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1 - Introduction

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding is a welding process performed using

the heat of an arc established between a nonconsumable tungsten electrode
and the work piece. The electrode, the arc, and the area surrounding the
molten weld puddle are protected from the atmosphere by an inert gas
shield. The electrode is not consumed in the weld puddle as in shielded
metal arc welding. If a filler metal is necessary, it is added to the leading
the molten puddle as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – GTAW process

Gas tungsten arc welding produces exceptionally clean welds and no

slag is produced, the chance to have inclusions in the weld metal is
minimum and the finished weld requires virtually no cleaning. Argon and
Helium, the primary shielding gases employed, are inert gases. Inert gases
do not chemically combine with other elements and therefore, are used to
exclude the reactive gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen, from forming
compounds that could be detrimental to the weld metal.

Gas tungsten arc welding may be used for welding almost all metals
for example, mild steel, low alloys, stainless steel, copper and copper
alloys, aluminium and aluminium alloys, nickel and nickel alloys,
magnesium and magnesium alloys, titanium, and others. This process is
most extensively used for welding aluminium and stainless steel alloys
where weld integrity is of the utmost importance. Another use is for the
root pass (initial pass) in pipe welding, which requires a weld of the highest

quality. Full penetration without an excessively high inside bead is
important in the root pass, and due to the ease of current control of this
process, it lends itself to control of back-bead size. For high quality welds,
it is usually necessary to provide an inert shielding gas inside the pipe to
prevent oxidation of the inside weld bead.

GTAW lends itself to both manual and automatic operation. In

manual operation, the welder holds the torch in one hand and directs the arc
into the weld joint. The filler metal is fed manually into the leading edge of
the puddle. In automatic applications, the torch may be automatically
moved over a stationary work piece or the torch may be stationary with the
work moved or rotated in relation to the torch. Filler metal, if required, is
also fed automatically.

2 – Equipment and Operation

Gas tungsten arc welding may be accomplished with relatively

simple equipment, or it may require some highly sophisticated components.
Choice of equipment depends upon the type of metal being joined, the
position of the weld being made, and the quality of the weld metal
necessary for the application. The basic equipment consists of the

1. The power source;

2. Electrode holder (torch);

3. Shielding gas;

4. Tungsten electrode ;

5. Water supply when necessary ;

6. Ground cable;

7. Protective equipment.

Figure 2 shows the equipments necessaries to the GTAW.

Figure 2 – GTAW schematic

3 – Power sources

Both AC and DC power sources are used in gas tungsten arc

welding. They are the constant current type with a drooping volt-ampere
curve. This type of power source produces very slight changes in the arc
current when the arc length (voltage) is varied. The choice between an AC
or DC welder depends on the type and thickness of the metal to be welded.
Distinct differences exist between AC and DC arc characteristics, and if
DC is chosen, the polarity also becomes an important factor. The effects of
polarity in GTAW are directly opposite the effects of polarity in SMAW.

In SMAW, the distribution of heat between the electrode and work,

which determines the penetration and weld bead width, is controlled mainly
by the ingredients in the flux coating on the electrode. In GTAW where no
flux coating exists, heat distribution between the electrode and the work is
controlled solely by the polarity.

3.1 - Direct current electrode negative (DCEN)

Is produced when the electrode is connected to the negative terminal

of the power source. Since the electrons flow from the electrode to the
plate, approximately 70% of the heat of the arc is concentrated at the work,
and approximately 30% at the electrode end. This allows the use of smaller
tungsten electrodes that produce a relatively narrow concentrated arc. The

weld shape has deep penetration and is quite narrow. Direct current
electrode negative is suitable for welding most metals. Magnesium and
aluminium have a refractory oxide coating on the surface that must be
physically removed immediately prior to welding if DCSP is to be used.

3.2 - Direct current electrode positive (DCEP)

Is produced when the electrode is connected to the positive terminal

of the welding power source. In this condition, the electrons flow from the
work to the electrode tip, concentrating approximately 70% of the heat of
the arc at the electrode and 30% at the work. This higher heat at the
electrode necessitates using larger diameter tungsten to prevent it from
melting and contaminating the weld metal. Since the electrode diameter is
larger and the heat is less concentrated at the work, the resultant weld bead
is relatively wide and shallow.

Electrode Polarity Penetration Oxide Cleaning Heat

Direct current Deep
Straight Polarity Penetration None At work
Electrode Negative Narrow
Medium Good Cycles
Penetration Alternate
Alternating Current Medium Cleans Oxide between
Width on each half electrode and
Bead work
Direct current Shallow
Reverse Polarity Penetration Maximum At electrode
Electrode Positive Wide Bead

Figure 3 – Effects of current

Aluminium and magnesium are two metals that have a heavy oxide
coating that acts as an insulator and must be removed before successful
welding can take place. Welding with electrode positive provides a good
oxide cleaning action in the arc. The electric current causes the shielding
gas atoms to lose some of their electrons. Since electrons are negatively
charged, these gas atoms now are unbalanced and have an excessive
positive charge. These positively charged atoms (or positive ions) are
attracted to the negative pole, in this case the work, at high velocity. Upon
striking the work surface, they dislodge the oxide coating permitting good
electrical conductivity for the maintenance of the arc, and eliminate the
impurities in the weld metal that could be caused by these oxides.

Direct current electrode positive is rarely used in gas-tungsten arc
welding. Despite the excellent oxide cleaning action, the lower heat input
in the weld area makes it a slow process, and in metals having higher
thermal conductivity, the heat is rapidly conducted away from the weld
zone. When used, DCEP is restricted to welding thin sections (under 1/8")
of magnesium and aluminium.

Alternating current is actually a combination of DCEN and DCEP

and is widely used for welding aluminium. In a sense, the advantages of
both DC processes are combined, and the weld bead produced is a
compromise of the two. Remember that when welding with 60 Hz current,
the electron flow from the electrode tip to the work reverses direction 120
times every second. Thereby, the intense heat alternates from electrode to
work piece, allowing the use of an intermediate size electrode. The weld
bead is a compromise having medium penetration and bead width. The gas
ions blast the oxides from the surface of aluminium and magnesium during
the positive half cycle. Figure 3 illustrates the effects of the different types
of current used in gas-tungsten arc welding.

DC constant current power sources - Constant current power sources,

used for shielded metal arc welding, may also be used for gas-tungsten arc
welding. In applications where weld integrity is not of utmost importance,
these power sources will suffice. With machines of this type, the arc must
be initiated by touching the tungsten electrode to the work and quickly
withdrawing it to maintain the proper arc length. This starting method
contaminates the electrode and blunts the point which has been grounded
on the electrode end. These conditions can cause weld metal inclusions
and poor arc direction. Using a power source designed for gas tungsten arc
welding with a high frequency stabilizer will eliminate this problem. The
electrode need not be touched to the work for arc initiation. Instead, the
high frequency voltage, at very low current, is superimposed onto the
welding current. When the electrode is brought to within approximately
1/8 inch of the base metal, the high frequency ionizes the gas path, making
it conductive and a welding arc is established. The high frequency is
automatically turned off immediately after arc initiation when using direct

AC Constant Current Power Source - Designed for gas tungsten arc

welding, always incorporates high frequency, and it is turned on throughout
the weld cycle to maintain a stable arc. When welding with AC, the
current passes through 0 twice in every cycle and the arc must be re-
established each time it does so. The oxide coating on metals, such as

aluminium and magnesium, can act much like a rectifier. The positive
half-cycle will be eliminated if the arc does not reignite, causing an
unstable condition. Continuous high frequency maintains an ionized path
for the welding arc, and assures arc re-ignition each time the current
changes direction. AC is extensively used for welding aluminium and

4 – Shielding Gases

Argon and helium are the major shielding gases used in gas tungsten
arc welding. In some applications, mixtures of the two gases prove
advantageous. To a lesser extent, hydrogen is mixed with argon or helium
for special applications.

Argon and helium are colourless, odourless, tasteless and non-toxic

gases. Both are inert gases, which mean that they do not readily combine
with other elements. They will not burn nor support combustion.
Commercial grades used for welding are 99.99% pure. Argon is .38%
heavier than air and about 10 times heavier than helium. Both gases ionize
when present in an electric arc. This means that the gas atoms lose some of
their electrons that have a negative charge. These unbalanced gas atoms,
properly called positive ions, now have a positive charge and are attracted
to the negative pole in the arc. When the arc is positive and the work is
negative, these positive ions impinge upon the work and remove surface
oxides or scale in the weld area.

Argon is most commonly used of the shielding gases. Excellent arc

starting and ease of use make it most desirable for manual welding. Argon
produces a better cleaning action when welding aluminium and magnesium
with alternating current. The arc produced is relatively narrow. Argon is
more suitable for welding thinner material. At equal amperage, helium
produces a higher arc voltage than argon. Since welding heat is the product
of volts times amperes, helium produces more available heat at the arc.
This makes it more suitable for welding heavy sections of metal that have
high heat conductivity or for automatic welding operations where higher
welding speeds are required. Figure 4 shows the Argon used in GTAW.

Figure 4 – Argon

Argon-helium gas mixtures are used in applications where higher

heat input and the desirable characteristics of argon are required. Argon,
being a relatively heavy gas, blankets the weld area at lower flow rates.
Argon is preferred for many applications because it costs less than helium.

Helium, being approximately 10 times lighter than argon, requires

flow rates of 2 to 3 times that of argon to satisfactorily shield the arc.

Figure 5 – Helium

The following are the most common types of joints designed for TIG

 Butt Joint

For light materials the square-edge butt joint is the easiest to prepare
and can be welded without filler rod. It consists of “butting” two pieces of
metal up against one another (no overlapping) and then welding along the
seam between them. If the weld is to be made without filler rod, extreme
care must be taken to avoid burning through the metal.

Figure 6 – Types of Butt Joint

The single-V butt joint is preferable on material ranging in thickness

from 3/8” to 1/2” in order to secure complete penetration. It is prepared like
a regular butt joint except that the top edge of each piece is chamfered in
order to reduce the area of contact between the two. The included angle of
the V formed by the chamfering should be approximately 60° with a depth
of about 1/8” to 1/4”.

The double-V butt joint is needed when the metal exceeds 1/2”
thickness and the design is such that the weld can be made on both sides.
This is like a single-V joint except that both the top and the bottom edges
of the pieces are chamfered, and welding is performed on both sides. With
a double V there is greater assurance that penetration will be complete.

Figure 7 – Additional types of groove weld

 Lap Joint

A lap joint is made by overlapping two pieces of metal and then welding
the edge of the top piece to the bottom piece. The only special requirement
for making a good lap weld is to have the pieces in close contact along the
entire length of the joint. On metal 1/4” or less in thickness, the weld can
be made with or without filler rod. As a rule, the lap joint is not
recommended for material exceeding 1/4” in thickness.

Figure 8 – Lap Joint

 Corner Joint

A corner joint consists of welding one piece of metal at a right angle

to the edge of a second piece, thereby forming a corner. On light material
up the 1/8” in thickness, no filler rod is required for a corner joint. With
heavier metal the use of a filler rod is advisable. If the metal exceeds 1/4”,
one of the two pieces of the joint should be bevelled as in a single-V joint.

Figure 9 – Corner Joint

 T-joint

A T-joint is prepared by placing a piece of metal perpendicular to

another in order to form a “T”. Then a weld is made along the seam on
either side of the perpendicular piece. Filler rod is necessary to weld T-
joints regardless of the thickness of the metal.

Figure 10 – Tee Joints

6 - Common GTAW Welding Concerns

6.1 - Weld Discontinuities:

 Undercutting ;
 Tungsten inclusions ;
 Porosity;
 Weld metal cracks;
 Heat affected zone cracks.

Some examples of welding discontinuities are shown below.

Evaluation of the discontinuity will determine if the discontinuity is a
defect or an acceptable condition:

Incomplete Fusion - A weld discontinuity in which fusion did not

occur between weld metal and fusion faces or adjoining weld beads:

Undercut - A groove melted into the base metal adjacent to the weld
toe or weld root and left unfilled by weld metal.

Overlap - The protrusion of weld metal beyond the weld toe or weld

Incomplete Joint Penetration - A joint root condition in a groove
weld in which weld metal does not extend through the joint thickness:

Partial joint penetration groove welds are commonly specified in

lowly loaded structures. However, incomplete joint penetration when a full
penetration joint is required, as depicted above, would be cause for
rejection. A fix for an incomplete penetration joint would be to back gouge
and weld from the other side. Another acceptable partial penetration joint
is shown below.

Below is a representation of a convex fillet weld without



Plasma arc welding (PAW) is an arc welding process similar to gas

tungsten arc welding (GTAW). The electric arc is formed between an
electrode (which is usually but not always made of sintered tungsten) and
the workpiece. The key difference from GTAW is that in PAW, by
positioning the electrode within the body of the torch, the plasma arc can
be separated from the shielding gas envelope. The plasma is then forced
through a fine-bore copper nozzle which constricts the arc and the plasma
exits the orifice at high velocities (approaching the speed of sound) and a
temperature approaching 20,000 °C. Figure 1 shows its working principles.

Figure 1 – PAW Process


The plasma arc is normally operated with a DC, drooping characteristic

power source. Because its unique operating features are derived from the
special torch arrangement and separate plasma and shielding gas flows, a
plasma control console can be added on to a conventional TIG power
source. Purpose-built plasma systems are also available. The plasma arc is
not readily stabilised with sine wave AC. Arc reignition is difficult when
there is a long electrode to workpiece distance and the plasma is
constricted, Moreover, excessive heating of the electrode during the
positive half-cycle causes balling of the tip which can disturb arc stability.

Special-purpose switched DC power sources are available. By unbalancing

the waveform to reduce the duration of electrode positive polarity, the
electrode is kept sufficiently cool to maintain a pointed tip and achieve arc


At least two separate (and possibly three) flows of gas are used in PAW:

- Plasma gas - flows through the orifice and becomes ionized

- Shielding gas - flows through the outer nozzle and shields the molten
weld from the atmosphere

- Back-purge and trailing gas - required for certain materials and


These gases can all be same, or of differing composition. This is shown

in table 1.

Table 1 – Gases in PAW


The full list of reasons for using the plasma welding process is lengthy
but can be summarized into three main features where customers desire the
advantages of at least one feature.

 Precision: The plasma process is generally more precise than

conventional Tig (remember that enhanced power supplies can create
an arc that is different to a conventional Tig arc) Plasma offers the
following advantages over conventional Tig:
o Stable, concentrated arc
o Forgiveness in arc length variations (Tig +/- 5%, Plasma +/-
 Small Part Welding:
o Low amperage capability (many plasma power supplies go
down to .1 amps)
o Stable at low amps
o Gentle arc transfer (arc start) with no high frequency noise.
o Short weld times possible (for spot welds - guidewires, tubes
 High Production Welding:
o Long electrode life offers many more hours of welding than
Tig before electrode contamination occurs.

In many applications, many of the unique advantages of plasma
combine to benefit the overall welding process.


Small Part Welding: The plasma process can gently yet consistently
start an arc to the tip of wires or other small components and make
repeatable welds with very short weld time periods. This is
advantageous when welding components such as needles, wires, light
bulb filaments, thermocouples, probes and some surgical instruments.

Sealed Components: Medical and electronic components are often

hermetically sealed via welding. The plasma process provides the ability

1. Reduce the heat input to the part

2. Weld near delicate insulating seals
3. Start the arc without high frequency electrical noise which could be
damaging to the electrical internals

Applications include pressure and electrical sensors, bellows, seals,

cans, enclosures, microswitches, valves, electronic components, motors,
batteries, miniature tube to fitting/flange, food and dairy equipment,

Tool Die & Mold Repair: A whole repair industry has sprung up to
assist companies wishing to re-use components with slight nicks and
dents from misuse or wear. The ability of modern micro-arc power
supplies to gently start a low amperage arc and make repairs has
provided users with a unique alternative to conventional repair and heat
treatment. Both the Micro-Tig and micro-plasma welding processes are
used for tool, die and mold repair. For outside edges the Plasma process
offers great arc stability and requires less skill to control the weld
puddle. To reach inside corners and crevices the TIG process allows the
tungsten welding electrode to be extended in order to improve access.

Strip Metal Welding: The plasma process provides the ability to

consistently transfer the arc to the workpiece and weld up to the edges
of the weld joint. In automatic applications no Arc Distance Control is
necessary for long welds and the process requires less maintenance to
the torch components. This is especially advantageous in high volume
applications where the material outgases or has surface contaminants.

Tube Mill Welding: Tube mills produce tube and pipe by taking a
continuous strip of material and rollforming the edges upwards until the
edges of the strip meet together at a weld station. At this point the
welding process melts and fuses the edges of the tube together and the
material exits the weld station as welded tube.

The output of the tube mill depends on the arc welding speed and
total time spent welding. Each time the mill shuts down and starts up
again there is a certain amount of scrap produced. Thus the most
important issues to the tube mill user are:

1. Maximum tube mill weld speed obtainable.

2. Arc stability for optimum weld quality and consistency.
3. Maximum number of hours of welding electrode tip life.

Some tube mills employ plasma welding in order to get a

combination of increased weld speed, improved weld penetration and
maximum electrode life.


A TIG arc burns freely between a non-melting tungsten electrode and

the workpiece, the shape of penetration is strongly dependant on the
shielding gas used and can change quite considerably.

Electricity can only be transferred within an ionised gas. In this case the
thermal plasma is conductible due to its high temperature and as a result a
very hot arc core is created. The temperature decreases radially towards the
outside of the arc and this temperature profile differs dependent on the gas
used. If the gas has a high thermal conductivity the temperature gradient is
steeper and with a low conductivity the gradient is less steep.

In the case of the plasma arc method, the temperature decreases from
the arc core towards the outside much more rapidly and is due to the water-
cooled copper nozzle. In the case of plasma nozzle drilling at 3 mm hole
diameters, the temperature in the arc centre decreases over a distance of
less than 1.5 mm towards the outside from about 20,000 K to
approximately 1,300 K. If the temperature at the nozzle bore was much
higher the copper nozzle would melt.


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