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Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) Procedure

01 2017/05/27 A.AK M.N V.A

00 2015/08/19 A.AK M.N V.A

Prepared Checked Approved Reviewed Approved

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This Document Contains requirement of NDE procedure for VESSEL


QA/QC: quality control / quality assurance

NDT: Non-destructive testing

PAUT: PHASED ARRAY Ultrasonic Testing



Reference Title
[1] ASME Sec. V 2010 Ed. Nondestructive examination
[2] ASME Sec. VIII div2, 2010 Ed. Alternative Rules for construction of pressure vessel

[3] ASME Sec. IX 2010 Ed. Welding and Brazing Qualifications

[4] SNT-TC-1A-2016 Ed. recommended practice NDT personnel qualification &


1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 General
This procedure has been developed as a procedure for the Ultrasonic Phased Array
inspection will be performed to evaluate for pressure vessel welds for the evaluation of
related cracking and welding flaws. All requirements and acceptance criteria in this
procedure are therefore client specific and apply only to this particular inspection.

This procedure describes the general requirements for parameters such as equipment used
inspection procedure and scanning parameters, personnel certification, evaluation and
acceptance and reporting.

Were applicable this procedure was written based on ASME Sec V Article 4 Edition 2010.

1.1.2 Scope of Work

This specification establishes minimum requirements for Phased array examination of
Weld procedure qualification welds, performance qualification welds, production welds,
and repair welds. The scope of work is to evaluate all accessible areas of welds utilizing
Phased Array for bevel configuration.

All welds made shall be fully examined by Phased array inspection system for 100% of the
weld, in conformance with ASME Sec V. The inspection system shall be capable of locating
and accurately accessing the through-wall height and circumferential length of defects, in
a manner that permits the use of the acceptance criteria defined by the Company in
conformance with ASME Sec VIII Division II or code case 2816.

To obtain 100% coverage, Scans should include offset dimensions, part thickness and beam
coverage of the full body of weld material and HAZ area.

1.2 Reference documents

The following documents are applicable / reference is made to:

ASME Sec V Article 4 Edition 2010

EN 473 Qualification and Certification of personnel for non destructive testing

ASNT-CP189 ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of Non-destructive


Internal PLI’C QA/QC documents.

1.3 Personnel requirements
1.3.1 General
Details of certification of NDT personnel are to be found in the PLI’C Written Practice for
Qualification and certification of NDT personnel documents.

1.3.2 Procedure preparation, data collection and initial analysis

Procedure preparation, data collection and final off-line analysis of data shall be
performed by an engineer qualified and certified to a minimum of RTD AUT qualification
or EN473 PA UT Level 2 or ASNT SNT-TC-1A with additional Phased Array training, for
data collection supported by either a Level 1 or an assistant technician

1.4 Equipment
1.4 Equipment calibrations
Equipment checks according to the requirements set in ASME SEC V and at the interval
as described in the table below.

Interval of Equipment Checks

Equipment shall also be checked prior to the start of inspection, after transportation and
arrival on site.

1.5 Pre-scanning requirements

1.5.1 Information requirements
Full and accurate details of the item to be inspected shall be obtained prior to the
development of a scanning technique. These shall include as minimum:

1) Actual component wall thickness

2) Material type(s)

3) Component geometry

4) Surface temperature and condition

5) Assembly geometry

6) Access limitations if any (approx. 1m of room is needed in all directions around the
item under test for optimum testing)

7) Any other relevant factors which may inhibit or prevent inspection.

Preferably a drawing and or photographs are made available and a site visit is executed
prior to the inspection.

1.5.2 Surface Condition

The surface area to be scanned from shall be delivered free from loose scale, loose rust,
weld spatter, indentations, burrs, and waviness which may adversely affect free passage of
the transducer over the scanning area of the transmission of ultrasound. Prior to
conducting an ultrasonic examination the operator shall ensure that the weld deposit and
surrounding areas are sufficiently smooth to avoid false or misleading indications.

1.5.3 Temperature
The maximum surface temperature when using conventional probes and couplants shall
nning may be performed at higher temperatures, but may require special couplant ,probes
and wedges. If scanning is performed at higher temperatures , the effectiveness of the
technique shall be proven at the required temperature on the calibration block.

1.5.4 Couplant
A couplant shall be used which provides optimum wetting, transmission of ultrasound,
resistance to corrosion, viscosity and removal characteristics. For this type of inspection,
water or the standard ultrasonic gel UCA-2 or equivalent shall be used.

The couplant used for calibration shall be the same as that used in subsequent testing and
post calibrations.

1.5.5 Documented examination strategy or scan plan

A scan plan shall be provided per Client Job Number. The scan plan shall be used to sketch
the propagation of the beams and supply the operator with an image of the chosen settings.
The settings in the scan plan are to aid the operator to determine the examination strategy,
and to list the required number of scans which are necessary to guarantee sufficient
coverage for the inspection. All settings from the scan plans shall act as a starting point,
from which the operator will determine the actual inspection settings. The actual inspection
settings shall be determined on the reference block. The inspection settings used for the
actual inspection shall be documented on the report. An electronic printout of all the
settings used shall be attached with the report for future reference.
The scan plans will be developed prior to inspections.

The reference blocks are presented in Appendix I.

1.5.5 Provision of Datum Points

In order to enable the position of possible imperfections to be permanently and accurately
identified within the component cross section and along its length an agreed method of
referencing based on inherent features of the component or associated components shall
be used. All datum points shall be marked permanently (if possible and after agreement
with client) on the surface, prior to inspection. All dimensions shall be in millimeters.

1.6 Equipment checks/settings

1.6.1 Scan plan and set-up validation
A set-up is defined by the probe offset, probe frequency, active aperture, and applied beam
angles. The number and configuration of set-ups required for flaw detection purposes will
depend on geometry of, and access to the item under test. In order to satisfactorily cover
the inspection volume of interest, more than one set-up may be required. If the volume of
interest is wide, several scans using the same set-up, but positioned at different off-sets
may also be required.

The initial set-ups shall be based upon experience, modelling, or other data and described
in a scan plan. The initial set-ups shall be validated at the start of an inspection on a
reference block containing artificial defects.

If during the scans on the reference blocks changes to the number of set-ups or the set-up
parameters were required during the validation, these equipment parameters shall be used
as reference parameters for the inspection and for the client validation.

The Inspection shall only start if the Client validation has been completed successfully.
1.6.2 System Verification The calibration standard shall be used daily:

Before beginning weld inspections

Before and After repairs

At the conclusion of the shift Array functionality check/Element check

A Data file shall be collected using the built in element check function. The probe used
shall be replaced if any of the following occurs.

2 adjacent elements are “ dead “

2 adjacent elements have a difference of more than ± 3 dB

More than 10 % of the array is “ dead “ TCG set-up

Set calibration type to sizing and TCG

Place probe onto calibration block and maximize echo from side drill hole which
gives the highest amplitude (1/4 T) and bring this to 80% f.s.h. and record.

Maximize and record the ½ T hole

Maximize and record the ¾ T hole

Maximize and record the ¾ T hole in full skip position

Accept TCG

Place probe onto calibration block and maximize echo From bottom surface
notch which gives the highest Amplitude and maximize it.

Maximize and record for upper surface notch

Maximize and record for bottom surface notch for next Leg and accept TCG. Encoder Calibration
Encoder calibration shall be performed at the start of each working day and after exchange
of the encoder. The encoder shall be calibrated over a length of the item under test. The
positional feedback from the encoder shall not differ more than +/- 1% from the actual
distance moved.

1.6.3 Calibration/reference blocks

An example of a suitable reference block is given in Appendix I, ASME Sec V Article 4

1.6.4 Recalibration
The system shall be recalibrated in the following circumstances.

Change of critical system variable, i.e. sweep angles, gates , Range etc

Change of Search unit or wedge,

Change of cable length

Change of equipment

Change of Personnel

Change of Couplant

Change of Power supply ( i.e. mains or battery operation )

If any point on the T.C.G has shifted more than 3 dB from initial settings.

1.7 Inspection procedure

1.7.1 Inspection Technique
The data shall be collected by moving Phased Array probe in both side of the weld at
uniform speed parallel to the weld, as described in the applicable scan plan.

The inspection shall be carried out as manual scaning, which will guarantee that the sound
beam is always, aimed perpendicular to the weld fusion faces. The collected data shall be
presented in A, S, D, and C-scan format.

The found indication is a transverse indication. Scan sensitivity
The inspection sensitivity shall be set so that the reference reflector shall be at least 80%
of screen height, after that 6 dB shall be added to set inspection sensitivity.

For the Root scan the reference reflector shall be set so that the signal to noise ratio of
root roll response is 10% screen height. Scan length

Each scan shall be performed by collecting full set of data. Scans shall be collected with
lengths that allow best manipulation of scanning device and where multiply scans are
required a minimum overlap of 25 mm.

1.7.2 Evaluation of indications

All Indications shall be evaluated to establish their Amplitude response, Depth, and

The amplitude response shall be determined by placing the cursor on the indication and
recording the displayed values there

The length shall be determined by using 6 dB drop method.

Due to the geometry all indications shall be measured longer than actual. A conversion
factor shall be applied to report the correct value for all indications. Scan length

Each scan shall be performed by collecting full set of data. Scans shall be collected with
lengths that allow best manipulation of scanning device and where multiply scans are
required a minimum overlap of 25 mm.

1.7.2 Evaluation of indications

All Indications shall be evaluated to establish their Amplitude response, Depth, and

The amplitude response shall be determined by placing the cursor on the indication and
recording the displayed values there

The length shall be determined by using 6 dB drop method.

Due to the geometry all indications shall be measured longer than actual. A conversion
factor shall be applied to report the correct value for all indications.
1.7.3 Evaluation Techniques

All indications will be evaluated and characterized using the UT STUDIO software by
observing the A-C-S scan .

1.8 Acceptance criteria

All identical welds will be inspected to ASME SEC VIII Division II or code case 2816.
Evaluations shall be completed immediately after inspection of the weld.

1.8.1 Re-examination after repair

In the case of a repair, the repaired area and 100 mm either side of this area shall be re-
examined in accordance with this procedure and using the original technique as with the
primary examination.

1.8.2 Presentation of results

Phased array examination results can be presented in A, S,C scan views each separately
or a combination, providing views of an indication from every desired angle.

All data will be backed up twice to portable media. The copies will be stored separately.

All Phased array examination data shall be presented to the client for confirmation

All Phased array examination data shall be saved in a suitable format, All data backups
shall include details of the type and version of this software.

1.8.3 Data processing

All recorded data shall be evaluated with the analysis software on the UT STUDIO system
or the analysis software on a separate computer. For analysis different views and
combinations of views will be available. At the discretion of the Level 2 operator data
processing can be applied to optimise the analysis.

1.9 Reporting
A typed report from PLI’C will be handed over, containing all significant indications and
all areas of non-access shall be handed over to the client’s authorized representative as
soon as is practical after data collection. An electronic printout of the equipment settings
shall be attached to each report.
1.9.1 Weld Inspection Record
The Weld Inspection Record shall consist of a complete record showing the reference point,
the direction of scanning, the Weld ID, date and time of inspection, and the Operator
signature. The search unit number in each channel shall also be recorded. The Company
may approve alternate record formats.

The Contractor shall submit ultrasonic reports to the Company daily, as directed by the
Company, using forms approved by the Company.

Project Name

Work Order Number


Inspector’s Name

Inspection Unit Number

Weld Number

1.10 Sample PHASED ARRAY Record

PHASED ARRAY test sample report form can be found in attachment, implementation of
other report form is permitted provided that minimum Information required in sample
report form is available.
Appendix I. Specific Calibration Block
Appendix II : ASME CODE CASE 2816

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