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Basic Principles In Psychology

Lecture 1
Introduction to psychology

In general, psychology is defined as the scientific study behavior and mental processes
and how they are affected by an organism‘s:

1. physical state (biological)

2. mental state (psychological)
3. external environment.
Introduction to psychology

Description Explanation Prediction Control Welfare

Introduction to psychology

Knowledge of psychology are used for:

• Personal profit
• Political gains
• Manipulating others
• Helping the society
Introduction to psychology

Basic Psychological Facts You Need to Know:

Psychology Is the Study of the Mind and Behavior

The origin of the word: psyche + ology

Introduction to psychology

Psychology emerged from:

1. Philosophy
2. Biology
Introduction to psychology

Psychology is linked to other disciplines:

1. Sociology
2. Medicine
3. Linguistics
4. Anthropology
Introduction to psychology

Psychologists can be employed in:

• Hospitals
• Mental health clinics
• Schools
• Universities
• Government agencies
• Private businesses
• Private practices
Introduction to psychology

Psychology Relies on Scientific Methods

Not common sense

Different techniques are used:

• Naturalistic observation
• Experiments
• Case-studies
• Questionnaires
Introduction to psychology

Psychologists Tackle Problems From Multiple Perspectives

Introduction to psychology

Major perspectives in psychology:

• Biological perspective
• Cognitive perspective
• Behavioral perspective
• Evolutionary perspective
• Humanistic perspective

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