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North Atlantic Treaty Organization,

set up 1949, 19 members
Main institutions:
1.North Atlantic Council
2.Secretary General
3.Military Committee

NATO’s Objectives:
-to maintain international peace and security
-to conduct peacekeeping operation-use of neutral military forces to maintain or restore peace in the
area of conflict
-to provide the forum for consulting on any military matter affecting an international security
-to coordinate of humanitarian aid to member states
-crisis prevention and crisis management
-civilian control over the military structures
-to promote partnership and cooperation with other countries in the Euro-Atlantic area
-transparency in budgetary planning, housing, access to information, the army
-civilian control over the military forces

1. North Atlantic Council =Council of Foreign Ministers-NATO's chief body–consists of
representatives of member countries called ambassadors, 19 members, Objectives:
-makes the policy decisions
-establishes the rules of NATO’s operation
-charges the NATO’s Military Committee

2.Secretary General
-heads International Secretariat,
-chairs the council’s meetings,
-is responsible for implementing council’s decision and providing council members with expert advice
and information
-is a primary mediator to dispute among member countries

3.Military Committee-the main military organ (2 main are: SACLAND-the Supreme Allied
Commander Atlantic, SACEUR- the Supreme Allied Commander Europe),
-controls a military branch

NATO’s organizations:
EAPC-Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council = NAC(19) + PFP(26) 45 countries +1(Tadżykistan)
-a forum for discussion on economic, social, security, political, cultural and related issues
-cooperation in maintaining international security

ECDI-European Council Defence Identity

NACC-North Atlantic Cooperation Council
CIS-Commonwealth of Independent States
NAC-North Atlantic Council
SACEUR-Supreme Allied Commander Europe
SACLAND-Supreme Allied Atlantic
OSCE-Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe– rescue missions, an attac on one
country is consider as an attac on all the members of NATO,
ESDI-European Security and Defence Identity
CJTF-Combined Joint Task Force
IFOR-Implementation Force
SFOR-Stabilization Force
PFP-Partnership for Peace
3.North Atlantic Cooperation Council-aims:
-building greater security in Europe,
-is responsible for: arms control and disarmament, defence planning issues and military matters,
democratic concepts of civilian-military relations, economic issues, defence expenditures and budget,
scientific cooperation and defence-related environmental issues, and civil/military air traffic
PFP-Partnership for Peace, 26 states + Tadżykistan, they cooperate through meeting, training,
-military cooperation
-political cooperation
-concentrate on security issues
-peacekeeping actions
security issues
-transparency of the army
-civilian control over the military forces

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

(OSCE) International forum to reach agreement in security, economics, science, technology, and
human rights. It was originally known (until 1994) as the Conference on Security and Cooperation in
Europe (CSCE),53 states.
-has a power to authorize military responses of the NATO, the Western European Union (WEU), the
European Union within Europe.

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

Successor body to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 12 members –Russia, Belarus,Ukraine,
Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and
Uzbekistan , formally came into existence Jan 1992 Its headquarters are in Minsk, Belarus.
- to ensure that some measure of cooperation continued in economic, financial, and monetary matters
are in order
-to avert a collapse in inter-republican trade and to create the common system of trade, free trade
-to coordinate price liberalization and market reform;
-to maintain some degree of coordination in foreign (and
especially military) policy, and in such areas as transport and communications;
-to ensure recognition of borders and thus prevent inter-republican conflicts.
-to establish close economic ties between member countries
-to create a united air-defence system; ( the creation of a common security alliance.)
-to create a common currency (didn’t work)
It is neither a state, nor a federation. there is no governing body and no common citizenship, each
member has its own economic and social problems to solve.
With no formal political institutions, CIS decisions are arrived at through the holding of regular summits
of heads of state and through the formation of ministerial committees, with, in theory, all CIS
members being equals; however, some members have complained of its domination by Russia.
At a Dec 1993 summit Russia secured bilateral agreements with all members excepting Moldova,
Ukraine, and Uzbekistan, giving it `the right to oversee military policies´. In 1994 the CIS

Visegrad Group
Association of the four neighbouring central European states of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland,
and the Slovak Republic. Originally the `Visegrad Three´, the group was formed in 1991
when Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland signed the Visegrad cooperation treaty in the wake of
their recent democratization. The treaty was extended in 1992 by a Central European Free Trade
Agreement (CEFTA). With the division of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic
and the Slovak Republic in 1994, the `Visegrad Four´ was created. Close ties were also developed
with Slovenia in 1995.
- negotiates joining UE
-supports the Slovak Republic to join NATO
-negotiates with GATT and WTO
-wants to increase cooperation among member countries in the economy, trade, culture, science,
environmental issues, ecology, security
-reforms of education, deals with problems of inflation, unemployment, privatization and agriculture
-to ensure fluent flow of goods, money, people between member countries
European Union
(EU; formerly (to 1993) European Community) (the European Coal and Steel Community + the
European Economic Community (EEC)+ the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom,
1957).).15 members.

Main institutions:
1.European Council
2.the Council of the European Union,
3..the European Commission
4. the European Parliament,
5.The Economic and Social Committee,
6.European Court of Justice
7. European Bank of Investments
8.The Court of Auditors

The aims of the EU:

-to assert the identity of the European Union on the International scene (through European
humanitarian aid to non-EU countries, common foreign and security policy, action in International
crises; common positions within international organizations)
- to introduce European citizenship ;
-to develop an area of freedom, security and justice
-to maintain and build on established EU law.
- the expansion of trade,
-reduction of competition,
- the abolition of restrictive trading practices,
-the encouragement of free movement of capital and labour within the alliance,
-the establishment of a closer union among European people.
-- to promote economic;. and sccial progress (the single market, the single currency);
-to create a single market with free movement of goods, capital
-to ensure the freedom of movement of persons;

.1.the Council of the European Union,
-makes decisions on the Commission's proposals;
-it is the Union's legislative body
-it exercises that 1egslative power in co-decision with the European Parliament
- coordinates the broad economic policies of the Member States
-concludes, on behalf of the EU, international agreements with one or more States or international
- shares budgetary authority with Parliament;
-takes the decisions necessary for framing and ~implementing the common foreign and security
policy, on the basis of general guidelines established by the European Council:
-coordinates the activities of Member States and adopts measures in the field of police and judicial
cooperation in criminal matters.
2. the European Parliament, the parliament of the EU. meets in Strasbourg and Brussels
Members are elected for a five-year term. The EP has 626 seats, apportioned on the basis of
-to debate Union present and future policies
-to comment on the legislative proposals of the European Commission.
-can dismiss the whole Commission and reject the EU budget in its entirety.
-it shares with the Council the power to legislate.. Its involvement in the legislative process helps to
guarantee the democratic legitimacy of the texts adopted.
- It shares budgetary authority with the Council. and can therefore influence EU spending.
--It exercises democratic supervisions over the Commission.
-. It approves the nomination of Commissioners and has tbe right to censure the Commission. ---it also
exercises political supervision over all the institutions._
3.the European Commission of 20 members pledged to independence of national interests, who
initiate Union action;
-has the right to initiate draft legislation and therefore presents legislative proposals_ to Parliament
and the Council:
-as the Union's executive body, is responsible for implementing the European legislation (directives,
regulations, decisions), budget and programmes adopted by Parliament and the Council;
-acts as guardian of the Treaties and. together with the Court of Justice, ensures that Community law
is properly applied
-represents the Union on the international stage and negotiates international agreements, mainly in
the field of trade and cooperation
5.The Economic and Social Committee,-a consultative body;
-represents the views and interests of organized civil society vis-à-vis the Commission, the Council
and the European Parliament.
-it has to be consulted on matters relating to economic and social policy;
-may also issue opinions on its own initiative on other matters which it considers to be important.

6.European Court of Justice It sits in Luxembourg with judges from the member states.
-safeguards interpretation of the Rome Treaties, that established the original alliance
-to adjudicate on disputes between members on the interpretation and application of the laws of the
-is responsible for interpreting
Community law s by member states and others of such law.
-most of the court's work reaches it in the form of questions asked by national courts troubled by
issues of Community law.
-The EU Commission can also
complain to the court about a member country's failure to perform its obligations under that law.
-member countries, EU institutions, and citizens can ask the court to annul acts of EU bodies.
- Finally, people can claim
compensation from the court for losses suffered as a result of illegal acts of the EU.

7.EIB -European Investment Bank -is the Union’s financial institution

-finances investment projects which contribute to the balance of the Union
-the development of less favoured regions of the Union
-the establishment of European net and infrastructures of transports and telecommunications
-the concrete achievement of the Union’s economical politics

8.European Court of Auditors.

-checks that all the Union's revenue has been received and all its expenditure incurred in a lawful and
regular manner and that financial management of the EU budget has been sound.

9.Eurooean Central Bank

-frames and implements European monetary policy;
-conducts foreign exchange operations and ensures the smooth operation of payment systems.

The Council consists of state and government leaders and Foreign Affairs ministers of member
countries, the President and one member of the Commission.
-deals directly with the problems of the Union and with problems in political cooperation.
- Although it does not hand legal judgement, the Council carries an important role as a stimulus for
orientation and growth of the Union. Members of the Council meet two or three times a year.

Marshall Plan
Programme of US economic aid to Europe, set up at the end of World War II, totaling $13,000 billion
1948-52. Officially known as the European Recovery Programme, it was announced by Secretary of
State George C
Marshall in a speech at Harvard June 1947, but it was in fact the work of a State Department group led
by Dean Acheson.
-free flow of goods, people, labour, capital
-the creation of the European payment system (currency snake, euro)

Convergence criteria:
To join EMU :
1.Inflation rate cannot be higher than 1,5 % above the average of the 3 countries with the lowest
inflation rates (a year before access) that is about 3,5%-4%)
2.Budget deficit shouldn’t exceed 3% GDP , can be 3,5 or 4%, but it must fall down 2% within one
3. Public debt ratio shouldn’t be higher than 60% of GDP
4. Long term interest rates cannot be above 2% of the average of the 3 best performing countries
5. Central Bank must be completely independent from government
6.The countries must have respected the normal fluctuations margins (limit), provided by the ERM 2
without the devaluations, manipulations for at least 2 years before joining EU

EMU-Economic and Monetary Union,

the proposed European Union (EU) policy for a single currency and common economic policies.
-is an important step towards further integration with the European Union.
-progressive introduction of a single currency, the euro
Economic Union-1993 Sep,
-the movement of goods, services, workers, capital
-elaboration of common money, credits, tax, price, customs, foreign economic policies
-similar methods of management of economic activities
-creation of favourable condition for development of direct production links


1.January 1999, Monetary Union begins with the irrevocable fixing of the conversion rates of the
countries that qualified for EMU. The ECB initiates a single monetary policy and a foreign exchange
rate policy conducted in euro.
1 January 2002, The new euro notes and coins are introduced
1 July 2002,end of the operation. National currencies of EMU members will be completely replaced
and cease to be a legal tender.

UE’s institutins:
The Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER), consisting of civil servants who work
for the Commission; and the European Court of Justice, safeguard interpretation of the Rome Treaties

ECSC-European Coal and Steal Community

-the creation of single European market for coal, iron ore and steel by the abolition of customs duties
and uantitative restrictions
-coordinates trade of coal and steel between member countries
EEC-European Economic Community-popularly called the Common Market
-to create a single European market for the products of member states by the abolition of tariffs
restrictions on trade
-to coordinate transportation systems and agricultural policies
-to ease the movement of capital and labour across borders
-to establish a single trade policy toward nonmember countries
-to remove obstacles competition.
EURATOM-European Atomic Energy Community = EAEC-
-the cooperation of member states in nuclear research and development of large-scale nonmilitary
nuclear energy
CAP-Common Agricultural Policy
-to ensure reasonable standards of living for farmers in member states by controlling outputs, giving
financial grants, and supporting prices to even out fluctuation.
-to keep prices of products low for consumers
-to give compensation to producers in case of natural calamities or disease.
SEA-Single European Act

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