Capacitor Planning Tasks

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U6 Practical Assessment 2023-24 - Capacitor experiments - Planning tasks

 Part A: Observe the discharge of a capacitor using a datalogger.

 Part B: Observe a capacitor charging from zero towards a known voltage.

In each case: Determine RC from the data; calculate RC from component values; compare.

Variables and analysis

Part A: Write the equation for V(t) across a capacitor C discharging through resistance R. Show
what to plot for a straight-line graph, and how to determine RC.

Part B: Write the equation for V(t) across a capacitor C charging through R, up to final voltage
V0. Show how to obtain RC by measuring the time taken to charge from V=0 to V= V0/2.

Circuit design

Draw one circuit for both parts A and B. Use a voltmeter symbol for the datalogger in part A.

Drawing (use ruler and pencil): Complete parts list:

Component choice

For both parts, you must suggest appropriate values for R and C.

For part A you must also choose a sample rate and measurement time, to work with your RC.

The time over which you record data should be short enough to fit in a lesson, but not so short
that it is hard to start and stop it quickly enough. You need a sufficient range of voltages (i.e.
enough decrease during the measurement time), and enough points over that range. But more
than a few hundred points will make the file hard to work with.

Component choices for part A:

R = __________ Sample rate (circle one): 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000 Hz

C = __________ Measurement time = ___________

Supporting calculations and explanation:

For part B, the voltage must reach V 0/2 quicky enough to measure it a few times in a lesson, but
slowly enough to measure it accurately.

Component choices for part B:

R = __________

C = __________

Supporting calculations and explanation:

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