Stopwatch 5 Unit 3 Reading 1 (5.3.R1)

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Unit 3 Reading Worksheet 1


1 Read and number the pictures in the order they are mentioned.

My parents like to go out on their own once in a while, but it’s not always easy for them. They usually needed to hire a babysitter to look after
1 my 4-year-old sister and me. However, since I turned 15 this year, when Dad offered to take Mom out for a meal to celebrate their wedding
anniversary, I decided to help them out.
Babysitting My Sister

Mom had reservations at first about leaving me alone with my sister, but I convinced her that everything would be fine—how hard could it be,
2 after all? Besides, I knew how much my parents were looking forward to an evening out. I think I’m very responsible, and I really want to make
some money, so I jumped at the chance to make a quick buck by taking care of my sister.

What I thought would be a walk in the park quickly turned out to be one of the most frustrating evenings of my life! I do not know how my mother
3 does it! It all started when we had dinner. I decided to give my sister her dinner in the living room, so we could continue watching TV. The thing is, I
lost myself in the show, so I did not notice my sister spilling all the milk from her bowl of cereal until it had completely drenched the carpet.

While I was cleaning up, my sister disappeared. I left the carpet, even though it was still wet form the spilled milk, and I looked for her. I found
her in my parents’ bedroom. In the bedroom closet to be precise! She’d pulled all the clothes off the hangers, so they were lying in a heap on
4 the floor. I started to hang the clothes back up, but I didn’t finish hanging them, because now my sister had disappeared again. I followed the
sound of her laughter downstairs and into the kitchen. She had climbed up to the kitchen cabinet, and was about to throw the dishes down on
the floor. I saved them just in time and then had to grab her before she lost her balance and fell!

5 After tonight, I might not be so eager to help out this way again. And I will never say earning money as a babysitter is easy!

2 Read again and circle the option that the underlined word refers to. G lossary
0.’s not always easy for them. (Paragraph 1) babysitter: a
a. the parents b. the children c. the boy person hired to
take care of a
1. …until it completely drenched the carpet. (Paragraph 3) child
a. the cereal b. the milk c. the sister make a quick
2. They were all over the floor. (Paragraph 4) buck: to earn
money quickly
a. the clothes b. the people c. the parents
a walk in the
3. …it was still wet from the spilled milk... (Paragraph 4)
park: an easy
a. the carpet b. the clothes c. the baby activity done
4. I didn’t finish hanging them… (Paragraph 4) with little effort

a. the dishes b. the TV c. the clothes spill: to cause

a liquid to fall
5. I saved them just in time to grab her... (Paragraph 4) accidentally
a. the sister b. the dishes c. the floor drench: to make
6. …she lost her balance and fell! (Paragraph 4) (someone or
a. the people b. the sister c. the kitchen completely wet
Stop and Think! Have you ever taken care of a child? What do you have to take enthusiastic,
into consideration when looking after a child? interested

5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 5.3.R1

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