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CLL231 – Tutorial 4

1. The components of a velocity field are given by u = x + y, v = xy3+16 and w = 0. Determine the
location of any stagnation points (V=0) in the flow field.

2. A siphon draws water from a reservoir and discharges it out at atmospheric pressure. Assuming
ideal fluid and the reservoir is large, find the velocity at point Pin the siphon tube.

3. Water flows around the vertical two-dimensional bend with circular streamlines and constant
velocity as shown in the figure below. If the pressure is 40 kPa at point (1), determine the
pressures at Points (2) and (3). Assume that the velocity profile is uniform as indicated.

4. Water flows from the tank shown in the figure below. If viscous effects are
negligible; determine the value of h in terms of H and the specific gravity, SG
(specific gravity = density of fluid/density of water), of the manometer fluid.

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