Magnetism pg1

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§ In a non-magnetised material electrons are arranged in domain with misalignment.

§ While in a magnetised material electrons are
aligned in one directions these cluster of aligned
electrons are called magnetic domains each
domain consists of billions of aligned electrons
and this collectively causes Magnetism.

§ Now question arises: what causes magnetic

field in an atom?
§ Universal law: Magnetic fields are
produced by moving electric charges or
Moving electric charges create magnetic field. Everything is made up of atoms, and
each atom has a nucleus made of neutrons and protons with electrons that orbit
around the nucleus. Since the orbiting electrons are tiny moving charges, a small
magnetic field is created around each atom, but it is randomly oriented(thus nullify
each-other magnetic field).
§ REMEMBER: Electrons have Negative Electric Charge. And PROTONs have Positive Electric
charge. AND NEUTRONs are Neutral(No charge).
§ So when a material gets magnetised what has happened inside it? Due to some
external force, all electrons in atoms get aligned in same orientation, and thus tiny amount of
magnetic field caused by each electron gets summed up(billions of atoms) and becomes
perceivable appreciably. (Imagine it like small rocks placed one over other in stable manner
make a hill). This cumulative magnetic force is experienced as Magnetism.
§ Magnetic Domains are visible at MICRO-METER level scale. (1meter=1000000 micrometer µm,
micron) (or 1 m=100cm=1000000 µm) so 1cm=…………………. µm
§ Now Question Arises why only certain
elements get magnetized?
§ In most substances, equal numbers of
electrons spin in opposite directions, which
cancels out their magnetism. That is why
materials such as cloth or paper are said to be
weakly magnetic. In substances such as iron,
cobalt, and nickel, most of the electrons spin
in the same direction or are in paired form. This makes the atoms in these substances
strongly magnetic—but they are not yet magnets.
To become magnetized, another strongly magnetic substance must enter the magnetic field of an
existing magnet. The magnetic field is the area around
a magnet that has magnetic force.
§ Magnetic MONO-POLE does not exist. Even if u can magnet to
any small size it even then has two poles.

§ What is Ferromagnetic and Non-ferromagnetic Materials? ( or

Ferromagnetism & Non-ferromagnetism)?
§ Material that are attracted to magnet or gets magnetised in
external magnetic fields are Ferromagnetic Materials.(Fe/Ni)
§ Materials that are not attracted to Magnets are Non-
Ferromagnetic Materials. (gold/copper/silver)

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