Three Questions

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The story is about the three questions that occurred in a certain king’s mind and he
approached various people seeking reply to those questions. He also proclaimed that he
would reward anyone, who would tell him what was the right time for every action, who
were the right people to mingle with and what was the most important thing to do. He got
various replies but was not convinced with any. At last, the hermit made him realize
through a practical experience. The author narrates it in an interesting manner which brings
out the value in the end.

One should learn to value time, as each and every moment is precious. Present is the most
important time, as we have the power to do something worthwhile only at the present
moment. By using the present time judiciously we can create a beautiful past and lay
foundation for a promising future. Nobody knows whether we will be provided with any
other moment in future. Hence one should make the best use of it. Similarly, the person
who we are with, at the present moment, is the most important one. We should give our
undiverted attention to that person. The job we have in our hand is the most important
thing at the moment, so we should fulfill our duties with utmost efficiency. Doing right
thing to the right person , at the right time will reward us with right reward and everything
will fall in its proper place.
Another message is to do good to our fellow beings selflessly, as the human community
cannot survive without the mutual understanding and co-operation of each other This is
the only purpose for which the man has been sent to earth.
Title Justification
The entire lesson is woven around the three questions that occurred to the king and how he
got the answers. The experience that the king goes through in order to get his answers is
depicted by Leo Tolstoy in a vivid manner . The author has very intelligently woven the
story in a logical sequence to emphasize the importance of experiential learning by
maintaining the curiousity and interests of the readers and by giving a valuable message. .
Hence the title is justified.

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