Verb To Be - Adjectives (Affirmative Negative)

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A - Write two sentences. One in negative and the other in the affirmative form.

Make the affirmative

sentence an interrogative one.


1) Today/ hot – cold.

Today is not hot. It is cold.

2) Peter and Paul/ scared – brave

3) I / happy – sad

4) The children / weak – strong

5) The bear / small – big

6) John and I / old - young

7) Turtles/ fast – slow

8) You / tall and fat – short and thin

9) Antonio / tired – energetic

10) Sally/ clever – stupid.


B) Describe two people using the affirmative and negative form of the verb to be and the following
adjectives and occupations:

receptionist – busy – tour guide – president – powerful – actor – chef – athlete – nice – office manager –
doctor – mailman – singer – architect –


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