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Finite Element Method

ME 532 (2021)
Programming Practice Sheet 3
Circulation Date: 8/11/2021

(a) (b)

Figure 1: Rectangular plates with Elliptical Hole

1. Solve this question using Matlab code: There is a rectangular

plate (0.8 m × 0.4 m) with an elliptical hole having major and minor
diameter of 0.1 m and 0.06 m respectively as shown in Figure 1a. In
Figure 1b, the major and minor diameters of the elliptical hole are
interchanged. It has Young’s Modulus E = 100 GPa and Poisson’s
ratio 0.3. The plate is subjected to uniform traction P = 3kN/m2 .
Use one quarter of the domain and use proper symmetry boundary
condition. Assume plane strain case and use
(a) Four 4 noded quadrilateral elements (Figure 2b, 2×2 gauss quadra-
ture) ,
(b) Two 9 noded quadrilateral elements (Figure 2a, 3×3 gauss quadra-
(c) Four 9 noded quadrilateral elements (Figure 2b, 3×3 gauss quadra-
You have to find followings for both configurations of elliptical hole (
Figure 1a and Figure 1b) for all the four meshes.
(a) Nodal displacements for all six cases,
(b) Stress distribution across AB for all six cases,
(c) Stress concentration factor in all six cases and match it with an-
alytical formulae.

(a) 1 × 1 mesh

(b) 2 × 2 mesh

Figure 2: Rectangular plates with Elliptical Hole

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