Academic Plan - Grade 10 (Copied)

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ACADEMIC PLAN Sessior 2016.17 : English TERM WISE BREAK-UP OF SYLLABUS) TERMT LITERATURE READER ‘© Two Gentlemen of Verona ‘| Mrs.Packletide’s Tiger * Theletter ‘© Frog and the Nightingale © Mirror Not Marble not gilded Monuments * Dear Departed LONG READING TEXT- Diary of a Young Girl * Part MAIN COURSE BOOK ‘© Health and Medicine = Education # Science Comprehension Passages and Poems GRAMMAR TOPICS © Determiners = Tenses ‘= Subject Verb Agreement = Connectors © Modals # Active Passive Reported speech WRITING SKILLS ‘Notice, message, diary entry, Bio-sketch ,Data Interpretation, dialogue writing, description writing, letter writing, e-mail writing, article, speech, report & story writing TERMI! LITERATURE READER Shady Plot * PatolBabu © Virtually True Ozymandias + Rime of Ancient Mariner © Snake + Julius Caesar LONG READING TEXT- Diary of a Young Girl © Partell MAIN COURSE BOOK * Environment Travel and Tourism + National Integration * Comprehension Passages and Poems ‘GRAMMAR TOPICS(NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING) = Prepositions = Non- Finites = Relatives * Conditionals = Comparison * Avoiding Repetition * Nominalisation WRITING SKILLS = Practice ofall the writing skills covered in SAI Syllabus ENGLISH -CLASS x SESSION 2016-17 (MARKSWISE DIVISION OF SYLLABUS READING 20 MARKS WRITING SKILLS WITH GRAMMAR | 25 MARKS. LITERATURE TEXT BOOK 25 MARKS, LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS 20 MARKS, TOTAL 30 MARKS, ‘SCHEDULE OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT & UNIT TEST FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT. | FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: | FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT.IV UNIT TEST (20) UNIT TEST (20) ACTIVITY(10) ACTIVITY (20) AcriviTy{20) ACTIVITY (10) UNIT TEST (20) UNIT TEST (20), AcTIViTy(10) ACTIVITY ( ACTIVITY(20) ) ACTIVITY (20) ‘SYLLABUS FOR UNIT Test. Uerature: Two Gentlemen of Verona, Frog and The Nightingale Writing Skil: rice wrting, Diary Entry (Grammar: Tenses, Deteminers Uterature: Mrs. Pacletide'sTiger, Miror Writing Skil: etter Writing Story Writing SYLLABUS FOR UNIT TEST 1 Uterature: Shas Pot, Orymandias Witing skis eter Writing, Email Arte, Speech SYLLABUS FOR UNIT TEST IV UUteratue:Paoléabu, irualy tre, Shake, Rime of Ancient Marner Grammar: integrates Grammar Wring kl: eter wring, Ale, Story Writing ‘ACTIVITY EOR FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1N ‘ACTIVITY FOR FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1 Fist Acidity: Tall Show healthy Lifestyle Group att) (2) ‘Second activity: MCA (10) ACTIVITY FOR FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT First Activity :My Scientific Temper( Group actvty(10) ‘Second activity: Interdlsiplinary Holiday Homework and Project based on the Novel (10) Fist Activity :My small step towards Big Mission Environment(10) Second atity~ Ad-Mad- AithiDevoBhava (Group atv) (10) First Activity: tempore (10) Second activty~ Creative wring on National integration (par work (20) LUSTENING SKILL ASSESSMENT. - Sept 29,2036 LUSTENING SKILL ASSESSMENT Dec 20,2016 OBJECTIVES OF LISTENING SK ASSESSMENT +) Toenable the students oleten and understana + Tocnable the students to collect he information and solve the sven problems. + To enable the students to expres thee views with accuracy © Tocenablethe students to speak fuenty and with correct, + To develop communicative sls of the stants Academic Plan SESSION: 2016-17 class x English SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT -I Wont] Retion | Tone aay Tame Ase] Valeo Tear as work forced {Group activity) ol oF Right decision | pause, intonation, reasonable speed and caticsm of To understand the message ofthe poem selfanness and Tolearnthe corec usage ofthe tenses Tobe abletowrie and speak ammataly coved sentences Grammar |» oeterminers > Tenses or | (clas Test Writing |+ Biographical + ro understand te format of ‘kills, | Sketch ‘lographical ketch, Diary Eney& Data + biary Entry os | on Interpretation > bata Ta beable towrte Biographical Sketch, Interpretation Dary Entry & Dataleteroretavon with (class Test accuracy and tne expression To understand the passage and poem Reading aot re eew + comprehension To grasp the meaning of the new words Skits" passage & From | ot 2nd phrases used Poem ce To be abe to draw the inference/ (cass Test) concusion. tong students Reading | “Chapters Fa beable to evaluate and remember Tet | 2006 the events in he dvonologal order. (oiarota | esersed Tobe able to relate wis he characters oungaieh | 22"! Tobe able to wrt the character Yount 8H | cass Test etches ofthe characters invalid nthe To understand the i To be abe to use the information mcs | seathand Medicine (sdavs erature Reader Grammar Writing skis Reading ‘kits mca > Dear Departed (class Test) Je Miror (cass test) (cass Test) antic Weting Story Writing (Cass Test Comprehension passages, (cass Test) Health and (eontioued) Traiwdual ctv) ‘Grandparents are tobe loved and expected ‘more than parents. students will share 2 ressage forthe grandparents expeesing (iva activity ‘Ceang's ineuitabie aw of Nature’ students vwilldscuss and share how one shold view change in fe. Students may be asked to share sy charge they dled intially and how the o o o Mce o on (eiong the Role Grand parents compassion, Inner beauty {othear, soul s farmore imp. than external accept changes. ‘To understand with comprohension To appreciate thestory To understand the message/ theme To understand the Iterary devies and the To understand the poet devices andthe "understand the message ofthe poem To.enabe the students to thinkertiealy and analytically Ta enable the students to write and epeak rammaticaly covet sentences To understand tne common erorsin he usage of Subject Vero Agreement «+ To understand the format of Letter Wrtingaarecle wring ‘To enable the stucents towne letters & oles with accuracy and Fe expresion. Tobe able to conelude in loge! and To understand the passage and oem To grasp the meaning of the new words an vases used Tobe ale to draw the inference/ conclusion. To understand the unit To. ale to use the iformation provided (class Tes) ‘Wonth Section | Topic Rating Home | Assig: | Values tobe enforced learning objectives Work uly. | iterature | «the Leter or | or | “esyousow,soshallyou to understand with Aue) — | “Reader People believed that Al's reap. comprenension (clase text) | sufferings were duet the sins ‘To appreciate the story suty that he had done by ling Importance of compassion, f to ndestand the message (2teays) Innocent birds and animals. The enaness... | theme postmaster suffered becausehe Tounderstand the iterary had been inhumane to Al devices and ne new words Doyoubelieve inchs theory of -Toleam the corect wage of Grammar | »Modats 2 | on the Modalstcive Passive + Active Passive To enable the students towse the tople practi (class Test) To understand the rules ofthe usage of Moda and active To understand the common errors inte usage of Modal J+ To understand the format of Writing | «eserption oo | om Description mal Speech skis |” writing and Debate wing. (People, Paces J+ To enable the students to and Events) write Description, Ema semal Speech and Debate with Wiring securacy and fine Speech crores Wiring J+ To enable the students to Debate conclude ln loge and Wiring a proper way aug (209s) Main course Book Reading skills, ong reading (iaryot Young it) Reader + Education Poems (class Tes) Chapter 3 and Atobe discussed (Wares) (class Test) [Not Marble not Gilded (clase Tee) em expresses TIME as the mast powerfl ang a of students will hink of an apt comparison of TIVE wihina ven ime limit and sharein the clas Pride To be abe to use magnation and one's eas logically and ‘wth consistency To enable the students to understand the unt ‘To enable the sudents to use the infermaton provided nthe forthe wing kl To understand the passage ana To grasp the meaning of new words and phrases used, inference/ conclusion To insti the love for reading in Tobe able to evaluate and remember the events inthe Tobe able to relate with the characters ‘To be abe towrte the character sketches ofthe characters involved inthe story. To read with proper intonation, reasonable speed and ow. To understand the poetic Tounderstana the message of the poem To be abe to think crteally and analytealy Grammar writing stil Reported speech Practice of Integrated (clas Tes) Notice writing Message weitng (clase Tes) o on + To enable tne students To eam the corect usage of the Reported speech Tounderstand the rules of the usage of Reported Speech To understand the common errors inte usage of Reported speech ‘To enabethe students to verte prammatialy correct sentences nthe Direct and the Indes speech ‘To enabe the students to change the sentences from Direct naire speech and To understand the format of ‘story Notice & Messagewrting write Story. Notice & Messagenith accuracy and ne expression ‘To enable the students conclude na logical ane proper way To enable the students ideaslopeally end wth consistency To enable the std understand the unt ‘Tobe abieto ure the information proves inthe forte writing kil To understand the passage ans Reading] Comprehension sils” | passage (class Tes) long | Chapter 5 tobe reading | discussed text | (Parts) (clase Tes) To grasp the meaning of new words and phrases uses, To be abet craw the inference/ conclusion. To inti the love for reading in the students, To be abe to evaluate and remember the events inthe chronological order ‘To be abe to relate withthe characters character sketches ofthe characters iwolved inthe story. TEVISTONSUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT T EXAMINATION SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT -II Month | Section | Topie ‘activity Home | Awig. | Values tobe enforced Tearning objectives Work ‘Ga Uterature | =Stedy Pat | Group Rew ‘1 | ar] Green af Pagiarem To understand wih a7 | Reader Helen the ghost cme to mast you ‘Advocating the criginaltyand_[ comprehension ay) (class Test) | and gave you an interesting ea for 2 retuty oF deas| 0 appreciate the try, host story. share that try ‘To understand the message/ and the new words ° To eed ith rover pronunciation, (invidual activity 1] lericesmatvanty fe pride | pause, intonaton, reasonable ‘sorymanaias | Imagine you are the ting Ozymandias peed 3nd fw. (close est) | and youget one day of ie. You vist sreendestana she poetic devices Yourkingam anno sa and the new words turned int colossal wreck ater your “Tounderstand the message ofthe death You want to make some poem . amendments inthe message writen areca the use of imagery below the statue. Share your me * Ta lean the correct usage ofthe Grammar | «Prepositions " " PrepostionsiNon Fines “Non Fntes 0 understand the common erors (class Test) Inthe usage of Prepaeonstion ‘Practice of wiring |" Leter Waiting om fou Revision skits | «Practice of Revision Biographical Sete ary Entry and (clas Test) MCB] « Environment a oT fo Be ble to understand the unt ‘To enable the students to use the information provided inthe unit 7 wrtng sks From | 01 Reading | Comprehension To understand the passage and Passages and we poem Poems To grasp the meaning of new {Cass Test) words and phrases wsee To be able to draw the inference/ ceonelusion Long Chapter 1 and 2 To instil the love for reading in the Reading | (part students Text (lass Test) ‘0 enable the students to Davee ‘evaluate and remember the events youre Giri) Inthe chronoiogical order. (Partin ‘To be abe to relate withthe ‘To enable the students to write ‘the Character Sketches ofthe characters involved inthe story. War [Uheratore [> ime of | (ndvidual Raw oT vi Taran + To read with proper im ‘kocient | Committing mistakes is humane but sympathy, appreciation of pronunciation pause, days Mariner | not realizing them is inhumane. St different forms of ie, one hasto | intonation, reasonable speed (class Test ry mistake of yours that youhave Taalzed and resolved not to repeat that ever bear the burden of one’s sine To understand the poet devices and the new words Ta understand the message of the poem To appreciate the use of To understand and appreciate the use of Symbols the stale Grammar Reading tone Reading (oiaryota young et) + Patou, (clas Test) arte, Speech Debate and Deseription wrtng (class Test * concitonale (clase Test Travel and Practice of ‘Comprehension Passages and poems (clas Test) chapter 3.t0 be dicussed (ars) (clas Test) Tarwort You get chance to interview him, Enact he interview. From mee ran monetary benefits + To understand with comprenersion To appreciate the story. To understand the messege/ ‘ouunderstand the ltrary Revision To lesn the corect usage ofthe Relatives, Condtionas8comparson To understand the common errors inthe usage of Relatives, Cendtionasicomparson To be able to understand he unit To enable the students to vse the Information provided in the unt To understand the passage and To grasp the meaning of new words and phrases vie o enable the students o draw ‘the inference conclusion 0 enable the students to evaluate and remember the events Inthe chronoiopeal oder 0 be ale to wrt the caracer skethes ofthe characters invohed Inthe story Rb (cass Tes) «+ snake (cass Test) (Css Test) (indvidua a sett) ach student wl find out the latest and share any one in she cc, (dividual activ ‘Students wl fi amazing fats be shared inthe clas, (Group Activity) ‘good leader's perfect lend of somany qualities Each group wil discuss those o ‘share who eserves the ttle of The Best ‘peep int the future world “eetology has both- pos and Humanity, sensitization towards Nature, respect towards all forms ite ‘Appearances maybe deceptive derence between fatteres and frends, Te understand with comprehension imagination Invowved in thisstory message theme To understand the Iterary devices and the To understand the pros — fons ofthe technological development in the To read with proper Intonation, reasonable Speed anc lw. deviees and the new words To understand the message ofthe poem To appreiate the use of Imagery and von To understand and appreciate the story af the drama ‘Toundersand the message theme To understans the Iterary davies and the ew words reading in the stents Wing Grammar mca ‘emai andieter (Class Test) + Avoiding (clase Test) (Gass Test) o o o From ce + Tobe able to eal and remember the hronoogial order. + Tobe ableto late with the characters + Tobe aoletownte the character tetas of the tharaters involved in the story. “+ Tolearnthe correct usage of the Nomination Nominalzation repetition inthe sentences Tobe ableto use the Information provided in the unt To grasp the meaning of new words and phrases used Tobe able to draw the Infeence/condusion. Chapters a vee PRE BOARD EXAMINATION REVISION FOR SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT II ‘one register wil be malntained for Wand H.W.

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