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The Journey to ASTRA-1: Galactic

Story Objective
In the not-too-distant future, humanity faces a Players explore space to reach
new age of exploration beyond our current
galaxy. You are tasked to travel to new their goal planet for survival,
universes in order to sustain future lives. ASTRA-1. They must combat the
Discovered as a potential spot for survival,
ASTRA-1 could be the next frontier. However, at difficulties of space travel to
the focus of this voyage are the complexities of reach their final destination.
extended space travel upon humankind. With
limited time and resources, you must explore Through planet hopping and
this foreign universe to secure the eternity of survival techniques, players try to
secure humanity’s future.

Game Characteristics
Open World Exploration: This game allows for players to freely explore the universe’s planets, deposits, and
points of interest while questing for resources.
Resource Collection: Survival is dependent on gathering resources. Players will navigate the universe for
essential materials (fuel, food, health) to reach their final destination (ASTRA-1).
Time Pressure: Players have a limited amount of food, fuel, and health condition. Managing these resources
while exploring is needed to survive. Running out of food leads to starvation, lack of fuel strands you in the
middle of space, and poor health leads to death. All of these lead to restarting from the previous checkpoint
or restarting at the beginning of the game depending on the difficulty mode the player selects.
Planetary Challenges: Various resource planets are home to otherworldly lifeforms containing their own
cultures. Players may face trade negotiations to acquire materials in specific locations or may choose to
scavenge the planet on their own.
Interplanet Travel: Players must manage fuel resources and navigate routes to avoid running out mid-flight.
Various external factors may impact spaceship travel, and it is vital to navigate these while considering

How to start
After downloading the game from the website, navigate to the installation file on your computer and follow the
instructions outlined below.
Once you open the game, select “Play” and then select “Create a New Universe.”
Select your desired difficulty based on the descriptions of each level.
Optional: If you have any DLC packs that you would like to enable, select “extensions” and choose the packs that
you would like to enable.
Optional: Select “Customize Spaceship” to customize your spaceship to match your individual preferences.
Hit “Start” to begin the creation of your universe. Since the galaxy can be fairly large depending on variables like
difficulty and extension packs, it may take a few minutes to load.

SURVIVAL Player controls

Movement Controls:
Failure to secure resources before W: Move forward.
running out will cause the player to start A: Move left.
from the beginning of their journey. S: Move backward.
You must collect resources from each D: Move right.
Camera Perspective
planet to survive.
Holding right click and moving the mouse to zoom into the local area
your cursor is pointing towards.
Left clicks will select objects or buttons that are interactable in the
Character Progression Camera Perspective
Clicking the space bar will change your camera perspective and angles
Players may encounter mystery boxes which
could allow for optional objective reward
of view.
experience points. Menu Access:
Experiences allow players to specialize in Select “m” to go to your menu. In your menu, you will find numerous
varying areas like improved illness combat game controls. These include exiting the game, modifying graphics
efficiency, increased navigation perception,or and visual settings, and setting new keybinds.
the “galactic green thumb” (improved food Inventory
foraging). Press “I” to access available resources and material.
The special keys are ‘Q’ ‘E’ ‘R’ ‘F’. These keys activate the abilities of
items that rest in the special slots in your inventory.
The top left corner will display a local inventory of player-based items,
DIFFICULTY including your equipped item.
Local Map
Difficulty settings can impact resource To see a view of your local area, use the “tab” key. The size and
availability, astrobiological hazards, and rotation of the local map can be modified in the game settings found
encounters with extraterrestrial creatures. in the menu.
Optional side quests like alien relations
and memento collections can be
incorporated. HUD DISPLAY
Spaceship Flight HUD
The top right corner will display a small portion
of the local area that you are in, including
Network play notable objects such as planets, resources, and
other aircraft.
You will have the option to play The top left corner of the spaceship will display a
small portion of your inventory, including the
multiplayer where you can either four equipped special items and the next six
work with other players to reach the items of your inventory.
The bottom left corner of the HUD will display
final destination or race each other the levels of five resources: food/water, fuel,
to see who can get to the end first. oxygen, and two other resources of your
choosing (can be modified in the inventory).
Multiplayer requires that all players Player HUD (while exploring planets)
are connected to the Internet and The top right corner will display a small portion
of the area that you are in, including notable
that they are listed as “Friends.” objects such as various creatures and landmarks
Players can become Friends using that you encounter.
The top left corner will display a local inventory
the FriendConnetor which can be of player-based items, including your equipped
found in the Settings tab. item.
The bottom left corner of the HUD will display
levels of oxygen, food, and water.


Reaching ASTRA-1 after visiting each planet and collecting resources will
result in a cut showcasing the resettlement of humanity in their new home.
You can restart the game for a randomized universe, unlocking a whole new
Want the journey to continue? Buy expansion packs to see the next voyage
after securing ASTRA-1.

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