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Passive + tenses

1. I can’t leave because the engine … start.

A) doesn’t want to
B) won’t
C) shan’t
D) don’t

2. Mr. Morris’s last … in a drawer yesterday.

A) will was found
B) was found
C) was being found
D) will be found

3. This old nursery school … down by the end of this month.

A) will be pulled
B) will be being pulled
C) will have been being pulled
D) will have been pulled

4. His suicide note … yet.

A) hasn’t been found
B) hasn’t been being found
C) isn’t being found
D) isn’t find

5. He … the rules.
A) breaks often
B) often breaks
C) often break
D) break often

6. The alarm clock …, so I overslept.

A) hasn’t been set
B) wasn’t being set
C) hadn’t been being set
D) hadn’t been set

7. She … about undergoing a plastic surgery for years by the time she decided to do it.
A) had thought
B) has thought
C) had been thinking
D) has been thinking

8. The children … to write their compositions.

A) told
B) was told
C) were told
D) were telling
9. That canteen … twice a day.
A) cleans
B) will clean
C) will cleaned
D) is cleaned

10. These white wallpapers … on yesterday.

A) were put
B) put
C) had been put
D) have been put

11. Sheila … notes of the lecture now.

A) had been taking
B) is taking
C) is being taken
D) has been taken

12. Children … to be very cheeky.

A) says
B) say
C) are said
D) are saying

13. She was raking the leaves while he … .

A) weeded
B) was weed
C) was being weeded
D) was weeding

14. This Christmas tree … the day after tomorrow.

A) will be decorated
B) will decorate
C) will have decorated
D) will decorated

15. The Singer Manufacturing Company … in New York in 1853 by Isaac Merrit Singer.
A) was founded
B) was founding
C) has been founding
D) had been founded

16. The car … go.

A) won’t
B) shan’t
C) don’t
D) doesn’t want to
17. Before they went to Chicago they … out their travel insurances.
A) was taking
B) had taken
C) had been taking
D) had been taken

18. By the time his telephone … he … for years.

A) installed … had been waited
B) installed … had been waiting
C) was installed … had been waiting
D) was installed … had been waited

19. Johnny … to be good.

A) was telling
B) tells
C) told
D) was told

20. My car … last week.

A) has repaired
B) was repairing
C) was repaired
D) has been repairing

21. He … for hours now.

A) has been boozing
B) has been boozed
C) is boozing
D) is being boozed

22. By this time tomorrow he … his wings.

A) will have been getting
B) will have got
C) will be got
D) will get

23. Our colour TV … on hire-purchase 2 weeks ago.

A) was buying
B) was bought
C) was being bought
D) has been bought

24. That discount store … tomorrow.

A) will have been opening
B) will have opened
C) will open
D) will have been opened

25. Mr. Murphy … a bad patch lately.

A) was striked
B) had been struck
C) has stricken
D) have struck

26. Her hair … from fair to black a week ago.

A) was dyed
B) was dyeing
C) has been dyed
D) has dyed

27. Judith’s wisdom tooth … out now.

A) is pulled
B) has been pulling
C) has been being pulled
D) is being pulled

28. The tyres and the oil-face … once a week.

A) are being checked
B) are checked
C) check
D) are checking

29. This job … by tomorrow.

A) must be done
B) must done
C) mustn’t done
D) mustn’t be did

30. When did your father last … your face?

A) slap
B) slapped
C) slappen
D) was slapping

31. James Douglas Morrison … on 6 July, 1971 in Paris.

A) was being buried
B) had been buried
C) has been buried
D) was buried

32. A) Has the gas been installed yet?

B) Had the gas been being installed?
C) Will the gas have been being installed?
D) Will the gas be being installed?

33. Our car … twice a week.

A) was being wash
B) is washed
C) is washing
D) was washing
34. They … a refresher course all day tomorrow.
A) will be attending
B) will attend
C) will have attended
D) will have been attending

35. The bank robbers … by the police.

A) are chasing
B) have been being chased
C) are being chased
D) have been chasing

36. The opening speech … by the headteacher when one of the pupils fainted.
A) was being read
B) had been read
C) had been reading
D) had read

37. They are said … happily for years.

A) live
B) to have been living
C) have been living
D) to live

38. His voice … .

A) can’t heard
B) can’t be hear
C) can’t hear
D) can’t be heard

39. That shopping center … for half a year now.

A) has been built
B) has been being built
C) is being built
D) is built

40. That man … .

A) will be lynched
B) will have been lynched
C) will have been being lynched
D) will lynching

41. Anita … a useful piece of advice.

A) had been giving
B) will have given
C) was gave
D) was given
42. That little girl … mind her eye.
A) was telling to
B) was telling
C) was told to
D) was told

43. The material for his new literary work … for a few months by the excellent writer
when I met him.
A) was collecting
B) had been collected
C) had been being collected
D) had collected

44. The seance … in a village in the backwoods.

A) will held
B) will be hold
C) will be held
D) will hold

45. This time next month this building … for 2 weeks.

A) will have been being restored
B) will be being restored
C) will be restored
D) will have been restored


46. A) A song will be taught to them.

B) They will be taught a song.
C) He will teach them a song.
D) A song will be taught for them.

47. A) She will be brought a bottle of champagne.

B) He will bring her a bottle of champagne.
C) A bottle of champagne will be brought to her.
D) A bottle of champagne will be brought for her.

48. A) A telegram will be sent to his girlfriend.

B) A telegram will be sent for his girlfriend.
C) He will send her a telegram.
D) She will be sent a telegram.

49. A) A fur-coat was bought for her.

B) He bought her a fur-coat.
C) A fur-coat was bought to her.
D) She was bought a fur-coat.

50. A) A great job was offered for her.

B) She was offered a great job.
C) He offered a great job to her.
D) A great job was offered to her.

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