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Lesson Plan 1- Badminton (Grip, Forehand, Backhand)

Date: March 27-April 11, 2024 (spring break from March 29-April 5)
Grade: 1-5 Length of lesson: 25 minutes (Gr. 1-3) & 30 minutes (Gr. 4&5)

*Knowledge, Understanding, and Skills & Procedures has a link attached that will take you to
the guide of those numbers that we have created for each grade with the essential questions that
will be graded throughout the course.
Grade Organizing ideas Guiding Question Learning Outcomes Knowledge,
Understanding, and
Skills & Procedures

1 Movement Skill How might awareness Students exhibit MSD 1.1 (spatial
Development of the surroundings spatial awareness awareness)
impact movement? during a variety of
physical activities. MSD 1.2 (spatial

2 Movement Skill How are awareness Students refine and MSD 1.1 (spatial
Development and movement apply spatial awareness - body)
connected? awareness across a
variety of physical MSD 1.2 (spatial
activity contexts. awareness - decision

3 Movement Skill How can elements of Students investigate MSD 2.1 Participation &
Development movement support and demonstrate Basic Skills (send &
movement how elements of receive)
competence? movement support
physical activity. MSD 2.2 Basic Skill
(spatial awareness)

4 Movement Skill How can elements of Students select and MSD 1.1 (strategies &
Development movement and tactics implement strategies tactics - practice)
support active living? and tactics in a
variety of physical MSD 2.2 Basic Skills
How can elements of activities. (send & receive)
movement support
active living? Students integrate
and experiment with
elements of
movement to support
physical activity.

5 Movement Skill How might tactics Students analyze and MSD 1.1 Basic Skills
Development support decision apply strategies and (strategies & tactics -
making in physical tactics that support adjust)
activity contexts? improved decision
making in physical MSD 2.4 Basic Skills
How can diverse activities. (adapt based on
movement patterns feedback)
contribute to success Students
across physical demonstrate and
activities? adapt various
movement patterns
to enhance skill


- Students will participate in a variety of different games that will help me get to know the students better.
- Students will participate in a variety of different games that incorporate leadership, cooperation and physical skill
components within the games.
1. Warmup
2. Intro of grip
3. Forehand and backhand mechanics
4. Forehand and backhand practice
5. Rest of class practice
6. Show score of continuous contacts - using fingers, when lined up at door.
● 1 badminton racket per person (shorter rackets for younger grades)
● 1 shuttle per person
● Big enough gym space where students can spread out
● Balloons (grade 1)
Teacher Tasks:
- Have the attendance ready to go
- Make sure any equipment is put away, check for safety concerns
- Set up any equipment that is needed
Introduction ( 2 min):
Attention Grabber:
- Have the students sit in the middle for attendance.

Assessment of Prior Knowledge:

-how many students have played badminton before
- what other sports use a racket?

Behavior Expectations
- students are listening and sitting down while I am giving instruction.
- students are not blurting out, instead are raising their hand.
-students are respectful of their peers
-when you freeze

Assessment During:
- Observation by the teacher- using PE rubric- ‘A’ basic skills and application of basic skills- out of 5.
Warm up ( 3 min):
Students will enter the gym and run 5 laps, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, and 15 jumping jacks
- Grade 1 just run 3 laps
Teacher takes attendance while students are doing their warmups
Students will then come and sit in front of the teacher when they are finished their warmup

Body (15 min):

Learning Activity #1: Explain and Demo (grip, forehand, and backhand)

To start, introduce badminton (racket and shuttle). Show similarities and differences (similarities: tennis, table tennis, etc.)
differences (squash and other racket sports)
Then you can have students name the parts of the badminton racket (handle/grip, shaft, head/face), as they will be used during
VOS = you must form a V with your thumb and index finger and make certain the V points to your Opposite Shoulder when the racket is in
the ready position (pointing at the net.)
Explain and Demo VOS Grip
1. How to hold the racket
a. Take the racket by the shaft with your non-dominant/non-racket hand
b. The face of the racket needs to be sideways
c. Take your racket hand/dominant hand, shake hands nicely with the grip/handle of the racket
d. Let go of the shaft with your non-racket hand and hold the racket out in front of you
e. Racket hand thumb and pointer/index finger make a ‘V’ that points to your opposite shoulder
f. For backhand grip, turn the racket a quarter turn in your hand and place your thumb on the back of the grip
for support
Explain and Demo Forehand Mechanics
1. Turn your wrist, so your knuckles face the ground
2. The face of the racket should be up and down
3. Swing the racket upwards to the shuttle
Explain and Demo Backhand Mechanics
1. Turn your wrist, so your knuckles face the ceiling
2. The face of the racket should be up and down
3. Swing the racket upwards into the shuttle

Have each student put their racket in VOS grip. Check after each time to make sure it is being done properly.
- Blow whistle one time to get students attention (they should freeze and hold their shuttles and rackets)
Learning Activity #2: Forehand/Backhand shot practice
Each student is to have a shuttle and racket
Explain and demo what they are to do (see below)

- Students attempt to hit the shuttle continuously with themselves using a forehand shot (described above).
- After 4 minutes, blow the whistle once (freezing the class), have each student check if their grip is still in VOS
- Now have each student hit the shuttle continuously with themselves using a backhand shot (described above).
- After 4 minutes, blow the whistle once (freezing the class), have each student check if their grip is still in VOS.
- Next, have each student hit the shuttle continuously with themselves switching between the forehand and backhand
- After 4 minutes, blow the whistle once (freezing the class), have each student check if their grip is still in VOS.
Blow the whistle once.
Learning Activity #3: Practice for rest of class
Allow each student the rest of the class to try to get as many continuous contacts as they can, using either the forehand, or
backhand shot or both.
- Have the students share their best continuous score using their fingers when they are lined up to leave at the end of
- Teacher will attempt to make it to each student to watch, give timely, effective feedback and watch as the students
implement the feedback to observe improvement.
- Blow whistle and have students put shuttles back in the blue bin on the bleachers and badminton rackets on the cart
(shorter ones with the shorter and regulation with regulation) then line up at the door
- Share their best continuous score using their fingers
Grade 1-2:
- Grade 1 use balloons for the first lesson instead of shuttles
- Grade 1&2 use the shorter badminton rackets
Grade 3-5
- Grade 3-5 have the choice to use shorter or regulation badminton rackets
Closure (3-5 min):
- Have students show you with a thumbs up or thumbs down if they enjoyed today
- Then have students put away badminton rackets and birdies
- Students can then go line up at the door
- Teacher says go job to students and gives them fist bumps after
Transition To Next Lesson:
- Next lesson will be serving.
Reflection on Lesson
Grade 5:
- Lesson went well!
- First class of grade 5 I forgot to have them show me their VOS grip before going to try forehand and backhand
- Second class of grade 5 I remembered to do this before having students go off on their own to practice forehand and
- Time was left over so I paused students and had them raise their hand if they got 5 or more, 10 or more, 20 or more,
etc. for how many hits they could get in a row.
- I can take my time when giving instruction and slow down! (wait time as well, wait a little longer on some areas)
Grade 3:
- Second class of grade 3 were noisy and not listen like normal so I would wait for them to stop talking before I was
- I gave them a warning that if they kept interrupting and being disruptive we would walk the halls as a class
- They understood the explanations of how to grip the racket and what a forehand and backhand shot were.
Grade 4:
- Students were attentive and ready to learn
- Students listened to instructors and understood what was expected of them
- Students were all engaged and on task
- Students got time at the end to rally a little as they were on task and earned free time
Grade 1:
- Students were eager to learn and listened to instruction
- I had students raise their hand they would hold the racket with (asking them first which hand they hold a pencil in to
help determine what hand would hold the racket)
- The balloons worked really well as it allowed students more time to understand how to hit the balloon with the shuttle
and provided more time for students to get their racket under the balloon and make contact with the racket.
Grade 2:
- Eager to learn and were listening attentively
- Students were on task and were receptive to feedback when given to help understand how to hold a badminton racket
- For the forehand shot I sometimes would say it is like holding a frying pan or frying a pancake this also helped
understand how to hold the racket.

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