/s) lagged by 4- lagged by
hr 8-hr

0 0 - -
1 6 - -
2 36 - -
3 66 - -
4 91 0 -
5 106 6 -
6 93 36 -
7 79 66 -
8 68 91 0
9 34 106 6
10 27 93 36
11 13 79 66
12 0 68 91
Q.11 The ordinates of 4-hr unit hydrograph are given below. Determine the ordinates of 3-hr UH
using S-Curve technique.

Ordinates of Ordinates S-Curve

Ordinates 4-hr U.H. of 4-hr S-Curve ordinates
Time 3 Ordinates of 3-
of 4-hr U.H. (m /s) U.H. (m3/s) ordinates (m3/s) Difference
(Hours) hr U.H. (m3/s)
(m3/s) lagged by 4- lagged by (m3/s) lagged by
hr 8-hr 3-hr

A B C D E=B+C+D F G=E-F H=(4/3)*(G)

0 0 - - 0
1 6 - - 6
2 36 - - 36
3 66 - - 66
4 91 0 - 91
5 106 6 - 112
6 93 36 - 129
7 79 66 - 145
8 68 91 0 159
9 34 106 6 146
10 27 93 36 156
11 13 79 66 158
12 0 68 91 159
Q.11 The ordinates of 4-hr unit hydrograph are given below. Determine the ordinates of 3-hr UH
using S-Curve technique.

Ordinates of Ordinates S-Curve

Ordinates 4-hr U.H. of 4-hr S-Curve ordinates
Time 3 Ordinates of 3-
of 4-hr U.H. (m /s) U.H. (m3/s) ordinates (m3/s) Difference
(Hours) hr U.H. (m3/s)
(m3/s) lagged by 4- lagged by (m3/s) lagged by
hr 8-hr 3-hr

A B C D E=B+C+D F G=E-F H=(4/3)*(G)

0 0 - - 0 -
1 6 - - 6 -
2 36 - - 36 -
3 66 - - 66 0
4 91 0 - 91 6
5 106 6 - 112 36
6 93 36 - 129 66
7 79 66 - 145 91
8 68 91 0 159 112
9 34 106 6 146 129
10 27 93 36 156 145
11 13 79 66 158 159
12 0 68 91 159 146
Q.11 The ordinates of 4-hr unit hydrograph are given below. Determine the ordinates of 3-hr UH
using S-Curve technique.

Ordinates of Ordinates S-Curve

Ordinates 4-hr U.H. of 4-hr S-Curve ordinates
Time 3 Ordinates of 3-
of 4-hr U.H. (m /s) U.H. (m3/s) ordinates (m3/s) Difference
(Hours) hr U.H. (m3/s)
(m3/s) lagged by 4- lagged by (m3/s) lagged by
hr 8-hr 3-hr

A B C D E=B+C+D F G=E-F H=(4/3)*(G)

0 0 - - 0 - 0.00
1 6 - - 6 - 6.00
2 36 - - 36 - 36.00
3 66 - - 66 0 66.00
4 91 0 - 91 6 85.00
5 106 6 - 112 36 76.00
6 93 36 - 129 66 63.00
7 79 66 - 145 91 54.00
8 68 91 0 159 112 47.00
9 34 106 6 146 129 17.00
10 27 93 36 156 145 11.00
11 13 79 66 158 159 -1.00
12 0 68 91 159 146 13.00
Q.11 The ordinates of 4-hr unit hydrograph are given below. Determine the ordinates of 3-hr UH
using S-Curve technique.

Ordinates of Ordinates S-Curve

Ordinates 4-hr U.H. of 4-hr S-Curve ordinates
Time 3 Ordinates of 3-
of 4-hr U.H. (m /s) U.H. (m3/s) ordinates (m3/s) Difference
(Hours) hr U.H. (m3/s)
(m3/s) lagged by 4- lagged by (m3/s) lagged by
hr 8-hr 3-hr

A B C D E=B+C+D F G=E-F H=(4/3)*(G)

0 0 - - 0 - 0.00 0.00
1 6 - - 6 - 6.00 8.00
2 36 - - 36 - 36.00 48.00
3 66 - - 66 0 66.00 88.00
4 91 0 - 91 6 85.00 113.33
5 106 6 - 112 36 76.00 101.33
6 93 36 - 129 66 63.00 84.00
7 79 66 - 145 91 54.00 72.00
8 68 91 0 159 112 47.00 62.67
9 34 106 6 146 129 17.00 22.67
10 27 93 36 156 145 11.00 14.67
11 13 79 66 158 159 -1.00 -1.33
12 0 68 91 159 146 13.00 17.33
Q.12 The ordinates of surface runoff of 4-hr duration from a catchment area of 357 km2 are measured at 1 hr
interval are given below. Determine the ordinates of 6-hr UH using S-Curve technique.
Ordinates Ordinates Ordinates
Surface of 4-hr of 4-hr of 4-hr
Time Ordinates S-Curve ordinates
Runoff U.H. U.H. U.H. 3 Ordinates of 6-hr
(Hour of 4-hr 3 3 3 ordinates (m /s) Difference 3
Ordinate 3 (m /s) (m /s) (m /s) 3 U.H. (m /s)
s) 3 U.H. (m /s) (m /s) lagged by
s (m /s) lagged by lagged by lagged by
4-hr 8-hr 12-hr
A B C= B/0.816 D E F G=C+D+E+F H I=H-G J= (4/6)*(I)
0.00 0.00
1.00 15.00
2.00 25.00
3.00 36.00
4.00 38.00
5.00 48.00
6.00 69.00
7.00 91.00
8.00 113.00
9.00 101.00
10.00 88.00
11.00 71.00
12.00 54.00
13.00 31.00
14.00 21.00
15.00 9.00
810 R = (810 x 60 x 60) / (357 x 1000000) = 0.816 cm
Q.12 The ordinates of surface runoff of 4-hr duration from a catchment area of 357 km2 are measured at 1 hr
interval are given below. Determine the ordinates of 6-hr UH using S-Curve technique.
Ordinates Ordinates Ordinates
Surface of 4-hr of 4-hr of 4-hr
Time Ordinates S-Curve ordinates
Runoff U.H. U.H. U.H. 3 Ordinates of 6-hr
(Hour of 4-hr 3 3 3 ordinates (m /s) Difference 3
Ordinate 3 (m /s) (m /s) (m /s) 3 U.H. (m /s)
s) 3 U.H. (m /s) (m /s) lagged by
s (m /s) lagged by lagged by lagged by
4-hr 8-hr 12-hr
A B C= B/0.816 D E F G=C+D+E+F H I=H-G J= (4/6)*(I)
0.00 0.00 0.00
1.00 15.00 18.36
2.00 25.00 30.61
3.00 36.00 44.07
4.00 38.00 46.52
5.00 48.00 58.77
6.00 69.00 84.48
7.00 91.00 111.41
8.00 113.00 138.34
9.00 101.00 123.65
10.00 88.00 107.74
11.00 71.00 86.92
12.00 54.00 66.11
13.00 31.00 37.95
14.00 21.00 25.71
15.00 9.00 11.02
810 R = (810 x 60 x 60) / (357 x 1000000) = 0.816 cm
Q.12 The ordinates of surface runoff of 4-hr duration from a catchment area of 357 km2 are measured at 1 hr
interval are given below. Determine the ordinates of 6-hr UH using S-Curve technique.
Ordinates Ordinates Ordinates
Surface of 4-hr of 4-hr of 4-hr S-Curve S-Curve
Time Runoff Ordinates U.H. U.H. U.H. ordinates ordinates Ordinates of 6-hr
(Hour Ordinate s of 4-hr (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) Difference U.H. (m3/s)
s) (m3/s) U.H. (m /s) lagged by lagged by lagged by lagged by
4-hr 8-hr 12-hr 6-hr

A B C= B/0.816 D E F G=C+D+E+F H I=H-G J= (4/6)*(I)

0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.00 15.00 18.36 - - - 18.36 18.36 12.24
2.00 25.00 30.61 - - - 30.61 30.61 20.40
3.00 36.00 44.07 - - - 44.07 44.07 29.38
4.00 38.00 46.52 0.00 - - 46.52 46.52 31.02
5.00 48.00 58.77 18.36 - - 77.13 77.13 51.42
6.00 69.00 84.48 30.61 - - 115.08 0.00 115.08 76.72
7.00 91.00 111.41 44.07 - - 155.48 18.36 137.12 91.41
8.00 113.00 138.34 46.52 0.00 - 184.87 30.61 154.26 102.84
9.00 101.00 123.65 58.77 18.36 - 200.78 44.07 156.71 104.47
10.00 88.00 107.74 84.48 30.61 - 222.82 46.52 176.30 117.53
11.00 71.00 86.92 111.41 44.07 - 242.41 77.13 165.28 110.19
12.00 54.00 66.11 138.34 46.52 0.00 250.98 115.08 135.90 90.60
13.00 31.00 37.95 123.65 58.77 18.36 238.74 155.48 83.25 55.50
14.00 21.00 25.71 107.74 84.48 30.61 248.53 184.87 63.66 42.44
15.00 9.00 11.02 86.92 111.41 44.07 253.43 200.78 52.64 35.10

R = (810 x 60 x 60) / (357 x 1000000) = 0.816 cm
Q.13 The ordinates of S-Curve Hydrograph are given below. Determine the ordinates of
3-hr UH. Effective rainfall is 1 cm/hr.

Ordinates of S-
Time Ordinates of S-
3 Curve (m3/s) lagged Difference Ordinates of 3-hr U.H. (m3/s)
(Hours) Curve (m /s)
by 3-hr D = B-C E = D x (1/3)
0 0
- 0 0.00
1 55
- 55 18.33
2 141
- 141 47.00
3 251
0 251 83.67
4 344
55 289 96.33
5 413
141 272 90.67
6 463
251 212 70.67
7 501
344 157 52.33
8 523
413 110 36.67
9 538
463 75 25.00
10 546
501 45 15.00
Synthetic Unit Hydrograph:-
 In India, only a small number of basin or streams are gauged.
 There are many drainage basins for which no stream flow records are available
and unit hydrograph may be required for such basins.
 In such cases, hydrograph may be synthesized directly from other catchment,
which are hydro-logically and meteorologically homogenous or indirectly from
other catchment through the application of empirical relationship or formulae.
 Methods for synthesizing hydrograph for un-gauged areas have been developed
from time to time by Bernard, McCarthy and Snyder.
 The best known approach is due to Snyder (1938)
Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph:-
 On most natural watershed there is significant time lag between rainfall and
 It is a hydrograph of direct runoff resulting from unit depth of effective rainfall
generated uniformly over a watershed in an infinitesimally small period of time.
 Infinitesimally = duration tends towards zero
 This is a theoretical concept and can not be realised in actual catchment.

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