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Simulation of real-life examples can be very helpful to visualize what is happening on a

certain object. Simulations are used in almost all engineering and manufacturing companies,
whether to see if the material of a phone stand withstands a load without fracture or as complex
as aerodynamic models for Formula 1 cars. This step has become an essential part of any
engineering process to predict what will happen to the model and how will they act on it.

In this report, we will be using ANSYS, a powerful and popular software. Our model will
be a mug filled with hot water which are designed on Inventor. So, we will see how the
temperature of the water will affect the material of the mug.

When you open ANSYS, head to “Analysis Systems” under the toolbox window and
double click on “Transient Thermal”. Select “Engineering Data” from the transient thermal box.
Click on engineering data sources above the toolbox and select “Fluid Materials”. Then choose
“Water liquid” as the material of the liquid in the mug and click on the “+” sign to add the

After selecting the material for the liquid, we should do the same for the material of the
mug. By applying the same steps as above, however this time we will choose “Thermal
Materials” instead of “Fluid Materials” and “Glass” instead of “Water liquid”, then click on the
“+” sign to add the material. By doing so, we have the materials of both the mug and fluid added.

Going back to the “Thermal Transient” box, right click on “Geometry”, select “Import
geometry”, then browse and choose the .stp file of the assembly of the mug and water. After
doing so, you can double click “Model” and the mug will appear on the screen.

The next step will be assigning the materials for the mug and liquid. In the “Outline” tab
on the left, click on mug under geometry, head to “Details of [name of mug model]”, and assign
“Glass” as the material for the mug. Applying the same steps, do the same for the liquid
(assigning “Water Liquid” to it). After that, click on “Mesh” and assign the mesh of the whole
system as “Coarse” with slow transition. To assign the connections between the mug and water,
select “Connections”, head down to “Definition” and select “Frictionless” as the type of
connection. Select the bottom faces and inner body of both the mug and water.

We now should assign the initial temperature of the whole system. Still under the
“Outline” tab, right click on “Transient Thermal”, select insert, then assign the Initial
Temperature Value to 85C. Still under the “Transient Thermal” option, click on convection to
assign the heat convection between the mug and the surrounding air. Under “Definition”, insert
25 W/m2.C in “Film Coefficient” and 22C in “Ambient Temperature”. Select “Convection 2”
and assign 50 W/m2.C to “Film Coefficient” and 22C to “Ambient Temperature”.

Now, go back to the mug under “Geometry”, double click it, and select “Hide”. Then go
to “Heat Flow”, select the bottom side of the water, and assign perfect insulation as the type of
heat flow. Head to the “Analysis Settings” under “Transient Thermal” and make sure that
Number of Steps = 10, Current Step Number = 1, Step End Time = 1s, Auto Time Stepping =
OFF, Define by = Time, Time Step = 1s, and Time Integration = ON are all in check under the
“Step Controls” in “Details of Analysis Settings”. And then we solve.
This will now give us how the temperature is distributed in the mug. The minimum
temperature is 78.692 (occurs on the water) and the maximum is 85.719 (occurs on the mug)
after 10 seconds. The average temperature will be 83.559.

Figure 1: Global Maximum of Temperature After 10s

Figure 2: Global Minimum of Temperature After 10s

Figure 3: Visual Representation of Temperature Distribution

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