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CONTACT RADHOINE ALOUI PHD & Engineer & Research Scholar - Embedded System and
Designer of electronic components
¯ /in/radhoine-aloui- Summary: Young electronic Engineer and PhD graduated from the National
28402b140/ School of Engineers of Carthage, Highly interested in Embedded Systems, Robotics, IOT. Willing to further develop and put my skills into practice, especially in those
/profile/Radhoine-Aloui fields which i am passionate about, in both Industry and Education sector. Look-
ing for a new professional experience to work.
Ó +21650663030
Postdoc: Analysis and devloppement a system de- 2023- 2024
fence using the SDR USRP B210 and the GNURradio
for Jamming the UAV in the system military
Military Research Center MRC - ElAouina, (Tunisia)
currently works for IoT components design and works for a RIS algorithm.
(RIS= Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface)

Postdoc: Terahertz antenna & Radio-frequency 2021- 2022

components for IOT devices
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de
Catalunya (CTTC) - Barcelone, (Spain)
currently works for IoT components design and works for a RIS algorithm.
(RIS= Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface)

PhD. Electric Engineering & Radio-frequency com- 2016 - 2021

ponents design
University of Carthage - Tunis, (Tunisia)

SKILLS Current Status: completed.

Title of Thesis: Modeling and design of substrate integrated circuits.

Internet of Things 2+ yrs

Research Master degree. - Automatic, Robotic & 2013 - 2015

Linux 1+ yrs Computer Science Engineering
University Of Carthage ( National engineering school
of Carthage) - Tunis, State (Tunisia)
C embedded 2+ yrs
Analysis and synthesis of a multi-model for the control of Linear perma-
nent magnet synchronous actuators
STM32 Microcontrolor 1+ yrs
designer License applied in mechatronics and Embedded 2010 - 2013
University Of Carthage ( Higher school of technology
C++ 1+ yrs
and informatics) - Tunis, State (Tunisia)
Embedded system- mechatronics System- Robotic and Automatic-
CCNA1 1+ yrs Electronic devices maintenance

Baccalaureate - Mathematical 2010

Packtracer 1+ yrs high school 02 Mars 1934 - Kef, Tunis (Tunisia)

Python 2+ yrs

JAVA 0.5+ yrs

Hardware 5+ yrs Developer engineering intern CSF (higher education 2023
Embedded C program programmer and tester with
Quantum Computing 1+ yrs IAR Software
IAR environment (compiling and flashing)
Teaching 7+ yrs Locals and globals variable location
location of dynamic variables
MISRA rule application
Matlab(Simulink/script 7+ yrs Develop the drivers drivers.c/.h
tests STM32F407VGT6 card unclogging.

CST-stduio 6+ yrs Developer engineering intern CSF (higher education 2023

Programmer and program tester for ARM embedded
ANSYS HFSS 7+ yrs cortex with CubeMX

GNURdio 1+ yrs STM32F407VGT6 board architecture and programming,

STM32 board developer with the new STM32cubeMX based HAL library
SDR USRP B210 1+ yrs knowledge of STM32 architecture
configure GPIO, EXTI, UART, SPI, ADC, RTC, RCC and DMA devices.

Researcher with the agreement of two research lab- Jan 2016 - Avr 2021
Research Laboratory Smart Electricity ICT, SEICT,
LR18ES44, National Engineering School of Carthage
GATE University of Carthage., Tunis (Tunisia) & Centre Tec-
nològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
embedded systems
- Barcelone, (Spain)
In ours works we have modeled and designed many components at ISM
band and Ku band. Then On the other hand we have modeled biosensors
for Breast Tumor cells. Also I have designed and fabricated an antenna
that works in two bands. Firstly it is wokd in ISM band then in the sec-
ond band this antenna can be used for IOT devices such as the smart
wireless vehicle electrique.
SEARCHER in Research Laboratory Smart Electricity Jan 2015 - Dec 2015
ICT, SEICT, LR18ES44, National Engineering School
English 3+ yrs
of Carthage University of Carthage., Tunis (Tunisia)
National Engineering School of Carthage University
French 10+ yrs of Carthage, Tunis (Tunisia)
In this part we have modeled a multi-model using Matlab Simulink to
command the motor with an algorithm to optimize current consumption
Arab Maternal and energy.

Tools:Keil et IDE, STM32F407VGtx, capteur de tem-
pérature tmp102 sur bus I2C
We simply proposed to indicate on three LEDs whether the temperature
is good, too hot or too cold. in the second part to add a real time clock

IoT application 2022

Tool: program C, Arduino
Modeling and design of cards as well as the connection with connected
objects in the IoT application., using the Arduino card
Analyse et synthése d’un multimodel pour la com- 2021
mande des actioneurs synchrone a aimant per-
Tool:Matlab simulink; STM32
Analysis and design an algorithm for command a Synchronous motor with
Matlab simulink.

Breast Tumor cell detector 2022

Tool: CST-2018; WCIP programming
In this project we have modeled an antenna working like a biosensor at
Terahertz band using the graphene material to detected the Tumor by the
reflection wave at 4.25 THz

Projet; Antenne RFID , ISM 2022

Tool: CST-2018
We have modeled and manufactured an RFID antenna that can integrate
it into the IoT and ISM application


Project 1 (completed): Development of an e- 2022
commerce site for the sale of smart greenhouses
equipped with an IOT system with the Hardware part
Tools: IDE, ESP86, ESP32, Sensor Dht11,...
Completed tasks.:
Design of a website, as well as the integration of a website development
platform and the production of the hardware part which constitutes the
prototype of an intelligent greenhouse with sensors and actuators and
the Internet of IoT objects to allow monitoring and order.

Project 2 (in progress): Development of a mobile ap- 2023

plication for the prediction and monitoring of masti-
tis in camels.
Tools: IDE, ESP86, ESP32, Mastitis disease sensor
Tasks to be carried out.:
Develop a mobile application for the prediction and monitoring of masti-
tis in camels and develop a connected hardware application that allows
information to be transferred.


Modeling a Ka-Band Resonator Cavity with SIW 3-D 2018
Technology 2018
2018 30th International Conference on Microelec-
tronics (ICM)


substrate integrated waveguide wideband antenna 2019

for medical imaging and inter-satellite communica-
Mediterrannean Microwave Symposium (MMS) Con-

Planar Dual-Band ISM Antenna for Wireless Sensors 2020
2019 Antennas Design and Measurement Interna-
tional Conference (ADMInC) in Russia


A CPW-SIW planar dual-band antenna for ISM appli- 2021

International Conference on Sensor Device Tech-
nologies and Applications (SENSORDEVICES) in


Substrate Integrated Waveguide Circular Antenna SCOPUS 37 SJR
for Terahertz Application
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C(ISSN:
229–242,) Vol 96, Issue XX, 2019

Status: Accepted and Published

Substrate integrated waveguide dual-band ISM

Q3 -an-
IF 0.4 Magazine and Newslette
tenna for wireless sensors
JMicrowave Journal (ISSN: 0192-6225) Spotlight,

Status: Under Review

Terahertz Antenna Based on Graphene Material for Elsevier - SJR 40

Breast Tumor Detection
Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research (ISSN: 2214-
1804) , 2022

Status: Accepted and under correction with Minor revision

Algorithm calculated for Terahertz Antenna Based Elsevier - IF 5.89

on Graphene Material for Breast Tumor Detection us-
ing the WCIP
frontiers bio-engineering and biotechnology (ISSN:
2296-4185) , 2022

Status: Under Review

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