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It was of utmost peculiarity for Gabriel to have been seen near the geography

section of the library, he hated the subject with a burning passion. It was the
place that had housed the key and the box on its third shelf. They looked as if
they had been pulled out from a seventeenth century novel and so did the box’s
contents. The box enclosed a map… and his misery. “Was it ‘Pandora’s box’?”
he wondered since as soon as he had opened the box, he received the grave
news of his sister’s disappearance. He knew the two events were connected. It
had been a month since the event that he understood the map, but to confirm
this he wanted a few ‘Geography’ books…it seemed as if the box wanted to
mock him.

After thirteen minutes of trying to find the book and being pushed by the queer
people who actually wanted to read similar books, he found an Atlas with
strange maps and the one he owned seemed to have inspired the fifth one. It was
his birthday, a few days after this unearthing, giving him a perfect excuse to
persuade his parents to take him to a trip to the place which the map desired.
This task didn’t take much effort since his parents were emotionally and
physically tired of trying to find his sister and needed a break.

Exhausted from the trip, bed was his next destination. On his birthday with a
heavy heart, he left his comfort and went to the exact spot the map wanted him
to and dug, over and over, over and over, until a bang was heard, it was a door–

“Strange,” he thought as he pulled the handle.

Blinding lights,
“Am I dead?” he murmured to himself.


That was his sister’s voice! She was alive! “You are completely fine over
here.” she assured but his surroundings offered a contrast. It was a darkened
room with his sister and a tall man.

The man startled him with his gruff voice, “The magical key you found… only
wizards and witches find them, your sister did, and so did you. We will take you
to our world, a better world with no petty humans. Would you like to go, young

That was his ultimate desire, to go to a magical world, but is the cost of our
wants, sacrificing the world?

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