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Visual Schedules:

A practical guide for families How to help Sam

Visual schedules can help children with ADHD
follow a routine, transition between activities, walk the dog
develop new skills, and reduce dependence on
caretakers when completing daily activities.

A visual schedule is a sequence of images

that are used to show children what they PLAN MANAGEMENT
are expected to do.
Teach Sam how to follow the schedule. He TIME MANAGEMENT
may require physical or verbal guidance to
The series of visually presented tasks are
complete the activities appropriately, Make dog walking a part of Sam’s daily
arranged in the schedule in the order they particularly when he is first introduced to the routine by establishing a set time after school
are to be completed. schedule. As Sam learns how to follow the each day for him to complete the task.
schedule, these prompts can be faded. Give Sam 10 and 5 minute verbal prompts, so
This provides the child with a visual If Sam struggles to master a specific step that he won’t be as surprised when it’s time
template and a predictable list of expected within the schedule, consider simplifying the to stop what he’s doing and begin walking
behaviors. step further by breaking it down into smaller the dog.
parts. Set a timer and make it Sam’s goal to finish
walking the dog before the timer runs out.
Visual schedules can include a series of Reward his success to help incentivize future
separate tasks that are part of a routine, or positive behavior.
they can be used to teach a new skill by EMOTIONAL REGULATION
breaking down a single activity into smaller GOAL DIRECTED PERSISTENCE
Provide as much consistency as possible.
steps. Regular mealtimes and sleep schedules are
essential for Sam’s emotional and physical Provide reinforcement when Sam completes
development. the schedule appropriately. This could be
Encourage Sam to talk about his feelings. praise, a treat, time to engage in a preferred
Label his feelings and discuss emotions as activity, or anything else that motivates him!
they arise in books or television shows. Make sure you change up the rewards every
Practice deep breathing. This is a tool that the once in a while. Maybe instead of a treat, take
whole family can practice and it can be used Sam to the movies. Changing up the type of
anywhere! incentive you’re giving him will keep him from
Praise Sam’s efforts to calm down, even being complacent as he’ll be receiving a
when those efforts are not fully successful. variety of experiences that can stimulate him.

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