Şonuzmaz Kahini Theofilos

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Şonuşmaz Kahini

Oracular Benefit
Time passes more swiftly for you than it does for those around you, enabling you
to cover more distance in what others perceive as the same amount of time. You
gain a +10-foot bonus to your Speed. At 6th level, this increases to a +15-foot
bonus; at 10th level, this increases to a +20-foot bonus; at 14th level, this
increases to a +25-foot bonus; and at 18th level, it increases to a +30-foot bonus.
Your disjointed movement makes it harder for creatures to hit you as you move.
You gain a +1 bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity.

Curse of Turbulent Moments

Time passes differently for you than everyone else. You experience fluxes that
might manifest as minor day-to-day changes in your apparent age, such as a gray
lock of hair or a disappearing wrinkle, or as occasional ghostly temporal
afterimages that slightly trail your movement.

Minor Curse

As you draw upon your mystery, time’s passage becomes more disjointed, aging,
regressing, or warping you out of sync. You have disadvantage in STR checks. In
addition, you have disadvantage to saving throws against effects that would make
you grappled or restrained.

Moderate Curse

Time distorts further, increasing your muscular atrophy, age regression, or

warping while making effects pass you by at an increased rate. Additionally to
checks you have disadvantage againts STR saving throws. Your status bonus to
AC against attacks of opportunity increases to +2. In addition, spells affecting you
last less time; their duration is reduced by half, to a minimum of 1 round. This
doesn’t reduce the spell’s duration for other targets affected by the same spell.
Finally, all non-permanent conditions affecting you that have a duration measured
in rounds, minutes, or hours have their duration reduced by half, to a minimum of 1
round. Any afflictions (such as poisons, diseases, and curses) affecting you have
their maximum duration, onset time, and time for each stage reduced by half.

Şonuşmaz Kahini 1
Spells, conditions, and afflictions that last “until your next daily preparations” last
for 12 hours or until your next daily preparations, whichever comes first. This
doesn’t change the duration you’re
temporarily immune, the rate at which you can use abilities that have a frequency,
or any other features based on the passage of time.

Major Curse

You become so out of sync with time that it’s hard for you to act, but when you do
act, you do so with incredible speed. You become you can only take one action or
a bonus action in a turn. You get a -1 to your STR modifier additionally to the
disadvantages. Time passes so much faster for you that your steps appear as a
blur of motion to others. You gain a +4 bonus to initiative rolls. Whenever you
move, you’re at half-cover while you’re moving and until the start of your next
turn. As normal for half-cover where your location is still obvious, you can’t use
this cover to Hide or Sneak. Your bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity
increases to +4.

Focus Spells
Does not require a spell slot, every one of them can be cast once per short rest to
a maxiumum of three spells. Casting these spelss will increase the severity of the
curse and while casting these spells they will be upcasted at the highest spell slot

Read Fate
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet

Components: S
Duration: Concentration, 1-24 Hours(depends on the Creature)

You attempt to learn more about the target's fate in the short term, usually within
the next day for most prosaic creatures, or the next hour or less for someone likely
to have multiple rapid experiences, such as someone actively adventuring. You
learn a single enigmatic word connected to the creature's fate in that time frame.
Fate is notoriously inscrutable, and the word isn't necessarily meant to be taken at
face value, so the meaning is often clear only in hindsight. The GM rolls a secret

Şonuşmaz Kahini 2
check. If the creature's fate is too uncertain, or on a failed flat check, the spell
yields the word “inconclusive.” Either way, the creature is then temporarily
immune for 24 hours.

Temporal Distortion (Initial)

Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

You share some of your own temporal distortions with a foe, altering their mind
and body unpredictably againts a Will save as they're thrown backward or forward
in time. Roll 1d4. On a 1, the foe becomes Grappled; on a 2, it falls to Prone on a 3,
it becomes Restrained; and on a 4, you choose which condition applies.

Success The creature is unaffected.

Failure The creature is either clumsy 1, enfeebled 1, or stupefied 1 for 4 rounds,
depending on the result of the d4.

Time Skip (Advanced, Unlocks at 6th Level)

Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 30 feet

Components: S
Duration: 1 Round

You manipulate time around your ally, pushing them forward a few moments in
time. The target is hasted(as haste spell but for one turn) on its next turn.

Manifold Lives (Greater, Unlocks at 12th Level)

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S
Duration: Varies

Şonuşmaz Kahini 3
You cast a creature's mind back through time, forcing them to take other paths
and make other choices, experiencing countless alternate lives in an instant
againts a Will save. The creature becomes overwhelmed with regret over paths
untraveled, lives unlived, and times unrealized. The creature takes 6d6 mental
damage and must attempt a Will save. After the effect is resolved, the target is
then temporarily immune for 1 day.

The creature takes half damage and is incapacitated for 1 round


The creature takes full damage and is is incapacitated for 2 rounds. While
affected, the creature must attempt another save at the start of its
turn; on a failure, it's slowed and can take only actions or reactions for that turn as
it sobs uncontrollably.

Şonuşmaz Kahini 4

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