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Ex1: Fill in the gaps: (about, with, to, at, on, for, of, in)
1. kind …… 11. sorry………….
2. angry…….. 12. interested ………
3. disappointed…….. 13. full…………..
4. fed up …….. 14. ashamed ……….
5. afraid …….. 15. similar …….
6. good …….. 16. worried …….
7. married …… 17. crowded ……
8. responsible ………… 18. famous……..
9. fond………. 19. surprised……
10. keen…………. 20. polite ……

Ex2: Fill in the correct prepositions

1. I'm angry ………….. him for telling lies about me.
2. Are you afraid …….. him?
3. Rome is famous …….. its historical monuments.
4. He is married ………. his sister.
5. It's very nice …….. you to lend me your car.
6. Why are you always so rude ……….. your parents?
7. It wasn't very polite ………… him to leave without saying thank you.
8. I can't understand people who are cruel ………… animals.
9. I have to stop to talk to you. I'm a bit short …….. time.
10. Are you interested ………… football?
11. Your shoes are similar ………….. mine, but they are not exactly the same.
12. We've got enough to eat. The fridge is full ………… food.
13. It would be clever …………. her to study more for the next test.
14. He said he was sorry ……... the situation, but there was nothing he could do.
15. He is good …………… playing chess.
Ex3: Fill in the correct prepositions
1. She is very terrified ……………. spiders.
2. We enjoyed our holidays, but we were disappointed …………. our hotel.
3. I was surprised …………. the way he behaved.
4. He is very fond …………. animals.
5. She doesn't often go out in the night because she's afraid …………. the dark.
6. I study Spanish but I'm not very satisfied …………. my progress.
7. I’ve never seen so many people before. I'm astonished …………. the crowds.
8. She is nice, but I don't want to get married …………. her.
9. I don't feel sorry …………. her because her problems are her own fault.
10. He is responsible …………. what appears in his newspaper.
11. He wasn't very keen …………. going to the cinema.
12. She is brilliant …………. repairing things.
13. They are interested …………. sports.
14. I felt sorry …………. the children because it rained every day.
15. He said it had been very kind …………. her to help his mother.
Ex4: Fill in the correct prepositions
1. I'm very proud …………. my son because he works very hard.
2. She has always been brilliant …………. repairing things.
3. It would be clever …………. you to study more for the exam.
4. France is also very famous …………. its wine.
5. The streets were crowded …………. people.
6. She was very upset …………. not being invited to the party.
7. I think they were not interested …………. what I was saying.
8. The police are responsible …………. maintaining law and order.
9. We are short …………. workers in our factory at the moment.
10. He apologized …………. being impolite to my sister.
11. He always waits outside because he is frightened …………. our dog.
12. She is furious …………. him for not watering the flowers.
13. It would be stupid …………. him to go out without a coat because it is cold
14. They said that they weren't responsible …………. the depts of the company.
15. He was very sorry …………. the troubles he had caused.
Ex5: Choose the correct A,B,C,D
1. How much time do you spend _______ TV every day?
A. watch
B. to watch
C. watching
D. in watching
2. I would love _______ to your party! Thank you for inviting me.
A. come
B. coming
C. to come
D. came
3. Could you help me _______ the kitchen? It’s a real mess!
A. tidy
B. tidied
C. tidying
D. with tidying
4. Steven dislikes _______, so he usually takes a bus to work.
A. to drive
B. to be driven
C. be driven
D. driving
5. Marlene can’t wait _______ to the beach again.
A. to go
B. going
C. for going
D. go
6. I always enjoy _______ to my grandfather. He always tells me great stories.
A. to talk
B. to talking
C. talking
D. talk
7. The doctor advised me __________ jogging every morning.
A. went
B. go
C. to go
D. going
8. May I suggest you let ____________.
A. Mary doing so
B. Mary do so
C. Mary does so
D. Mary to do so
9. She _________ him when he called her.
A. pretended not hear
B. pretended she heard not
C. pretended not to hear
D. did not pretended hear
10. John is too stupid __________ understand this
A. to
B. not to
C. to not
D. for
11. My father has decided ________ a new house.
A. find
B. to find
C. finding
D. him find
12. My father is __________ to stay up late.
A. too tired
B. enough tired
C. tired enough
D. so tired
13. She told Mary _______ up hope.
A. not give
B. do not give
C. not to give
D. to give not
14. She explained _________.
A. how to make it
B. me to make it
C. me how to make it
D. me make it
15. She is very glad ________ see you again.
A. in
B. with
C. to
D. for
Ex6: Complete the sentences with the to-infinitive or -ing form of the verbs
in brackets.
1. I tried hard ___________ (concentrate), but my mind kept ___________
2. Tonight I’d like ___________ (go) out, but I have to do my homework.
3. If I can choose, I prefer ___________ (stay) at home to ___________ (play)
4. I detested ___________ (spend) two hours every day travelling to work and
5. I’d like __________ (have) a look at your new car
6. It’s difficult ____________ (get) used to getting up early
7. Sue loves ___________ (make) origami. She can fold some animals, birds
and flowers.
8. I am a little busy. Would you mind ___________ (wait) a little longer?
9. I’m looking forward _________ (see) you again.
10. I don’t enjoy __________ (go) to the dentist.
Exercise 7: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1. Would you mind (turn) _______________ off the radio?
2. My parents decided (take) ____________ a taxi because it was late
3. I didn’t know how (get) ____________ to your house, so I stopped (ask)
__________ the way.
4. You’ll be able (do) _________ it yourself when you are older
5. Is there anything here worth (buy) ___________?
6. She adore (work) ___________ with young children.
7. I enjoyed (meet) ___________ him last week in the library.
8. Do you fancy (skateboard) ___________ in the park this Sunday?
9. Ngoc hates (sit) ___________ at the computer for too long
10. Everyone likes (eat) ___________ ice-cream
Exercise 8: Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning
1. Would you please give me a hand?
Would you mind _____________________________?
2. Shall we go for a bike?
What about _________________________________?
3. He didn’t say goodbye to anyone when he left the room
He left the room without _______________________
4. He likes to read books than to watch television
He prefers ____________________________________
5. She likes to hang out with friends on Saturday evening.
She’s interested ____________________________________

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