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Draft version April 12, 2024

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Thermal Structure Determines Kinematics:

Vertical Shear Instability in Stellar Irradiated Protoplanetary Disks
Shangjia Zhang (张尚嘉) ,1, 2 Zhaohuan Zhu (朱照寰) ,1, 2 and Yan-Fei Jiang (姜燕飞) 3

1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 S. Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV, 89154, USA
2 Nevada Center for Astrophysics, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA
3 Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute, New York, NY 10010, USA
arXiv:2404.05608v2 [astro-ph.EP] 10 Apr 2024

Turbulence is crucial for protoplanetary disk dynamics, and Vertical Shear Instability (VSI) is a
promising mechanism in outer disk regions to generate turbulence. We use Athena++ radiation mod-
ule to study VSI in full and transition disks, accounting for radiation transport and stellar irradiation.
We find that the thermal structure and cooling timescale significantly influence VSI behavior. The
inner rim location and radial optical depth affect disk kinematics. Compared with previous vertically-
isothermal simulations, our full disk and transition disks with small cavities have a superheated at-
mosphere and cool midplane with long cooling timescales, which suppresses the corrugation mode and
the associated meridional circulation. This temperature structure also produces a strong vertical shear
at τ∗ = 1, producing an outgoing flow layer at τ∗ < 1 on top of an ingoing flow layer at τ∗ ∼ 1. The
midplane becomes less turbulent, while the surface becomes more turbulent with effective α reaching
∼ 10−2 at τ∗ ≲1. This large surface stress drives significant surface accretion, producing substruc-
tures. Using temperature and cooling time measured/estimated from radiation-hydro simulations, we
demonstrate that less computationally-intensive simulations incorporating simple orbital cooling can
almost reproduce radiation-hydro results. By generating synthetic images, we find that substructures
are more pronounced in disks with larger cavities. The higher velocity dispersion at the gap edge could
also slow particle settling. Both properties are consistent with recent Near-IR and ALMA observa-
tions. Our simulations predict that regions with significant temperature changes are accompanied by
significant velocity changes, which can be tested by ALMA kinematics/chemistry observations.

Keywords: Accretion (14) — Protoplanetary disks (1300) — Radiative transfer (1335) – Hydrody-
namics (1963) — Radiative magnetohydrodynamics (2009) — Hydrodynamical simulations

1. INTRODUCTION (Nelson et al. 2013; Stoll & Kley 2014; Barker & Lat-
Turbulence in protoplanetary disks plays significant ter 2015; Umurhan et al. 2016; Lesur et al. 2023). The
roles in planet formation, such as determining mass ac- VSI is driven by the vertical differential rotation of the
cretion, angular momentum transport, and dust dynam- disk (dvϕ /dZ ̸=0). It occurs in baroclinic disks, char-
ics. In the disk midplane beyond 0.1 au, where the mag- acterized by non-parallel density and pressure gradients
netorotational instability (MRI) is suppressed due to low (Lesur et al. 2023; Klahr et al. 2023). Such a configura-
ionization rates, turbulence can be generated by hydro- tion is often satisfied in stellar irradiated protoplanetary
dynamic instabilities (Turner et al. 2014; Armitage 2020; disks, where the temperature decreases away from the
Lesur et al. 2023). One promising candidate among central star in the radial direction. Most studies on the
these instabilities is the vertical shear instability (VSI) VSI assume a vertically constant temperature, which is
thought to be a valid assumption near the disk midplane
(e.g., Calvet et al. 1991; Chiang & Goldreich 1997).
Corresponding author: Shangjia Zhang A distinctive feature of the VSI is the presence of the corrugation mode in the meridional plane, which
involves large-scale gas circulations in the vertical di-

rection, while remaining confined in the radial direction et al. 2023). The VSI in the unstable disk atmosphere
(Nelson et al. 2013; Lyra & Umurhan 2019). As a result, can even penetrate the stable midplane, as long as the
anisotropic turbulence arises in the Z-ϕ and R-ϕ stresses, VSI-stable layer is less than two gas scale heights and the
with the former typically reaching magnitudes of 10−2 VSI-unstable layer is thicker than two gas scale heights
and the latter ranging from 10−4 to 10−3 (Stoll & Kley (Fukuhara et al. 2023). Additionally, with equivalent
2014, 2016; Stoll et al. 2017; Flock et al. 2017; Manger short cooling times, radiation hydrodynamic simulations
& Klahr 2018; Manger et al. 2020, 2021; Pfeil & Klahr produce similar results to vertically isothermal simula-
2021). The amplitude of turbulence increases with the tions (Stoll & Kley 2014; Flock et al. 2017).
aspect ratio (i.e., temperature) of the disk (Manger et al. While VSI aligns with certain observational facets,
2020, 2021). Simulations with mm-sized dust particles such as a low level of R-ϕ turbulence, it also has ten-
show that they can be stirred up very high above the sions with some other facets.
midplane due to the strong turbulence in the vertical di-
rection (Stoll et al. 2017; Flock et al. 2017, 2020; Blanco • A possible mechanism for substructures. The
et al. 2021; Dullemond et al. 2022). High resolution (sub-)mm dust continuum emission traces ∼0.1-10
simulations show that strong shears between neighbour- mm dust particles residing in the disk midplane,
ing bands of these meridional circulations can gener- where substructures have been detected in a ma-
ate vortices in the R-Z plane (Flores-Rivera et al. 2020; jority of observed disks when sufficient resolution
Klahr et al. 2023; Melon Fuksman et al. 2023a). Three- is achieved (Bae et al. 2023). These substruc-
dimensional simulations also demonstrate they can gen- tures predominantly manifest as gaps and rings,
erate vortices and zonal flows in the R-ϕ plane due to the although occasional arcs and spirals have been ob-
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (Flock et al. 2017; Manger served as well. VSI can generate density pertur-
& Klahr 2018; Flock et al. 2020; Blanco et al. 2021; bations and vortices owing to the zonal flow led
Pfeil & Klahr 2021). These zonal flows can possibly by the corrugation mode. However, these pertur-
explain some of the ubiquitous substructures observed bation are typically small and requires very high
by ALMA dust continuum observations (e.g., Andrews resolution and sensitivity to detect them (Blanco
et al. 2018; Long et al. 2018; van der Marel et al. 2019; et al. 2021).
Cieza et al. 2021; Blanco et al. 2021; Andrews 2020; Bae
et al. 2023). • Consistent weak turbulence αR . The VSI gener-
The role of thermodynamics is crucial in determining ates a low level of turbulence in the R-ϕ plane (αR
whether the vertical shear instability (VSI) can occur ∼ 10−5 - 10−3 , Nelson et al. 2013; Stoll & Kley
(Lin & Youdin 2015; Lyra & Umurhan 2019; Lesur et al. 2014; Flock et al. 2017; Lesur et al. 2023). This
2023). Specifically, the global mode of VSI requires a is consistent with planet-disk interactions models
fast cooling timescale, where the cooling time normal- with ad hoc turbulent viscosity to explain the ob-
ized to the orbital time should be less than a threshold served multiple gaps and rings (Dong et al. 2017;
(Lin & Youdin 2015), Bae et al. 2017; Zhang et al. 2018b; Paardekooper
et al. 2023). A low level of viscosity (10−4 - 10−3 )
β < βc ≡ Ω−1
K (h/r)|q|/(γg − 1), (1) is also needed to match the disk dispersal timescale
(∼ Myrs) in disk evolution models (Mulders et al.
where ΩK is the Keplerian frequency, h/r is the disk 2017; Lodato et al. 2017; Tabone et al. 2022; Ma-
aspect ratio, q is the radial temperature power-law in- nara et al. 2022).
dex, and γg is the adiabatic index. Analytical studies
considering dust-gas coupling and dust evolution have • Overpredicted turbulence αZ . In the disk’s vertical
identified regions where the VSI can operate (Malygin direction, edge-on and inclined disks exhibit re-
et al. 2017; Pfeil & Klahr 2019; Fukuhara et al. 2021). markably thin dust emission layers, which can be
Disks with globally uniform cooling times larger than translated to a low value of αZ /St (< 10−2 , Pinte
this critical cooling time do not develop VSI (Manger et al. 2016; Doi & Kataoka 2021; Villenave et al.
et al. 2021). However, short length-scale perturbations 2020, 2022; Sierra & Lizano 2020; Ueda et al. 2020,
may still grow after evolving for a very long time (Klahr 2021), where αZ is the turbulence in the Z-ϕ plane,
et al. 2023; Pfeil et al. 2023). In cases where the mid- and St is the Stokes number that characterizes the
plane has a long cooling timescale, yet the atmosphere gas-dust coupling. An exception is that the inner
has a short cooling time, studies using vertically isother- ring of HD 163296, which has αZ /St > 1 (Doi &
mal simulations demonstrate the persistence of the VSI Kataoka 2021). Adopting a typical Stokes num-
in the disk atmosphere (Pfeil & Klahr 2021; Fukuhara ber, the αZ is estimated to be ≲ 10−4 in most

cases. However, VSI generates very strong turbu- tions, accompanied with a series of pure hydro simula-
lence in the vertical direction (∼10−2 , e.g., Stoll tions. In Section 4, we discuss the formation of substruc-
& Kley 2014), with the correlation at neighbour- tures, and observational/modeling prospect. Finally, we
ing radii, which conflicts with many observations conclude the paper in Section 5.
(Dullemond et al. 2022).
• Yet-to-be-detected VSI corrugation mode. Gas line 2.1. Disk Model Setup
emission observations demand higher sensitivities,
yet data have been accumulating from recent and In our study, we explored both full disks and tran-
ongoing ALMA large programs such as, MAPS sition disks with varying inner disk truncation radii or
(Öberg et al. 2021). With the aid of channel maps cavity sizes, denoted as rcav . Our simulations were per-
derived from these observations, we can measure formed in spherical polar coordinates r, θ, ϕ, while most
the 3D velocity and temperature structure of the of the disk structure was set up in cylindrical coordi-
disk for a large sample of disks (e.g., Miotello nates R, Z, ϕ.
et al. 2023; Pinte et al. 2023). Barraza-Alfaro et al. The gas surface density profile follows a power-law
(2021) predicts that the alternating blueshifted- with an exponential cutoff, consistent with viscous evo-
redshifted corrugation mode can be observed in lution models (Lynden-Bell & Pringle 1974; Hartmann
the CO channel maps given very high spectral res- et al. 1998) and observational constraints (e.g., Miotello
olution (50 m s−1 at ALMA band 6). However, et al. 2023). The gas surface density is given by:
there is no firm detection of this pattern so far.

While disk thermodynamics plays a key role in VSI, Σg = Σg,0 (R/R0 )−1 exp(−(R − R0 )/100 au), (2)
most previous studies focused on simple thermodynam-
where Σg,0 is the gas surface density at a reference radius
ics such as locally isothermal or orbital cooling treat-
of R0 = 1 au. In our fiducial models, Σg,0 is set to
ments. The vertical thermal structure is also underex-
178 g cm−2 , following Zhu et al. (2012).
plored. With a more self-consistent treatment, we can
Regarding the initial temperature structure, we as-
provide a more robust model and improve connections
sumed a radial power-law profile as the initial condition:
between observations and theory.
To that end, we employ a self-consistent radiation- R
hydrodynamics approach with temperature-dependent T (R, Z) = T (R0 ) , (3)
DSHARP opacity (Birnstiel et al. 2018). Unlike pre-
vious simulations that utilized locally isothermal equa- where q is set to -0.5. The reference temperature T (R0 )
tions of state or flux-limited diffusion approximation is given by:
 f L 1/4
with constant opacity, we utilize the Athena++ (Stone ∗
T (R0 ) = . (4)
et al. 2020) implicit radiation module (Jiang et al. 2014; 4πR02 σb
Jiang 2021). This module incorporates angle-dependent Here, f accounts for the flaring of the disk (e.g., Chiang
radiative transfer equations with implicit solvers to ac- & Goldreich 1997; D’Alessio et al. 1998; Dullemond et al.
curately model the disk radiation transport. The mod- 2001), and we used a value of f = 0.1 in our initial
ule can capture both optically thin and thick regimes conditions. The stellar luminosity L∗ is assumed to be
and shadowing and beam crossing accurately. Addi- 1 L⊙ , and σb represents the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
tionally, we incorporate stellar irradiation using long- Then the hydrostatic equilibrium in the R − Z plane
characteristic ray tracing as a heating source. requires the initial density profile at the disk midplane
Recently, Melon Fuksman et al. (2023b,a) indepen- to be (e.g., Nelson et al. 2013)
dently study VSI in irradiated protoplanetary disks us-
ing M1 method (Melon Fuksman et al. 2021). While ρ0 (R, Z = 0)
we focus on the outer disk beyond 20 au and they focus  p
on 4-7 au in the inner disk, the results for our fidu- = ρ0 (R = R0 , Z = 0) exp ((R0 − R)/100 au) ,
cial model are consistent with their dust depleted disk (5)
models, which show quiescent midplane and turbulent
atmosphere. where at the initial condition, the gas surface density
The paper layout is the following. In Section 2, we dis- and the volume density is related by ρ0 (R, Z = 0) =
cuss the numerical setup of the simulations. In Section 3, (2π)−1/2 Σg (R)h(R)−1 . The midplane radial density
we present results of radiation hydrodynamic simula- profile power-law index p can be related to the surface

Table 1. Simulation setups and measured values at later times. h/r and q are measured from midplane temperature in Figure
model name radiation rcav (h/r)0 (h/r)0 measured p p measured q q measured
3r⊙ -rad on 3r⊙ 0.07 0.049 -2.25 -2.5 -0.5 -0.2
18au-rad (fiducial) on 18 au 0.07 0.066 -2.25 -2.25 -0.5 -0.6
54au-rad on 54 au 0.07 0.11 -2.25 -2.25 -0.5 -0.65
18au-lowdens-rad on 18 au 0.07 0.12 -2.25 -2.5 -0.5 -0.36
18au-iso off - 0.066 - -2.25 - -0.6 -
18au-bkgT off - - - - - - -
18au-bkgT-bkgCool off - - - - - - -
54au-bkgT-bkgCool off - - - - - - -

density power-law index r (Σg ∝ Rr ) and temperature spherical accretion truncation radius (e.g., Hartmann
power-law index q, by p = r − q/2 − 3/2. Since we et al. 2016). The total gas mass is approximately 0.01
adopted q = −0.5 and r = −1, p = -2.25. The tempera- solar masses (0.007 solar masses for 54au-rad). The
ture is used to calculate the gas scale height h = cs /ΩK , transition disks have rcav values of 18 au (18au-rad,
where cs = (P/ρ)1/2 is the isothermal sound speed, and fiducial model) and 54 au (54au-rad). Additionally, we
ΩK = (GM∗ /R3 )1/2 is the Keplarian orbital frequency. considered a case where the gas surface density is re-
We adopt M∗ = 1 M⊙ . duced to 1% of the fiducial value, i.e., Σg,0 is set to
In the vertical direction 1.78 g cm−2 (18au-lowdens-rad). In this low-density


1 1
 disk scenario, the total gas mass is approximately 10−4
ρ0 (R, Z) = ρ0 (R, Z = 0)exp √ − , solar masses. For transition disk with rcav = 54 au, we
c2s R2 + Z 2 R
(6) used a tanh profile to make a smooth transition at the
and the azimuthal velocity inner gap so that it satisfies the Rayleigh criterion (e.g.,
" #1/2 Yang & Menou 2010) at the initial condition. We sum-
marize all our models in Table 1.

cs qR
vϕ (R, Z) = vK (p + q) +1+q− √ , Limited by the computational cost, the inner bound-
vK R2 + Z 2
(7) ary of the disk cannot be too small. Thus, we set the
where vK = ΩK R =
GM∗ /R (e.g., Nelson et al. inner boundary at 21.6 au. For rcav = 3 r⊙ , and 18
2013). We can see that the vertical shear rate dvϕ /dZ au disks, the simulation inner boundaries are beyond
is non-zero as long as q ̸= 0. The other two velocity the cavity sizes. To mimic the optical depth effect of
components vR and vZ are set to be zero at the initial these disks, we artificially added optical depth between
condition. We do not consider the self-gravity of the 3 r⊙ /18 au and the simulation’s inner boundary at 21.6
disk in this paper, which should be a valid assumption au (see Equation A8 in Appendix A). However, this pre-
for most of the Class II disks (Miotello et al. 2023). set optical depth cannot adjust its vertical structure self-
In the initial condition (Equation 3), we also assumed consistently and can lead to discontinuities at the simu-
the temperature to be vertically isothermal. This as- lation’s inner boundary. The direct irradiation on disk
sumption is valid near the midplane. However, we will inner cavity is also related to the shadowing effect in
demonstrate that the quasi-steady state of our simula- Dullemond et al. (2001); Jang-Condell & Turner (2012,
tions exhibits a cool midplane and a superheated atmo- 2013); Siebenmorgen & Heymann (2012); Zhang et al.
sphere which is consistent with classical analytical cal- (2021b). Therefore, what occurs near the inner bound-
culations (Calvet et al. 1991; Chiang & Goldreich 1997; ary might not be reliable.
D’Alessio et al. 1998), Monte Carlo radiative transfer
calculations (Pascucci et al. 2004; Pinte et al. 2009), pre- 2.2. Radiation Hydrodynamics
vious radiation hydrodynamic simulations (Flock et al. We introduce the numerical setup for the radiation hy-
2013, 2017, 2020; Kuiper et al. 2010; Kuiper & Klessen drodynamic simulations using the frequency-integrated
2013), and recent ALMA CO observations (Law et al. (gray) radiation module (Jiang 2021). We detail the
2022, 2023). We will also show that this vertical temper- implementation of the stellar irradiation and unit con-
ature gradient, together with the varying local orbital version in Appendix A.
cooling time, is crucial for the gas kinematics. We adopted the Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL)
The full disk corresponds to a value of rcav equal to number to be 0.4, and used second order Van Leer
3 solar radii (3r⊙ -rad), which represents the magnetic time integrator (vl2), second order spatial reconstruc-

tion, and HLLC Riemann Solver. We adopted adia- 2.2.1. Dust Opacity Setup
batic index γg = 1.4. We discretized the radial direc- While the radiation module can treat isotropic scat-
tion into 1568 cells, logarithmically spaced from 0.54 to tering properly, we neglected dust scattering and only
8 times the reference radius (r0 = 40 au, so 21.6 au to considered absorption opacity in this paper to better
320 au from inner and outer boundaries). The polar compare with previous isothermal simulations. We also
direction was divided into 1536 cells, covering a range used the frequency-integrated (gray) radiation trans-
from 0.383 to 2.76 radians (68◦ above and below the port, but we note that multi-group radiation module
midplane). For our fiducial model, this amounts to 45 is also available (Jiang 2022). Both dust scattering and
cells per scale height at r0 (40 au). For the hydro bound- multi-frequency radiative transfer will be considered in
ary conditions, we used outflow at the inner boundary, a future publication.
and copied initial conditions for outer, upper and lower We used the DSHARP composition (Birnstiel et al.
boundaries. As for radiation boundary conditions, light 2018) and a power law MRN dust size distribution
beams can freely transport out of the domain. If the (n(a) ∝ a−3.5 , Mathis et al. 1977). The minimum grain
beam points inward the computational domain, the ra- size amin = 0.1 µm and maximum grain size amax = 1
diation is assumed to have the background temperature mm. In our fiducial models, we assumed that only small
(10 K = 1.63×10−3 T0 , where T0 is the temperature in grains determine the temperature distribution due to
code unit), which is a typical temperature of molecular their high opacity at the peak of the stellar spectrum;
clouds. We adopted periodic boundary condition in the therefore, we considered grains sized between 0.1 and
azimuthal ϕ-direction. 1 µm, which account for fs =0.02184 of the total dust
The radiation transport uses discrete ordinate, where mass. The mass ratio between all the dust and gas was
rays are discretized into different angles. We used the assumed to be 1/100. Then we calculated the Planck
discretization better suited for curvilinear coordinates and Rosseland mean opacities normalized to the total
(angle flag = 1) and set nzeta = 2, npsi = 2, where dust mass (κP,d , and κR,d ) at various disk temperatures
nzeta represents angles from 0 to π/2 in ζ direction and fitted by univariate spline functions labeled as solid
and npsi represents 0 to π in ψ direction. Here ζ and and dashed curves, respectively in Figure 1. We also cal-
ψ are the polar and longitudinal angles with respect to culated the stellar Rosseland mean opacity normalized
the local coordinate, so these angles can point to differ- to the total dust mass (κ∗,d = 3995 cm2 g−1 ) at the solar
ent directions at different spatial locations (Jiang 2021). temperature labeled as the star legend. These opacities
There are 16 angles in total. To test the convergence of can be simply converted to the ones normalized to gas
the temperature calculated by different numbers of rays, (κP,g , κR,g , and κ∗,g ) by multiplying the dust to gas
we froze the hydrodynamics (assuming a static disk) and mass ratio, which is 0.01 for all models. Disk opacities
tried nzeta = 4, npsi = 4, and nzeta = 8, npsi = 8. are inputs for the radiation module, whereas the stel-
We found convergence when nzeta = 4 and npsi = lar opacity is used in the stellar irradiation as an extra
4. Since the temperature difference is already small be- heating source term (see Appendix A).
tween nzeta = npsi = 2 and nzeta = npsi = 4, we
adopted the former to save computational time. 2.2.2. Comparison with RADMC-3D
We ran simulations with cfl rad = 0.3 (cfl rad is an
We froze the hydrodynamics and used the initial con-
additional factor multiplied in front of the CFL number
ditions of full and transition disk models to test the tem-
to help convergence for implicit method), reduced speed
perature calculation of our irradiation implementation.
of light R = 4 × 10−3 (Zhang et al. 2018a; Zhu et al.
Then we compared the results with Monte Carlo radia-
2020), and error limit = 10−3 for the first 10 orbits
tive transfer code RADMC-3D (Dullemond et al. 2012)
(Pin , the orbital period of the inner boundary at 0.54 r0
using the same density structure. In RADMC-3D, we
or 21.6 au) to approach the quasi-steady state. Other-
also used the same DSHARP opacity with the same dust
wise the iteration times or errors were extremely large.
properties and dust scattering turned off. When the disk
Then we restarted the simulation and changed cfl rad
is mostly optically thin to the stellar irradiation, the dif-
and R back to 1. Thus, we do not use reduced speed
ference is at most ∼7%, such as in the transition disk
of light for the longer time evolution for our simula-
with rcav = 54 au (shown in Figure 2).
tions. We also changed the error limit to 10−5 after
The difference comes from the frequency integrated ra-
the restart. We note that after the restart it only took
diative transfer in Athena++ module and the more ac-
one iteration to reach the error limit and the typical
curate multi-frequency treatment in RADMC-3D. This
error was only 10−7 -10−6 .
difference has been extensively studied in Kuiper et al.
(2010); Kuiper & Klessen (2013), where they found that

disk opacity stellar opacity 65

54 au-rad
a [0.1, 1] m *
60 at r = 80 au
103 n(a) a 3.5
[cm2 g 1]


T [K]
102 50
Tfloor Tceiling
P, d, R, d

101 45 Athena++
Planck RADMC-3D
Rosseland Mean 40
100 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
101 102 103 /2 -
T [K]
Figure 2. Temperature comparison between Athena++
Figure 1. The temperature-dependent dust opacities and RADMC-3D for the transition disk model (54au-rad)
adopted for all the radiation-hydro models. The solid at r = 80 au in the vertical direction. The solid and dashed
line indicates the Planck opacity of the disk, whereas the curves show the temperatures in θ direction for Athena++
dashed line indicates the Rosseland mean opacity of the and RADMC-3D, respectively.
disk. The wavelength-dependent DSHARP opacity (Birn-
stiel et al. 2018) is convolved at different temperatures to
obtain temperature-dependent mean opacities. The stellar
temperature values (e.g., chemistry) need the hybrid
temperature is assumed to be 1 T⊙ . Its Planck opacity method (Kuiper et al. 2010; Kuiper & Klessen 2013)
and Rosseland mean opacity are assumed be the same and or the multi-band radiation module (Jiang 2022) in the
marked by the star. optically thick regime.

2.3. Pure Hydro Simulations with Different Levels of

the temperature calculated by the gray radiation trans-
fer can be underestimated in the optically thick regime
and overestimated in the optically thin regime for the Since most of the understanding on VSI was from pre-
stellar irradiation, which is consistent with our results. vious vertically isothermal simulations and linear theory,
This is because the region near the midplane is optically we also ran various pure hydro simulations with different
thick to the stellar irradiation, so the heating comes from levels of simplifications to compare with our rad-hydro
the τ∗ = 1 (τ∗ is the stellar optical depth integrated in simulations. Namely, they are (a) vertically isothermal
the radial direction, see Equation A8) surface in the at- simulations with adiabatic EoS and instant cooling (β
mosphere (Calvet et al. 1991; Chiang & Goldreich 1997). = 10−6 ), (b) vertically varying background temperature
However, even though the stellar spectrum peaks at op- with adiabatic EoS and instant cooling, and (c) varying
tical to UV wavelengths, the continuum stellar spectrum background temperature with adiabatic EoS and local
still has a set of τ∗ = 1 surfaces for each frequency in- orbital cooling. Their model names are also listed in
stead of a single one. The τ∗ = 1 surfaces at longer Table 1.
wavelengths can penetrate deeper and transport more (a) Vertically Isothermal Simulations. We tried to
energy to the midplane, thus increasing the temperature compare the vertically isothermal simulations using the
at the optically thick region (Kuiper et al. 2010). They same disk aspect ratio (h/r) as the rad-hydro simu-
also demonstrated that even within the single frequency lations, as the Reynolds stress is dependent on h/r
radiation-hydro framework, the temperature calculation (Manger et al. 2020) and also temperature power-law
can be as accurate as the multi-frequency one by inte- index q (Manger et al. 2021). Since radiation hydro
grating the multi-frequency stellar irradiation to mimic simulation will adjust the temperature to reach hydro-
continuous τ∗ = 1 surfaces (“hybrid method” therein). static equilibrium from the initial condition, the disk
This treatment has also been implemented and tested scale height can change from initial condition depend-
for our problem and can be used in our future projects. ing on the radial optical depth of the star. The midplane
For the full disk model (rcav = 3r⊙ ) in the current pa- and atmosphere also have different temperatures. Thus,
per, the temperature at the midplane can be underes- we measured the midplane temperature and surface den-
timated by 40%, due to the very high optical depth. sity at r0 (40 au), and radial power-law density and tem-
Therefore, processes that are sensitive to the absolute perature indices (p and q) of the rad-hydro simulations
and put them as initial conditions for these vertically

100 (βthin ) dominates in most of the region, this adoption

of h and k̂ is not critical. By combining realistic verti-
70 18au-lowdens-rad cal temperatures and location dependent cooling times,
these simulations should have the closest thermodynam-
50 18au-rad ical properties compared with rad-hydro simulations, as
T [K]

we will demonstrate in the next section.

20 T r 0.5 (i.c.)

3r -rad 3.1. Overview

10 The significant difference between the rad-hydro simu-
25 50 100 200 lation (top panel) and classical vertically isothermal sim-
R [au] ulation (bottom panel) can be demonstrated in Figure 4,
where we show the line integral convolution1 (LIC, sim-
Figure 3. The midplane temperature profiles for four ilar to Flores-Rivera et al. 2020) of our fiducial models
radiation-hydro models (time-averaged from t = 1000-1200 (rcav = 18 au), 18au-rad and 18au-iso at t = 1000
Pin , and t = 500-700 Pin for 54au-rad). Models for 3r⊙ -rad, 2
 Pin ,
2 1/2
color-coded by the meridional velocity, vR +vZ . In
18au-rad, 54au-rad, 18au-lowdens-rad are shown in green,
orange, purple, and magenta lines, respectively. The dashed the vertically and locally isothermal simulation (bottom
line indicates the initial condition of the temperature, which panel), the classical corrugation mode (the radially nar-
is proportional to R−0.5 . row, vertically extended circulation pattern) is clear. In
the rad-hydro simulation (top panel), the disk is sep-
isothermal simulations. The midplane temperatures for arated in two parts, the cool midplane and the super-
four radiation hydro simulations are shown in Figure 3, heated atmosphere. In the cool midplane, the velocity
along with their initial condition (dashed line). and turbulence levels are low, whereas the superheated
(b) Background Temperature with Isothermal EoS. We atmosphere is more turbulent. The boundary between
used the R-Z two dimensional background temperature the cool midplane and superheated atmosphere exists
averaged between t = 1000-1200 Pin (500-700 Pin for a strong shear that leads to many small-scale vortices.
rcav = 54 au) from rad-hydro simulations and fixed them The global circulation pattern that can be easily iden-
throughout the simulation. The gas density will adjust tified in locally and vertically isothermal simulation is
according to the temperature profile after the simulation replaced by turbulence on smaller scales.
begins. Next, we analyze all of our radiation models in de-
(c) Background Temperature with Local Oribital Cool- tail accompanied by pure-hydro simulations with vari-
ing. For these simulations, we used the R-Z background ous levels of simplifications. These quantities are taken
temperature as (b), but used adiabatic EoS with local either at t = 1000 Pin or time-averaged values between
orbital cooling, where the cooling means that the tem- 1000-1200 Pin . In the case of the rcav = 54 au transition
perature will be relaxed to the background temperature disk, the flow at the cavity edge will reach the critical
in a dimensionless cooling time β (the cooling time nor- condition for the Rayleigh stability criterion and become
malized by the Keplerian orbital frequency). We used unstable. A giant vortex develops at ∼ 800 orbits, which
the simple optically thin and thick cooling times (Flock should break into smaller vortices in realistic 3D disks.
et al. 2017), Therefore, we analyze this particular model from 500
to 700 Pin (t=500 Pin for the snapshot) to avoid this
cv ΩK unphysical feature in 2D.
κ−1 2 2

β = βthin +βthick = 3 P,g (T )+3(h/k̂) ρ κR,g (T ) ,
16σb T
(8) 3.2. Thermal Structure Determines Kinematics
where cv = (γg − 1)−1 kb /µmH is the specific heat ca-
pacity at constant volume. We estimated the disk scale We will use four rad-hydro simulations to demonstrate
height by, that τ∗ = 1 surface (τ∗ : radial stellar optical depth,
see Equation A8) sets disk temperature and equivalent
h = h0 (r/r0 )1.5+q/2 (9)

where q is the midplane temperature power-law slope in 1 The line integral convolution is a texture-based technique to vi-
the radial direction shown in Table 1. We assumed k̂ = sualize the vector field without the need to set start and end
10 as h/10 is a typical length scale measured in Lin & points, in contrast to a streamline plot. We used python package
lic (
Youdin (2015). However, since the optically thin term

60 18au-rad

Z [au]


log10(vmag [cm s 1])


18au-iso 3.2
Z [au]

50 100 150 200 250
R [au]
Figure 4. The line integral convolution (LIC) of the velocity field in the meridional plane, (vR , vZ ), color-coded by its
magnitude, vmag for fiducial (rcav = 18 au) radiation-hydro (top, 18au-rad) and vertically isothermal (bottom, 18au-iso)
models. The flow pattern in the bottom panel is very similar to Figure 7 in Flores-Rivera et al. (2020).

local orbital cooling structures. Subsequently, these two occurs around a gas scale height and slightly below the
structures determine the disk kinematics. τ∗ = 1 surface. In the atmosphere, the vertical velocity
The 2D (R-Z) snapshots of gas density (left panels), is still vertically extended and radially narrow, similar
temperature (middle panels), and the vertical velocity to the n=1 corrugation mode, but the upper and lower
(right panels) for four models are shown in Figure 5. disk vertical velocities tend to have opposite signs, dif-
The gas density does not deviate significantly from the fering from the classical corrugation mode. We show
initial conditions. Gas scale heights are represented by in Appendix D (Figure 22) that these velocities tend to
the white contours overlaid on gas densities, calculated be anti-correlated. The classical n=1 corrugation mode
by assuming that vertical density follows a Gaussian pro- only dominates when the disk has a vertically constant
file (see Equation 6) and that the temperature is taken temperature and a short cooling time (β < βc ), which
at the midplane. In cases where rcav = 3r⊙ and 18 au is the case inside the inner cavity of the rcav = 54 au
(3r⊙ -rad and 18au-rad), the midplane temperature is model and throughout the low-density model.
lower than the initial condition, whereas the atmosphere For the full disk model (rcav = 3 r⊙ ), we observe strong
temperature is higher, resulting in smaller effective gas density and velocity perturbations near the inner bound-
scale heights in the midplane (see Table 1 and Figure 3) ary. This is a simulation artifact because our simulation
and larger effective gas scale heights in the atmosphere. domain cannot extend to 3 r⊙ due to the computational
In contrast, for rcav = 54 au and 18 au, low-density cases cost associated with the very large dynamical range (see
(54au-rad and 18au-lowdens-rad), temperatures are the end of Section 2.1).
higher than the initial condition, leading to larger effec- To quantify the vertical structure of the disk in
tive gas scale heights (see Table 1). The black contours these radiative-hydrodynamic models, we present time-
represent τ∗ = 1 surfaces where stellar irradiation inter- averaged vertical profiles of gas density, temperature,
cepts the disk, setting the two temperature structure of the radially integrated stellar optical depth (τ∗ ), verti-
the disk (cool midplane and superheated atmosphere). cally integrated disk optical depth (τP,d ), and cooling
Note that the low density model (18au-lowdens-rad) time (β) at r = 80 au in Figure 6. The densities of the
lacks this surface, meaning that the entire disk is opti- rcav = 3 r⊙ and 18 au models (3r⊙ -rad and 18au-rad)
cally thin to stellar irradiation. exhibit two Gaussian distributions, one concentrated at
The locations of the τ∗ = 1 surfaces are shown in the the midplane and the other more extended in the atmo-
temperature panels (middle panels) in Figure 5. We sphere. These correspond to the cool midplane and the
observe sharp decreases in temperature below these sur- warmer atmosphere, as shown in the temperature pro-
faces for the first three models. The low-density model files. The temperatures remain almost constant in these
(18au-lowdens-rad) is nearly vertically isothermal be- two regions, with the transition occurring between 0.1 to
cause the entire disk is optically thin to stellar irradi- 0.3 radians, roughly equivalent to 2-4 gas scale heights.
ation. The white contours on top of the temperature For the rcav = 54 au and low-density models (54au-rad
maps indicate where the cooling time, estimated using and 18au-lowdens-rad), two-Gaussian profiles are not
Equation 8, equals the critical cooling time from Equa- as clear, given their smoother temperature transition.
tion 1, denoted as βc in each panel. The radial tempera- The low-density model is nearly vertically isothermal,
ture gradient q is estimated by fitting a power-law to the with a slight temperature drop at the midplane. The
midplane temperature profile (see Table 1 and Figure 3). transition between optically thin and thick stellar irra-
The rcav = 3 r⊙ and 18 au models exhibit cooling times diation occurs at approximately 0.17 radians for all three
exceeding the critical cooling time in the cool midplane models at 80 au (indicated by the vertical dashed lines).
indicating stability, while the superheated atmosphere The low-density case is optically thin to stellar irradia-
has cooling times less the critical cooling time, indicat- tion. This model only contains 10−4 M⊙ , which falls at
ing that the region is unstable to the VSI. The rcav = the lower end of protoplanetary disk masses. Another
54 au and low-density models do not have cooling times way to achieve a very optically thin disk is to modify
exceeding βc , indicating instability throughout the do- our assumptions regarding the fiducial small grain frac-
main. tion and the dust-to-gas mass ratio. If the disk is en-
The vertical velocity (vZ /cs ) structure in the right tirely depleted of small particles or has an extremely
panels of Figure 5 also reflects temperature and cooling low dust-to-gas mass ratio, it can become optically thin
time structures. For the rcav = 3r⊙ and 18 au models, to stellar irradiation. The τP,d panel indicates that all
the vertical velocity is below 1% of the local sound speed models are optically thin to the disk’s emission. The
in the cool midplane and above 10% of the local sound dimensionless cooling times for these models range from
speed in the superheated atmosphere. The separation 10−3 to 10. Their critical cooling times, denoted by the

log10( ) [g cm 3] T [K] vZ/cs

25 20 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 -1 -.1 -.01 0 .01 .1 1
3r -rad c=2.4e-02
* =1
Z [au]

18au-rad c=9.9e-02
* =1
Z [au]

54au-rad c=1.8e-01
* =1
Z [au]

18au-lowdens-rad c=1.0e-01
Z [au]

100 200 100 200 100 200
R [au] R [au] R [au]
Figure 5. From left to right: the gas density (ρ), temperature (T), and vertical velocity (vZ ) of four radiation-hydro models at
t = 1000 Pin (at t =500 Pin for rcav = 54 au, 54au-rad) in the meridional (R-Z) plane. From top to bottom: the full disk model
with rcav = 3 r⊙ (3r⊙ -rad), the transition disks with rcav = 18 au (18au-rad), rcav = 54 au (54au-rad), and 1% of the fiducial
density (18au-lowdens-rad). The white contours on the density maps mark the one gas scale height. The black contours are
the locations where the stellar optical depth in the radial direction reaches unity (the last model, 18au-lowdens-rad, has τ∗ < 1
for the whole disk). The βc on the temperature maps is the critical cooling time for VSI, represented by the white contours. The
region enclosed by the contour near the midplane has β > βc , so the VSI should not be operating according to linear analysis.
The last two models, 54au-rad and 18au-lowdens-rad, have β < βc for the whole domain.

10 15 60 103
[g cm 3]

10 16
T [K]
40 100

10 17 10 3
10 18 10 6
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
10 2 /2 - [rad]
100 c
at r=80 au
3r -rad
P, d

10 4 18au-rad
10 2 54au-rad
10 6
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
/2 - [rad] /2 - [rad]
Figure 6. Time-averaged (t = 1000-1200 Pin and 500-700 Pin for rcav = 54 au, 54au-rad model) gas density, temperature, stellar
optical depth in the radial direction (τ∗ ), disk optical depth in the vertical direction (τP,d ), and the cooling time (βc ) for four
radiation-hydro models cut at r = 80 au in the vertical direction. Models for 3r⊙ -rad, 18au-rad, 54au-rad, 18au-lowdens-rad
are shown in green, orange, purple, and magenta lines, respectively. The horizontal dashed lines in the last panel indicate the
critical cooling time, βc . The vertical dashed lines indicate the τ∗ = 1 surface for the first three models.

horizontal dashed lines, differ due to variations in gas isothermal VSI simulations. The αR is ∼ 10−4 and αZ is
scale heights and radial temperature gradients. For the ∼ 10−2 throughout the disk, while the root mean square
rcav = 3 r⊙ and 18 au models, the transition between velocity is at the percent level of the local sound speed
the VSI unstable atmosphere and the VSI stable mid- globally, yet still higher than the midplane values for
plane occurs around 0.15 radians, approximately 2-3 gas 3r⊙ -rad and 18au-rad models.
scale heights. The rcav = 54 au and low-density mod-
els have cooling times smaller than the critical cooling 3.3. Accretion, Zonal Flow, and Vertical Shear Rate
times throughout their vertical extent, suggesting that The stress structure determines the disk’s accretion
the VSI should operate along the entire vertical extent. structure. We can reveal this relation by averaging the
To indicate locations where VSI is active or inactive angular momentum equation in the azimuthal direction
in the R-Z plane, we present R-ϕ (TR,ϕ , left panels) (e.g., Turner et al. 2014; Lesur 2021; Rabago & Zhu
and Z-ϕ (TZ,ϕ , middle panels) Reynolds stresses, nor- 2021; Zhu et al. 2023) and obtain
malized by the time-averaged pressure, along with root
mean square velocity normalized by the local sound ∂⟨ρδvϕ ⟩ ∂  ∂⟨vϕ ⟩
R = −⟨ρvR ⟩ R⟨vϕ ⟩ − ⟨ρvZ ⟩R
speed (right panels) for four radiation models in Fig- ∂t ∂R ∂Z
ure 7. We define αR ≡ TR,ϕ /⟨P ⟩t and αZ ≡ TZ,ϕ /⟨P ⟩t , 1 ∂  2  ∂
− R TR,ϕ − R TZ,ϕ , (10)
where TR,ϕ ≡ ⟨ρvR vϕ ⟩t − ⟨vϕ ⟩t ⟨ρvR ⟩t , and TZ,ϕ ≡ R ∂R ∂Z
⟨ρvZ vϕ ⟩t − ⟨vϕ ⟩t ⟨ρvZ ⟩t (Nelson et al. 2013; Stoll & Kley where δvϕ = vϕ - ⟨vϕ ⟩, TR,ϕ = ⟨ρvR vϕ ⟩ − ⟨vϕ ⟩⟨ρvR ⟩, and
2014; Flock et al. 2017). The values are calculated be- TZ,ϕ = ⟨ρvZ vϕ ⟩ − ⟨vϕ ⟩⟨ρvZ ⟩. Since our simulations are
tween t = 1000-1200 Pin , except for the 54au-rad sim- in 2D, we calculate time averaged instead of azimuthally
ulation which was taken between t = 500-700 Pin . In averaged quantities. If we adopt a smooth disk structure
all three columns, brighter colors indicate higher tur- (Equation 7), the change of ⟨vϕ ⟩ is small in Z direction,
bulence values. In the two stress columns, red colors so the second term in the first line can be neglected.
denote positive values, while blue colors indicate neg- We note that in our rad hydro models, the shear at the
ative values. The 3r⊙ -rad model shows low levels of transition region between the atmosphere and midplane
αR (≲ 10−5 ) and αZ (≲ 10−4 ) in the midplane, but can be large, but since ⟨ρvZ ⟩ is still small compared to
they increase from the inner to the outer disk. The ⟨ρvR ⟩, the second term is still less than the first term. If
stress becomes much larger around the τ∗ = 1 surface we also assume the disk reaches a steady state (left hand
and approaches 10−2 before reversing sign to negative side is zero), the accretion structure is only determined
values. Overall, αZ is larger than αR near the mid- by the derivatives of the stresses. That is2 ,
plane. The root mean square velocity is at the percent
level of the sound speed near the midplane, approaching
∂  1 ∂  2  ∂
a fraction of the sound speed in the atmosphere, with ⟨ρvR ⟩ R⟨vϕ ⟩ = − R TR,ϕ − R TZ,ϕ .
∂R R ∂R ∂Z
the strongest values at the transition region (see Section (11)
3.3). The 18au-rad model exhibits similar behavior. Its
midplane turbulence becomes slightly higher and the low Then we can use Figure 7 and Equation 11 to explain
turbulence region is more confined to the midplane. The the time-averaged radial velocity (vR /cs ) in Figure 8
54au-rad model shows VSI-like anisotropic turbulence shown on the left panels. Since in all our models the
between αR and αZ (similar to 18au-lowdens-rad) in vertical gradient of the stress is greater than the ra-
the cavity and at the ring until ∼ 90 au, where αR is dial gradient among the transition region between mid-
∼ 10−4 and αZ is ∼ 10−2 . At the outer disk (100-160 plane and atmosphere, and TZ,ϕ is greater than TR,ϕ ,
au), turbulence levels become much higher (≳ 10−2 ) in we can just use the second term on the right hand side
both stress components, which are much stronger than of Equation 11 and the center column of Figure 7 to
the midplane regions in all other models. This suggests understand the accretion structure. The radial veloc-
that the gap edge in transition disks can be highly tur- ity in the midplane is very small for both rcav = 3 r⊙
bulent due to direct stellar irradiation. Beyond 160 au, and 18 au models due to the small stress and stress
however, the 18au-rad model has higher turbulence lev- gradient there. At the boundary between the cool mid-
els in the midplane, since the more turbulent atmosphere plane and superheated atmosphere, an outgoing flow is
has enough energy to disturb the midplane due to lower on top of an ingoing flow, resembling layered accretion.
density contrast at the outer disk (also see Figure 4).
For the 18au-lowdens-rad model, the turbulence struc- 2 Besides angular momentum, we also briefly discuss the energy
tures are very similar to those of vertically and locally budget in Figure 18 in the Appendix.

TR, /<P>, sgn(Z)TZ, /<P> vrms/c1 s

-10 1 -10 2 -10 3 -10 4 -10 5 0 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 2 10 100
3r ,rad
Z [au]

Z [au]

Z [au]

Z [au]

100 200 100 200 100 200
R [au] R [au] R [au]
Figure 7. From left to right: the turbulence stresses for Z-ϕ and R-ϕ components normalized by the averaged gas pressure,
and the root mean square velocity normalized by the local sound speed. The values are calculated between t = 1000-1200 Pin ,
(at t =500-700 Pin for rcav = 54 au, 54au-rad). Other layouts are similar to Figure 5.

In Figure 7, the region of the ingoing flow is aligned with going flow. The rcav = 54 au model shows ingoing flow
the sharp transition of negative stress to positive stress in the midplane and outgoing flow above the midplane,
above the midplane, whereas the region of the outgo- both at around 2% of the sound speed. In contrast, the
ing flow is aligned with the transition of positive stress low-density model displays ingoing flow in the midplane
to negative stress in the upper atmosphere. The sign at less than 1% of the sound speed, and outgoing flow
and magnitude of ⟨ρvR ⟩ can be perfectly calculated from above the midplane, which gradually increases to 4% of
Equation 11. These regions also align with the regions the sound speed at 0.5 radians. The time-averaged verti-
that have the strongest shear (right panels). In contrast, cal velocities in the first three models near the midplane
the midplane shear rate is at least an order of magnitude are at the level of 1-2% of the sound speed, while the low-
smaller. The rcav = 54 au and low-density models have density model has negligible velocity. As for azimuthal
ingoing flow in the midplane, and outgoing flow in the velocity, all models show sub-Keplerian motion due to
atmosphere, which is consistent with previous analyti- the radial pressure gradient. The rcav = 3r⊙ and 18 au
cal studies on VSI operating isothermal disks (Stoll et al. models exhibit a sharp transition in azimuthal velocity
2017; Rabago & Zhu 2021). Such an accretion structure around 0.2 radians, attributed to the steep vertical tem-
is expected when the turbulence levels between R − ϕ perature gradient between the cool midplane and the
and Z − ϕ directions are anisotropic, with the former superheated atmosphere. In the same region, there is a
smaller than the latter by around two orders of magni- smooth transition in azimuthal velocity for the rcav = 54
tude. These vertical shear rates for these two models are au model. The shear rate for the rcav = 3 r⊙ and 18 au
more uniformly distributed in the vertical direction, due models peaks at 0.2 radians, reaching 0.15 Ω−1 K,0 , where
to their more vertically uniform stress profiles which re- −1
ΩK,0 is the time unit, or the inverse of Keplerian orbital
sult from smoother temperature profiles. Compared to frequency at unit radius r0 = 40 au. The rcav = 54 au
rcav = 3 r⊙ and 18 au models, the shear rates in these model also exhibits a slight increase in the same region.
two models are larger in the midplane. In contrast, the low-density model displays a linear in-
The direction of the radial velocity and shear rate can crease in vertical shear above and below the midplane.
be intuitively understood by examining the azimuthal The root mean square of the full velocity is also highest
velocity shown in the middle panels of Figure 8 (az- around 0.2 radians for the two models. At the mid-
imuthal velocity subtracted by the local Keplerian ve- plane, the rcav = 3 r⊙ model is relatively quiet, with
locity). For the first two models that have tempera- velocities at approximately 2% of the sound speed. The
ture stratification, the midplane has faster rotational 18 au model and the low-density model exhibit similar
velocity than the atmosphere. At the transition region values at the midplane, approximately 10% of the sound
near the midplane, the gas loses its angular momentum speed. In contrast, the 54 au model is much more tur-
due to the shear, thus moving inward, whereas the gas bulent, with velocities exceeding 20% of the sound speed
near the atmosphere gains its angular momentum and even at the midplane.
moves outward. In the bottom two models, which lack We also integrated ⟨ρvR ⟩ along the vertical direction
a strong vertical temperature structure, the azimuthal to obtain (time-averaged and vertically integrated) ra-
velocity has less vertical dependence, resulting in signif-
dial mass accretion rates (Ṁacc = 2πR ⟨ρvR ⟩dZ) as
icantly smaller shear and radial velocity. Additionally, functions of R and show them in Figure 10 (upper
all four models exhibit zonal flows with perturbations to panel). We also show the vertically integrated αR pa-
the azimuthal velocity. The rcav = 3 r⊙ and 18 au mod- rameter in the lower panel, defined as
els have relatively smaller scale perturbations on several R
au, whereas the 54 au model has zonal flows on tens of TR,ϕ dZ
αint = R . (12)
au. The low density model’s azimuthal velocity pertur- ⟨P ⟩dZ
bation is small and follows the corrugation pattern for
vertical velocity. These zonal flows are associated with Ṁacc is associated with the radial gradient of αint , since
substructures in gas (see Section 4.1) and can be ob- if we integrate Equation 11 along Z and assume that
served in near-infrared scattered light (see Section 4.2). ⟨vϕ ⟩ equals to the midplane Keplerian speed vK and
To be more quantitative, we present vertical profiles does not change with Z, Equation 11 can be written as
of various time-averaged velocity fields at r = 80 au in

Figure 9. Regarding radial velocity, the outgoing and Ṁacc = − ×
ingoing flows for the rcav = 3 r⊙ and 18 au models are ∂RvK /∂R
approximately 5% of the local sound speed, with the

R αint ⟨P ⟩dZ + R2 TZ,ϕ
, (13)
outgoing flow having a higher magnitude than the in- ∂R Zmin

vR/cs (v - vK)/cs dv /dZ [1/ 0]

-1 -.1 -.01 0 .01 .1 1 1.0 0.5 0.0 -1 -.01 0 .01 1
3r -rad
Z [au]

Z [au]

Z [au]

Z [au]

100 200 100 200 100 200
R [au] R [au] R [au]
Figure 8. From left to right: the time-averaged (t = 1000-1200 Pin and 500-700 Pin for rcav = 54 au, 54au-rad model) values
of the radial velocity (vR ), azimuthal velocity subtracted by Keplerian velocity (vϕ - vK ), and the vertical shear rate dvϕ /dZ
for four radiation-hydro models in the meridional (R-Z) plane in the same layout as Figure 5.

0.2 0.2 0.1

0.1 0.1 0.2

(v - vK)/cs


0.0 0.0
0.1 0.1 0.5
0.2 0.2 0.6
0.2 0.6 0.5 0.0 0.5
0.5 /2 - [rad]
dv /dZ [1/ 0]

0.4 at r=80 au

0.0 0.3 3r -rad

0.2 18au-rad
0.1 54au-rad
0.1 18au-lowdens-rad
0.2 0.0
0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5
/2 - [rad] /2 - [rad]
Figure 9. The vertical slices of the time-averaged (from 1000-1200 Pin and 500-700 Pin for rcav = 54 au, 54au-rad model)
radial velocity (vR ), vertical velocity (vZ ), azimuthal velocity subtracted by Keplerian velocity (vϕ - vK ), vertical shear rate
(dvϕ /dZ), and the root mean square velocity (vrms ) of four radiation-hydro models at r = 80 au.

where the TZ,ϕ is typically small at the boundaries due 3r -rad 18au-rad
54au-rad 18au-lowdens-rad
to the small densities at the disk surface. 10 7
The fluctuation is strong in the radial direction with 10 8
10 9

Macc [M yr 1]
the accretion rate frequently changing signs on au scale
(Figure 10 upper panel), whereas the integrated αint 10 10
has a lower variability (Figure 10 lower panel). For 0
rcav = 3 r⊙ model, the accretion rate is negative (ingo- 10 10
ing) in the inner disk until 35 au, then it changes signs 10 9
rapidly until reaching positive (outgoing) 10−9 M⊙ yr−1 10 8
in the outer disk. Except near the inner boundary, the 10 27
αint increases from ≲ 10−6 at 50 au to ∼ 10−2 beyond 10
200 au. The rcav = 18 au model has positive (outgoing) 10 3
10−9 M⊙ yr−1 inside 25 au, but it can be affected by 10 4
the setup for inner boundary. Then the accretion rate
10 5

becomes negative until 100 au, and becomes positive in
the outer disk. The αint increases from ∼ 10−4 to ∼ 10 5
10−2 from inner to outer disk. The rcav = 54 au model
10 4
10 3
has the highest magnitude of accretion rate, reaching
10 2
positive 10−8 M⊙ yr−1 around 100 au and positive 10−8 25 50 100 200
M⊙ yr−1 around 200 au. The low density model has R [au]
almost zero accretion rate (< 10−11 M⊙ yr−1 ; the Macc
for the low density model is multiplied by 100 to show its Figure 10. The time-averaged accretion rate in the radial
value) and αint between 10−5 -10−4 throughout the disk. direction (integrated in the vertical direction), and αint (ver-
We want to emphasize that even though the fiducial tically integrated αR ) for four radiation-hydro models. The
M⊙ yr−1 for the low density model is multiplied by 100 to
18au-rad model has lower stress values than the equiv-
show its value. The color representations are the same as
alent vertically isothermal model 18au-rad-lowdens at previous figures.
the midplane, the integrated αint can be still larger due
to the layered accretion at the disk surface.
isothermal and vertically isothermal VSI (18au-iso),
We quantify the stress levels in Figure 11. These
the anisotropy between these two components are more
stresses exhibit fluctuations with respect to time, radius,
pronounced, with αZ (∼ 10−2 ) exceeding αR (∼ 10−4 )
and θ, thus we compute the average of these quantities
by two orders of magnitude, consistent with previous
between 60-100 au to represent the stress at 80 au. The
studies (e.g., Stoll et al. 2017).
time average spans 200 Pin , consistent with previous fig-
In the radial direction, not only the integrated turbu-
ures. We present the stresses for three rad-hydro simu-
lence αint increases with radius as shown in Figure 10,
lations (rcav = 3 r⊙ , 18 au, and 54 au models in panels
but also the midplane turbulence. This can be seen in
a, b and d), alongside three pure-hydro simulations with
2D velocity maps such as Figures 4 and 5, and turbu-
various assumptions (panels c, e, and f, which we will
lence map in Figure 7. We quantify this by plotting the
discuss more in the next section, Section 3.4). Solid lines
time-averaged vZ2 in Figure 12. On the left panel we show
represent αZ , while dashed lines represent αR .
four rad-hydro models. For 3r⊙ -rad and 18au-rad, the
For the full disk model (3r⊙ -rad), both αR and αZ
vertical velocities are low in the inner disk ∼ 1% of the
peak around 0.2 radians, coinciding with the location
local sound speed at ∼ 50 au and increases to more
of the strongest shear and reaching values on the order
than 10% of the sound speed in the outer disk at ∼
of 10−2 . In the midplane, αR remains less than 10−6 ,
200 au. For the 54au-rad model, the turbulence level is
whereas αZ is around 10−4 . The 18au-rad model ex-
high across the disk (≳ 10% of the sound speed), where
hibits similar behavior, with αZ and αR both reaching
the perturbation is aligned with the zonal flow. The
values of approximately 10−2 at the transition region
trend can be explained by the fact that as the effective
between the midplane and the atmosphere. For both
scale height becomes larger in the outer disk, the density
components, α remains around 10−4 to 10−3 in the mid-
contrast between the midplane and atmosphere becomes
plane. In the case of the 54au-rad model, vertical turbu-
smaller. At ∼ 200 au, the turbulent flow at the atmo-
lence αZ consistently remains at a higher level, around
sphere already has enough energy to disturb the quiet
10−3 to 0.4 radians, whereas αR can be lower by an order
midplane. For the 18au-lowdens-rad model, the tur-
of magnitude, approximately 10−3 . For classical locally-
bulence is almost constant across the disk, on the order

3r -rad 18au-rad 18au-bkgT-bkgCool

10 12 a) b) c)
10 3
10 4
10 5
10 4
sgn(Z)TZ, /<P>, TR, /<P> at r=80au

10 3
10 2
10 1
10 12 54au-rad 18au-iso 18au-bkgT
10 3 d) e) f)
10 4
10 5
10 Z
0 R
10 54
10 3
10 2
10 1
0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5
/2 - [rad] /2 - [rad] /2 - [rad]
Figure 11. The turbulence stresses for Z-ϕ and (solid lines) R-ϕ (dashed lines) components normalized by the averaged gas
pressure at 80 au along the vertical direction. The values are calculated between t = 1000-1200 Pin , and averaged from r =
60-100 au. From left to right, they are 3r⊙ -rad, 18au-rad, 18au-bkgT-bkgCool, 54au-rad, 18au-iso, and 18au-bkgT models,

of 10% of the sound speed, since there is no thermal 3.4. Good Approximation: Background Temperature
stratification. with Local Orbital Cooling
In a recent paper by Melon Fuksman et al. (2023b), As rad-hydro simulations differ significantly from clas-
their fdg = 10−4 model (fdg is the dust to gas mass ratio) sical VSI shown in vertically and locally isothermal sim-
also has a similar temperature and cooling time strat- ulations, we attempt to use pure-hydro simulations with
ification to our fiducial model, which leads to a quiet varying levels of assumptions for comparison with rad-
midplane and turbulent atmosphere. We find consistent hydro simulations. We use Figure 13 to illustrate that
results except a higher level of turblence in the midplane. pure hydro simulations with background temperature
Their midplane turbulence is below 10−7 whereas ours is and local orbital cooling provide a good approximation
between 10−5 -10−4 . This difference might be explained for rad-hydro simulations.
by multiple factors. First, their inner disk has a lower Figure 13 displays (from left to right) vertical veloc-
h/r, and a lower h/r leads to a lower turbulence (Manger ity snapshots, time-averaged radial velocity, azimuthal
et al. 2020, 2021). In Figure 12, we also show that the velocity subtracted from Keplerian velocity, and verti-
turbulence increases with R since the energy contrast cal shear rate. From top to bottom panels, we have the
between the midplane and atmosphere becomes lower, rad-hydro fiducial model (18au-rad), the vertically and
which points to a lower turbulence value for the inner locally isothermal model (18au-iso), the locally isother-
disk. They also have 200 cells per scale height resolution mal and background temperature model (18au-bkgT),
which can better resolve lower turbulence levels. and the orbital cooling and background temperature
model (18au-bkgT-bkgCool). The rad-hydro model has

18au-rad 18au-bkgT
10 1 54au-rad
10 2

10 3

10 4
3r -rad
rad-hydro fiducial
10 5
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
R [au] R [au]
Figure 12. Time-averaged vZ /c2s that represents the turbulence level in the midplane for rad hydro models (3r⊙ -rad,
18au-rad,54au-rad, and 18au-lowdens-rad) on the left panel and fiducial models (18au-rad, 18au-iso, 18au-bkgT, and
18au-bkgT-bkgCool) on the right panel.

been introduced in Figures 5 and 8; we retain them since et al. 2021b). Then the cooling structure can be esti-
these panels can be directly compared with the isother- mated using Equation 8.
mal model in the second row, representing a classical It is important to note that they are not identical; an
VSI picture. The isothermal model (18au-iso) also re- apparent difference is that the zonal flow in the pure-
sembles the low-density rad-hydro model. We note that hydro model has narrower length scales than in the rad-
the radial temperature gradient and h/r in 18au-iso hydro simulations. This discrepancy could be attributed
model are measured in the midplane of rad-hydro sim- to the static temperature and estimated cooling profiles
ulations for a close comparison. In the pure-hydro sim- in pure-hydro simulations, while rad-hydro simulations
ulation that incorporates the background temperature undergo secular evolution of temperature and cooling
of the rad-hydro simulation (third row, 18au-bkgT), we times. Additionally, the cooling is no longer local, since
observe the disruption of the delicate n=1 corrugation the radiative cooling can be affected by other parts of
mode. Layered accretion and strong shear in the tem- the disk. Their Reynolds stresses are similar but not
perature transition region become evident, but the mid- identical.
plane vertical velocity remains higher than in rad-hydro In Figure 11, the 18au-bkgT-bkgCool and 18au-bkgT
simulations, as this region is still VSI unstable due to models exhibit shapes more similar to the rad-hydro
the almost zero cooling time (β = 10−6 ). The zonal flow model (18au-rad) but still display some differences.
in the azimuthal velocity also differs from the rad-hydro Their αZ and αR exhibit similar magnitudes, indicat-
simulation. ing that the turbulence becomes much more isotropic
By incorporating the estimated cooling time from than in the isothermal model (18au-iso). However,
the rad-hydro simulation in the bottom panels 18au-bkgT-bkgCool shows lower turbulence levels, and
(18au-bkgT-bkgCool), all four fields closely resemble the sign of Z-ϕ stress differs from 18au-rad beyond
the rad-hydro simulations. Therefore, we demonstrate 0.3 radians and within 0.1 radians. Additionally, αR
that computationally inexpensive pure-hydro simula- is smaller in the midplane. The αZ of the 18au-bkgT
tions can capture crucial features of rad-hydro simula- model has a different sign than 18au-rad between 0.2-
tions. In future, one can prescribe a temperature struc- 0.3 radians. Overall, values from rad-hydro models and
ture or obtain a self-consistent temperature structure by those pure-hydro models that adopted the rad-hydro
iterating the temperature calculated from Monte Carlo thermal structures have smaller than 10−3 αZ in the
Radiative Transfer code such as RADMC-3D (Dulle- midplane, except in the case of a large cavity (54 au).
mond et al. 2012) and enforcing vertically hydrostatic They also exhibit more isotropic turbulence than the
equilibrium (Bae et al. 2019; Ueda et al. 2019; Zhang isothermal one. The low-density case is not presented
here, but its stress profile is similar to that of an isother-
mal simulation with a larger h/r than the 18au-iso

vZ/cs vR/cs (v - vK)/cs dv /dZ [1/ 0]

-1 -.1-.010 .01.1 1 -1 -.1-.010 .01.1 1 1.0 0.5 0.0 -1 -.01 0 .01 1
Z [au]

Z [au]

Z [au]

Z [au]

100 200 100 200 100 200 100 200
R [au] R [au] R [au] R [au]
Figure 13. Comparison of the velocity fields between rad-hydro (first panel), isothermal (second panel), background temper-
ature (third panel), and background temperature with cooling (fourth panel) models. From left to right: vertical velocity (vZ )
snapshot, time-averaged radial velocity (vR ), azimuthal velocity subtracted by Keplerian velocity (vϕ - vK ), and vertical shear
rate (dvϕ /dZ).

model due to its almost isothermal profiles and low estimates the turbulence whereas the latter underesti-
equivalent cooling time (Figures 5 to Figure 8). mate the turbulence. The local orbital cooling prescrip-
In the radial direction, the turbulence levels between tion strongly under-predict the turbulence level within
the pure hydro and rad-hydro simulations are similar 70 au. The vertically isothermal model has almost con-
but not identical. On the right panel of Figure 12, we stant turbulence level around the disk similar to that of
show pure hydro models along with the fiducial rad- the low density rad-hydro model.
hydro model. 18au-bkgT and 18au-bkgT-bkgCool mod-
els follow the fiducial model’s trend, but the former over-

4.1. Gas Substructures disk model 54au-rad (taken at t = 500 Pin ), we can
Related to the zonal flows shown in Figure 13, gas clearly observe the inner rim and rings at around 100 au.
substructures can also develop depending on the inner If we take the snapshot at a later time, the ring struc-
cavity size as shown in Figure 14. The full disk model ture becomes more evident, consistent with the surface
(3r⊙ -rad) preserves the initial condition except at the density perturbation in Figure 15. However, we need to
inner disk due to the boundary effect. The 18au-rad test whether this perturbation is still large in 3D simu-
model has perturbation on several au scale, whereas the lations in future. For 18au-rad model, several rings can
54au-rad model has perturbation on tens of au scale. also be seen close to the inner rim, resembling Figure 14,
18au-bkgT-bkgCool and 18au-bkgT models have simi- but the length scale is smaller than the disk with a larger
lar perturbations as the 18au-rad, whereas the isother- cavity, making their substructures more difficult to be
mal model 18au-iso keeps the initial condition. observed. In contrast, we can only see the inner rim of
Figure 15 shows the time evolution of the surface den- the vertically and locally isothermal model (18au-iso),
sity. The full disk model (3r⊙ -rad) and the isother- meaning that the outer disk is in the shadow (i.e., this
mal model (18au-iso) do not show evident substruc- is a self-shadowed disk as defined in Garufi et al. 2018,
tures. For the rest of the models, substructures can 2022). While we only have limited numbers of rad-hydro
form and propagate to the outer disk. for rcav = models with varying cavity sizes, we find the tendency
18 au models, some of these rings form at the inner that disks with larger cavity sizes can produce wider
boundary, but other rings can form in the middle of rings and can be easier to be observed in near-infrared
the disk and move to the outer disk at a lower speed. scattered light images. This is consistent with the find-
The time evolutions between 18au-rad, 18au-bkgT, and ing in current scattered light disk demographics which
18au-bkgT-bkgCool are not identical. The rings in shows that ring structures are predominantly found in
18au-bkgT-bkgCool model move at a lower speed than disks with weak Near-IR excess (Benisty et al. 2023),
those in 18au-rad. For the 54au-rad model, the per- where weak Near-IR excess is often interpreted as no
turbation becomes much stronger after 700 orbits due inner disk.
to the vortex formation around 100 au in R-θ plane. As shown in Figure 12, the turbulence level in the
However, in 3D simulations, vortices tend to develop in vertical direction appears to be stronger in the region
R-ϕ plane. Future 3D studies will unveil a more realis- where the disk is directly exposed to stellar irradia-
tic structure of this model. These gas substructures can tion. For example, 54au-rad and 18au-rad-lowdens
also possibly lead to dust substructures, but this needs models that have less attenuation of the stellar irradi-
to be tested in future studies that includes dust parti- ation have higher turbulence values than the 3⊙ -rad
cles. Overall, our limited sample of rad-hydro models and 18au-rad models. This suggests that dust turbu-
shows a tentative trend that transition disks with larger lent diffusion could be also strong at the cavity edge. In
cavity sizes are more prone to develop zonal flows and HD 163296, Rosotti et al. (2020); Doi & Kataoka (2021,
substructures. 2023) have found that the α/St value is higher for the
inner ring at 68 au, which is more exposed to stellar
4.2. Observational and Modeling Prospect irradiation than the outer ring at 101 au. This find-
ing aligns with our results, assuming that the Stokes
While we focus on 2D modeling, the thermal struc-
number (St) does not vary significantly between these
ture is calculated self-consistently so we can make some
two rings. To validate the impact of direct stellar irra-
predictions for axis-symmetric disks. In Figure 16 we
diation on dust diffusion, it will be crucial to measure
show the near-infrared scattered light polarized inten-
dust settling at the cavity edges through ALMA ob-
sity at λ=1.63 µm (H-band) using RADMC-3D for face-
servations and incorporate dust particles into 3D hydro
on 54au-rad, 18au-rad, and 18au-iso models in lin-
simulations. Furthermore, in Figure 12, for full disks or
ear scale from 0 to maximum value. We used the same
transition disks with small cavities, midplane turbulence
DSHARP opacity (Figure 1), assuming that the dust to
values increase with radius, a trend that can be readily
gas ratio is 0.01 and small grains (0.1-1 µm) account
examined through ALMA observations.
for 0.02184 of the total dust mass. The temperature
Different molecular lines from the ALMA MAPS
is directly taken from rad-hydro simulations. For the
Large Program (Öberg et al. 2021) and other high-
isothermal model (18au-iso), we run thermal Monte
resolution, high-sensitivity datasets are used to map the
Carlo (radmc3d mctherm) to calculate temperature in
temperature structure in protoplanetary disks (Zhang
the r − θ plane. The RADMC-3D calculated the full
et al. 2021a; Law et al. 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024). Con-
Stokes image using the scattering matrix. The polarized
versely, these data can also reveal the velocity vec-
intensity is (Q2 + U 2 )1/2 . For the large cavity transition

3r -rad 18au-rad 18au-bkgT-bkgCool

10 t=0 6 7.5
t=1000 Pin
[g cm 2]

5 4 5.0
2 2.5

0 0 0.0
54au-rad 18au-iso 18au-bkgT
7.5 0.06
2 (t=500 Pin)
[g cm 2]

5.0 0.04
2.5 0.02

0 0.0 0.00
100 200 100 200 100 200
R [au] R [au] R [au]
Figure 14. The gas surface density profiles in the radial direction at t = 1000 Pin or 500 Pin for 54au-rad (more opaque lines)
and at the initial condition (more transparent lines). The layout is the same as Figure 11.

tors at line emission surfaces, as indicated in numerous temperature structure can be identified in observations.
studies (see a review by Pinte et al. 2023). Specifi- However, the emission surface does not necessarily par-
cally, Teague et al. (2019); Yu et al. (2021); Galloway- allel the streamline. For example, if the emission sur-
Sprietsma et al. (2023) identify disk winds and merid- face height increases with radius first and then decreases
ional flows attributed to embedded planets. Currently, due to a lower optical depth (e.g., Figure 4 in Galloway-
we anticipate a substantial increase in sample size from Sprietsma et al. 2023), changing directions of the veloc-
the ALMA Large Program exoALMA. Aligning with the ity measured along the emission surface can be simply
theme of the current paper–where temperature struc- attributed to the multiple crossings of the streamlines,
ture influences kinematics–we use Figure 17 to illus- without the need of any radial substructure, such as
trate our ability to establish correspondence between disk wind or meridional flow. A recent study by Mar-
the temperature structure and kinematic features. The tire et al. (2024) has demonstrated that the difference in
figure shows temperature contours overlaid by merid- inferred rotational velocities from 12 CO and 13 CO can
ional velocity vectors for the 18au-rad, 54au-rad, and be attributed to vertical thermal stratification (see mid-
18au-lowdens-rad models. In our fiducial 18au-rad dle panels of Figure 8), with the midplane (traced by
model, the temperature is 10-20 K in the midplane, and CO) exhibiting a higher rotational velocity than the
the velocity remains low within 200 au. At the transi- atmosphere (traced by the more optically thick 12 CO).
tion region from the midplane to the atmosphere, the By accounting for thermal stratification, they can re-
gas flows inward, reaching 10% of the sound speed. At trieve properties such as disk mass and stellar mass more
higher altitudes, the gas flows outward with increasing accurately. In our current paper, we want to highlight
velocity towards the outer disk. In contrast, for the low- that considering thermal structure can lead to further
density model, since the temperature has no vertical de- consequences, including spatially varying radial veloc-
pendence, the gas velocity remains low throughout the ity, vertical velocity, and zonal flow.
disk. The change of the flow structure in response to the

g(t) / g(t = 0) g(t) / g(t = 0) g(t) / g(t = 0)

0.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.5
1000 3r -rad 18au-rad 18au-bkgT-bkgCool
t / Tin

1000 54au-rad 18au-iso 18au-bkgT
t / Tin

100 200 100 200 100 200
R [au] R [au] R [au]
Figure 15. The gas surface density normalized by the initial condition as a time evolution from t = 0-1200 Pin . Brown colors
mean that the surface density is almost unchanged. Yellow colors indicate the increase of density, whereas blue colors indicate
the decrease of density. The layout is the same as Figure 11.

The middle panel of Figure 17 shows the temperature sition disk gas substructures (Wölfer et al. 2023), mean-
and flow structure of the transition disk 54au-rad. In ing that the correspondence between the temperature
this case, the temperature varies both vertically and ra- structure and the kinematic features in transition disk
dially. At the cavity edge (Figure 3, 50-100 au), the can also be probed with current observations.
radial temperature gradient is steeper than that in a It has been well-known that temperature structure
smooth disk. A giant clockwise rotating vortex is also strongly shapes disk chemistry, but we also aim to use
present. While the existence and strength of the vortex Figure 17 to demonstrate that the thermal structure
needs to be tested in 3D simulations, it could result from can influence disk chemistry by shaping disk kinematics,
the radial and vertical variation of the temperature in- thereby affecting material transport. While static disk
stead of an artifact from the rad-hydro simulation, since models cover more complete chemical networks, studies
a similar feature was also found in a pure-hydro sim- considering dynamical effects (e.g., Aikawa & Herbst
ulation, 54au-bkgT-bkgCool. Future efforts will focus 1999; Semenov & Wiebe 2011; Furuya et al. 2013; Fu-
on validating the existence and possible forming mech- ruya & Aikawa 2014; Price et al. 2020; Bergner & Ciesla
anism of this vortex through dedicated 3D simulations. 2021; Van Clepper et al. 2022) by incorporating radial
We note that the temperature variation across the tran- and/or vertical gas/dust mixing often reveal different
sition disk cavity has been identified from observations chemical distributions compared to static models. These
(Leemker et al. 2022) and can shape the variety of tran- dynamic models may provide a better explanation for

200 54au-rad 100 18au-rad 100 18au-iso

100 50 50
y [au]

0 0 0
100 50 50
200 100 100
200 0 200 100 0 100 100 0 100
x [au]
Polarized Intensity × r2

54au-rad t=500Pin

54au-rad t=1000Pin
0.5 18au-rad
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
r [au]
Figure 16. Near infrared scattered light images (polarized intensity) at H-band (1.63 µm) for 54au-rad, 18au-rad, and
18au-iso models.
observations (see reviews by Krijt et al. 2022; Öberg simulations. This sets the groundwork for using 3D sim-
et al. 2023, and references therein). We anticipate that, ulations in our future work to make ALMA and near-
by accounting for advection and turbulent diffusion due infrared scattered light observational predictions.
to a specific thermal structure, the chemical distribution
can be more accurately predicted. For instance, the lay- 5. CONCLUSIONS
ered accretion in our fiducial model 18au-rad, where Vertical shear instability (VSI) is a promising candi-
an outgoing flow is atop an ingoing flow, can transport date to generate turbulence in the outer region of pro-
material inward in the colder layer and outward in the toplanetary disks. It can be crucial for gas and dust
hotter layer, which may also have implications on solid transport in protoplanetary disks. We study VSI using
transport in our solar system (Ciesla 2009). The turbu- the Athena++ radiation module with stellar irradiation,
lence level measured at both the midplane and the at- which self-consistently captured the thermal structure
mosphere in our fiducial model has some similarities to and hydrodynamics. We study disks with different in-
layered accretion models featuring an MRI-active atmo- ner cavity sizes, accompanied by pure hydro simulations
sphere and a dead zone in the midplane (Gammie 1996; with various assumptions. We find that temperature
Simon et al. 2011, 2013; Bai 2015; Xu et al. 2017; Simon structure strongly influences disk kinematics. Our main
et al. 2018). On the other hand, the high turbulence findings are as follows:
values in the upper layer are only measured in a few
of protoplanetary disks (Flaherty et al. 2020; Paneque- 1. The radial optical depth of the star determines
Carreño et al. 2023) (see a recent review by Rosotti the disk’s thermal structure. For realistic disk se-
2023). Our objective is to conduct 3D simulations to tups (Md = 10−2 M⊙ , cavity size < 54 au), the
predict unique channel map features, following previ- disk can be separated into the cool midplane and
ous studies by Hall et al. (2020); Barraza-Alfaro et al. super-heated atmosphere, delineated by the τ∗ =
(2021). As demonstrated in Section 3.4 (Figure 13), 1 surface (Figure 5). If the disk is optically thin
background temperature and local orbital cooling pro- to the stellar irradiation (low mass disk with Md
files prove to be effective approximations for rad-hydro = 10−4 M⊙ ), the temperature is almost vertically

60 0.1 cs 70
Z [au]


20 60

54au-rad 50
60 0.1 cs
Z [au]

T [K]

18au-lowdens-rad 30
60 0.1 cs
Z [au]

40 20

0 10
50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
R [au]
Figure 17. Time-averaged temperature and meridional velocity vectors for 18au-rad, 54au-rad, and 18au-lowdens-rad models.
10% of the local sound speed is shown on the upper left of each panel.

2. The thermal structure determines disk’s kinemat- ages are predominantly found in disks with weak
ics. The temperature and cooling time (β) strati- Near-IR excess.
fication suppresses the classical n = 1 corrugation
mode that leads to meridional circulations found We also show the correspondence between the temper-
in isothermal simulations (Figure 4). Instead, the ature structure and kinematic features (Figure 17). Fu-
turbulence becomes more isotropic on a more local ture work including synthetic observations can be used
scale, in contrast to very large vertical-azimuthal to predict this correspondence in ALMA observations.
Reynolds stress αZ (∼ 10−2 ) and weak radial- The temperature structure can also influence chemistry
azimuthal Reynolds stress αR (∼ 10−4 ) found in through shaping the disk kinematics. One can also pre-
isothermal simulations (Figure 11). The low mass dict the observational signatures in ALMA chemistry
disk has vertically isothermal profiles, so it closely observations by modeling disk chemistry with disk dy-
resembles all features in isothermal simulations. namics under such a thermal structure.
3. The strongest vertical shear occurs at the transi-
tion region between the cool midplane and super- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
heated atmosphere where many vortices form. At
this transition region, layered accretion happens We thank the anonymous referee’s careful review and
with an outgoing flow on top of an ingoing flow constructive comments. S.Z. thanks Chao-Chin Yang,
(Figure 8). This layered accretion can be perfectly Kaitlin Kratter, Leonardo Krapp, Andrew Youdin,
explained by the vertical variation of the stress and Pinghui Huang for helpful discussions. All sim-
structure (Figure 7) using Equation 11. ulations are carried out using computers from the
NASA High-End Computing (HEC) program through
4. Pure hydro simulations with measured tempera- the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Divi-
ture structures and estimated orbital cooling pro- sion at Ames Research Center. S.Z. and Z.Z. ac-
files can be good approximations for rad-hydro knowledge support through the NASA FINESST grant
simulations (Figure 13). 80NSSC20K1376. S.Z. acknowledges support from Rus-
sell L. and Brenda Frank Scholarship. Z. Z. acknowl-
5. Zonal flows and gas substructures can develop, and edges support from the National Science Foundation
a disk with a larger cavity size has perturbations under CAREER grant AST-1753168 and support from
with a longer length scale and stronger magnitude NASA award 80NSSC22K1413. The Center for Com-
(Figures 8 and 14). At the cavity edge, the gas putational Astrophysics at the Flatiron Institute is sup-
has stronger turbulence, which could slow dust set- ported by the Simons Foundation.
tling. Using MCRT simulations, we confirm that
transition disks tend to have rings, and the disks
with larger cavities tend to have more prominent Software: Athena++ (Stone et al. 2020), RADMC-
rings, which are easier to be observed in near- 3D (Dullemond et al. 2012), Matplotlib (Hunter 2007),
infrared scattered light images (Figure 16), consis- SciPy (Virtanen et al. 2020), lic (
tent with the fact that rings in scattered light im- lic)



We employ the Athena++ frequency-integrated implicit radiation module (Jiang 2021) to solve the following set of
equations: three hydrodynamic equations and one radiation transfer equation. Additionally, in the energy equation,
we incorporate stellar irradiation as a source term (- ∇ · F ∗ ), similar to Flock et al. (2017).

The set of equations is

+ ∇ · (ρv) = 0,
+ ∇ · (ρvv + P I) = −Sr (P ) + ρagrav ,
+ ∇ · [(E + P )v] = −Sr (E) − ∇ · F ∗ + ρagrav · v,
+ cn · ∇I = cSI , (A1)
Here, ρ represents the gas density, v is the flow velocity, P denotes the gas pressure, I is the unit tensor, E is the
total energy, I represents the lab-frame specific intensity of photons emitted by the disk locally, c is the speed of light,
and n is the angle in the lab frame. The terms Sr (P ) and Sr (E) represent the disk’s radiation source terms in the
momentum and energy equations. They are moments of the source term SI in the radiation transfer equation, given

SI ≡ Γ−3 [ ρ(κs + κa ) (J0 − I0 )

ar T 4
+ρκP − J0 ] ,

Sr (E) ≡ 4πc SI dΩ,
Sr (P ) ≡ 4π nSI dΩ, (A2)

where κa , κs , and κP are the Rosseland mean opacity, scattering opacity, and Planck mean opacity, respectively.
These opacities are all normalized to the gas. The intensity I in the lab frame is related to the intensity in the
co-moving frame I0 through a Lorentz transformation:

I0 (n′ ) = γ 4 (1 − n · v/c) I(n) ≡ Γ4 (n, v)I(n), (A3)
where γ ≡ 1/ 1 − v 2 /c2 is the Lorentz factor, Γ(n, v) ≡ γ (1 − n · v/c), and n′ is the angle in the co-moving frame
given by:

′ 1 v γ n·v
n = n−γ 1− . (A4)
γ (1 − n · v/c) c γ+1 c

The angular-averaged mean intensity in the co-moving frame J0 is defined as:

J0 ≡ I0 dΩ0 , (A5)

where Ω0 represents the angular element in the co-moving frame.
The total gas energy density E is given by:

E = Eg + ρv 2 , (A6)
where Eg represents the gas internal energy. Assuming an ideal gas equation of state (EoS), the internal energy is
related to the gas pressure P through the adiabatic index γg as Eg = P/(γg − 1) for γg ̸= 1. The gas temperature T
is calculated using T = µP/ (Rideal ρ), where Rideal is the ideal gas constant and µ is the mean molecular weight. We
adopted γg = 1.4 and µ = 2.3 in this paper.

We adopted temperature, density and length units to be T0 , ρ0 , r0 respectively. The time unit is given by Ω−1 K,0 =
−3 −1/2
(GM∗ r0 ) . The velocity unit v0 is then the Keplerian velocity at r0 . These parameters are used to calculate
two key parameters in the radiation module P ≡ ar T04 / (ρ0 Rideal T0 /µ) and C ≡ c/a0 (Jiang et al. 2012). a0 is the
characteristic isothermal sound speed, Rideal T0 /µ . The values for our fiducial model are T0 = 6.14 × 103 K; ρ0
−14 −3
= 4.28 × 10 g cm ; r0 = 40 au; hence P = 1.13 × 103 ; and C = 6.36 × 104 . P represents the ratio between
the radiation pressure and gas pressure at these unit quantities, whereas C represents the ratio between speed of light
and characteristic sound speed a0 . The P is larger than unity since we adopt a very large value of T0 . We adopt this
exact value of T0 since v0 = a0 so we do not need to distinguish between the unit velocity and the characteristic sound
speed. For typical values of density (∼ ρ0 ) and temperature (tens of Kelvins) at the midplane, the radiation pressure
is much less than the gas pressure. Similarly, the typical ratio between the speed of light and local sound speed is
≫ C, as T0 is much greater than a typical disk temperature. We set density floor to be 10−12 and pressure floor to be
10−15 in code units. We also set a temperature floor to be 0.001 T0 (6.14 K) and a temperature ceiling to be 0.1 T0
(614 K) to avoid numerical hotspots.
To account for stellar irradiation, we include a heating source term in the energy equation. This source term
is necessary for frequency-integrated radiation transport (e.g., Flock et al. 2017) as the stellar irradiation is at
significantly higher temperatures (thousands of Kelvins) compared to the thermal emission from the disk (tens to
hundreds of Kelvins). In a future work (Baronett et al., in prep) that uses a multi-group radiation module (Jiang
2022), this source term is not required, and it can better capture the multi-frequency nature of radiation transport
both for the stellar irradiation and disk emission.
The stellar irradiation heating flux F∗ (r) is given by:
F∗ (r) = σb T4∗ e−τ r̂, (A7)
where T∗ and R∗ represent the stellar surface temperature and radius, respectively. Here, σb denotes the Stefan-
Boltzmann constant, which is related to the radiation constant ar as σb = ar c/4. The radial optical depth for the star
at each θ is given by:
Z r
τ∗ (r, θ) = κ(T∗ , θ)ρdust (r, θ)dr
= τ∗,bc (r, θ) + τ∗,domain (r, θ)
Z rin Z r
= κ(T∗ , θ)ρdust (r, θ)dr + κ(T∗ , θ)ρdust (r, θ)dr , (A8)
R∗ rin

where rin represents the inner radius of the computational domain. The first term in the second line of Equation A8
refers to the optical depth within the region interior to the computational domain. These values are not evolved with
time but depend on the density and opacity setup of the global disk. Namely, they depend on the inner cavities’ radii,
gas scale height, and surface density.
To ensure compatibility with MPI (Message Passing Interface), where the ray-tracing needs to cross all the grids
in the radial direction and a ray can enter different MeshBlocks located on different CPUs, we adopted the following
procedure. First, we calculated the optical depth within each MeshBlock. Then, we declared a user-defined Mesh data
array to store all the τ∗ values at the outer boundaries of each MeshBlock. These values represent the local optical
depths integrated from the inner boundary (rmb,in ) to the outer boundary (rmb,out ) of each MeshBlock. For the zeroth
column, it stores values of τ∗,bc . In the middle of each timestep, we cumulatively sum the the user defined Mesh data
in the radial direction. Then an MPI Allreduce operation is performed to update all the user-defined Mesh data array
in all the CPUs so that the inner boundary optical depths of each MeshBlock has their correct global values. Finally,
the optical depth τ∗ within each MeshBlock can be calculated by adding up its current MeshBlock’s inner boundary
value and its local integrated value. Specifically, within each MeshBlock, the optical depth is given by:
Z r
τ∗ (r, θ) = τ∗ (rmb,in , θ) + κ(T∗ , θ)ρdust (r, θ)dr, (A9)

where τ∗ (rmb,in , θ) is the global optical depth at the MeshBlock’s inner boundary stored in the user-defined Mesh data


log10(dE/dt) [erg s 1]
Sr(E) - F* | (E + P)v - agrav v|
50 14
Z [au]

0 16
50 18
100 200 100 200 100 200
R [au] R [au] R [au]
Figure 18. Time averaged (t=1000-1200 Pin ) source terms and energy flux divergence in the energy equation (Equation A1)
for the fiducial model 18au-rad. Left panel: disk’s radiation source term (Sr(E)); middle panel: stellar irradiation heating
source term (-∇ · F ∗ ); right panel: energy flux divergence including gravitational energy.

We use the energy equation in Equation A1 and refer to Figure 18 to illustrate the energy budget in our fiducial
model, 18au-rad, where each term is time-averaged between t=1000-1200 Pin . Assuming a steady state (∂E/∂t=0),
the energy flux divergence term on the left-hand side (∇ · [(E + P )v]) should be balanced by three terms on the
right-hand side: cooling from the disk radiation (-Sr(E)), heating from the stellar irradiation (-∇ · F ∗), and the work
done by the stellar gravity (ρagrav · v). We can move the gravity term to the left-hand side and incorporate it into the
energy flux divergence, considering it as the flux divergence of gravitational potential energy.
Figure 18 compares the disk cooling (left panel), stellar heating (middle panel), and the energy flux divergence (right
panel). In the atmosphere, stellar heating is prominent, and most of the energy is radiated away by disk cooling, as
both -∇ · F ∗ and Sr(E) exhibit similar values. However, in the midplane, stellar heating is nearly negligible, given
our implementation of single-frequency stellar irradiation (Equation A7), where few photons can penetrate below the
τ∗ = 1 surface. Interestingly, while disk cooling values are relatively small in the midplane, they still surpass stellar
heating significantly. This additional disk cooling is offset by the negative energy flux divergence shown in the right
Upon closer examination of each flux component, we find that the negative divergence arises from the advection
of energy from the upper and lower atmospheres to the midplane. When we deactivate advection by freezing the
hydrodynamics and solely conduct radiative transfer, the midplane temperature experiences a slight decrease by a few
percent, indicating that energy advection can increase the temperature of the cold midplane by a few percent. We
expect that when we include multi-wavelength stellar irradiation, the midplane can receive more stellar heating so that
the influence of advection on the midplane temperature can be weaker.


Linear theory has unveiled the global model of VSI as an overstability, a destabilized inertial wave (Barker & Latter
2015). Recently, Svanberg et al. (2022) (also see Stoll & Kley 2014) used locally and vertically isothermal simulations to
investigate the inertial wave patterns of VSI. A significant finding is that inertial waves associated with the corrugation
mode could be identified in several radial wave zones separated at Lindblad resonances, each characterized by different
frequencies. These wave zones also exhibit slightly different turbulence values.
However, when considering a self-consistent thermal structure that takes into account stellar irradiation, the inertial
wave patterns become less distinct. Figure 19 illustrates the time evolution of the vertical velocity at the midplane,
while the accompanying frequency and wavelength analyses are presented in Figures 20 and 21. In the isothermal
simulation 18au-iso, we observe the classical corrugation model pattern as found in Stoll & Kley (2014) and Svanberg
et al. (2022), characterized by alternating peaks and troughs moving radially. These patterns represent group velocity
and phase velocities propagating in opposite directions (Figure 3 in Svanberg et al. 2022). In contrast, the remaining
simulations do not exhibit this evident wave feature, except for 54au-rad between 30-60 au, within the cavity and at
the ring location. This is consistent with our observations in Figure 5, where the corrugation mode is identified in vZ

vZ/cs at Z=0 vZ/cs at Z=0 vZ/cs at Z=0

-1 -.1 -.01 0 .01 .1 1 -1 -.1 -.01 0 .01 .1 1 -1 -.1 -.01 0 .01 .1 1
1000 3r -rad 18au-rad 18au-bkgT-bkgCool
t / Pin

1000 54au-rad 18au-iso 18au-bkgT
t / Pin

30 50 100 200 30 50 100 200 30 50 100 200
R [au] R [au] R [au]
Figure 19. The time evolution of the vertical velocity (vZ ) in the midplane from 0-1200 Pin for various models in the same
layout as previous figures.

for 54au-rad near the cavity. Similarly, the 18au-lowdens-rad model (not displayed here) exhibits a wave pattern
similar to the isothermal simulation. For the other models, we can still observe certain wave patterns, albeit different
from the inertial wave patterns identified in the isothermal model. The pronounced velocity in 3r⊙ -rad is likely an
inner boundary effect due to the disk surface’s (h/r) discontinuity. A comprehensive understanding of these wave
patterns still needs ongoing studies.
In summary, the classical VSI inertial wave pattern only manifests when the disk is optically thin to stellar irradiation
so that the disk is close to vertically isothermal and has a short cooling time. This can occur when the disk has low
dust opacity (18au-rad,lowdens) or when the disk possesses a wide inner cavity (54au-rad).


While we have demonstrated that the inertial wave pattern associated with the corrugation mode in classical VSI
becomes less apparent in rad-hydro simulations or pure hydro simulations with self-consistent thermal structures, we
can still observe some elongated stripes in the vertical direction for vZ , as depicted in Figures 5 and 13. In contrast to
isothermal simulations, the gas parcels above and below the midplane do not appear to move consistently in the same
direction. The vertical velocity in Melon Fuksman et al. (2023b) also shows anti-symmetry when the disk midplane is
VSI-inactive (fdg =10−4 therein), whereas corrugation mode only occurs when the VSI is active in the whole domain
(fdg =10−3 therein).

vZ/cs at Z=0 vZ/cs at Z=0 vZ/cs at Z=0

.001 .01 .1 1 .01 .1 1 .01 .1 1
3r -rad = 18au-rad 18au-bkgT-bkgCool
10 1


10 2

10 03
54au-rad 18au-iso 18au-bkgT
10 1

10 2

10 3
1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4
R/r0 R/r0 R/r0
Figure 20. The Fourier transform of the time evolution of the vertical velocity in the midplane (Figure 19). The frequency (ω)
is in unit of 1/ΩK,0 , where ΩK,0 is the Keplerian frequency at 40 au. R is also normalized by r0 = 40 au. The diagonal solid
line indicates ω = Ω = ΩK,0 (R/r0 )−1.5 , and the dashed line indicates ω = 0.1Ω. The layout is the same as previous figures.

In Figure 22, we attempt to quantify these trends by measuring the autocorrelation function (dashed lines) for a
horizontal cut within the range of 0.2-0.25 radians in the radial direction and a cross-correlation function (solid lines)
between this cut and the one on the other side of the disk (π −θ) at a specific snapshot and then averaging over 200 Pin .
Their values are normalized by the autocorrelation value with no radial shift (radial shift ratio = 1). Absolute values
between 0.1 to 1 are presented in a log-scale, while absolute values between 0 and 0.1 are shown in a linear scale. The
cross-correlation of the isothermal model (18au-iso) closely aligns with the autocorrelation function, suggesting that
the upper and lower disks move in the same direction, echoing the n=1 corrugation model in Figure 13. In contrast,
the remaining models exhibit trends where autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions have the opposite signs
during the first few turnovers, indicating that the upper and lower disks are more likely to move in opposite directions.
This anti-correlation between upper and lower surfaces resembles that of the n=2 breathing mode found in the initial
growing phase of VSI (e.g., Nelson et al. 2013; Barker & Latter 2015). However, this anti-correlation is not as strong as
those in the linear growth phase, indicating that more than one modes are operating in this highly non-linear regime.
A possible explanation is that the n=1 corrugation mode requires communication between the upper and lower disk.
However, in our fiducial radiation models, the communication between two surfaces are disturbed by the temperature
and cooling time stratification so that n=2 and other modes take over.

log10(counts) log10(counts) log10(counts)

0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2

3r -rad 18au-rad 18au-bkgT-bkgCool

wavelength [r0]

10 1

10 2

10 3

54au-rad 18au-iso 18au-bkgT

wavelength [r0]

10 1

10 2

10 3
1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4
R/r0 R/r0 R/r0
Figure 21. The wavelength occurrence of the vertical velocity (vZ ) in the midplane measured from every snapshot from t =
0-1200 Pin , with 1 Pin as the interval. The wavelength is measured as the distance of the neighbouring zero crossing points.
The brighter colors represent higher counts. The layout is the same as previous figures.


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Table 2. Parameters used in the paper

Symbol Description
r, θ, ϕ spherical polar coordinate
R, Z, ϕ cylindrical coordinate
π/2 - θ this value is 0 at the midplane
Ω orbital frequency
ΩK Keplerian velocity
r⊙ ≈ 0.0047 au, solar radius
r0 = 40 au = 1 code unit of length
rcav cavity size
Ω−1K,0 = 1 code unit of time ≈ 40 yr
p midplane density power-law index
q temperature power-law index
r surface density power-law index
γg = cp /cV = 1.4, adiabatic index
Rideal = kb /mp ideal gas constant
µ = 2.3 mean molecular weight
cs = (RT/µ)1/2 , isothermal sound speed
P gas pressure
ρ gas density
Σg gas surface density
Σg /Σd gas-to-dust mass radio
vrms = root mean square velocity (e.g., Flock et al. 2020)
vmag magnitude of the meridoinal velocity
v0 unit velocity
a0 characteristic sound speed
T temperature, assume Tgas =Tdust
T0 = 1 code unit of temperature = 6.14×103 K
Tfloor = 6.14 K, temperature floor
Tceiling = 614 K, temperature ceiling
T⊙ solar temperature
rin = 21.6 au, inner boundary
Pin ≈ 100 yr, orbital period at rin
β dimensionless cooling time
βc critical cooling time for VSI
fs mass fraction of the small dust
h gas vertical scale height
τ∗ stellar optical depth in the radial direction
κP,d , κR,d Planck and Rosseland mean opacities (to dust)
κP,g , κR,g Planck and Rosseland mean opacities (to gas)
τP,d , τR,d disk optical depth in the vertical direction
Macc mass accretion rate
αint vertically integrated αR,ϕ
ω angular frequency of the wave
a particle size
St Stokes number, or dimensionless stopping time
TR,ϕ , TZ,ϕ Reynolds stresses in R-ϕ, Z-ϕ directions
αR , αZ = TR,ϕ /¡P ¿, TZ,ϕ /¡P ¿, turbulence levels

3r -rad 18au-rad 18au-bkgT-bkgCool


54au-rad 18au-iso 18au-bkgT

-.1 cross
auto - -
1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8
radial shift ratio radial shift ratio radial shift ratio
Figure 22. The cross-correlation functions of the vZ between the upper and lower atmosphere shifted in the radial (r) direction
with varying shift ratios, averaged between 0.2-0.25 radians above and below the midplane for t = 1000-1200 Pin (t = 500-700
Pin for 54au-rad). The values are normalized by the auto-correlation functions in the upper atmosphere without a shift (shift
ratio = 1). If the upper and lower atmosphere has the same vZ , i.e., vZ (r, θ) = vZ (r, π - θ), the correlation should be unity at
shift ratio = 1.

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