Comprehension Passage - Grade 8

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Maxfort School, Rohini

Session – 2023-24
Subject- English
Topic- Comprehension Passage
Name______ Class/ Sec______ Date_______
Learning Outcomes –
Students will be able to:
 Gather and extend understanding of the information and ideas presented in the text.
 Read with a question in mind, which requires students to skim and scan during reading.
 Understand that there are different types of questions, and be able to categorise and answer them.
Q. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a really cool technology that is becoming more and more popular in our
world today. It's all about creating machines that can think and act like humans. AI can do things that we
usually associate with intelligent beings, like solving problems and making decisions. It's like having a
computer or a robot that can do things on its own without being told what to do. AI is all about creating
algorithms, which are sets of instructions, that can produce results without needing to be explicitly told
what to do. It's like the machines are learning and mimicking the actions of humans. As AI continues to
grow, it will have a big impact on our lives and make things better for us.
2.But what if AI becomes even smarter than humans? Some experts think that could happen in the next
thirty or forty years. They think that AI will help us solve a lot of problems and make our lives better. But
there are also some people who are worried about what could happen if machines become more
intelligent than us. They think that machines might ignore us or even destroy us. It's a little scary to think
about, but no one really knows for sure what will happen. It's up to us to make sure that AI has a positive
influence on our lives.
3.AI is already starting to show up in our everyday lives. Have you heard of self-driving cars? They're a
type of AI technology. There are also drones that can deliver life-saving equipment to people in need.
But there have been some problems too. One woman had her hair eaten by her robot vacuum cleaner
while she was sleeping! And there have been accidents with self-driving cars. But even with these
problems, the benefits of AI outweigh the disadvantages. It's all about progress and making things
better, even if there are some bumps along the way.
4.In the future, AI will be integrated into almost everything we do. It will make things more efficient and
help us do things better. For example, AI could help doctors personalize medicine for each patient or
help police officers keep us safe. But there will also be some downsides. Some jobs might be taken over
by machines, which could lead to unemployment. But overall, AI has the potential to make our lives
better and help us evolve as a species. It's an exciting time to be alive!
Q. On the basis of your reading of the above given passage answer the given questions:
1.According to the text, what is one potential downside of AI?
A) AI could lead to unemployment.
B) AI will help us solve a lot of problems.
C) AI can do things that we usually associate with intelligent beings.
D) AI is all about creating algorithms

2.What is one example of AI technology mentioned in the text?

A) Robot vacuum cleaner
B) Self-driving cars causing accidents
C) Drones delivering life-saving equipment
D) Machines becoming more intelligent than humans

3.What is the main idea of this passage?

A) AI is already integrated into almost everything we do.
B) AI has the potential to make our lives better and help us evolve as a species.
C) AI is a really cool technology that is becoming more and more popular.
D) AI is all about creating machines that can think and act like humans.

4.According to the text, what is one potential downside of AI becoming smarter than humans?
A) AI might ignore us or destroy us.
B) AI will help us solve a lot of problems.
C) AI can do things that we usually associate with intelligent beings.
D) AI is all about creating algorithms

5.What is one example of a problem mentioned in the text related to AI technology?

A) Robot vacuum cleaner eating someone's hair
B) Self-driving cars causing accidents
C) Drones delivering life-saving equipment
D) Machines becoming more intelligent than humans

Q2. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words

1.What are some potential benefits of AI?
2.What are some concerns people have about AI?
Q3.Do you think it is possible for AI to become smarter than humans? Why or why not?



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