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We are looking to support the brightest and best individuals who have
ambition and strive to make a difference. Describe any special skills and
proud accomplishments you've achieved outside of your academic grades.'

Use this space to detail any special academic or extra-curricular

achievements, as well as your reasons for applying to the scholarship
(mention Think Big leadership development programme .) programme.

Answer: Out of all the extra-curriculars I have done in school, there is one I am always
going to be proud of – Establishing my school’s first ever Space Club. When I had done
some good research about space science and aerospace engineering as career option, I
realised that this is one field which can be so providing and fulfilling for diverse people
from different backgrounds. I used to hear my friends from non-science courses talk
about space and realized the potential of the study of space. How much it is capable of
attracting students and academic professionals to research and study about the

But only if the curiosity to let their imagination escape the earth and the freedom to
explore space was instilled in young minds, the number of individuals devoting
themselves to this career would exponentially increase. I believe it is the responsibility
of each and every individual aware of the potential of this wonderful branch of science,
to share and establish this kind of interest into younger generations. I did exactly that in
my school.

After chasing my school management for permissions, I managed to kick start our
school’s first space club and named it ‘AeroAstro’. I had one clear vision in mind:

“To instil enthusiasm and encourage participation and discussion about space science
by all and contribute to the formation of future Space engineers, astronauts, and

I was proud to see popular participation and juniors coming up to me to seek

membership, which was free of cost of course.

But this is not it. I envision to make this study available to the different children all over
the world. Who knows, we might find the first human to land on Mars, studying in some
primary school in a village in Asia? This is how I wish to make a difference. Inspire others
to pursue Aerospace as a career.

This also becomes necessary considering the fact that future of humanity lies in Space
travel and our knowledge of outer space. Training professionals for such a future is
quite imperative.

But to make a significant difference at a global level, I need the right skill set. I believe
that the ‘Think Big leadership development programme’ will give me just that. The right
training and skills to lead children into believing that they too can allow their ideas and
imagination wander out of the box, and maybe even the Earth!

'2. We are looking for scholars who will be great ambassadors for the
university, recognise the power of diverse networks and communities and
influence positive change. How do you plan to contribute to the student
community at the University of Bristol?'

Use this space to detail your plans and how your contribution will link to
your chosen course.

Answer: If there is a common issue that students face, irrespective of their

backgrounds, it is homesickness. What may initially seem to be a new thrilling
experience of living alone and having fun, soon turns out to be a gloomy
experience of crying alone in your room and going down the memory lane of
your pastimes with family.

I believe the solution to this problem lies in how much a student socialises and
opens up to friends and tutors. Of course, we have some bold students who
open up quite well and share their problems, but there are certain students who
are not able to freely express their thoughts due to variety of reasons.

What I propose as a solution is a ‘Culture Fest’. An exhibition by students of

different nationalities and ethnicities sharing their diverse cultural backgrounds
to others. I think of it as an open exhibition to all students and guests welcome
to experience and learn about the different culture, cuisine, costume, and
traditions of different places.

Not only will such an exhibition bring together students from similar
backgrounds, addressing their homesickness, but it shall enable them to learn
from and about students from diverse ethnicity, which is an essential skill to
succeed in their respective careers.

A fest like that can also invite students from different universities. Not only will
this help them overcome similar challenges, but it will also send across a
message of the kind of diversity that the University of Bristol houses.

As a student pursuing Aerospace Engineering, such programs would help my

classmates and me significantly. For any engineering project or mission to
succeed, teamwork and the capability to accept and adapt to diversity is a pre-
requisite. Moreover, good communication skills and the eagerness to take
responsibilities are also needed. Such fests will work towards instilling these
qualities in participants.
3. We are looking for scholars who will use their time at Bristol to make the most
of opportunities and realise their potential Tell us about your future goals and
how your chosen course at Bristol will support you to 'think big' and
achieve them.

Explain what has attracted you to study at the University of Bristol, as well as
outlining your next steps towards your career goals.

Answer: There are many reasons behind choosing the University of Bristol for
pursuing Aerospace Engineering. Firstly, the University of Bristol is one of the
rare institutions which provides extensive research facility and hands on
experience in order to enable students develop the habit of independent
learning, something extremely important in a career I wish to have. Secondly,
besides the fact that the University of Bristol is also a member of the UK
Aerospace Research Consortium, it is strategically located between major
aerospace industrial giants such as Airbus, making Bristol the hub for exciting
opportunities of research and study in the field of Aerospace Engineering.

Students studying at the University of Bristol already have access to such

opportunities of industry experience and training. The realization of these
opportunities to bring out their potential now becomes their duty in order to
emerge as visionary and creative engineers.

I am also convinced that the faculty at UoB is one of the best in UK and expertly
trains students to realise their potential and make the best out of it. A student
can easily approach the tutors and seek guidance and support to grab onto
opportunities and develop visionary skills to imagine and conceive the
impossible, and make it happen in the future.

Personally, I have always imagined of an unmanned commercial aircraft

that can take passengers safely across the world with convenience and
ease. Such a transport will not only be cost-effective in the long run but
will also open the doors to many more futuristic ideas and creations in the
field of Aviation and related sectors. I find such an idea very intriguing and
fascinating and aspire to work towards it, to make it a reality or be a part of
similar already-existing project.

The course I have opted for will provide me the perfect academic knowledge and
awareness I will need to work towards my dreams.

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