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Training and development plan:

With the assistance of SEWA RURAL, the company opened a "Vocational Training Centre for
Women" in Jhagadia, Bharuch. The project, which received funding of Rs. 2.58 crore for the
years 2013 to 2017, consists of a four-story building with a dormitory for poor girls and
numerous training tools and hostel furnishings.
This CSR project is committed to empowering economically disadvantaged girls and women
from tribal, rural, and low-income backgrounds who get vocational education and training at this
institution. Hospital nursing, laboratory technician training, sewing and clothing manufacturing,
self-defense, sexual harassment awareness, self-defense, personality development, health and
nutrition, and other formal and informal education are among the fields covered by vocational
Physicians from a variety of specialties, including gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, and
general medicine, make up the teaching faculty and provide instruction in hospital nursing and
laboratory technician techniques. Other paramedical staff members who attend different training
sessions for these female trainees include the OT Incharge, Nursing Incharge, Hospital
Administrator, Maintenance Supervisor, and Health Training Supervisors.
Additionally, there are different teachers for topics including computer skills, mathematics, and
basic English. About 20 faculty members work together to guarantee that the training is
delivered in a way that satisfies the approved curriculum. Training can also be given by the use
of models, mannequins, simulators, charts, and posters.
The Mahila Talim Kendra hosts training sessions and classes, and trainees visit the hospital at
SEWA Rural to participate in hands-on training.
The initiative is helping the underprivileged girls from the nearby tribal communities by giving
them access to chances for vocational training and social and economic empowerment.
What else can be done:
Diversify Your Programmes for Vocational Training:
Introduce vocational training programmes in those sectors as well as growing industries and job
To improve employability, think about adding training in subjects like entrepreneurship, digital
skills, and emerging technologies.
Collaborations & Partnerships:
Create alliances with other businesses, academic institutions, or professionals in the field to
increase the range of knowledge that can be imparted through training.
Work together with neighborhood companies to provide internships and practical experience,
which will help with more seamless entry into the workforce.
Training in Life Skills:
To offer a comprehensive approach to development, broaden the training programme to
incorporate life skills like communication, time management, and problem-solving.
Opportunities for Ongoing Learning:
In order to keep trainees informed about developments and trends in the industry, implement
continuing education and skill development programmes.
Help with Job Placement:
Provide a comprehensive job placement support programme to assist graduates in finding jobs
after completing their studies.
Training on Financial Literacy:
Provide financial management and literacy modules to give trainees the tools they need to
manage their own money and make future plans.
Sustainable Projects:
Incorporate training on environmental sustainability to encourage eco-friendly behaviours and
increase learner understanding.
Integration of Technology:
Make use of technology to conduct virtual training sessions, online courses, and remote learning,
particularly in light of the evolving global landscape.
Investigation and Originality:
To promote creativity and remain on the cutting edge of industry advancements, support research
projects within the training facility.

Mentoring and coaching:

Identifying Needs: Determine each person's or team's unique demands within Wagh Bakri.
Determine your areas of strength and weakness in terms of leadership, collaboration,
communication, or any other pertinent area.
Building trust: Building trust is essential in coaching and mentoring relationships. Promote
candidature, attentive listening, and open conversation. This makes it safe for people to talk
about their goals and struggles.
Goal setting: Together with mentees or coaches, establish attainable, quantifiable goals in a
cooperative manner. These aims ought to be in line with Wagh Bakri's overarching goals as well
as personal ambitions.
Feedback and reflection: Regularly offer feedback. Promote analysis on events and goal
advancement. People can grow continuously and learn from their experiences thanks to this.
Skill development: Provide direction and resources to assist people in acquiring particular skills
necessary for their roles at Wagh Bakri. This could incorporate any additional success-related
characteristics, such as technical skills or leadership abilities.
Mentoring and evolution: Keep a regular eye on developments and assess the success of your
coaching and mentoring programmes. Make the necessary modifications to guarantee that the
assistance is effective and in line with Wagh Bakri's overarching objectives.
What else can be done:
Inter-Disciplinary Mentoring:
Promote mentorship partnerships between various departments or roles.
Encourage a culture of learning and collaboration across functional boundaries.
Inclusion and Diversity:
Encourage diversity in mentoring pairs to guarantee a wide variety of viewpoints and
To raise understanding and sensitivity, including diversity and inclusion training.
Peer to Peer Education:
Encourage peer-to-peer learning exchanges so that staff members can advise one another on the
basis of their knowledge and experiences.
Establish a venue or platform where peers can exchange knowledge.
Shadowing a Leader:
Establish programmes for employees to shadow leaders so they can watch and learn from them
in action.
This can offer insightful information about decision-making procedures and leadership
Adaptive Methods of Coaching:
Educate coaches on how to use adaptive coaching strategies in light of their mentees' individual
learning preferences and styles.
Acknowledge and resolve cultural variations that could affect the dynamics of coaching.
Integration of Technology:
Use technology to your advantage by using online materials, virtual coaching sessions, and
feedback platforms.
Examine using mentorship platforms or apps to help with goal tracking and communication.
Including Succession Planning:
To identify and develop the next generation of leaders inside the company, coordinate
mentorship programmes with succession planning initiatives.
Make sure that mentoring fills in important skill gaps and promotes the leadership pipeline.
Assessing Effect:
Create key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the effects of coaching and mentoring
Get participant input, then modify programmes in light of discoveries and results.

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