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Lesson Plan 4- Basketball (Shooting-Day 1)

Grades: 1-5 Length: 25-30 minutes (25 minutes for grades 1-3 and 30 minutes for Grades 4&5)
Grade Organizing ideas Guiding Question Learning Outcomes Knowledge,
Understanding, and
Skills & Procedures
1 Movement Skill How might awareness of Students exhibit spatial MSD 1.1 - Basic Skills
Development the surroundings impact awareness during a (spatial awareness)
movement? variety of physical
activities MSD 2.5 - Basic Skills
How can fair play (Object Manipulation)
contribute to engagement in Students demonstrate
physical activity? how movement can MSD 3.2 - Fair Play
support different types of
physical activity.

Students demonstrate
fair play and support
engagement in a variety
of physical activities.

2 Active Living What makes physical Students investigate AL 1.6- Participation

activity meaningful? physical activity and
relate it to personal AL 1.7 - Teamwork /
experience. Communication

Movement Skill How are awareness and Students modify

Development movement connected? movement to improve MSD 2.3 - Application of
control and efficiency. Basic Skills
How can teamwork support
participation, safety, and Students demonstrate MSD 3.1 - Behaviour
enjoyment? teamwork and support
participation in a variety
of physical activities.

3 Active Living How can a variety of Students examine how AL 1.2 - Participation
physical activities be participation in a variety
incorporated into an active of challenging physical AL 1.3 - Application of Basic
lifestyle? activities fosters Skills (identify and
well-being. implement)
Movement Skill How can tactics support
Development movement competence? Students examine and MSD 1.1 - Basic Skills
integrate tactics in a (Tactics - apply)
How can elements of variety of physical
movement support activity contexts. MSD 2.1 - Participation and
movement competence? Basic Skills (send & receive)
Students investigate and
How can teamwork support demonstrate how MSD 2.4 - Effort
positive interactions? elements of movement
support physical activity. MSD 3.2 - Teamwork &
Students identify and
demonstrate how
teamwork supports
positive interactions
during physical activity.

4 Active Living In what ways can a variety Students examine how AL 1.3 - Participation
of physical activities choices in physical
contribute to active living? activities affects active
living. MSD 1.1 - Basic Skills
Movement Skill How can elements of (strategies & tactics -
Development movement and tactics Students select and practice)
support active living? implement strategies and
tactics in a variety of MSD 2.2 - Basic Skills (send
How can elements of physical activities & receive)
movement support active
living? Students integrate and MSD 3.2 - Teamwork
experiment with
How can teamwork elements of movement to
enhance participation in support physical activity.
physical activity?
Students connect and
demonstrate how
teamwork enhances
participation in physical

5 Active Living What is the relationship Students examine the AL 1.3 - Engaged in Physical
between motivation and effect of motivation on Activity
active living? physical activity.
MSD 1.1 - Basic Skills
Movement Skill How might tactics support Students analyze and (strategies & tactics - adjust)
Development decision making in physical apply strategies and
activity contexts? tactics that support MSD 1.3 - Basic Skills
improved decision (strategies & tactics -
How can diverse movement making in physical demonstrate)
patterns contribute to activities.
success across physical MSD 2.2 - Basic Skills
activities? Students demonstrate (application of sequences of
and adapt various movement)
What is the relationship movement patterns to
between collaboration and enhance skill MSD 2.4 - Basic Skills (adapt
physical activity? development. based on feedback)

Students demonstrate MSD 3.1 Teamwork /

how collaboration Communication (practice)
influences physical


1. Warm up- basketball lines
2. BEEF principle of shooting
3. Practice shooting
4. Around the world
5. HORSE (optional/ time dependant)
6. Free time
7. Conclusion / what is next day
● Attendance list and pen
● Basketball for each student (small basketball for grades 1-2, but can choose between bigger)
● Hoops set at 9 feet for the ones at the side and the two main hoops at 10 feet
● Enough basketballs for everyone to have 1
● Large enough gym so each student can spread out
Teacher Tasks:
● Have the attendance ready to go
● Make sure any equipment is put away, check for safety concerns
● Set up any equipment that is needed
● Awareness of space and location of other students
● Be aware that basketballs will be moving around the space and shot at the nets so keep eyes open and head up
● Students are not sitting on basketballs as they can fall off and it wrecks the basketballs they are not made for sitting
Introduction ( 2 min):
Attention Grabber:
- Have the students come into the gym grab a basketball and go to the wall holding their basketball
Assessment of Prior Knowledge:
- Ask the class how many have played basketball before (by a show of hands)
- Go over what the expectations/rules are when in the gym and when entering the gym for the basketball unit. THEN add my
own expectations.
- Go over the plan for the week (Day 1-ball handling, Day 2-dribbling, Day 3-Passing, Day 4&5-Shooting, Day 6-lay ups)
- safety (making sure students are away of their surroundings and other students around them)
Behavior Expectations
- students are listening and sitting down while I am giving instruction.
- students are not blurting out, instead are raising their hand.
-students are respectful of their peers
-when you freeze (either by 1 blow of the whistle, saying penguin, or the music stopping) you place the ball in between your feet
like a penguin => demonstrate this for the kids.
Warm up ( 3 min):
● Students will line up to come get a basketball which the teacher will hand out.
● Teacher will show students what ½, ¼, ¾, and full looks like in the gym (go lengthwise, so long part of the gym)
● Then have students repeat where ½, ¼, ¾, and full in the gym (look at lines to help)
● Students will then dribble with their basketball to each area you shout out and then dribble back to the start position
*make sure students are not double dribbling with they change direction
*demonstrate what a double dribble is for those students who do not know
*double dribble = occurs when a player ends their dribble by catching or causing the ball to come to rest in one
or both hands and then dribbles it again with one hand or when a player touches it before the ball hits the
Body (18-20 min):
Learning Activity #1: BEEF Principle of Shooting
“One word that can help you remember how to shoot properly” “can anyone tell me what it is?” (beef)
● Balance
● Elbow in and towards the target
● Eye on target
● Follow through (hand in cookie jar)
- Students stand in a balance position, knees slightly bent, (if right handed) right foot slightly in front of left (if left
handed) left foot slightly in front of right foot.
Elbow in and towards target:
- Elbow is in and aligned with the right knee (if right handed)
- Imagine a string connecting from right elbow to right knee (so it should be in line with each other)
Eye on target:
- Eyes are on the target you are wanting to shoot
- You are looking at the rim (typically)
Follow Through:
- Follows through and has a floppy wrist
- Follow through with fingers not so much the hand
- Ends with Hand in the cookie jar

*Note when using the beef principle

- The ball is sitting on the pads of fingerprints of his fingers not deep in the palm (follow through with fingers not so
much hand/palm) (helps for proper rotation on the ball)
- The other hand (not the shooting hand) is not too involved in the shot it is just there to help guide
- Lightly touching the side of the basketball with other hand (just fingerprints) at the side of the ball
- Not shooting with chicken wing arms or grannie shots
*Note to get more power if I am not making it up to the basket I can:
- Use my legs (similar to passing, we took a step), this time you can jump
- Right before you take the shot bend your knees and jump you as you are shooting and that will transfer from your legs
up into your shot
Get them to repeat BEEF with you
“Balance” (“balance”
“Eyes” (eyes)
“Elbow” (Elbow)
“Follow through” (follow through)

*grade 1 have them get into a circle take 7 steps backwards and practice each part of BEEF principle altogether, do this twice
- Have the students be like a penguin with their basketballs as you explain the next activity. (older students just hold the
ball so it won’t fall)
- Have students sit in front of you at the key while you explain and demo…
Learning Activity #2: Practice Shooting
Give students 3-4 minutes to practice shooting on any of the hoops using the beef principle.
Note to the students that the side hoops are at 9 feet while the two end hoops are at 10 feet.
- “Freeze”, Hold your ball or blow whistle once
Learning Activity #3: Around the world
Students will play around the world as a shooting game using the basketball key (ticks on them) as their guide
How to play:
- Students will use the ticks on the basketball key starting at number 1 (first line closest to the hoop at the key) then
move up and around the key
- The first student will shoot and if they make a basket they move onto the next level (continue this until you miss)
- Once you miss a shot your turn is over and it is the next person turn to shoot
- Students can move on to the next number/level once they make a basket
- The first person to finish around the world wins and the students restart
*have the students try to keep track of how many shots it took them to make a basket
*next round see if they can beat that by lower the number of attempts/shots it takes them to make the basket (they are
competing against themselves to get better)
*can note to students other ways you play if they want to make it harder such as;
- If I do not make the basket in three shots I go back down to the previous shot
- I can have one shot and if I make it move on to the next level and keep going until I do not make it but if I miss I can
have a ‘risk’ shot where if I make it I can continue on but if I do not then I go back to the previous level. *if on the
final level I risk and do not make it I go all the way back to the start. (can also do it if you ‘risk’ and do not
make it no matter what level you are on you go back to the start)
- “freeze , hold your ball”
Learning Activity #4 HORSE/PIG
Students can play horse (or if you want more touches and games to go faster use PIG)
Objective is to knock everyone out by spelling HORSE and be the last one standing
● Students lineup and the first person starts by picking a space to shoot from
● If that player makes it in you then have to copy them by shooting from the same place and making the basket
● If you do not make the basket you get the first letter (H)
● Switch where you shoot from (you cannot shoot from the same place as before if you made the shot already)
*if time is up
Teacher blows whistle once or says ‘freeze’ and hold your ball. Put your ball back on the cart and line up at the door!
Learning Activity #5: Free time

Students can have free time for the remainder of class time.
Their options include:
Horse, around the world, 2 vs 0 (dribble pass, dribble pass, dribble pass, shoot), or just practicing shooting

*For the first day I do not want students playing speed/bump since I want students to get a lot of touches (tell students
this will be an option for day 2 of shooting)
Teacher blows whistle once or says ‘freeze’ and hold your ball. Put your ball back on the cart and line up at the door!
Grade 1-2:
- Can choose to use the smaller basketballs or larger ones (gr. 2)
- Use small basketball for grade 1
- Sit them down first and go over warmup expectations for basketball ball unit
- Show them (specifically grade 1) exactly where ¼,½,¾, and full are and show them how to dribble to 1/4
Grade 3-5
- Use the larger basketballs
- Grade 4-5 have 30 minute periods so some activities can be longer
Closure (2 min):
- Have students show you with a thumbs up or thumbs down if they enjoyed today
- Then have students grab their basketballs and line up to place them in the bin
- Students can then go line up at the door
- Teacher says good job to students and gives them fist bumps after
Transition To Next Lesson:
- We will be day 2 of shooting.
Observations by teacher- using the PE Rubric- ‘D’ Effort/Fitness - out of 5
● Teacher will be keeping track of this via notebook and student lists
Reflection on Lesson
Grade 5:
- Listened to instruction well!
- Got to play a lot since they were well behaved and listening to instruction
- They understood my instruction and were able to perform the task at hand
- Both great classes
Grade 3:
- They listened good to instruction, I had to remind them a few times to stop bouncing the ball when I was talking but
once I did most of them stopped (I did not have to take anyone basketball away)
- I explained around the world for a little longer as some kids had never played before.
- Students were on task and only a few needed a brief reminder at times.
Grade 4:
- A few students were not listening and being disruptive so I had them roll their basketball to me since they could not
control themselves during instruction
- Students were on task and engaged with the activities
Grade 1:
- Students were excited to shoot and were attentive when instruction was given
- Students needed a few reminders to not interrupt during instruction but mostly listening
- Students were engaged with the activities the whole time, a few students were off task but with a quick reminder they
got back on task
- I allowed free time at the end where students could practice any basketball skill we have learned so far as I thought
this would allow more students to be engaged and productive.
Grade 2:
- One class of grade 2 was not listening and was very disruptive, I paused the activity and made all students put their
basketballs back on the cart, they then lined up at the door and as a class we walked silently in the hallways until
students were quiet, I then had students enter the gym and sit silently in the basketball key while I re explained around
the world.
- Students were silent the whole time during instruction and then were on task when I allowed them to play (they
responded very well to the hallway walk)
Here is an example of the spots on the basketball key you would use. (insert an updated picture after the lesson). I
just do not add 12 or 13 for the sake of time.

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