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English Lang and lit:

• Americanah by chimamnda Ngozi Adichie - Novel
• The worlds wife by carol ann du:y – Compilation of Poems
• Blood wedding by Federico Garcia lorca - Play
• One day in the life of Ivan Denisovish by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn – Short Novel
• Maus by art Spiegelman- Graphic novel

Papers for IBDP exam:
• Paper 1 – Guided textual analysis (1hr 15min) - 20
• Paper 2 - Comparative essay - 30
• Paper 3- Viva (Spoken) – 40

• Understanding and interpretation
• Analysis and evaluation
• Focus and organisation
• Language

Paper 1: Guided – prompts, keywords, structured essay.

Literary-identify the literary devices - figurative language imagery – tone – Data.
Tone-Persuasive, Brand Identity, Formal, Informal, Rhetoric’s, Serious, Humour

Analysis of Non-Literary Texts:

1. Identify the text type.
2. Understand the purpose.
3. Examine the structure - Distinctive features, how that structure contributes to
the overall text and identify the message and meaning, identify the central idea.
4. Studying the language-Emotional Appeal
5. Target Audience- Pinpoint di:erent language styles to cater to di:erent groups of
6. Evaluate the evidence
7. Examine the visual evidence such as images, graphs, data.
8. Analyse and identify the cultural aspect.
9. Draw the final conclusion and comment on the insights of the author and how
e:ective has the text been to convey its message to the reader.


Papers for IBDP exam:

Paper 1 – Multiple choice and Data Base questions – 60 marks
Paper 2 – short answers and extended response questions – 90 marks
IA – scientific investigation – 3000


Papers for IBDP exam:

Paper 1 – Multiple choice and Data Base questions – 60 marks
Paper 2 – short answers and extended response questions – 90 marks
IA – scientific investigation – 3000

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