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 S 249E(1): If the directors fail to call & arrange to hold a

MEMBERS’ MEETINGS GM within 21 days after the members’ request, members
holding more than 50% of all those requesting members’
 S 249A allows members of a proprietary company to pass
votes may call & arrange to hold a GM.
resolutions without a GM if all members entitled to vote on
 S 249E(2): The meeting must be held no later than 3 months
that resolution sign a document stating that they are in favour
after the requisition was made.
of the resolution.
 S 249E(3): To call the meeting, the requesting members are
 S 249B: In single member companies, resolutions may be
entitled to receive a free copy of the company’s register of
passed without a meeting.
 S 249E(4): The company must pay reasonable expenses
Requirement to hold AGM
incurred by the members because the directors failed to call
 S 250N(1): A public company must hold an AGM within 18 & arrange the meeting.
months after its registration.  S 249E(5): Directors are jointly & severally liable to the
 S 250N(2): A public company must hold an AGM at least company for those expenses, unless they took all reasonable
once in each calendar year, and within 5 months after the end steps to cause the directors to comply with s 249D.
of its financial year.
 S 250N(3): A public company with only 1 member is not PROPER PURPOSES
required to hold an AGM.  Australian Innovation v Petrovsky: Members requesting a
 Failure to comply with s 250N is an offence (see s 1311). meeting must do so for proper purposes, not merely to harass
the company and its directors or other shareholders.
Convening a general meeting Otherwise, directors may cause the company to seek
 S 249Q: A meeting of members must be held for a proper invalidation of the requisition.
purpose.  Humes v Unity APA: The court will only interfere with the
requisition where its purpose was something other than that
Adequacy of meeting time & place stated in the requisition.
 S 249R: A meeting of members must be held at a reasonable
time & place. Meetings called by members
 Coombs v Dynasty: Meeting is unreasonable if the  S 249F(1): Members with at least 5% of votes that may be
majority of shareholders are unlikely to be able to attend. cast at a GM may call & arrange to hold a GM at their own
 Reasonableness also depends on the importance of the expense.
meeting’s business.
 S 249S: A company may hold a meeting of members at 2 or Meetings by court order
more venues using any technology that gives the members as  S 249G(1): Where it is impracticable to call a meeting in any
a whole a reasonable opportunity to participate. other way, the court may order a meeting of members to be
 “Reasonable opportunity to participate” if can: hear called.
what other members are saying, communicate with chair,  S 249G(2): The court may make the order on application by
propose amendments to resolutions, vote on resolutions. any director or member who would be entitled to vote at the
 Byng v London Life Assn: If the space is inadequate, the meeting.
chairman may adjourn the meeting (if the constitution
permits) at a reasonable time & place.
Members’ right to propose resolutions & have
Meetings called by directors statements distributed
 S 249C [RR]: A director may call a meeting of members.  (a) Members with at least 5% of the votes that may be cast on
 S 249CA: A director of a listed Australian company may call a resolution; or (b) at least 100 members who are entitled to
a meeting of members, despite anything in the constitution. vote at a GM; may:
 [S 249N(1)] give a company notice of a resolution they
Meetings called by directors at members’ request propose to move at a GM; and
 S 249D(1): Directors must call & arrange to hold a GM on  [S 249P(1)] request the company to give all its members
the request of: a statement provided by them about:
 (a) members with at least 5% of the votes that may be  (a) a resolution that is proposed to be moved at a
cast at the GM; or GM; or
 (b) at least 100 members who are entitled to vote at the  (b) any other matter that may be properly
GM. considered at a GM.
 S 249D(2): The request must: If the statement is more than 1000 words or defamatory, the
 (a) be in writing; members must meet distribution expenses [s 249O(5); s 249P(9)].
 (b) state any resolution to be proposed at the meeting;  The notice [s 249N(2)] or request [s 249P(3)] must be given
 (c) be signed by the requesting members; and to the company in writing & signed by the relevant members.
 (d) be given to the company.  S 249O(1): The proposed resolution must be considered at
 S 249D(5): Directors must call the meeting within 21 days the next GM occurring more than 2 months after the notice is
after the members’ request is given to the company. The given.
meeting must be held not later than 2 months after the  The company must give all members notice of the proposed
request is given. resolution [s 249O(2)] or members’ statement [s 249P(6)] as
soon as practicable.
 The company bears the cost of circulating the proposed  Fraser v NRMA: The notice of meeting must contain
resolution [s 249O(3)] or members’ statement [s 249P(7)] to sufficient information to enable an ordinary investor to
members, if it was sent out with the notice of meeting. decide whether to attend the meeting in person or by proxy.
 S 203D(2): Notice of intention to move a resolution to  Stanham v National Trust of Australia: A GM may only deal
remove a director must be given to the company at least 2 with matters not referred to in the notice of meeting, if all
months before the meeting. members present at the meeting consent (subject to
Notice of meeting  S 250R: An AGM may deal with the following, even if not
 S 249J(1): Written notice of a meeting of members must be referred to in the notice of meeting:
given to each member entitled to vote at the meeting, and to  (a) consideration of the annual financial report,
each director. directors’ report & auditor’s report;
 S 249J(3): A company may give a notice of meeting to a  (b) election of directors;
member:  (c) appointment of an auditor;
 (a) personally; or  (d) fixing of the auditor’s remuneration.
 (b) by post to his address in the register of members;  Woodroofe v M S McLeod
 (c) by fax or email (if any) nominated by the member; or  *Company’s constitution provided that the company
 (d) by any other means permitted by constitution (if may “in general meeting increase or decrease the
any). number of directors, provided that the number be not
 S 249J(4) [RR]: A posted notice of meeting is given 3 days reduced below 3… Until otherwise determined by the
after post. A faxed/emailed notice of meeting is given on the company in general meeting, the number of directors
business day after it is sent. shall not be more than 7 or not less than 3”.
 *Company proposed to elect 2 more directors in addition
Required period of notice to the 5 existing directors, without a resolution by the
GM to increase the number of directors from 5 to 7.
 S 249HA: A listed Australian company must give at least 28  A resolution in GM must permit an increase in the
days notice of a meeting of members, despite anything in the number of directors first, before resolutions may be
constitution. The constitution may specify a longer minimum made to appoint the directors.
period of notice.  Notice of meeting did not mention the first resolution 
 S 249H(1): Unlisted/foreign companies must give at least 21 injunction granted.
days notice of a meeting of members.
 S 249H(2): Unlisted/foreign companies may call on shorter
 (a) an AGM, if all the members entitled to attend & vote Proxies
at the AGM agree beforehand; and
 (b) any other GM, if members with at least 95% of the Right of member to appoint proxy
votes that may be cast at the meeting agree beforehand.  S 249X(1) [RR for pty, Mandatory for pub]: A member who
 S 249H(3): But public companies cannot call a meeting on is entitled to attend & vote at a meeting of members may
shorter notice, if a resolution will be moved to: appoint a proxy.
 (a) remove a director under s 203D; or  S 249X(2) [RR for pty, Mandatory for pub]: The
 (b) appoint a director in place of a director removed appointment may specify the % or # of votes that the proxy
under s 203D. may exercise.
 LR 6.7: Preference shareholders in listed companies must  S 249X(3) [RR for pty, Mandatory for pub]: If a member is
have the same rights as ordinary shareholders regarding entitled to cast 2 or more votes at the meeting, he may
receipt of notices, reports & audited accounts, and attending appoint 2 proxies & specify the % or # of votes each proxy
GMs. may exercise. Where this is not stated, each proxy may
exercise half the votes, ignoring fractions.
Contents of notice of meeting  S 249Z: If a company sends a member a proxy appointment
 S 249L: A notice of meeting of members must state: form, it must send the form to all members entitled to appoint
 (a) the place, date & time (& technology if any) for the a proxy.
 (b) the general nature of the meeting’s business; Proxy form contents
 (c) an intention to propose a special resolution (if any)  S 250A(1): A proxy appointment is valid if it is signed by
at the meeting, and state the resolution; and the appointing member & states:
 (d) if a member is entitled to appoint a proxy – set out:  (a) the member’s name & address;
 (i) that the member has a right to appoint a proxy;  (b) the company’s name;
 (ii) whether the proxy needs to be a member of the  (c) the proxy’s name or office; and
company;  (d) the meetings at which the appointment may be used.
 (iii) that a member who is entitled to cast 2 or more  S 250A(2): The constitution may provide that an
votes, may appoint 2 proxies & may specify the % appointment is valid even if it contains only some of the
or # of votes each proxy is appointed to exercise. information above.
 S 250BA: A notice of meeting of a listed Australian  LR 14.2.1: Proxy forms of listed companies must enable
company must specify a place & fax number (and may members to vote for or against each resolution.
specify an electronic address) for the purposes of receipt of  LR 14.2.2: Proxy forms of listed companies may specify
proxy appointments – despite anything in the constitution. who is to be appointed if the member chooses not to make an
 Also contents of notice – s 250B, s 249L(d), s 250BA? Chairing meetings
 Also – if s 249Y(2) applies, then should indicate so on form.  S 249U(2) [RR]: Directors at a members’ meeting must elect
an individual present to chair the meeting, if an individual
Receipt of proxy form has not already been elected or is not available.
 S 250B(1)-(2): For a proxy appointment to be effective, it  S 250S: The chairman of an AGM must allow a reasonable
must be received by the company at least 48 hours before the opportunity for members as a whole to ask questions about,
meeting or adjourned meeting. or make comments on, company management.
 S 250B(3): A company “receives” it when it is received at:
 (a) the company’s registered office; Adjournment
 (b) a fax number at the registered office; or  Byng v London Life Assn
 (c) a place, fax number, or electronic address specified  A chairman may adjourn a meeting if the constitution
for the purpose in the notice of meeting. permits, or where unruly conduct or inadequacy of space
 S 250B(5): The constitution may reduce the minimum 48 prevents the continuation of business.
hour period.  The time & place of the adjourned meeting must be
Proxy’s rights  S 249U(4) [RR]: If the members by majority agree to
 S 249Y(1): A proxy has the appointing member’s rights to adjournment, the chairman must adjourn the members’
speak, demand a poll, and vote (according to the meeting.
appointment).  S 249M [RR]: When adjourned, new notice of the resumed
 S 249Y(2): The constitution may provide that a proxy cannot meeting must be given if it is adjourned for 1 month or more.
vote on a show of hands.  S 249W(2) [RR]: Only unfinished business may be dealt with
 S 249Y(3): Subject to constitution, a proxy’s authority when the meeting resumes.
suspends while the appointing member is present at the  S 249W(1): A resolution passed at a resumed meeting is
meeting. passed on the day it was passed.
 S 250A(4): [How the proxy may vote]
 S 250C(2) [RR]: [Proxy vote valid even if member dies, Voting
revokes appointment etc.]  S 250E(1) [RR]: Subject to any rights or restrictions attached
to any class of shares, at a meeting of members:
 (a) on a show of hands  each member has 1 vote; and
Corporate Representatives  (b) on a poll  each member has 1 vote per share they
 S 250D(1): A company may appoint a representative to hold.
exercise all or any of the powers the company may exercise.
 S 250D(4): Subject to the appointment, the representative Resolutions
may exercise, on the company’s behalf, all the powers that  An ordinary resolution is passed if it has the support of a
the company could exercise at a meeting or in voting. majority of voting members.
 S 250D(2): The appointment may restrict the representative’s  A special resolution is a resolution of which notice as set out
powers. in s 249L(c) has been given, that has been passed by at least
 [ advisable for representatives to provide their 75% of the votes cast by members entitled to vote on it (s 9).
appointments to the company prior to the meeting, at least 48
hours before the meeting: See s 250B] Voting on a show of hands
 S 250D(3): Only 1 representative may exercise the
 S 250J(1) [RR]: A resolution put to vote must be decided on
company’s powers at one time.
a show of hands unless a poll is demanded.
 S 250J(2) [RR]: On a show of hands, the chairman’s
declaration is conclusive evidence of the result (provided it
Quorum reflects the show of hands received).
 “quorum” = minimum # of people who must be present for
the meeting to be valid. Voting on a poll
 S 249T(1) [RR]: The quorum for a meeting of members = 2  S 250K(1) + S 250L(1): A poll may be demanded on any
members, at all times during the meeting. resolution by:
 S 249T(2) [RR]: Proxies and representatives are counted.  (a) at least 5 members entitled to vote on the resolution;
 Member appointed multiple proxies/representatives   (b) members with at least 5% of the votes that may be
count only 1 of them. cast on it; or
 Individual is both member & proxy/representative   (c) the chairman.
count only once.  S 250L(2): Constitution may reduce s 250L(1)(a)-(b)
 S 249T(3) [RR]: If a meeting does not have a quorum within requirements.
30 minutes after the meeting time, it is adjourned to a date,  S 250K(2): A constitution may provide that a poll cannot be
time & place the directors specify. demanded on any resolution concerning:
 If none specified  meeting adjourned for a week at the  (a) the election of a meeting chairman; or
same time & place.  (b) the adjournment of a meeting.
 S 249T(4) [RR]: If no quorum is present at the resumed  S 250M(1) [RR]: A poll must be taken when & in the manner
meeting within 30 minutes after the meeting time, it is the chairman directs.
dissolved.  S 250M(2) [RR]: But a poll on the election of a chairman or
an adjournment must be taken immediately.


DIRECTORS’ MEETINGS  S 1322(2)-(3A): Procedural irregularities only invalidate the
 Northside Developments v Registrar-General: Directors must business of the meeting if:
act collectively as a board when exercising powers entrusted  the irregularity has caused or may cause substantial
to them by the constitution, subject to anything contrary in it. injustice that cannot be remedied by any order of the
court; and
Passing resolution without directors’ meeting  the court declares the proceeding to be invalid.
 S 248B: The sole director of a proprietary company may  “Substantial injustice” normally involves a deprivation or
pass a resolution by recording it & signing the record. interference with legal rights.
 S 248A(1) [RR]: Directors may pass a resolution without a  Need to show that the outcome would have been different
directors’ meeting, if all the directors entitled to vote on the ‘but for’ the procedural irregularity.
resolution sign a document stating that they are in favour of  S 1322(1)(b): “Procedural irregularity” includes:
the resolution set out in the document.  (i) the absence of a quorum; and
 S 248A(2) [RR]: Separate identical copies of the document  (ii) a defect, irregularity or deficiency of notice or time.
may be used for signing.
 S 248A(3) [RR]: The resolution is passed when the last
director signs.

Convening a directors’ meeting

 S 248C [RR]: A directors’ meeting may be called by a
director giving reasonable notice to every other director.
 Notice may be dispensed with if a director cannot
reasonably be communicated, or is clearly unable to
 S 248D [RR]: A directors’ meeting may be called or held
using any technology consented to by all directors.

Conduct of directors’ meetings

 S 248F [RR]: Unless the directors determine otherwise, the
quorum for a directors’ meeting is 2 directors, at all times
during the meeting.
 S 248E(2) [RR]: Directors must elect a director present to
chair their meeting (or part of it), if:
 (a) a director has not already been elected to chair the
meeting; or
 (b) a previously elected chairman is not available.
 S 248G(1) [RR]: A resolution of directors must be passed by
a majority of the votes cast by directors entitled to vote on
the resolution.
 S 248G(2) [RR]: The chairman has one more casting vote, if
 LR 14.10: The chairman of a listed company’s board
meeting must not exercise a casting vote where only 2 of the
directors who are present are entitled to vote.

 S 251A(1): A company must keep minute books in which it
records, within 1 month, proceedings & resolutions of
members’ meetings & directors’ meetings.
 S 251AA(1): A listed Australian company must further
record in the minutes of meeting the total number of proxy
votes exercisable by all valid proxies and:
 (a) if the resolution was passed on a show of hands – the
total number of proxy votes that are in favour, against,
abstaining & discretionary; and
 (b) if the resolution was passed on a poll – the
information in (a) and the total number of votes cast in
favour of, against, and abstaining on, the resolution.
 S 251B(1): A company must ensure that the minute books
are open for inspection by members, free of charge.

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