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Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina –

Unisul Digital

Atividade de Avaliação a Distância

Deadline: 29 May 2023!

Disciplina/Unidade de Aprendizagem: Inglês Aplicado à Aviação III

Curso: Ciências Aeronáuticas
Professor: Denise de Mesquita Corrêa

 Procure o professor sempre que tiver dúvidas.
 Entregue a atividade no prazo estipulado.
 Esta atividade é obrigatória e fará parte da sua média final.
 Encaminhe a atividade via Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (ULIFE) e Google Docs


Get prepared to perform an online activity based on the chapters that compose our book as well as the
material presented in our virtual environment. This activity is divided in two parts:
Part 1, post the situation in Google Docs;
Part 2, insert the file with your situation as well as the date and time of your post in our Ulife, in the
You are expected to select any picture of an “Emergency/problem situation” and describe it in English.
Then, you should post it in our Google Docs so that we can share some different points of view
concerning possible ways of handling difficult situations.
 this AD is worth 50% of your final grade.

Are you ready to start? So, go on for the instructions! Good

luck! Stay tuned!

Denise de Mesquita Corrêa

English Teacher – Unisul

Task step by step

Step 1: select, on the internet, any picture showing an “Emergency/problem situation”; Step 2:

describe what happened in the situation or what you think has happened, in English.
Provide a possible solution to the problem highlighted. The solution must be original with at least 60

Step 3: check if the picture you have selected was not used by your colleagues, yet. Repeated pictures/situations will
NOT be graded;

Step 4: insert the picture selected in our Google Docs, according to the following information: the picture
+ the situation + your solution to it (check the example in the sequence);

Step 5: you cannot repeat situations that have already been posted; so, before inserting your contribution,
check if it was not mentioned, yet. Repeated situations will NOT be graded;

Step 6: insert your name on top of your task;

Step 7: once you add the data in our Google Docs, the page will update in real time;

Step 8: use one page to insert your contribution;

Step 9: to get to Google Docs of this activity, click here:

Step 10: after entering your data in our Google Docs, return to our digital environment (Ulife) and post a
file with your situation (attached) and the following message at the AD site:
 Distance Activity sent on XXX (date), at XXX (hours)

 Example: Distance activity sent on 20 May, at 5pm.

Attention!! Post your file on Ulife, in the AD slot, only for the sake of registration.

Step 11: check the evaluation criteria provided in the table at the end of this activity. Attention:

plagiarism is a crime; any possible copy from other sources will be punished!

Check an example in the sequence:

Denise de Mesquita Corrêa

This accident with the Chapecoense Soccer team happened in November 2016, flight LaMia
2933 ….

My solution:
Were I the pilot, I would …
Criteria for the Evaluation

For the correction, the teacher will consider the following criteria:
Criteria for the Evaluation Points
1. Inserted the student’s name on top of the situation. 1 point
2. Inserted a picture and reported the situation in our Google Docs, according to
the following information: picture + the situation (Be sure the picture and the 2 points
situation were not mentioned earlier!!)
3. Provided a solution to the situation in English. 3 points
4. Presented a coherent and cohesive text structure with proper grammar. 2 points
5. Presented an original text as for the solution to the problem with at least 60 words.
1 point
6. Inserted on Ulife, in the AD slot, the posting information and your situation attached in
1 point
a file. Example: Distance Activity sent on XXX (date), at XXX (hours).
Total 10,0 (Ten)
Attention: Repeated pictures/situations will NOT be graded as well as late submissions!

Important: deadline for posting this activity in our Google Docs: 29 May 2023!

The total score equation for this course with two assignments is:
 50% of the grade = AD
 50% of the grade = AP

This is the link to our Google Docs:

Artur Rodrigues Barros

Distance Activity sent on May 21th, at 3:10pm

On April 29, 2013, a Boeing 747-400 (N949CA), from National airlines, had the tragic loss of one of its aircraft in an
accident that puzzled the world about what would be the real cause. The aircraft was taking off from Begran to Dubai Al
Maktoum with 7 crew members and the load of 5 MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) military vehicles.
Moments after taking off from runway 03 at Bagram Air Base, at 3:30 pm local time, the Boeing 747 lost lift, falling and
bursting into flames near the end of the runway, within the perimeter of the Air Base.

My Solution:

The real cause of the accident was due to the displacement of the load linked to the state of the ropes and the error in
lashing the loads.
My solution to prevent problems like this from happening again would be better management of working conditions for
crew and cargo personnel. Based on case studies, I could see that one of those responsible for lashing the loads did not
have the necessary certifications and training for such operations, which increases the possibilities of human error.
Another fact is that the company's own manual regarding moorings was flawed, according to boeing.
Points to be worked on:

- Scale management;
- Training for crew and operators;
- Barriers / inspections in risk operations.

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