Techical Seminar Vtu Ar VR

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Visvesvaraya Technological University

Belagavi, Karnataka, 590018

Technical Seminar Report on

“Introduction to AR and VR”

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering

Submitted by

Omkar M Javali

Under the guidance of

Prof. Sapana Yakkundi

Assistant Professor

Subject Code: 18CSS84

Jain College of Engineering & Research, Belagavi

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
Jain College of Engineering & Research, Belagavi
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to VTU Belagavi & Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering


It is certified that, the Seminar work entitled “Introduction to AR and VR” is a

bonafide work satisfactorily completed by Omkar M Javali (2JR19CS048), in partial fulfilment
for the award of Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science and Engineering of the
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2022-2023.The Seminar
report has fulfilled & reached the requirements of regulations related to the degree.

Guide HOD Principal

(Prof. Sapana Yakkundi) (Dr. Pritam Dhumale) (Dr. S. V. Gorabal)
I, Omkar M Javali, hereby declare that the seminar report entitled Introduction to AR and VR
submitted by me to Jain College of Engineering and Research, Belagavi in partial fulfilment
for the award of Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science and Engineering of the
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2022-2023. This report is
only for the academic purpose.

Place: Belagavi Name: Omkar M Javali

Date: USN: 2JR19CS048

Signature of the student


It is my proud privilege and duty to acknowledge the kind of help and guidance received
from several people in preparation of this report. It would not have been possible to prepare
this report in this form without their valuable help, cooperation, and guidance.

First and foremost, I wish to record our sincere gratitude to Management of our college
and to our beloved Principal Dr. S. V. Gorabal, Jain College of Engineering and Research,
Belagavi for his constant support and encouragement for completion of seminar.

I am also thankful to Dr. Nandeesh Mathad, Dean Academics, for creating right kind of
milieu and giving moral support.

My sincere thanks to our HOD Dr. Pritam Dhumale Head of Computer Science and
Engineering Department, JCER, for her support which helped in completion of the seminar.

I express my sincere gratitude to our guide Prof. Sapana Yakkundi, Department of

Computer Science and Engineering, JCER, Belagavi for her valuable guidance and
suggestions for completing this seminar.

My sincere thanks to Prof. Arati Patil and Prof. Srinidhi Kulkarni, Seminar Coordinators
for providing platform to present the seminar.

My sincere gratitude is also owed to all the staff members and parents for their direct and
indirect support on successful completion of this seminar.

Omkar Javali


Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are two exciting emerging
technologies that are rapidly transforming the way we interact with digital content. While they
are often used interchangeably, they are quite different in terms of their applications,
development process, and user experience. AR is a technology that overlays digital content
onto the real world, typically through the use of a camera and display system. This allows users
to see and interact with digital objects in a real-world environment. One of the most popular
examples of AR technology is the mobile game Pokemon Go, where players use their
smartphones to capture Pokemon characters that appear in their real-world surroundings. AR
is also used in fields such as education and healthcare to provide interactive experiences that
enhance learning and improve patient outcomes. On the other hand, VR is a technology that
creates a completely immersive digital environment, typically through the use of a headset or
other display device. Users can move and interact within this digital environment as if it were
real. VR is commonly used in gaming, where users can fully immerse themselves in a virtual
world, but it also has applications in fields such as industrial design and training, where it can
provide a safe and controlled environment for learning.

Declaration i
Acknowledgement ii
Abstract iii
List of Figures v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Augmented Reality
1.2 Virtual Reality
Chapter -2 Literature survey 2
Chapter -3 Methodology 3-4
3.1 Augmented Reality Architecture
3.2 Virtual Reality Architecture
Chapter -4 Advantages and disadvantages 5
4.1 Advantages
4.2 Disadvantages
Chapter -5 Applications 6-8
5.1 Education
5.2 Healthcare
5.3 Gaming
5.4 Retail
Chapter -6 Conclusion of Seminar 9
References 10
List of Figures
Figure Caption Page
No. No.
3.1 Augmented Reality Architecture 3
3.2 Virtual Reality Architecture 4
5.1 Education 6
5.2 Healthcare 7
5.3 Gaming 7
5.4 Retail 8

Introduction to AR and VR

Chapter 1


1.1 Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is an interactive technology that allows virtual objects to be
superimposed on the real world in real-time. AR has the potential to revolutionize education
by providing immersive and engaging learning experiences for students. With AR, students
can interact with digital content in a more realistic way, bringing concepts to life and making
learning more fun and interactive. In education, AR can be used to visualize complex concepts,
provide personalized learning experiences, and create virtual environments that allow students
to explore and interact with digital content. The use of AR in education is gaining popularity
as it has been shown to improve student engagement and academic performance. In this way,
AR technology is reshaping the future of education by providing new ways for students to learn
and teachers to teach.

1.2 Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is an advanced technology that provides an immersive and
interactive learning experience for students. It simulates a computer-generated environment
that can be explored and interacted with using specialized equipment such as head-mounted
displays and handheld controllers. In education, VR can be used to visualize complex concepts,
create virtual simulations and environments, and provide experiential learning opportunities. It
has the potential to revolutionize the way students learn by providing a highly engaging and
interactive learning experience that can be tailored to individual needs. VR technology can also
provide access to experiences that may not be possible in the real world, such as virtual field
trips, cultural experiences, and simulations of dangerous or inaccessible environments. The use
of VR in education is becoming increasingly popular as it has been shown to improve student
engagement, academic performance, and retention. In this way, VR technology is reshaping
the future of education by providing new and innovative ways for students to learn and teachers
to teach.

Dept. of Computer Science Engineering JCER, Belagavi 1

Introduction to AR and VR

Chapter 2

[1] Mohamed Amin Hammami, “Impact of Virtual Reality on Modern Education”, 2020.

This paper highlights how VR technology can be utilized to provide tailored and
engaging learning experiences for these students, allowing them to acquire new skills and
knowledge in a more interactive and immersive way.

[2] Hag Zhang, Yulu Cui, and Lujie Tu, “Hotspots and Trends of Virtual Reality,
Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality in Education Field”, June 2020.

In this paper, nine hotspots and trends, including cognitive load, learning environment,
knowledge acquisition, training, gamification, assessment, children education, engineering
education, and higher medical education, are discovered to show the future research directions
in the education field.

[3] Yang Kuang and XiaoMei Bai, “The Feasibility Study of Augmented Reality
Technology in Early Childhood Education”, August 2019.

Based on the characteristics of augmented reality technology and the characteristics of

children's psychology, this paper puts forward the feasibility analysis of augmented reality
technology in the field of early childhood education.

[4] Orhan Yaman, “Development of Image Processing Based Methods Using Augmented
Reality in Higher Education”, 2019.

This study focuses on the development of image processing-based approaches to

enhance learning outcomes in higher education. By utilizing image processing techniques,
these approaches can provide more effective and engaging ways of presenting information to
students. This can help to improve the retention and comprehension of course material,
ultimately leading to better academic performance

Dept. of Computer Science Engineering JCER, Belagavi 2

Introduction to AR and VR

Chapter 3


3.1 Augmented Reality Architecture

The Augmented Reality Architecture consists of the following components:

• Device: This is the device that the user interacts with, such as a smartphone or tablet.
The device typically has a camera, which is used to capture the real-world environment.
• Augmented Reality Application: This is the software that creates the AR experience.
It uses the camera to capture the real-world environment and overlays AR content on
top of it. The AR application uses computer vision (CV) and image processing
techniques to analyse the camera feed and determine the position and orientation of the
device in the real world.
• Computer Vision and Image Processing: These are the techniques used by the AR
application to analyse the camera feed and understand the real-world environment. This
includes tracking the position and orientation of the device, detecting features and
objects in the scene, and estimating lighting and depth information.
• AR Scene and Content: This is the content that is overlaid on the real-world
environment. It can include 3D models, animations, text, images, and more. The AR
application uses the information from the computer vision and image processing
techniques to determine where and how to display the AR content in the real world.

Overall, the AR application uses computer vision and image processing to analyse the real-
world environment captured by the device's camera, and overlays AR content on top of it. This
creates an immersive and interactive experience for the user, where they can see and interact
with virtual objects in the real world.

Fig 3.1 Augmented Reality Architecture

Dept. of Computer Science Engineering JCER, Belagavi 3

Introduction to AR and VR

3.1 Virtual Reality Architecture

The Virtual Reality Architecture consists of the following components:

• VR Application Layer: This layer is at the top of the diagram and represents the
software that is used to deliver the educational content to the user. This layer includes
the educational content itself, such as simulations, virtual field trips, or interactive
models. The VR application layer interacts with the VR engine/framework layer to
provide the user with an immersive and interactive learning experience.
• VR Engine/Framework Layer: This layer is in the middle of the diagram and
represents the software that runs the VR environment and handles the interactions
between the user and the virtual world. This layer includes the game engines, VR
frameworks, and development kits that are used to create and run VR applications. The
VR engine/framework layer interacts with the hardware layer to deliver the VR
experience to the user.
• Hardware Layer: This layer is at the bottom of the diagram and represents the physical
devices that are used to run the VR application, including the VR headset and any
handheld controllers or other input devices. This layer includes the display technology,
sensors, and other hardware components that make it possible for the user to see and
interact with the virtual world.

Fig 3.2 Virtual Reality Architecture

Dept. of Computer Science Engineering JCER, Belagavi 4

Introduction to AR and VR

Chapter 4


4.1 Advantages
1. Immersive Learning Experience: AR and VR provide an immersive and engaging
learning experience for students, allowing them to interact with digital content in a way
that was not previously possible.
2. Visualization and Simulation: AR and VR allow students to visualize and interact
with concepts and simulations that may be difficult or impossible to replicate in the real
world, making it easier for them to understand and retain information.
3. Accessible Learning: AR and VR can make learning more accessible, particularly for
students who have disabilities, live in remote areas, or cannot afford to travel to
experience certain educational opportunities.
4. Personalized Learning: AR and VR can be used to provide personalized learning
experiences that are tailored to the individual needs and learning styles of each student.
5. Cost-Effective: While the initial investment in AR and VR technology can be high, it
can ultimately be cost-effective over time by reducing the need for physical materials
and equipment.

4.2 Disadvantages
1. Technical Issues: AR and VR systems can be complex and may require technical
expertise to set up and troubleshoot. Technical issues can lead to delays and
frustration for students and teachers.
2. Health Concerns: VR can cause motion sickness and eye strain in some users,
particularly if they are sensitive to motion or have pre-existing medical conditions.
3. Limited Access: Not all students may have access to AR and VR technology,
particularly in developing countries or in schools with limited resources.
4. Lack of Social Interaction: AR and VR can be isolating, as students may be
interacting with digital content rather than other students or teachers. This may limit
opportunities for social interaction and collaboration.

Dept. of Computer Science Engineering JCER, Belagavi 5

Introduction to AR and VR

Chapter 5


5.1 Education
AR and VR can be used in education to provide immersive and interactive learning
experiences, making it easier for students to understand complex concepts and enhancing their
learning outcomes. AR and VR have revolutionized the way we approach education by
providing students with interactive, immersive, and engaging learning experiences. AR and
VR technology also have the potential to make education more accessible to students with
disabilities or special needs. For example, AR technology can be used to provide visual aids
for students with learning disabilities, and VR can be used to create accessible learning
environments for students with mobility impairments.

Fig 5.1 Education

5.2 Healthcare
In healthcare, AR technology can be used to provide visual aids for medical
professionals during surgical procedures, allowing them to see vital information such as patient
data, X-rays, and CT scans in real-time while they work. It can also be used for medical training
and education, such as providing medical students with virtual anatomy labs to practice and
learn about the human body. VR technology has also been used in healthcare to provide patients
with immersive experiences that can reduce pain, anxiety, and stress. For example, VR
technology has been used to provide distraction therapy for patients during medical procedures,

Dept. of Computer Science Engineering JCER, Belagavi 6

Introduction to AR and VR

such as chemotherapy treatments. It can also be used for mental health therapy, such as
exposure therapy for patients with phobias.

Fig 5.2 Healthcare

5.3 Gaming
AR gaming involves overlaying virtual objects and information onto the real world,
allowing players to interact with the virtual world in a real-world environment. For example,
the popular game Pokemon Go uses AR technology to allow players to catch virtual Pokemon
creatures in the real world. VR gaming provides players with a completely immersive
experience by placing them in a virtual world. Players can interact with the virtual environment
and objects, and feel like they are actually present in the game world. This technology has
allowed for the development of games that provide intense and realistic experiences such as
driving, flying, or fighting games.

Fig 5.3 Gaming

Dept. of Computer Science Engineering JCER, Belagavi 7

Introduction to AR and VR

5.4 Retail
AR and VR can be used in the retail industry to provide virtual product demos and offer
a more personalized shopping experience to customers. AR technology can be used to create
virtual product displays and show customers how products will look in their own homes or on
their bodies. For example, using AR, customers can visualize how a piece of furniture will look
in their home or how a piece of clothing will look on them. VR technology can be used to
create immersive virtual stores, allowing customers to browse products and make purchases in
a virtual environment. This has the potential to increase customer engagement and reduce the
need for physical store locations.

Fig 5.4 Retail

Dept. of Computer Science Engineering JCER, Belagavi 8

Introduction to AR and VR

Chapter 6

The emergence of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies has
opened up new possibilities for industries across various domains. The potential applications
of AR and VR in education, healthcare, gaming, and retail are numerous, and they promise to
revolutionize the way people interact with these industries. In education, the use of AR and VR
technology can help students visualize complex concepts and enhance their learning
experience. Medical professionals can also use VR simulations to practice and refine their skills
without risking patient safety. In gaming, AR and VR can create immersive and interactive
gaming experiences that go beyond traditional gaming consoles. In retail, AR and VR
technology can enhance the shopping experience and increase customer engagement. As the
technology continues to evolve and become more accessible, we can expect to see even more
innovative applications and use cases for AR and VR in the future. It is evident that the
integration of AR and VR technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we live, work,
and interact with various industries.

Dept. of Computer Science Engineering JCER, Belagavi 9

Introduction to AR and VR

[1] Mohamed Amin Hammami, “Impact of Virtual Reality on Modern Education”, 2020.

[2] Hag Zhang, Yulu Cui, and Lujie Tu, “Hotspots and Trends of Virtual Reality, Augmented
Reality and Mixed Reality in Education Field”, June 2020.

[3] Yang Kuang and XiaoMei Bai, “The Feasibility Study of Augmented Reality Technology
in Early Childhood Education”, August 2019.

[4] Orhan Yaman, “Development of Image Processing Based Methods Using Augmented
Reality in Higher Education”, 2019.

Dept. of Computer Science Engineering JCER, Belagavi 10

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