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MEET CLASS (5th September – Pau)


Grammar mistakes:

- food typical Valencian  It’s a typical dish from Valencia.

- It’s important / necessary / good + TO + verbo infinitivo

- Foods  food

- Meats  meat

Pronunciation mistakes:

1. I’m studying  /aim stading/

2. I’ll speak  /ail spik/

3. cusine /kúsin/

4. talk /tok/

5. prevent /privént/

6. diseases /disísis/

- How do you prefer to travel? (solo, family, friends, partner…) Why?

− Rural tourism vs. urban tourism.

− Travelling abroad or in your own country?

1. Introduce yourself:

Hello, good morning, my name is Pau Martinez. I’m 22 years old. I’m a primary /praimari/
teacher. I live in Alberic. I’m studying English because I like travelling abroad.

2. Introduce the topic: (3 ideas)

Now, I’m going to talk about my topic, travelling. First of all /féstovol/, I’m going to speak
about how I prefer to travel (1st idea), then I will go on with rural versus urban tourism
/turism/ (2nd idea) and finally I will finish my presentation talking /tookin/ about travelling
abroad or in your own country (3rd idea).

As I said /sed/ before, (1st idea) I prefer travelling with my friends because we have the same
tastes. Moreover, we have a very good relationship and we always enjoy together. If I had to
choose a way of travelling, I would choose the plane because it is fast and you can travel very

Regarding (2nd idea) rural versus urban tourism, rural tourism is a good way of relaxing and
enjoying the nature /neicha/. However, urban tourism will allow /alau/ you to see different
places like museums, cathedrals, churches, cities, monuments, to name but a few.

Finally (3rd idea), talking about travelling abroad or in your own country, I think that both
options are good. Travelling abroad allows you to know different cultures and different dishes
(platos). On the other hand, it’s nice to know the country where you live /liiv/ because we
don’t often know many places from our own country. Moreover, there are some advantages
like for example you don’t need to change currency /karrenci/ (moneda), you don’t need visa
(visado), there isn’t any jet lag and so on.

3. Conclusion: (no new idea)

To conclude/In conclusion/ All in all, Travelling allows you to discover different ways of
thinking, living, behaving (comportarse) /bijéivin/ and eating. It’s a way of respecting other
cultures /kálchas/.

1. Your area: Pros & cons.

2. Importance of location in services, entertainment & public connections.

3. Urban vs. rural life

4. Would you like to live anywhere different?

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