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1. Name:
2. Gender:
a) Male b) Female
3. Age:
a) Below c) 36-45
b) 26-36 d) above 45
4. Marital Status:
a) Married b) Unmarried
5. Educational level:
a) High School b) Higher secondary
c) College
6. Monthly income:
a) Up to 10000 b) 10000-15000
c)15000-17000 d) Above 17000
7. Family members:
a) Up to 3 b) 4-6
c) Above 6
8. Housing
a) Rented b) Owned
9.Distance of working place from your residence:
a) Nearb) Faraway
10.How many year have been working in the textile?
a) Less than 5 years b) 5-10 years
c) 10-15 years d) 15-20 years
11.How many hours do you work?
a) 8 hours b) 9 hours
c) 12 hours
12. How is the working environment?
a) Participative b) Autonomy
c) Whimsical d) Red Tapism
13.How do you feel the working environment level?
a) Excellent b) Good
c) Satisfactory d) Not satisfactory
14.How secure do you feel in your job?
a) High secure b) Secure
c) Insecure
15. How do you feel the smooth relationship with your employers and co-workers?
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied.
c) Dissatisfied d) Highly dissatisfied
17. Welfare facilities provided to the employee by the textile are satisfactory:
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied
c)Dissatisfied d) Strongly disagree

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